Morris explains his group's ideas to make Centre Street safer.
The Boston Transportation Department has halted design work on a proposal to reduce Centre Street from the Holy Name Rotary to Spring Street in West Roxbury from four lanes to two and add pedestrian islands, bike lanes and new turn lanes so that it can study an alternative plan from a newly formed neighborhood group to keep four lanes but add pedestrian crossing lights at some intersections, re-stripe cross walks and step up police enforcement of traffic laws.
Interim BTD Commissioner Gregory Rooney told a packed meeting of the West Roxbury Safety Association at the Irish Social Club tonight the department should never have simply rolled out the proposed "road diet" plan at a June meeting without additional meetings with local residents and business owners. He said he now expects BTD to release a new proposal, or proposals, in January.
Residents who have been calling for increased enforcement are about to get a feel for that, good and hard. New E-5 Capt. Darrin Greeley, himself a West Roxbury resident, told the group he plans a traffic-safety crackdown along Centre Street - starting with all the double-parking residents and Uber Eats drivers who now infest the westbound side of Centre as they pick up food at the take-out places clustered along Manthorne Road. He said he knows only too well what happens between the Continental and Christo's from personal experience, because that was his route home from his previous job as a detective in the BPD homicide unit.
Greeley said he also plans to step up "Operation Crosswalk," in which officers will pull over drivers who blow through intersections without stopping for pedestrians there - and that he will bring in additional resources if necessary to get miscreants under control. He added, however, that, at least initially, most people will likely get warnings, rather than tickets. "We want to educate people," he said. "We don't want to fine people."
Steve Morris, who helped form the safety association, said the group agrees with proponents of the road-diet plan that the end goal is to make Centre Street safer, but that members felt the road-diet plan would only force drivers onto side streets. And citing what they said were stats from other cities, members said the plan would actually lead to increased pedestrian and bicyclist deaths, that the plan would put residents of the neighborhood's seven nursing homes at risk because it would slow first responders and that it would drive businesses out of the neighborhood. And besides, hardly anybody rides bicycles on Centre Street, they said.
Morris and other members conducted "audits" of all the intersections along Centre from the rotary to Spring Street and while he acknowledged they were not traffic engineers, he said they had something valuable - common sense. And that common sense led them to believe that the answer to greater pedestrian safety was to install pedestrian-crossing traffic signals that would only activate when a pedestrian pressed a button at certain intersections. such as at Hastings Street, where Marilyn Wentworth died in February and another pedestrian suffered a traumatic brain injury when it by a car a few years ago.
The group also called for replacement of the brick crosswalks Tom Menino was enamored of with more traditional and easier to spot striped crosswalks - something BTD crews recently have begun doing. And despite their disdain for the members of an alleged "bicycle lobby," they said they support signs along the road alerting drivers that they have to share the lane closest to the curb with bicyclists.
Although the group's founders spoke calmly and said they wanted to engage in dialog with both BTD and road-diet supporters, once they turned the room's microphones over to the audience, the anger spilled out towards bicyclists, people not from West Roxbury and the federal government, all of whom they accused of foisting the road-diet idea on West Roxbury for reasons that some said were quite sinister indeed.
The very first resident to get a mic said the city doesn't give a damn about safety and that the road diet is part of a plot to reduce Boston's carbon footprint. He accused the city of installing Blue Bikes stations along Centre Street - and even down by the Star Market on Spring Street - as part of this plot.
To applause, he said it's time to license and fine bicyclists who "cut cars off, they drive down the sidewalk and they hit people."
He was followed by the owner of a Centre Street business who said the road diet would drive her out of business. Besides, she yelled, "This isn't Amsterdam!"
Another resident said bike lanes on Washington Street in Roslindale and Beacon Street downtown have turned those roads into gridlocked hellscapes.
City Councilor Matt O'Malley (West Roxbury, Jamaica Plain), was booed when he said there are parts of the road-diet proposal he thinks are good, but that he wants to hear other proposals, too. "You're tap dancing, Matt!" one resident jumped up to yell at him. The resident then accused O'Malley of acting like a socialist whenever he's in the Jamaica Plain end of the district.
