By adamg on Wed., 2/15/2017 - 12:29 pm
NBC Boston reports unease over reports that Russian spy ship has been spotted "in the waters off the coast of Connecticut," although the report adds that means international waters, not Long Island Sound.
Fortunately, we're still at the slapstick comedy phase of things; here's hoping things don't progress to Dr. Strangelove or Fail Safe mode.
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Is that really a spy ship
By roadman
Wed, 02/15/2017 - 1:00pm
or just Russian Ma Bell equipment to provide better telephone connections between Washington and Moscow?
By BostonEl
Wed, 02/15/2017 - 1:13pm
Emergency. Everybody to get from street!
Audio-visual aid
By essteess
Wed, 02/15/2017 - 4:18pm
I'm confused. Someone help, please.
By issacg
Wed, 02/15/2017 - 2:13pm
The reports indicated that the ship was spotted 30 miles from the sub base in New London, CT but in International Waters. I'm no maritime law expert, nor do I have a chart handy, but given the geography of the coastline there (with Block Island, Montauk and the Vineyard (No-Man's-Land islet) in the vicinity), I can't figure out where both of these things can be true.
ask Kellyanne
By anon
Wed, 02/15/2017 - 2:41pm
She can make any two contradictory things true at the same time. I'm sure she can explain it.
Be careful.
By bulgingbuick
Wed, 02/15/2017 - 4:11pm
She may be boiling a rabbit in your kitchen right now.
14 miles from land (give or take)
By Scauma
Wed, 02/15/2017 - 4:14pm
And you're in international waters. Should be easy enough to maintain that distance.
Noise to signal has even spy crew baffled
By anon
Wed, 02/15/2017 - 5:42pm
Just idly guessing because I don't know where that vessel was, but if you go south-east of New London, beyond Long Island Sound, beyond Montauk, South of Fishers Island and Block Island, your'e in open ocean. The north fork is visible from Connecticut on a clear day, so not really too far. By the way, that spy game goes on 24/7/365 around the world and has been for years. A spy ship today seems like nothing more than a quaint and harmless theatrical prop. A congressman from Connecticut was just quoted by NECN saying that it is not unprecedented but is part of "a pattern of boldness." The spying is'nt unprecedented, but the reporting of it as a potential threat is unusual and disturbing. The Israelis considered the USS Liberty enough of a threat to torpedo it, the North Koreans considered the USS Pueblo enough of a threat to capture it and its crew, and I'm sure Russia considered the several US navy ships it has ordered its own naval vessels to deliberately collide with in the Black Sea over the years to be threats as well. Why all the sudden concern by pols and the press ? Temporary amnesia or selective ignorance ?
It's a resurgent Russia, no?
By Waquiot
Wed, 02/15/2017 - 7:36pm
Remember a few years back the Swedes were aflutter about Russian spy subs (allegedly). Same difference.
Considering the surveillance one can do via a computer, the spy ship thing seems, well, quaint.
By Steeve
Wed, 02/15/2017 - 2:21pm
Probably got lost trying to find the Potomac. Can Trump get them a place to dock over by the Watergate? It would be some good symbolism.
No, Mar-a-Lago
By Charles Bahne
Wed, 02/15/2017 - 7:18pm
They weren't looking for the Potomac, they were looking for the Winter White House in West Palm Beach. After all, that's where the really serious discussions are held, on the patio with the diners looking on.
As long as
By anon
Wed, 02/15/2017 - 2:42pm
we make sure to safeguard our Purity of Essence, we should be fine.
so, open your grain alcohol and rainwater reserves, everyone.
Paging Major Kong. Are you there, Major Kong?
By essteess
Wed, 02/15/2017 - 4:20pm
Bizarro World is the only explnation
By Scauma
Wed, 02/15/2017 - 4:20pm
Things have never seemed this weird before. Did anyone catch Trump touting his electoral college victory speech today when asked about Israeli settlements? And what's up with him thinking leaks are more important than the information coming from those leaks? When the leaks are potentially incriminating? And hearing about Flynn weeks ago, but firing him when the press gets a hold of the intel? And forcing Spicer to lie to the press? Conway begging to go on air so she can tell more alternative facts? Every day there's something new with this group. I have a dollar that says he doesn't make it a year in office.
Adam, wondering if you've ever given any thought to covering more national stories?
