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Finally, a reason to visit Faneuil Hall Marketplace again

Dinosaur at Faneuil Hall Marketplace

Try to guess how many school kids this dinosaur could eat.



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Or did it never leave?

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All the kids in the picture would be et.

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Not enough.

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In honey?

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I was passing through a deserted Faneuil Hall early one morning one my way to work about a year ago when they first put that up. Scared the heck out of me. The way these animatronic things move now is so lifelike.

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Is it even a dinosaur? It's got a "sail" like a Dimetrodon, but Dimetrodon is a synapsid, i.e. not a dinosaur (Dinosaurs are diapsids).

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(mostly well known because of its appearance in Jurassic Park 3)

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fatty chunklin' type, not so many, but if the stringy, rangy kind, maybe more. You just never know how they've been raised, which should give one ethical and dietary qualms if they were fed bad food and not allowed free range to roam before ending up on the plate.

That said, you could view it as your civic duty to take home a fried bucket or two in the interest of relieving school overcrowding. Long-term, I suspect it might also reduce deaths from space-saver fights, what with some of them otherwise eventually getting jobs in the Fi-Di and living 12 to a Southie three-decker.

I am told that Spam is a pretty decent approximation of the taste of human flesh, and probably has a better shelf life. But if you really want to kick up a food fight, hoo-boy, try posting a photo of kid n' pineapple pizza!

Sorry, the question is how many the *dinosaur* could eat? Well then, never mind.

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Except for the T which promises you a thrill ride where you have to keep your head on a swivel to avoid scary monsters and falling props on your head.

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