Nothing was on fire, that was just a really weird, really big cloud
Colleen Glenney caught the unusual cloud at sunset over the Back Bay this evening.
WCVB's Mike Wankum explains "a very strong upper level wind appears to be the cause - a jet reaching 140 m.p.h. The cloud stretched from the md-Atlantic to here.
@universalhub Any meteorologists out there think this is weird?
— Scott (@CopleyScott17) November 7, 2018
5pm in Medway
— Charlie Scroggins (@CEScrogginsEsq) November 7, 2018
From Beacon Hill
— David Bienick (@BienickWCVB) November 7, 2018
From Malden
— RvS (@rvsranjith) November 7, 2018
Likely forced by the strong jet streak pushing through
— Eric Fisher (@ericfisher) November 7, 2018
Can see it on satellite...a long sliver of cloud
— Eric Fisher (@ericfisher) November 7, 2018
I saw that biking home!
When passing through Assembly square/Shore Point, I was wondering how the hell that happens.
Looked like a freaking tire track.
I guess I'll have to ask the Cloud Appreciation Society!
Sorry, my vape got outta hand
Sorry, my vape got outta hand
It did catch my eye too! Walking on Clarendon St to Back Bay Station entrance, the long cloud rose behind the station from the south. There was similar cloud just east of it, but not as unique.
It’s a chem trail.
The plane probably took off from Area 51
Absolutely caught my eye
Absolutely caught my eye while leaving work. Odd, but neat to look at.
When it's rainbows UHub is all...
This is important! This is meaningful!
Ominous cloud?
Calm down guys. It's just a cloud.
Yeah, it's a cloud
Who's saying this is important? You're right - it's just a cloud. A very cool looking, interesting, noteworthy, quirky cloud. Cool stuff is cool. And if you've been here awhile, then you know I like quirky stuff.
I saw it too!
I spotted it as I was crossing the bridge over the Fort Point Channel around 5:00. I tried to figure out how to get a picture of it, but it was just so tall...!
All things serve the Beam
Thankee, Sai King, for making that the only thing I can think when I see things like this.
Nice one!
I hadn't thought of that, but I feel like now I always will going forward.
Rows and flows of angel hair
Rows and flows of angel hair