Nobody mentioned that the road-diet idea sprang from a study by a civil-engineering team at Northeastern University about Centre Street two years ago - which started when a graduate student from West Roxbury complained to her professor about Centre Street safety - and which basically gathered dust on a shelf somewhere until a February meeting at the Elks Club at which Wentworth's husband and son pleaded for the city to do something so that nobody would ever again have to go through what they did.
A Roslindale resident, who first joked he wasn't sure if he would make it out of the room alive, was, in fact, booed into sitting down when he explained how he thought the road diet would improve safety by forcing motorists to slow down and how the ultimate answer was to get more people onto public transit.
A West Roxbury resident essentially told bicyclists they can just shut up until they start paying taxes for roads. After asking car owners to raise their hands, he said, "These are our roads!"
One West Roxbury resident did rise to support the road-diet proposal, saying he owns both a car and a bicycle and that he and his wife both "drive all over the place." He said his top concern are crashes in which one driver stops for a pedestrian and a second one then plows into the person.
He tried to rebuke the notion of some "Bicycle Lobby" sinisterly pulling strings to destroy West Roxbury.
"We're people just advocating for safety," he said. "I"m a dad, a brother, a husband and a son, I'm not just a [bicyclist]."
Morris, who had earlier called the road diet "a stupid idea," said his group's plans would reduce such crashes through better sight lines - in part by having police deal with the issue of double parkers. And he said he and other founders felt "bushwacked" at the July meeting, when he said it seemed like outside bicyclists and other non-local agitators had had a series of secret meetings to prepare.
One mother of two young children, who live up at Lagrange and Keith streets, said she wasn't even sure what the fuss was about - she walks up and down Centre with her kids in a double-wide stroller and finds it "extremely safe." But if people don't agree, "why can't we put it on a ballot?" she asked.
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I’m glad that the city is
By anon
Tue, 11/19/2019 - 10:19pm
I’m glad that the city is finally looking into creating some sort of agency to enforce traffic laws! Seems like a grand idea!
By AdamPieniazek
Tue, 11/19/2019 - 11:46pm
Sounds likes it's actually an agency to just warn people about the law.
By SamWack
Wed, 11/20/2019 - 6:06pm
Perhaps it's like the hierarchy of angels. At the bottom are the Warning Angels. Just above them are the Stern Reprimand Angels, and above them the Dire Threat Angels. At last. at the top, are the Smiting Angels. However there's only one Smiting Angel at present, and he's on strike due to poor working conditions.
I missed the meeting
By Readallaboutitr...
Wed, 11/20/2019 - 8:29pm
I heard it was stacked with anti-road diet and nimbys who shouted down the few brave souls who came to fight for change. The monty hall approach of the goofy kid bringing the mike to ONLY people who were against the road diet seemed a bit unfair is what I also heard. He purposely refused to let pro-road diet people talk and sneered at a woman who asked why she couldn't speak? This new crowd just formed in the last two weeks.Where were they 5 years ago? 1 year ago? this spring? Nowhere to be found until a good common sense appraoch to save lives was floated out to a community that supported the road diet with 80% of the residents of west roxbury
What West Roxbury needs now,
By Carmella
Fri, 11/22/2019 - 9:10pm
What West Roxbury needs now, more than ever, is more people to move here from elsewhere to tell the people who’ve lived here for over fifty years what we need.
Interesting that you mentioned 50 years
By cinnamngrl
Sat, 11/23/2019 - 9:08am
What was the population of West Roxbury 50 years ago? we know it was declining and kept going down until 2000.
In 1950 Boston had 800,000 people. At this peak. population, Centre St had 2 car lanes and 2 street car lanes. The economy was booming along on Centre street despite the fact that most adults didn’t have a car.
The population in the city is climbing again. All the people that grew up in West Roxbury don’t understand what that looks like. It is false to believe that the current configuration of Center Street is natural. This is more about people forgetting history rather than New people trying to change the neighborhood.
Gas Line
By Carmella
Mon, 11/25/2019 - 9:06am
We also didn’t have a dangerous natural gas line running through the neighborhood either. We had a fire chief too.
Is that a response?
By cinnamngrl
Mon, 11/25/2019 - 9:27am
Is that a response?
we need to know when this stuff is happening
By Lucy
Mon, 11/25/2019 - 11:44am
I'm someone who moved into the area recently and part of the problem is that these meetings are often held at times that are difficult for working people and in spaces that don't exactly feel like neutral territory, and communicated really poorly by the city via ways like email, Facebook, etc. that newer to the neighborhood folks are more likely to be connected to.
