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By now you know the drill by heart, two subway lines got off to a slow start
By adamg on Wed, 12/12/2018 - 8:58am
The morning commute began slowly on the Red Line's Braintree branch due to a deceased train at Wollaston, and on the Orange Line due to a train that decided Stony Brook was far enough for it to journey from Forest Hills. Both lines are now back to their usual schedules, the MBTA reports.
Free tagging:
It hasn't even snowed yet.
God help us all when winter arrives for real.
Was on a packed Orange line train last night, when an individual started yelling that people were breathing and leaning on him Someone told him not to take the T if he was afraid of crowds. Maybe he was agoraphobic, but it seems there is more pushing and testiness during rush hour than in previous years.
Oh, that jerk
Misogynist git, too. I was wrapped around my husband to save room and he was shoving me and then yelling that I was in his space. I told him to STFU and grow up. A group of sooo tired of it women who were also being pushed around by this ass managed to shove him out at the next stop.
I read these everyday
I don't commute on the T anymore but it seems like daily delays are becoming the norm. Maybe we should have had the Olympics to fix the T... LOL.
What the hell
is the city sinking it's money into?! I really think fixing the T should be priority number 1...
I understand that it's a State system and the finger is justly pointed at Baker to do something about it, but the city of Boston really has the most to lose if the T completely falls apart (which is certainly where it's headed). Mayor Walsh and the City Council really ought to be focusing on this as a top priority.
big-up adamg.
big-up adamg.
putting together all your t headlines would make a pretty dope rhyme (lyracist of the year).
I compiled lists of them in 2016 and 2015. For some reason, I didn't do it last year; I'll have to rectify that over the next couple of weeks.
Innovative Solution
The T's answer is to equip its police force with sub machine guns to keep pesky passengers in line.