By bosguy22
Wed, 02/15/2017 - 4:31pm
Weren't the Democrats more concerned with "leaks" coming from the DNC and Podesta emails than they were with what was actually in the messages? I'd say the intelligence community leaking the contents of a private phone conversation between Flynn and the Russians is a big deal. Why were they listening? Will the NSA start leaking more phone conversations going forward? Should we be concerned about this?
Those emails didn't contain anything that mattered
By Scauma
Wed, 02/15/2017 - 4:43pm
I'm being honest when I say, I can't think of one revelation from any of those emails that mattered. Which was why they harped on her using a private server instead of her colluding with any foreign governments. Maybe Huma offered some pay-to-play deals related to CGI but honestly I expect that from all politicians and quite a few business leaders. Not saying it's right, but its par for the course for the whole lot of them.
They were listening because they always listen to foreign leaders communicating with folks in America. You'd think Flynn, a 3-star general would know that.
I hope they do leak more and hurry up and get that unqualified buffoon out of office. His administration is so inept, it's almost insulting to the office of the presidency. I wouldn't be too concerned either because I get the feeling there are a lot of folks in the intelligence community who don't support him and don't believe he's capable of running the country. His administration is joke, evidence is provided to that end every day.
Short memory?
By ninjers
Wed, 02/15/2017 - 8:24pm
Yes, the D's were more concerned with a foreign country meddling in a US election than the content of the leaks. I happen to still be more concerned about a foreign country influencing the White House than the fact that people are leaking information to try and bring to light issues of concern about our leadership. The entire right was up in arms about THE RIGGED PRIMARY and A FOLDER NAMED CLINTON FOUNDATION and SOMETHING SOMETHING PAY TO PLAY. Why are they downplaying the information leaked now? Because it doesn't fit their narrative? Don't get to have it both ways.
Kind of funny now that Kellyanne and The Spicy Speaker are aghast at the fact that the media can't shut up about new leaks from their administration when the the team of then President Elect Trump were leaking data from US intelligence agencies during the general election. Don't forget that Rudy G. had information from FBI agents about the Clinton Email Saga long before anyone else. Where was your outrage then?
"Should we be concerned about this?"
By dmcboston
Thu, 02/16/2017 - 9:09am
Absolutely we should be concerned. This is a weaponized bureaucracy at its worst. If they can get away with this, they can destroy whomever they want. Democrats might laugh, but here's a warning...when Harry Reid used the nuclear option on voting for appointments, he never considered that the shoe might be on the other foot.
Me? I blame Obama:
Note the timing of the article.
"WASHINGTON — In its final days, the Obama administration has expanded the power of the National Security Agency to share globally intercepted personal communications with the government’s 16 other intelligence agencies before applying privacy protections.
"The new rules significantly relax longstanding limits on what the N.S.A. may do with the information gathered by its most powerful surveillance operations, which are largely unregulated by American wiretapping laws. These include collecting satellite transmissions, phone calls and emails that cross network switches abroad, and messages between people abroad that cross domestic network switches."
"Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch signed the new rules, permitting the N.S.A. to disseminate “raw signals intelligence information,†on Jan. 3, after the director of national intelligence, James R. Clapper Jr., signed them on Dec. 15, according to a 23-page, largely declassified copy of the procedures."
Read the whole thing. Really. This is one of those changes that can threaten a republic.
maybe it will be adorable!
By anon
Wed, 02/15/2017 - 4:29pm
And some precocious youths will come away with important life lessons.
By anon
Wed, 02/15/2017 - 4:50pm
Nothing unusual aboutRussian spy ships off our coasts.
As for Trump, I find it fascinating and disturbing so many very powerful behind the scene individuals and organizations, even government intelligence agencies, so obviously loath Trump and will do anything to get at him. If Trump us as dirty as they claim he is they had ample opportunity to get him during the primaries and general election. Republican career politicians and Democrat alike would have not hesitated if the really bad dirt existed. Now they are trying to destroy a democratically elected government. Very disturbing.
Pee Pee Tape
By SwirlyGrrl
Wed, 02/15/2017 - 7:09pm
They were trying to patch into the major network feeds in NYC and air the infamous Pee Pee Tape live during Prime Time. Then they would blame Anonymous, which would gratefully accept responsibility with another "Expect Us" missive and celebrate doing a thing without actually having to do a thing. We just got lucky that they failed!
If if weren't for those meddling kids ...
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