Police enforcement?
By MrDines
Tue, 11/19/2019 - 10:25pm
I really have nothing against BPD, but I’m going to assume that the fact that most current traffic laws aren’t monitored and enforced by constant officer vigilance is because parking even one policeman at an intersection all day is not a feasible use of resources. I have little faith, based on current evidence, that this would be anything more than a token effort for a little while.
And, as someone who uses the pedestrian signal on Washington near Nick’s, I have little faith that that would drastically increase safety, given that it often feels like a game of chicken to use it.
Don’t worry. If a driver
By Kinopio
Tue, 11/19/2019 - 11:31pm
Don’t worry. If a driver speeds through the crosswalk and runs you over they will get a stern warning from the Boston Police. What heroes!
"We want to educate people," he said.
By zetag
Wed, 11/20/2019 - 11:32am
"We don't want to fine people."
Such a joke, they're even announcing that they won't be writing tickets. What incentive does anyone have to drive safely if the city/police came out and stated that there won't be any repercussions.
The idea that drivers need to be "educated"
By GoSoxGo
Wed, 11/20/2019 - 1:10pm
about stopping for people who enter crosswalks is ridiculous.
In order to get a driver's license, theoretically, someone needs to pass both a written test and a road test. Seems like I learned about this decades ago. Why do people need to be "educated" about this?
The only way people will stop careless driving habits is if you hit them directly in the pocketbook or wallet. Only then, unfortunately, will you see their habits change. A few weeks of police issuing warnings, and then disappearing, is disingenuous at best.
What an absolute
By Max Filth
Tue, 11/19/2019 - 10:29pm
What an absolute embarrassment. All of this.
These drivers are insane and
By Kinopio
Tue, 11/19/2019 - 11:34pm
These drivers are insane and dangerous. They should have their licenses terminated because they clearly are nuts and have no interest in following laws or acting in a safe and rational way.
Could start with making our
By AdamPieniazek
Tue, 11/19/2019 - 11:48pm
Could start with making our driving tests more than just four right turns. If our driving tests were just reasonably difficult half the drivers would be gone.
Maybe it's not the driving tests
By dmcboston
Wed, 11/20/2019 - 10:33am
I took an interstate bus a while back. I was actually shocked at how many drivers out there are playing with their phones while zipping along at 70. I've noticed when you see someone admiring their crotch, well, that's distracted.
I have no idea how many of the Center St. accidents were caused by being distracted, but the distracted driving law should help.
One thing I've noticed in this discussion is the 'all or none' attitude by some people. Maybe extra pedestrian lights at certain crosswalks will help quite a bit. People will stop for a pedestrian cross light. It's definitely worth a shot.
Distracted drivers are
By ZachAndTired
Wed, 11/20/2019 - 10:53am
Distracted drivers are definitely an issue, but I think the biggest problem on Centre Street is the "Multiple threat pedestrian crash." Basically when the car in the outer lane (Car A) stops to let a pedestrian cross, but the car in the inner lane (Car B) can't see the pedestrian around Car A, so Car B zooms through the crosswalk. I run into this scenario multiple times every week while crossing Centre Street. It literally almost happened to my wife and me this morning (Car B ended up jamming on the brakes at the last second this time).
This is about common sense.
By Juan
Wed, 11/20/2019 - 1:23pm
This is about common sense. You see in one lane there is a car stopped in front of a cross walk, you don’t get to play dumb and act like there is no way of knowing there might be a pedestrian there.
Boston has a reputation of horrible drivers and you can see from these attitudes that these entitlement issues and disinterest in the safety of others are deep rooted. Drivers won’t even do the bare minimum of using their signals or stopping at cross walks.
The issue of distracted drivers is not to be dismissed, however.
By mplo
Thu, 11/21/2019 - 10:26am
Distracted drivers, whether they're intoxicated, or texting/talking on their cellphone, are a real menace, and need to be taken off the road.
I'll also add that reducing the rotary traffic pattern in question from four lanes to two lanes is going to make an already-bad situation worse, in so far as traffic jams, especially at rush-hour(s) go.
White Roxbury, the where the 50s never ended!
