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State should be ashamed of itself, but since it isn't, it's up to Dorchester residents, healthcare experts to figure out how to replace Carney Hospital

Bill Walczak, who once served as president of Carney Hospital, explains - and notes that a private company stationed an ambulance at the now closed hospital over the weekend, because people who needed ER care kept driving up.



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Has more than it's share of hospitals. People who live in Dorchester are not automatically dumb or lack the ability to get to another hospital within a 5 mile radius. BTW: A few of my older siblings were born at Carney.

Since your siblings were born there then the transition to not having Carney there should be a snap. I'm glad you spoke up!

The linked article is very much worth reading. What a failure by the state.


This is a great article. Thanks for linking to it. And, I am sharing it.

How can you close me up?On what grounds?
I am shocked! to find out there is buck-passing and kowtowing to finance going on.

In at least respect the state has long forsaken its Constitution and the social compact.
It doesn’t matter what god, gods, deity, deities you believe in, or if you believe in none, or hold that god both does and does not exist. The morals and ethics held in our constitution and across religions are largely hard learned and valued lessons. (Granted the “archaic” ones need contexct, but are not without meaning.)

No one should be surprised that Massachusetts would forsake its weakest and most vulnerable in abandoning Carney and Nashoba, because just look at what this state values: business, the lottery and gaming. Barney Frank is right that people have the civil liberty to do what they will with their money, but I firmly believe the state is in a state of abrogation of the Constitution and the social compact recognized therein when it preys upon our weakest with a state lottery and facilitates gaming and allows commercial gaming in any way, shape, or form to occur in the state to to be facilitated by the state or through and across state lines.

If the hospitals are going away?

I can't wait to piss on Mitt Romney's grave.

…. lol !! His grave should be situated in a dog park. Named after that poor pup of his.

I'm saving mine for someone else. (One guess.)