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Another out-of-stater charged with threatening death in Boston area

Federal authorities have arrested an Indiana man they say threatened to come to Boston for our post-Charlottesville rally by rightwingers and shoot the darker-skinned attendees as a false-flag operation to make leftwingers look bad when he actually wanted to harm the rightwingers.

Eric Radulovic, 32, was indicted by a federal grand jury on one count of transmitting in interstate and foreign commerce a threat to injure the person of another, the US Attorney's office in Boston reports. He was arrested this morning and is due in Boston for arraignment on June 20.

His arrest comes two days after the feds arrested an Arizona man on similar charges involving his alleged attempts to get black students at Harvard murdered during commencement last year.

According to the US Attorney's office, Radulovic was very upset about the murder of a protester in Charlottesville, VA, killed by an rightwinger in a car, and hatched a plot to get rightwingers in trouble what turned into their little protest on Boston Common on Aug. 19.

Radulovic allegedly posed as a member of the “Alt-Right” or white supremacist movement, anonymously posting a message on the 4chan.org discussion board regarding the Boston Rally in which he said he would shoot whites at the rally as a means to obtain sympathy for the “Alt-right” movement: “I’m going to bring a Remington 700 and start shooting Alt-right guys. We need sympathy after that landwhale got all the liberals teary eyed, so someone is going to have to make it look like the left is becoming more violent and radicalized. It’s a false flag for sure, but I’ll be aiming for the more tanned/dark haired muddied jeans in the crowd so real whites won’t have to worry.” The indictment alleges further that Radulovic posted this for the purpose of issuing a threat and knowing that it would be interpreted as a threat.

The charge of transmitting in interstate and foreign commerce a threat to injure the person of another provides for a sentence of no greater than five years in prison, three years of supervised release, and a fine of $250,000. Sentences are imposed by a federal district court judge based upon the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.

Innocent, etc.

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Was he alleged to say he was going to shoot whites, or blacks? Or was one supposed to be a "cover" for the other?

Pretty screwed up either way.

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The original post quotes as follows:

Radulovic allegedly posed as a member of the “Alt-Right” or white supremacist movement, anonymously posting a message on the 4chan.org discussion board regarding the Boston Rally in which he said he would shoot whites at the rally as a means to obtain sympathy for the “Alt-right” movement: “I’m going to bring a Remington 700 and start shooting Alt-right guys. We need sympathy after that landwhale got all the liberals teary eyed, so someone is going to have to make it look like the left is becoming more violent and radicalized. It’s a false flag for sure, but I’ll be aiming for the more tanned/dark haired muddied jeans in the crowd so real whites won’t have to worry.”

So, he was gonna shoot whites to get sympathy and support for white supremacy, but don't worry because he was gonna aim for "more tanned/dark haired" whites and not "real whites".

Pretty screwed up either way.

You got that right.

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If I read correctly it appears that he actually wanted to harm the 'alt right'. In retaliation for Charlottesville. At least that appears to be the prosecutors position.

Hard to make heads or tails of it tho. The online post adds to the confusion.

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Or you are an alt-right type who doesn't want to think about it.

Either way, it is clear that he wanted a false flag situation to make the left look bad - and he explicitly said so.

Don't worry though - I'm sure you are white enough.

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I have a high regard for the journalistic style and language use on this site. But in this case the lede and the quote from the prosecutors don't seem to align, and a word or words seem to be missing from the 3rd graf

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Despite the fact that I said "Simple" below in an effort at humor, it's actually pretty convoluted, as I understand it. And @anon is wrong. My reading is that the guy did indeed write a post identifying himself as alt-right, offering to pose as an alt-left guy shooting (darker skinned) white people, saying in his post that this would make the left look bad. BUT- it turns out that his sympathies are actually with the left, and his post was intended to make the alt-right look bad (or so says the US Attorney's Office). So, like I said below, alt-left posing as alt-right offering to pose as alt-left.

Kind of like the end of Scooby Doo, but you have to remove two masks to get to the bad guy.

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An alt-left guy was posing as an alt-right guy offering to pose as an alt-left guy.

(ok maybe not that simple considering I had to check back twice while typing that)

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This is how I (eventually) read it. Not so simple, considering there are at least 2 different ways it's been explained in this thread (by people who said it was simple).

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That is some convoluted logic.

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folks posting on this, I'm having trouble following the logic train here.

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Out of town idiot wants to come to Boston to shoot people. (Pokemon not involved.)

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He was intending to come shoot up a rightwing rally to make "leftists" look radical and violent.

He planned on actually shooting at people attending the rally. Since this would presumably include people with whom he sympathized, he would only shoot "darker" people (muddied jeans? I mean.. okay.) so that "real whites" would not be injured or have to worry about their safety.

But.. there is an implication that really isnt explained that in reality he was intending to shoot white people, because he was angry after Charlottesville and that he is in fact anti-alt right..?? Thats where I get lost and the diagram branches way out.

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that it was not particularly clear in his head either.

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or he was simply making it all up as we went along. Improv.

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One of those incels I've been hearing about.

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So he was an ultra left wing guy trying to post as an ultra right wing guy. Post title makes it sound more confusing that it is.

Can't we just pick some isolate US island territory and send all these Antifa-NeoConfederate clowns there to duke it out on a reality TV show or something? Have the proceeds from the advertising fund Social Security or pay down the national debt?

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All the closet racists have been given the go ahead to take off there white hoods and show the world who they are. Great home training Coward. I blame the parents who teach racisim in white house holds, instead of togetherness.

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...which has gone terribly wrong.

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But wouldn't it be simpler to discredit the alt-right just by pointing out the hateful, horrific, anti-American things they believe, say and do? A neo-Nazi movement by any other name still smells of a festering mountain of hate-murder and shit. One needn't put too fine a point on it.

This guy sounds like a right-wing Alex-Jones-watching hump with the tactical acuity of a kindergartner who can't win or draw at Tic-Tac-Toe. "I'm gonna start with the X in the corner: that'll throw 'em!" I can't recall ever hearing even the dippiest leftie extremists talking about false-flag operations. That trope is reliably the rickety redoubt of the dumbest, most gullible wingnuts.

With apologies to Franklin P. Adams (or Hugh Keough or Damon Runyon or somebody else, depending on your source), "The race war is not always to the dimmest white guys, nor the punching-down battle to the most conservative assholes, but that's the way to bet."

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