I have pretty much stopped reading national news. So unless its posted here or bostondotcom, I don't hear about it.
But I did happen to see that some Federal Judge said it was okay for DOGE to continue gutting the gov't, so unlike the previous judge who said no, Oh Orange One and ApartiedNazi are going to listen to this judge instead. The rules only apply when it works in favor for them.
I think it's time to put a fork in it, we're done folks. I've given up all hope. We aren't moving fast enough and can't get out of our own way. Its doing us in.. just like the germans. And by the time the democrats get their act in gear, it will be too late to save anything.
All those neoliberal shills screaming CLASS WARFARE anytime the peasants tried to even the playing field now have all the class warfare their hearts desired.
After all, they still probably think they can game this to swell their portfolios or just get a little "relief" from taxes. Under the bus we all go!
Can't ever admit that Bernie was right about all of it, ya know!Â
I have pretty much stopped reading national news. So unless its posted here or bostondotcom, I don't hear about it.
But I did happen to see that some Federal Judge said it was okay for DOGE to continue gutting the gov't, so unlike the previous judge who said no, Oh Orange One and ApartiedNazi are going to listen to this judge instead. The rules only apply when it works in favor for them.
Locally, it's Adam and then Dorchester Reporter for me. Occasionally into other sites as needed.
Nationally, it's a mix.Â
I am contemplating not-renewing my subscription to Washington Post when it comes up soon.
I've been hearing some good things about The Atlantic recently, might add them.
apnews.com & bbc news are crucial
I listen to some of the MSNBC & CNN simulcasts on satellite radio in the car. More and more, that depends on filtering past the opinion/advocacy content to see if there are panel guests who can contribute expertise & analysis.
I'll read NY Post and (occasionally) tune-in to Fox News simulcasts to see what the current talking points are from their slant.
assorted other networks/sources as needed
Big thing for me has been some of the podcast/youtube channel sources. I listen to several of them, generally the ones that have people with actual legal practice experience doing legal analysis. When they're on their game, they're pretty good at drawing a line between what they'd like to see happen and what the legal questions & standards actually are, and are thought-provoking. Meidas Touch, Justice Matters, Farron Balanced - Meiselas, Popak, Kirschner, Farron are all generally pretty good at that. (Brian Taylor Cohen is a little too close to advocacy and too far from analysis. If he has one of the above as a guest, I'll listen, but it it's just him solo I skip it
On Facebook, I do read Alt National Park Service for some in-the-trenches commentary.
Going back to your second item (Federal Judge allowing DOGE to go ahead with some stuff) and what I said in my next-to-last bullet about legal analysis... I did hear a good breakdown of it yesterday from one of those legal analysis sources. He went into what the parties are asking for, what the options are, what the judge* has to consider, and that there are some limitations to a judge's power in this. Â
His analysis was that there was a pretty good chance that the judge might not stop the actions in question at this time, with another hearing coming up within two weeks - based on the standard that the people opposed to the DOGE actions need to show that irreparable harm would result (to better show how irreparable harm would result) from waiting until the scheduled hearing).
*By the way, the judge in question is Chutkin - so it's not as if it's someone you'd think was in the tank for Trump, like Aileen Cannon.
Big thing for me has been some of the podcast/youtube channel sources.Â
That can be a problem. First time around I unfollowed stopped paying attention all those people. Mostly because
1) They are paid schills. They have huge financial backers behind them, some of them take money from questionable places. And you have to ask.. are they actually speaking their mind, or are they speaking what their donors say?
You also will do the job for free if you care about the issue enough. These supposedly all started out as 'grassroots' sorta orgs then big money came in, everyone went grabbing for dollars, and you really have to question are these people any better than Fox News? Probably not.
2) They repeatedly yell fire when its just for clicks/views/shares. Is this helpful?
