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Vaulted ceilings used to be all the rage

Vaulted ceiling in old Boston

The folks at the Boston City archives wonder if you can place this scene.



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1) Original chapel at St. John's seminary (replaced in early 20th century-although seems more protestant aesthetic in its simplicity)

2) Very institutional look - so I'd say perhaps a chapel on one of the universities - MIT's old location? Perhaps BU?

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Chapel at Boston City Hospital?

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Thanks for playing, folks! This photo shows the Mortuary Chapel at Boston City Hospital. We can say definitively that it was taken between 1900-1920, but we think its likely earlier. Other photos in this set were taken between 1900-1910. You can view the other photos here: https://cityofboston.access.preservica.com/archive/sdb%3AdeliverableUnit...

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Do you know if those are Guastavino arches and if so, are their more Guastavino at Boston City Hospital. Since the exhibit at the BPL, I've been trying to find more to add to the listings.


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Unfortunately, we don't have any information about these arches. You can look at more photos of City Hospital here: https://cityofboston.access.preservica.com/archive/sdb%3Acollection%7Cd2...

We also have many undigitized records about City Hospital. You can browse a catalog here: http://archives.cityofboston.gov/repositories/2/resources/687

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Do you know if those are Guastavino arches and if so, are their more Guastavino at Boston City Hospital. Since the exhibit at the BPL, I've been trying to find more to add to the listings.


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Online Catalog of Boston City Archives turned up at https://www.boston.gov/departments/archives-and-records-management

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I really thought this was going to be the ballroom at the Lyman Estate: IMAGE(<a href="https://www.historicnewengland.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/2-Ballroom_-_1060_x_669.jpg)">https://www.historicnewengland.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/2-Ballroom... It looks very smilar!

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