Member for 16 years 7 months My comments and postsMy comments Post date Comment Article Comments New 2/23/19 - 1:48 am We didn't lead with that photo... Got a potted plant over Christmas? State wants you to check it for a bug that could harm local trees, shrubs 4 5/15/17 - 1:43 pm I propose we start a spinoff website... Looks like Framingham's new life as a city is off to a good start 2 5/18/16 - 8:50 am Hence the use of the term "minimal" Somerville readying to chop down trees that might get infested by bright green killer bugs 20 5/18/16 - 8:44 am Ouch No emerald ash borers in Somerville 11 5/17/16 - 12:25 pm Yes and yes Somerville readying to chop down trees that might get infested by bright green killer bugs 20 5/17/16 - 9:38 am biocontrols Somerville readying to chop down trees that might get infested by bright green killer bugs 20 5/17/16 - 9:36 am That's not even an ash tree... Somerville readying to chop down trees that might get infested by bright green killer bugs 20 11/24/14 - 8:10 am No no no no no Don't leave your porch light on tonight 15 8/28/14 - 2:08 pm Dishonor Boxes Commuter-rail rider sues T, parking-lot operator over fines he says he doesn't owe 29 7/30/14 - 3:50 pm You haven't missed it Destructive beetle found in Arboretum; another wood quarantine in store for area 7 11/6/13 - 2:02 pm Agreed The best bagels are really dense, unlike Roslindale Square, which loses bagel shop to Framingham 26 9/7/12 - 1:01 am Pics or it didn't happen! Horrible yellow bugs getting all up in people's grills 5 8/26/11 - 9:51 pm No Twitpic? Who's the wise guy who declared this Joba Chamberlain Appreciation Day? 16 3/22/11 - 6:21 pm Adam, that is one sweet Massachusetts by the numbers 17 3/11/11 - 5:16 pm I was on that train, freaking Straight talk from an Orange Line driver 7 1/2/11 - 12:40 am Great shot! Happy New Year from Boylston Street 2 10/17/10 - 1:04 pm Oak! A grub-infested oak can ruin your whole day 4 9/4/10 - 1:02 am Ha! Earl now just a tropical storm 16 7/6/10 - 11:11 am Please do report sightings Tree-devouring beetles discovered across street from Arnold Arboretum 14 2/17/10 - 6:13 pm Psyched! WBUR to answer daily local shows at WGBH with one of its own 10 2/13/10 - 8:36 am Flash? Another MBTA worker who doesn't get the picture 20 2/8/10 - 7:20 am That might actually make more If any news breaks, could you guys fix it? 8 2/6/10 - 2:23 am Encomium? If any news breaks, could you guys fix it? 8 2/4/10 - 1:44 am thumbs up Nerd art 10 2/3/10 - 11:20 pm !!!! Nerd art 10 11/16/09 - 10:40 pm Those ads drive me nuts! He'd like to buy the world a Coke and some ketchup 2 10/7/09 - 10:58 pm $500 per mtg for cookies? Harvard professors feel student pain over budget cuts 1 10/6/09 - 11:22 pm Someone at my alma mater... Today's best headline 4 9/20/09 - 4:23 pm We've had mast years since '95... Do the oak trees know something about the coming winter we don't? 5 9/11/09 - 4:25 am Or...duh Rare chance to see me in public 14 9/10/09 - 6:02 pm A better title... Rare chance to see me in public 14 7/5/09 - 12:41 pm Wowee! The fireworks were a blast 2 6/13/09 - 11:19 pm one big difference Boston Pride photos 10 6/13/09 - 6:40 pm Flickr (and Andrew) = awesome Boston Pride photos 10 4/30/09 - 7:08 pm *nom nom nom* You'll learn to eat weeds - and like it 1 4/24/09 - 9:23 pm get yer Sat. morning drink on Phantom Gourmet bashing and drinking game 11 3/14/09 - 10:46 pm Awww! Sure sign of spring in Quincy 10 3/13/09 - 7:36 pm Godwin's Law FTW! BRA gets into the videogame business 9 3/13/09 - 6:53 pm Uncensored news feeds are dangerous BRA gets into the videogame business 9 2/3/09 - 11:30 pm Now the guilt sets in... Joining the gainfully unemployed 139 1/27/09 - 9:42 pm Just like a snow hare! See: You can too wear white after Labor Day 5 1/17/09 - 6:58 pm group vs. tag: no diff A question for photographers 25 11/30/08 - 5:22 pm ...and they're all hyperlinked! 63 local Web sites you must see before you die - and this one 15 11/13/08 - 7:47 pm Hey! Giant Christmas tree at Quincy Market 2 10/24/08 - 11:52 am Hitchhiking Hogs Is there a new Siberian land bridge we don't know about? 3 10/12/08 - 9:23 pm Oh dear Oh, the huge manatee 5 9/30/08 - 6:50 pm awwwww Letters to Cleo reuniting 5 9/11/08 - 1:13 am my fave Jim's Big Ego "free*" -- listen, love it, buy it for free* 6 9/6/08 - 9:22 pm Yeah! Be Prepared 11 9/3/08 - 10:46 pm Mass Hysteria? Framingham schools locked down as guy threatens 'suicide by cop' 3 Pages12next ›last » My articles