By adamg - Wed, 12/18/2024 - 9:31am
James was riding along the Esplanade lagoon on the Paul Dudley White path yesterday when he couldn't help but notice the eagle flying along the banks of the Charles before coming in for a landing on a tree on the Storrow side of the lagoon.
Eagle eyeing the Muddy River.
By adamg - Mon, 12/09/2024 - 10:57pm
Along with all the ducks and geese, a bald eagle perched up in a tree along the Muddy River today, surveying the geese paddling down below in the oil-infused water, near the pedestrian bridge over the Green Line to Carlton Street.
By adamg - Mon, 11/18/2024 - 2:05pm
Mary Ellen was down in Plymouth this morning and spotted an eagle eating breakfast atop Flag Rock and a dolphin swimming nearby. And then a lobster boat puttered by.
More (caveat: some blood and guts): Read more.
By adamg - Sat, 11/09/2024 - 10:32am
Jocelyn asks:
Has anyone else noticed a bald eagle near stone zoo? I could swear one was flying over my car this morning.
By adamg - Mon, 05/06/2024 - 10:45am
The annual Big Day Boston bird watch in Boston Proper on Saturday ended with 66 species of birds spotted from the Public Garden to Boston Harbor, including one bald eagle competing with Hitchcockian numbers of gulls to gulp down some herring.
By adamg - Sat, 03/16/2024 - 4:54pm
Out for a stroll along the Esplanade today, Fuad spotted an alert bald eagle perched on a tree near the playground near the Mass. Ave. Bridge.
By adamg - Fri, 01/19/2024 - 11:36am
Mary Ellen spotted a youngish bald eagle (you can tell because his head still isn't completely white) high up in a tree along the Cow Island Pond section of the Charles River on the West Roxbury/Dedham line today.
By adamg - Sat, 10/21/2023 - 1:29pm
This immature Cooper's hawk at Millennium Park in West Roxbury stayed still long enough for Mary Ellen to compose a portrait shot yesterday.
She reports that, in addition to Younghawk, she also spotted a pair of bald eagles perched atop one of the communications towers along Rivermoor Street, where they get a clear view of the various twists of the Charles there - the first time she's spotted eagles there in awhile: Read more.
By adamg - Sun, 03/05/2023 - 7:39pm
Mary Ellen spotted this eagle, maybe 3 to 3 1/2 years old, across the Charles from Millennium Park today. Bald eagles go fully "bald" when they're about 4 1/2 years, assuming they don't get poisoned by rodenticide first.
By adamg - Wed, 03/01/2023 - 8:54pm
The Cape Wildlife Center in Barnstable reports that "MK," a bald eagle that had been nesting in a cemetery in Arlington died last night from internal hemorrhaging caused by rat poison. Read more.
By adamg - Mon, 01/30/2023 - 10:00am
This morning, Mary Ellen photographed one mature bald eagle and a mottled young eagle at Millennium Park, along the Charles River in West Roxbury - and reports she saw, but didn't catch on camera, another mature eagle flying around.
By adamg - Wed, 11/30/2022 - 8:48pm
Patrick Knight forwarded a couple of photos his neighbor, Erin H., took of the bald eagle that landed in his backyard on Woodbridge Street in North Cambridge, near Davis Square, today.
By adamg - Sat, 06/04/2022 - 11:50am
A communications tower off Rivermoor Street, near Millennium Park in West Roxbury, is a popular place for birds to perch and survey the nearby Charles River. The other day, though, a pair of crows decided to try to drive off a bald eagle sitting up there. And Mary Ellen was there to watch the dive bombing.
By adamg - Sun, 03/06/2022 - 2:25pm
Mary Ellen spotted this wind-tossed eagle at Millennium Park in West Roxbury today. She says she spotted three in total: Two adults and one young'un, still mostly brown, and carrying a stick in his or her beak down by the boat launch.
By adamg - Mon, 01/17/2022 - 10:39am
Mike Howlett was walking along Jamaica Pond yesterday when he spotted an eagle chowing down on a freshly caught herring gull (see it larger).
Nature's Zeitgeist also captured the brunching, reports: "The crime scene was pretty extensive with lots of white feathers scattered over a wide area on the pond ice."
By adamg - Sat, 12/18/2021 - 9:49pm
Mary Ellen reports this eagle, spotted at Millennium Park in West Roxbury, was using that big ol' talon for some vigorous head scratching.
By adamg - Mon, 10/04/2021 - 7:50pm
Mary Ellen spotted a pair of bald eagles over Rivermoor Street in West Roxbury today. This one was much larger, so was probably the female, she says.
By adamg - Mon, 08/30/2021 - 8:25am
Mary Ellen spotted this eagle at Millennium Park in West Roxbury early this morning.
By adamg - Fri, 05/07/2021 - 12:42pm
Mary Ellen traversed the Charles this morning and spotted a couple of bald eagles in Cutler Park along the Needham/Dedham line, across from West Roxbury - possibly checking out good nesting spots.