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Centre Street

By adamg - 9/12/24 - 12:18 pm

The Boston Licensing Board today approved a request from Pimental Market, 340 Centre St. in Jamaica Plain, to expand its alcohol offerings from beer and wine to hard liquor. Read more.

By adamg - 9/1/24 - 10:19 pm

A man was stabbed in the face on Centre Street near Creighton Street in Jamaica Plain around 9:45 p.m.

By adamg - 8/30/24 - 9:42 am
Rendering of proposed 5 Redlands

Rendering by Context of the view from Centre Street.

A Medfield developer yesterday filed plans to replace a vacant nursing home at 5 Redlands Rd. in West Roxbury with a three-story, 30-unit apartment building with 45 underground parking spaces - and real spaces, not some complex mechanical stacker system. Read more.

By adamg - 8/17/24 - 12:54 pm

River Grille, which never quite clicked in West Roxbury the way it had in Hyde Park's Cleary Square, has closed at 1866 Centre St.. The space already has a banner up advertising a new place called Bread Thyme and promising "authentic Lebanese cuisine." Read more.

By adamg - 8/14/24 - 1:30 pm
Two faces of Kelly

Suspect in Weymouth robbery and Kelly's photo from his driver's license, via State Police affidavit

A Chelsea man was arrested today on charges he held up Rockland Trust branches on Centre Street in Jamaica Plain and Truman Parkway in Hyde Park last month, as well as a bank in Weymouth. Read more.

By adamg - 7/30/24 - 9:11 am

Boston Police report arresting Christian Coloma, 25, of Roslindale on charges related to a man getting shot in the chest outside the Jackson Square Orange Line stop yesterday afternoon. Read more.

By adamg - 7/5/24 - 10:01 am

Three men were shot outside 285 Centre St. in the Mildred Hailey Apartments in Jamaica Plain around 1:25 this morning.

Two of the men were shot in the arm, one in the leg. The homicide unit was called in due to the severity of at least one victim's injuries.

By adamg - 6/10/24 - 4:01 pm

A firefighter on Tower Ladder 10 at the 746 Centre St. firehouse in Jamaica Plain today sued the city and Fire Commissioner Paul Burke for the four-day suspension he says he got after the department had done nothing about the poor condition of the sidewalk and driveway outside the station and he wrote directly to the city's chief of streets. Read more.

By adamg - 6/9/24 - 12:05 pm

Jamaica Plain reports that Centre Street in Hyde Square is getting a new taco place, called Viva Taco. It replaces a burrito joint.

By adamg - 4/30/24 - 11:39 pm

Fenway Health posted the news today: The Boomerangs shops in Jamaica Plain, the South End and Central Square will be closing in June - and have already stopped accepting donations. Read more.

By adamg - 4/15/24 - 9:51 am

Jamaica Plain News reports bb.q Chicken is moving into the Centre Street space where Cafe Beirut used to be.

By adamg - 4/2/24 - 11:38 am

Boston Police and EMS responded to the Starbucks/Paper Store parking lot, 1810 Centre St. in West Roxbury on a report of a man in an SUV with an apparently self-inflected and fatal gunshot wound around 7:45 a.m.

By adamg - 3/12/24 - 3:07 pm

DCR planners told the Longfellow Area Neighborhood Association last night they hope to go out to bid this spring for a contractor to add traffic signals and do related intersection changes where Walter Street meets Centre Street in Roslindale. Read more.

By adamg - 2/27/24 - 10:18 pm

A federal magistrate judge today ruled Wolf Fevrier of Roslindale both a potential threat to society and a flight risk and so ordered him held without bail during proceedings on charges he robbed the Rockland Trust branch on Centre Street in West Roxbury on Feb. 16. Read more.

By adamg - 2/27/24 - 12:03 am
Suspect in Rockland Trust

Surveillance of suspect in Rockland Trust branch via FBI.

Suspect at Cooperative Bank

The FBI yesterday arrested a Roslindale man they say paid for an expensive shopping trip to the Walgreens on Centre Street in West Roxbury earlier this month by first robbing the Rockland Trust branch down the street - a week after he tried and failed to rob a Bank of America branch in Allston. Read more.

By adamg - 2/17/24 - 10:57 am

A robber claiming he had a gun got away with $1,475 at the Rockland Trust branch at 1920 Centre St. in West Roxbury yesterday. Read more.

By adamg - 1/17/24 - 10:15 pm
1400 Centre St.

The building, missing the street trees and level concrete sidewalk the developer promised the city.

The owners of residential condos in a three-year-old building at Centre and Weld streets in Roslindale today sued the developer and project manager, accusing them of handing them a building with at least $2.3 million worth of problems, including a leaky roof, uninsulated pipes, non-functioning sump and hallway ventilation systems, a cracked retaining wall and rear foundation, a smelly lobby and such poor sound insulation residents say they feel like they're in the condos of their upstairs neighbors. Read more.

By adamg - 1/8/24 - 3:33 pm

A scared citizen files a 311 complaint about the northbond stretch of Centre Street that is really the parkway where houses sit in front of the Arboretum just before the Giant Rotary of Doom in Jamaica Plain: Read more.

By adamg - 1/7/24 - 10:47 pm

Via Jamaica Plain and Roslindale Facebook groups comes the news that Cafe Beirut on Centre Street closed for good yesterday. Read more.

By adamg - 12/21/23 - 8:55 pm
Biking Santa on Centre Street in West Roxbury

David Wean forwards this video of Jolly St. Nick getting into one of the new bike lanes on Centre Street in West Roxbury from the area of the firehouse: Read more.

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