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Bald eagles

By adamg - 2/24/21 - 7:54 pm
Juvenile bald eagle

Mary Ellen mixed it up this morning and headed over to Cutler Park, on the other side of the Charles from Millennium Park, where she spotted this juvenile bald eagle.

By adamg - 1/14/21 - 10:05 am
Bald eagle in West Roxbury

Mary Ellen shows us one of the two bald eagles she watched hanging out yesterday in the trees along the Charles River's Cow Island Pond, off Rivermoor Street in West Roxbury. Could the couple be searching for starter nest for a new family?

By adamg - 1/10/21 - 1:27 pm
Bald eagle in the Back Bay

Noah Jakimo spotted our national symbol cruising along the river between Mass. Ave. and the BU Bridge this morning.

By adamg - 5/27/20 - 2:12 pm

The Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife said the state has seen "a dramatic uptick" in new bald-eagle nests, including new nests in Medford and Concord, this year. Read more.

By adamg - 3/2/20 - 7:32 pm
Eagle at Jamaica Pond

This big bird was sitting in a tree on the Parkman Drive side of Jamaica Pond shortly before 5 p.m. He, or she, attracted quite an audience for a few minutes before deciding to fly away.

By adamg - 6/6/19 - 8:18 am
Eagle on piling in the Neponset River in Dorchester

Paul Nutting Jr. forwards John Ryan's photo of a bald eagle on an old piling at Finnegan Park on the Dorchester side of the Neponset River.

By adamg - 11/20/18 - 3:04 pm
Eagle over Franklin Park

Clay Harper looked up this afternoon and spotted an eagle over Scarboro Pond in Franklin Park.

By adamg - 9/16/18 - 6:43 pm
Bald eagle in Jamaica Pond

Mark MacGilchrist spotted a bald eagle in a tree on Moss Hill, near Jamaica Pond today. A bald eagle had frequented the pond area this past spring. In July, an eagle surveyed the scene from a tree in West Roxbury.

By adamg - 7/6/18 - 4:46 pm
Bald Eagle in West Roxbury overlooking the Charles River

At the very end of Rivermoor Street in West Roxbury, just behind the last building in the industrial park there, is a dead tree that towers over everything else. This afternoon, a bald eagle perched up there for a long time, taking in the view over the Charles River, the train tracks and the banks of Millennium Park.

By adamg - 3/20/18 - 11:08 pm
Eagle at Jamaica Pond

Erik Pettaway reports he was walking his dogs around Jamaica Pond on Jan. 30, near where Perkins Street and Francis Parkman Drive intersect, when: Read more.

By adamg - 11/25/17 - 4:23 pm
Eagle over Dorchester

Tim Collins urges owners of small pets to keep a close eye on them after spotting a bald eagle circling over his house between Ashmont and Fields Corner today.

By adamg - 1/7/17 - 1:50 pm
Young bald eagle at Millennium Park in West Roxbury

Mary Ellen went for a walk along the Charles in Millennium Park this morning and came across this young bald eagle surveying the snowy scene.

By adamg - 9/20/16 - 8:40 am
Soggy bald eagle at Millennium Park in West Roxbury

Mary Ellen spotted this drenched bald eagle at Millennium Park during the rain yesterday.

By adamg - 12/22/15 - 9:57 am
Eagle at Jamaica Pond

Mary Ellen spotted this bald eagle at Jamaica Pond this week.

By adamg - 3/28/15 - 5:57 pm

Lauren photographs one of the bald eagles that have taken to roosting behind her house as they prepare a nest.

By adamg - 2/12/15 - 1:40 pm

Caught in Southie has the photographic proof.

A bald eagle has also been spotted at Jamaica Pond.

By adamg - 1/14/12 - 6:12 pm

The Swellesley Report posts photos of a bald eagle spotted flitting around Reed Pond.

By adamg - 12/23/10 - 10:11 am

The Mystic River Watershed Association alerts us:

Be on the lookout for bald eagles at the Mystic Lakes (in Arlington, Medford, Winchester).

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