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By adamg - 7/7/16 - 9:35 am
Drought map

Orange is "severe" drought; brown is "moderate" drought; yellow is "abnormally dry."

The United States Drought Monitor's latest Massachusetts map came out this morning - and it shows a "severe" or "moderate" drought across much of the state.

As of July 1, the Quabbin was at 90.1% of capacity.

Experts say one of the reasons for our current gypsy-moth explosion is that the dry weather over the past year or so has limited the growth of the fungus that normally consumes them.

By adamg - 5/21/15 - 9:51 am

The latest drought standings are just out this morning, and all of Massachusetts - and much of New England and a good part of New York are now in a moderate drought. The US Drought Monitor adds: Read more.

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