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By adamg - 10/15/22 - 4:54 pm
Man vs. Turkey

Welcome to Dot files a dispatch this afternoon from Ocean Street in Dorchester, already known for the meanest turkeys in all of Boston: Read more.

By adamg - 10/13/22 - 10:39 am

A panicked citizen manages to file a 311 report from Ocean Street in Dorchester before the turkeys realize what she's doing: Read more.

By adamg - 9/18/22 - 12:55 pm
Turkey on steps of church rectory in Cambridge

Roving UHub photographer Melissa Hirshson spotted this bird seeking a chance to speak about her Lord and Savior, or maybe to ask to see an electric bill or even to seek a donation for GBH, at the main entrance to the rectory of Christ Church in Harvard Square this morning (bonus: Note the boot scraper on the step).

By adamg - 9/6/22 - 3:11 pm
Wet turkey

Welcome to Dot spotted these drenched, bedraggled turkeys on the Harborwalk near the JFK Library in Dorchester on this, our second straight day of rain.

By adamg - 6/1/22 - 3:21 pm

WBZ reports, doesn't say if the attack was near the line with Hyde Park, where residents have learned to deal with bloodthirsty terror turkeys, one of which went after a WBZ reporter.

By adamg - 4/22/22 - 9:21 am
Turkey on Beacon Hill

Dr. Jessica Dello Russo reports that, at first, she thought this bird on Ridgeway Lane on Beacon Hill might be a decoy to scare off the pigeons, a modern update on those fake owls that never really work:

Really clever, as it even has camouflage effect with brown shading blending in with brick. Then it MOVED!

By adamg - 4/8/22 - 3:50 pm

Chestnut Hill woman relives the trauma of finding a live turkey in her family room.

By adamg - 1/31/22 - 8:52 am
Turkeys blocking an ambulance in Dorchester

Ron Germán looked out his window on Upland Avenue in Dorchester this morning to see a standoff between Boston EMS and the turkey pack that rules the roost in the Melville Park area, a standoff that didn't end when the EMTs turned on their emergency lights and honked: Read more.

By adamg - 1/24/22 - 1:39 pm
Downtown turkey

A citizen filed a 311 report this afternoon that consists of a picture of a round turkey at State and Kilby streets and a single word, "turkey," in case people at 311 can't tell what they're looking at, so we're not really sure if this is a complaint, admiration or what, let alone what they want the city to do about it, or if they had to suddenly hit the Submit button before they could add more because the turkey suddenly began rolling at them like a bowling ball that really wants a strike.

By adamg - 11/25/21 - 10:39 am
Turkeys in Brookline on the Brighton line

Tori Bedford witnessed some serious poultry pulchritude in Brookline at the Brighton line this morning, of all mornings. Read more.

By adamg - 11/24/21 - 5:28 pm
Turkey at Government Center MBTA station

Adam Castiglioni spotted this turkey inside the Government Center T station this afternoon.

H/t Ruth Zakarin.

By adamg - 11/24/21 - 3:04 pm
Turkey in Downtown Boston

Patrick McMahon spotted the turkey wandering around Downtown Crossing this morning.

By adamg - 11/8/21 - 9:48 am
Turkeys outside a KFC in Dorchester

WriteHandMan spotted these turkeys outside the KFC on Washington Street in Codman Square.

By adamg - 11/1/21 - 6:21 pm
Turkey on Hanover Street

Jon Latino reports turkeys have made their way to Hanover Street - in this case barely a block from Commercial.

By adamg - 10/17/21 - 1:36 pm
Dog can't believe there's a turkey in Downtown Crossing

You can tell that's what Sara Mak's dog was thinking this morning on a walk on Washington Street.

Andrew spotted the bird on Kingston Street: Read more.

By adamg - 9/25/21 - 10:49 pm

Some guy who just moved to Boston (to go to BC, from the looks of things), is freaked out by all the turkeys in Boston.

Ed. note: Tonight, I opened our side door to throw out some trash and there was an oppssum just sitting there, all "don't kill me!"

H/t The Pumpkin Spice Must Flow.

By adamg - 9/21/21 - 3:41 pm
Turkey on the Greenway

JK spotted this turkey on the Greenway near International Place today.

By adamg - 9/20/21 - 8:46 pm
Bunch of turkeys

Robert Orthman of Roslindale was about to let his two dogs go out for some air when he looked outside this afternoon.

By adamg - 9/17/21 - 1:06 pm

Bostonscigirl wonders:

What is the etiquette? Can I just start driving?

By adamg - 9/10/21 - 4:15 pm
Turkey outside Equinox health club

The Albino Wineo spotted this turkey just outside the Equinox health club on Franklin Street downtown today.

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