Member for 8 years 9 months My comments and postsMy comments Post date Comment Article Comments New 6/22/17 - 8:20 am The use of the word Islamic SUV driver hits T bus, taxi on Mass. Ave. in Cambridge; after carjacking in the Fenway 18 6/22/17 - 8:16 am $1000 for a table and two bottles State upholds punishment for Theater District club that served teen who fell to his death from a garage 3 6/21/17 - 1:27 pm Question DA: Man on Orange Line goes on anti-Muslim tirade, smacks woman with umbrella, knocks out window 33 6/21/17 - 8:09 am I hate that bridge too, Good thing the Tobin doesn't have toll booths anymore, because the elevator shaft up to them caught fire 9 6/21/17 - 8:08 am I concur Some street racism in the Back Bay 24 6/21/17 - 8:05 am Bijou sucks though Stuart Street club faces possible hours cutback; city grows weary of number of incidents 8 6/21/17 - 8:00 am Doesn't the law say Guy who robbed Porter Square ice-cream place robbed it last month, too, police say 13 6/16/17 - 1:33 pm But economists says there are More people rode the Fairmount Line when it was free, but they stopped when the fares came back 35 6/15/17 - 4:09 pm Gentrification does refer to Afrocentric market opens in Dudley Square 13 6/15/17 - 2:51 pm The P word should be treated like the N word Woman attacked on East Boston Greenway 43 6/15/17 - 2:17 pm Yes Our decaying T 70 6/15/17 - 2:13 pm Actually I didn't Woman attacked on East Boston Greenway 43 6/15/17 - 1:14 pm For a little perspective Our decaying T 70 6/15/17 - 1:12 pm Black neighborhood, black owned business Afrocentric market opens in Dudley Square 13 6/15/17 - 1:02 pm Reads like a lame novel Woman attacked on East Boston Greenway 43 6/14/17 - 3:09 pm Metro Credit Union is good Teller at Mattapan bank admits she embezzled $172,551 from customer 24 6/14/17 - 1:10 pm I assume you mean aren't* Teller at Mattapan bank admits she embezzled $172,551 from customer 24 6/13/17 - 3:36 pm Making a lot of assumptions there At least they're not getting their EaBo on 55 6/12/17 - 4:57 pm A certain way? At least they're not getting their EaBo on 55 6/12/17 - 4:42 pm Is there something wrong with the way he's dressed? At least they're not getting their EaBo on 55 6/12/17 - 4:37 pm No incentive to fix the problem There's a cable on fire: Red Line sitch grows dire 13 6/8/17 - 7:22 pm 1. There's a first time for Apparent overdose victim falls on Red Line tracks at Kendall Square, is revived with Narcan 29 6/8/17 - 3:29 pm You never know Apparent overdose victim falls on Red Line tracks at Kendall Square, is revived with Narcan 29 6/8/17 - 3:29 pm Also Apparent overdose victim falls on Red Line tracks at Kendall Square, is revived with Narcan 29 6/8/17 - 3:26 pm Opinions you know Apparent overdose victim falls on Red Line tracks at Kendall Square, is revived with Narcan 29 6/8/17 - 3:22 pm I get that Body pulled out of Boston Harbor near Deer Island 26 6/8/17 - 1:38 pm That's unfortunate Neponset River an open sewer in Hyde Park and Mattapan 11 6/7/17 - 2:32 pm Positive reinforcement of negative behaviors Apparent overdose victim falls on Red Line tracks at Kendall Square, is revived with Narcan 29 6/6/17 - 2:24 pm Gotcha. Bella's memorial 29 6/6/17 - 1:57 pm Off topic Bella's memorial 29 6/6/17 - 10:28 am I haven't heard much about Councilors want to consider Boston site where addicts could shoot up under medical supervision 98 6/6/17 - 10:27 am I was, but you are right Councilors want to consider Boston site where addicts could shoot up under medical supervision 98 6/6/17 - 9:38 am What evidence have you supplied? Councilors want to consider Boston site where addicts could shoot up under medical supervision 98 6/6/17 - 9:33 am We don't need to condone and reinforce Councilors want to consider Boston site where addicts could shoot up under medical supervision 98 6/6/17 - 9:32 am No I'm not well versed on drug facilities Councilors want to consider Boston site where addicts could shoot up under medical supervision 98 6/5/17 - 4:21 pm This proposal isn't a fix, its a bandaid Councilors want to consider Boston site where addicts could shoot up under medical supervision 98 6/5/17 - 4:17 pm Why not a block for gangsters too? Councilors want to consider Boston site where addicts could shoot up under medical supervision 98 6/1/17 - 10:11 am There are lots of poor people Developer says Dudley Square's first skyscraper would spur additional development 42 6/1/17 - 10:09 am Uphams Corner was always better than Dudley Developer says Dudley Square's first skyscraper would spur additional development 42 6/1/17 - 8:40 am Dudley? Developer says Dudley Square's first skyscraper would spur additional development 42 5/26/17 - 11:52 am Haters gon hate Teacher of the year snubbed by teachers union 27 5/25/17 - 8:43 am Why not just take a Lyft? Red Line is in a really big pickle because Alewife signals are fickle 8 5/22/17 - 11:40 am Is UHub far left? Not sure I A new low in Boston world-classism 27 5/11/17 - 3:42 pm Or, you know... Outdoor pot smoking: It's just like the weather 59 5/11/17 - 2:32 pm Interesting stuff Outdoor pot smoking: It's just like the weather 59 5/11/17 - 12:29 pm Ironically, again in my Outdoor pot smoking: It's just like the weather 59 5/11/17 - 12:26 pm Hard pass Outdoor pot smoking: It's just like the weather 59 5/11/17 - 9:30 am Your opinion Outdoor pot smoking: It's just like the weather 59 5/11/17 - 9:04 am No worse than cigs Outdoor pot smoking: It's just like the weather 59 5/9/17 - 10:34 am Sarcasm? Report: Macallen murder suspect worked for security company that used to staff the building 34 Pages« first‹ previous…67891011121314…next ›last » My articles