By Trump-Baker 2020
Tue, 11/19/2019 - 10:34pm
I live in West Roxbury, and this right wing if you don't drive everywhere your a commie BS is why I am leaving. The culture of White Roxbury is like being back in Ohio. The dishonest group that calls themselves the safety committee is jus the anti bike/pedestrian committee, why not be honest and call themselves the committee for drivers? So they go around with anecdotal evidence and "common sense" which they say is more important than facts (sounds like Trump) and conclude......that the thing they were against (bike lanes and slowing down the road, are bad. Surprise!
By Dave Hansen
Wed, 11/20/2019 - 6:05am
Who moves into a place that is filled with a certain type of people who live their lives a certain way, then complain about how the place is filled with those people who are acting the way they've always acted?
Did you not know anything about West Roxbury before you loved there?
Someone who can't afford a
By Omri
Thu, 11/21/2019 - 4:16pm
Someone who can't afford a room in Somerville or Medford any more now that barnie scumbags like me have filled it all up.
By Carmella
Mon, 11/25/2019 - 9:09am
“We love this neighborhood, that’s why we want to change it!â€
West Roxbury is changing all the time.
By cinnamngrl
Mon, 11/25/2019 - 9:30am
This road changed from 2 lanes with a street car to 4 lanes of dangerous car traffic. We need to change it back to keep pedestrians safe.
They're MINE!
By johnmcboston
Wed, 11/20/2019 - 8:42am
I did like the comment from the car lobby of "these roads are ours". No, the roads are owned by everyone. Time to learn to share.
And we all pay for the roads!
By Passingcommenter
Wed, 11/20/2019 - 10:12am
These people show profound ignorance and stupidity claiming they alone own the roads. It’s not just about public vs private.
How can they truly think the pittance they pay in registration and excise tax covers the building, maintenance, so-called policing, and cleaning of roads? Hell, even the handful of toll roads outlaw use for anyone not behind the wheel (e.g bicycles and horses). So even if somehow that covered the cost of those roads, drivers are the sole beneficiaries. We all pay for roads, just like we all pay for public schooling. But you don’t hear the childless raging about that and imagining conspiracies.
The hate lobbied by drivers against cyclists is just not just irrational, it’s insane whether it be on the road or apparently even in “civil†society. Is Car Supremacist a concept? If not, it oughta be.
"White Roxbury"?...angry (and racist) much?
By Roztonian
Wed, 11/20/2019 - 5:48pm
wow - so if you oppose the "road diet" you are a right winger? cool cool
And one SHOULD be surprised that a poster is allowed to use racial terms like "White Roxbury" but you know...UHUB...so its cool I guess.
We'll miss you
By Scratchie
Thu, 11/21/2019 - 7:46am
I understand if you don't want to hang around a horribly racist website like UHub anymore.
By West Rox Resident
Thu, 11/21/2019 - 10:32am
Obviously not everybody opposed is a right winger but someone at this meeting literally called O'Malley a socialist for supporting the road diet. That was not a one-off crazy doing that. The rest of the meeting was pretty unhinged about some evil outside bike lobby and whatever else even if the presenters tried to act like they wanted civility. Same thing happened at the prior meeting at Holy Name. Meanwhile in the Chronicles of WR facebook group it's an absolute feeding frenzy of paranoia about the federal government forcing its climate change will on West Roxbury (have people seen who is currently running the federal government as an aside) and all others kinds of insanity. You can't deny this thing is off the rails and being fed by a lot of right wing paranoia from within the community.
Hahaha... car owners calling
By anon
Thu, 11/21/2019 - 12:08pm
Hahaha... car owners calling others "socialists."
Good riddance
By Jim Curley
Thu, 11/21/2019 - 9:54am
Good riddance. You probably were planning on leaving anyway--most transplants do because West Roxbury, for them, is merely a place of convenience and nothing more. Lifelong residents have watched, over the years, the arriviste crowd come to town, shout lots of opinions about how things should be, then move to Portland, Chicago, or wherever else their namby-pamby New Economy career takes them.
Backup plan: mandatory drivers tests
Tue, 11/19/2019 - 10:48pm
Time to see which residents of West Roxbury know how to parallel park, when to signal a lane shift, and whether they’re allowed to park on a sidewalk (even if they own a pickup truck).
