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One man's T ride cost him an extra $20 today

As if all the other mishegas on the T today weren't enough, Erinn Larson reports a Blue Line got stuck at State Street for some 15 minutes this afternoon, not because of any mechanical problems, but because of one of the T's more charming underground denizens - a guy with a bicycle, a shopping cart filled with lots of stuff - and a deep and abiding anger at something or other.

As T inspectors - and passengers - waited for Transit Police, another rider jumped into action, Larson reported:

I’m happy to report the situation cleared because a man bribed the guy with cash and he left. Not even kidding.

So how much does it cost these days to get a Blue Line train going? BAC Library reports:

It was $20. No lie. Some women offered, he just ignored her. This librarian was there.

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The shopping cart took up a lot more space ... but both are probably forbidden between 4 and 7 pm., as they should be. I don't even take a folding bike aboard at rush hour anymore and that's legit.

Brilliant solution, though. Let's hope that this isn't a new sob story scheme.

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You heart says it wasn't a sob story. But your head knows it was.

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He clearly has a mental problem, and was angry and engaging with people, and he could've cut multiple people with a dirty knife in an instant.

Was that T worker trained and equipped to restrain him, like the Transit Police are?

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Where were the Transit Police? You've got to be kidding. Where are the Transit Police ever? You'd have better luck finding a pink unicorn.

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Rarely see Transit police, some stations like downtown and Chinatown have volunteers, who are very useful helping people buy tickets from the machines. Once on the train it is up to the passengers to negotiate situations, be it people who appear to have overdosed, loud passengers, etc. There used to be a woman on the Orange line who would talk loudly, took up three seats with plastic bags, shopping cart, etc. One of the kindest things I've witnessed was a young woman who sat next to her, talked to her, asked her questions. You see things sometimes that restore your faith in humanity.

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than the Orange and Red Lines do. (Bikes aren't allowed on the Green Line at all.) During some hours, bikes can go one direction on the Blue Line but not the other.

Bikes on the T rules

I know of no rules about shopping carts, but anything other than a fold-up granny cart is a bad idea.

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That's way racist.

The inclusive language that you should use unless you want to be shipped of for re-education is

(rolls dice...)

(checks book...)

"Supermarket carriage identifying as a sideways bicycle"

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The PC Term is

"Fold-able Shopping Cart"

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Folding shopping cart is the product description. There's nothing PC about it, unless you're the type of person who sees PC in everything even slightly unfamiliar to you.

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my favorite move is when the stroller is blocking a door and/or stairs and the kids aren't even in it - they've taken up seats on the train because they refuse to stay in their modern day litters

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What about a shopping cart clearly stolen from Whole Foods or Roche Bros?

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It's ageist and sexist. Please try and keep your usage correct when concern-trolling.

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I realized they have a chronological age...learn something new every day.

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Not moving.

Sex and gender are not the same? Learn something new every day.

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for people, and for all lesser animals that reproduce sexually. For folding carts...who knows.

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My 2004 Matrix was female and her name was Virginia. My 2010 Matrix is male and his name is Vincent.

Virginia was such a loving and protective car— she gave her life to save my own! Vincent is great too, and we get along fine, but I'll always miss Virginia!
          ( camping in Quebec with Virginia )

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          ( Universal Hub is truly a treasure! )

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I'm sure the T Police were stretched thin today with problems on the Silver and Fitchburg lines but allowing one person to bring an entire transit line to a standstill for 15 minutes with no police response? What if he pulled out a knife or gun from his trash bags? Was Boston or MSP asked to step in? With our local media relying on a no questions asked policy and spoon-fed government press releases, this will likely go unreported other than here.

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The different lines will many times send a transportation official to see what he/she can do about it. After wasting time unsuccessfully they then give the police a heads up. Not sure if that was today’s situation but it happens all too often.

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Also sets a bad precedent for scumbags to hold the system hostage causing delays to extort cash payments.

I thought interfering with large public transport vehicles like buses, planes, and trains was a big time felony? Why didn't the MBTA police treat it as such and request mutual aid if they were too busy to respond?

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this man was not all right in the head. As I am not a psychiatrist nor do I play one on TV, I will not provide an analysis of his mental condition. Your scumbag comment is, however, truly offensive to describe folks with probable mental illness.

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So when the next Sob Story Guy TM starts standing in doorway ransoming a rush hour train and holding up the commutes of tens of thousands of people, are you going to feel bad for 'his condition', or pay him, off or pull a "THIS....... IS....... B-O-S-T-O-N!" and kick the extortionist dramatically out of the doorway?

Stop feeling sorry for criminals. They don't feel sorry about victimizing you.

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   ( criminalizing mental illness just makes it worse )

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Passenger calls police, instead of sending the police they dispatch an official which takes about ten minutes. The official shows up and calls the police and fifteen minutes a cop shows up at a busy downtown station. No wonder crime is down on the MBTA. If it takes twenty five minutes for a response to a downtown station what is the response to a bus in trouble in Quincy or a fight at Malden station an hour? Forget about it if your car gets vandalized or broken into on the commuter rail the response will be two days later. Please spare us the sob story of the transit police being too busy .

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There was a guy on the green line that tried the same thing he must have saw this post last night.

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