Member for 14 years 7 months My comments and postsMy comments Post date Comment Article Comments New 2/3/25 - 12:41 pm non-Boston neighborhoods Welcome to the new UHub 80 1/21/25 - 6:52 am This reminds me of the John McCain controversy Massachusetts AG picks her first fight: Birthright citizenship 46 1/19/25 - 5:01 pm It's not just the French Toast In Somerville, people were heeding the French Toast Alert 6 1/15/25 - 5:59 am More here: DCR unwraps latest plans for Arborway: Would turn rotaries into signalized intersections with turn lanes, add dedicated bike, pedestrian paths from Jamaica Plain to Forest Hills 13 1/13/25 - 9:06 pm The sky is clear In case you were wondering why you felt like baying at the moon this morning 7 1/13/25 - 12:53 pm Look East In case you were wondering why you felt like baying at the moon this morning 7 1/13/25 - 10:52 am Occultation of Mars In case you were wondering why you felt like baying at the moon this morning 7 12/6/24 - 11:40 am Expulsion upon sentencing Councilor Fernandes Anderson charged with getting kickback in a City Hall ladies room from a relative she put on payroll, but not one of the ones she was fined by the state for hiring 68 9/3/24 - 2:17 pm Yes. Healey won't pull a Walsh 14 7/23/24 - 11:39 am Thanks for the info. Still no car inspections 9 6/10/24 - 5:02 pm This is an inadequate description Boston councilors seek shakeup in how city officials are elected, but no, not by moving the elections to even-numbered years 23 5/23/24 - 7:11 pm I used them a few times You-do-it, landmark electronics store, shutting down 18 4/9/24 - 11:12 am I have seen one of those boilers Newton removes swastika from library basement - on a pre-war boiler purchased from a German company 15 1/6/24 - 10:06 am I thought the devil went down to Georgia Florida man who claimed to be the devil forced diversion of Boston-bound flight 20 8/8/23 - 6:42 pm Pump house or gatehouse? Extending the Chestnut Hill Reservoir 6 7/29/23 - 3:43 pm Grab a rake It's amazing what clogged storm drains can do 13 7/24/23 - 1:05 pm Xmas in July Wait, we're supposed to call Twitter X now? 68 7/5/23 - 8:49 pm Not Cambridge members of DSA Circular firing squad: Democratic Socialists consider expelling one of the few Democratic socialists who hold office in Massachusetts 29 6/22/23 - 8:29 am Disgusting? Really? Cambridge sues to block solar-panel project near its reservoir in Lexington 38 6/19/23 - 4:16 pm Interesting Waltham power surge followed by fires, power outages 7 6/19/23 - 11:45 am Does anyone know what can cause an overvoltage event like this? Waltham power surge followed by fires, power outages 7 6/13/23 - 10:02 am We did that at MIT Cambridge Samaritan finds $300 in cash, turns it into police 9 6/11/23 - 1:59 pm Did the Mayor .... Newton becomes bearable 14 5/10/23 - 12:06 am Marriage made in Orange Line heaven Hobson's choice on the Orange Line: Pervy guy showing you his junk or crazy lady coming at you with a ball peen hammer? 10 4/9/23 - 11:16 pm The fire at Faith Lutheran Church Six-alarm fire hits Cambridge church 9 4/5/23 - 8:50 am Memorial Drive is not a local street. DCR loves cars: Memorial Drive this summer to return to just Sunday-only closings 24 2/28/23 - 2:40 pm Robert Parrish A New England-specific snow-measurement unit 9 1/31/23 - 5:22 pm I hate answering my own question, but ... Police responded to a burning bush in Cambridge, but the bush did not speak to them and there was a guy standing next to it with a lighter 6 1/31/23 - 5:16 pm Similar reports recently Police responded to a burning bush in Cambridge, but the bush did not speak to them and there was a guy standing next to it with a lighter 6 1/21/23 - 4:41 pm … and now for a musical interlude from Donovan Downtown Crossing doesn't have nearly enough hurdy-gurdy men these days 26 1/11/23 - 9:15 pm I can see it from my kitchen window… The newer, bluer Pru 8 1/2/23 - 2:40 pm Follow the money Construction of new housing in Boston slowing 8 11/20/22 - 9:03 pm The strange this is… Brandeis bus crash kills 1, injures 27 8 11/20/22 - 6:48 pm Mechanical problems do happen Brandeis bus crash kills 1, injures 27 8 9/6/22 - 1:21 pm Outdoing Onan Man arrested after firing gun into the ground in Roxbury, police say 3 9/3/22 - 1:09 pm I'm perplexed Satanic lawyer threatens to have Wu arrested in ongoing City-Council invocation battle; alleges corrupt conspiracy between city and judge 20 7/14/22 - 11:22 am That headhouse Alewife T station pulls a mini-Hancock; windows just fall out on their own 6 5/27/22 - 11:39 am Utilization Cambridge fracas: Should city stop shutting Memorial Drive to cars on Saturdays? 69 5/18/22 - 11:56 am Stopping & Shopping to continue it seems When the walls come tumblin' tumblin' down 11 5/13/22 - 9:41 pm Risk with solar panels? Rooftop solar flare erupts in West Roxbury 17 5/8/22 - 3:42 pm Yes, Dolly's Feds charge owner of Somerville breakfast place threatened to have employee's family killed in overtime dispute, cajoled other workers to lie to investigators 31 5/7/22 - 6:46 pm Kelly's Diner Feds charge owner of Somerville breakfast place threatened to have employee's family killed in overtime dispute, cajoled other workers to lie to investigators 31 3/18/22 - 8:17 am I agree… It's last call for Newtowne Grille in Porter Square 10 3/18/22 - 7:28 am I prefer grills and diners to "concepts" It's last call for Newtowne Grille in Porter Square 10 3/5/22 - 10:39 pm It's the City's conclusion - not mine Harvard plans to loosen mask requirements even as Covid-19 cases rise among undergraduates 7 3/4/22 - 9:16 pm 82% of recent new Cambridge Covid cases are in the colleges Harvard plans to loosen mask requirements even as Covid-19 cases rise among undergraduates 7 3/2/22 - 2:20 pm Dealing with a dirty yellow-bellied rat Somerville to try electrocuting rats 39 2/20/22 - 3:17 pm Why not just increase the prices? Shanti Indian restaurants add 4% fee to bills to boost pay of kitchen workers 16 1/21/22 - 2:28 pm Neither is a full-time job What if Lydia Edwards doesn't want to leave her city-council seat? 29 12/21/21 - 2:40 pm I was there for my booster shot In Cambridge, the line grew and grew last night as residents tried to get Covid-19 tests 6 Pages123next ›last » My articles