Actually, not a bad idea
By perruptor
Thu, 11/21/2019 - 5:57am
Not limited to W Rox residents, and not applied indiscriminately, but sentencing drivers who run lights or don't stop for pedestrians to a repeat driving test might make people reconsider their behavior more than just fines do.
Didn’t E-5 get a new Captain
By anon
Tue, 11/19/2019 - 11:15pm
Didn’t E-5 get a new Captain several months ago? What happened to her?
She just moved
By Jeff Sullivan
Wed, 11/20/2019 - 10:49am
I talked to Greeley after the meeting and he said Kozminski has been transferred to homicide, and he vice versa
the Captains
By cat
Wed, 11/20/2019 - 5:06pm
have been getting rotated around. The Commish must have something in mind.
Luckily, bicyclists and
By AdamPieniazek
Tue, 11/19/2019 - 11:44pm
Luckily, bicyclists and pedestrians and transit users and everyone else pays taxes for roads so no worries, we can all keep yelling.
Mike Loconto
By Bostonwoke
Wed, 11/20/2019 - 1:45am
Another great job by Mike Loconto. 0-2 in picking platform issues that he can run on in his future failed bid for public office.
Are you thinking of Marty Keogh?
By henryalan (not ...
Wed, 11/20/2019 - 3:06pm
I'm not sure that Michael Loconto has weighed in on this issue.
Pretty creepy call out of a
By RalphM
Wed, 11/20/2019 - 8:04pm
Pretty creepy call out of a person not even mentioned in the story....
Crossing Centre Street is
By ZachAndTired
Wed, 11/20/2019 - 4:43am
Crossing Centre Street is like playing a real life game of Frogger. It's not acceptable for pedestrians to die every few years. This isn't some clandestine plan by Huffy and Schwinn to install bike lanes, you fucking psychos. Anybody opposing this plan has blood on their hands.
By BostonDog
Wed, 11/20/2019 - 8:28am
Since the anti-safety crowd thinks a death every so often is acceptable, I wish they'd volunteer themselves or their friends to be the sacrificial death.
BPD too
Wed, 11/20/2019 - 12:07pm
It's not just the "anti-safety crowd" who thinks low number of deaths is acceptable. The new captain of E-5 (WRox) Darren Greeley apparently said this himself at the meeting.
Taken from the West Roxbury Chronicles II FB page:
"everyone can agree, improvements need to be made to Centre street but like the captain of E-5 said, there were 3 serious pedestrian accidents and one fatal pedestrian accident. So only 4 critical pedestrian accidents in Roslindale and West Roxbury? Compared to the rest of the city that is quite low"
Pretty callous attitude from the BPD, if you ask me.
I was pretty appalled at the
By anon
Wed, 11/20/2019 - 1:27pm
I was pretty appalled at the comment about WR having fewer pedestrian deaths. Nothing to see here, folks. Only two human beings who led real, full lives and who will be missed by family and friends have met their deaths. We could've had more!
Callous is the exact right way to describe everyone in the "safety association" and those who spoke last night.
The obvious follow-up question
By Scratchie
Thu, 11/21/2019 - 7:48am
"How many serious pedestrian accidents will it take before BPD gets serious about this?"
By johnmcboston
Wed, 11/20/2019 - 8:45am
"Cars driving around stopped cars at crosswalks" is a huge problem everywhere. Have had deaths on Tremont street that way. (Same road diet conversation we're having now). Everyone is driving too fast and too distracted.
By Bill B
Wed, 11/20/2019 - 5:09am
I’m embarrassed to call West Roxbury home. People tell you BPS is going to make you run for the suburbs. Please, it’s imperfect but we love our kid’s school. But I’m ashamed to share a zip code with these degenerates, and disgusted the city would cower to people riled up by lies. I’m done with every business that participated in this clown show.
By Sock_Puppet
Wed, 11/20/2019 - 6:05am
Never change
shameful really
By Bobp
Wed, 11/20/2019 - 8:30am
So Centre street will have enhanced enforcement for a month a few weeks and then everything goes back to normal. Yep re stripe those crosswalks people zip through now and ignore. Oh flashing lights that will stop them since they stop for traffic lights now. How will any of this stop speeding and reckless driving? Also it is not about the bike lane people. Stop it. I sincerely hope no one else is killed while BPD drags its feet.
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