3) Constant Begathons for money even though they are well funded
I just feel like these folks are no better than Fox News and you need to take what they say with a grain of salt. They are paid to be there. The more interactions they get, the more they get paid. So its in their best interests to keep you angry, engaged, so you'll click/like/share all their videos.
I wouldn't shake a stick at any of these "resisters". Be wary of these people,Â
Brian Tyler Cohen I only entertain his videos cuz he's adorable. (sorry his ears do it for me)
1A's weekly news roundup on friday is about all the politics i can stomach right now. They do an hour domestic, and hour internation with a roundtable of intelligent journalists. highly recommend it if you haven't checked it out yet.
WaPo is in the tank. No point giving them your money.
I have an Atlantic sub but I may not be renewing. They do publish pieces by Anne Applebaum etc., but the bulk of their reporting is what I'd call high-minded puff and/or "on the one hand/on the other hand" false equivalence pieces. The Atlantic is also not a news site, so there's that. In terms of news sites, BBC has also been doing a lot of "on the one hand on the other hand" lately as has NPR. Â
The Guardian is still solid. I think it's the only reliable news site. For analysis sites, The Contrarian is a good read - Jennifer Rubin and Norman Eisen's project with guest journalists. Bad Faith Times is another on my reading list.
I keep meaning to compile a bsky pack (or maybe two, one news and one analysis). When I get around to it, it will include Malcolm Nance for sure. Â
First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me
The problem with someone not watching/reading/hearing national news is they don’t have the power of information to challenge and fight against the forces that seek to destroy. Knowledge really is power. It’s so important to be informed if we want to survive, and heads buried in sand won’t help.
If any business has to shut their doors because FIVE employees are laid off when they employ a total of 26 Federal employees and another 22 funded separately the problem isn't with the layoffs it's with the business. Sorry. All your crying and carrying on is ridiculous. The staffers were at the ticket counter and no one else is trained how to sell tickets. Poor management. Period. These government workers need to live in the real world. Sorry.
Can we stop linking to the dead bird site if there are any other news sources? The last thing we need to do is drive traffic to places that are causing the problems in the first place.
Well there were some pretty dangerous ideas there like the Peace Corps (helping poor people) and the space race (US government landing on the moon to beat USSR without even handing over millions to a billionaire). Plus it showcased JFKs military service which hurt the feelings of draft dodgers like Musk and Trump.
It is the "how" he did it. His daddy payed a quack to write him up a fake report of bonespurs that somehow didn't keep him golfing or bowling merit badges at his expensive pseudomilitary finishing school.
Al Gore was a senator's son but he still went.Â
Conscientious Objectors were accommodated, and performed public service for limited incomes instead. Can't see little drumpf cleaning toilets at Bellevue, or even trekking to a very rural area to teach school for a couple of years, like many of the best elementary teachers I ever had.
Well there were some pretty dangerous ideas there like the Peace Corps (helping poor people) and the space race (US government landing on the moon to beat USSR without even handing over millions to a billionaire). Plus it showcased JFKs military service which hurt the feelings of draft dodgers like Musk and Trump.
Don't forget batshit stuff like asking not what your country can do for you but rather what you can do for your country. The only way you'd ever hear that in Trump's voice is if you played the LP backwards.
Also, JFK was clearly a loser, militarily. They only gave him one small boat - and that got sunk! If Trump had been in command of PT109, Admiral Koga would have declared a cease-fire and negotiated directly with him to end to the war in the Pacific two years early!
For some of these radical changes, I could see why people would support them because they benefit personally, at the expense of other people they don't care about.
But how much trashing of government services can there be before the Republicans in Congress who are allowing this to happen, and the members of the public who voted for them, don't like it?
A lot. I remember reading something a week or two when on of oh orange one's mignons were going to get confirmed and basically said they disallowed a private vote because if there was, the person would have gotten not confirmed by a 2:1 margin. But since it was a public vote, they were confirmed.
My point: The republicans are scared and won't speak out. Oh Orange one is trying to lead with an iron fist and will punch anyone who gets in his way. Republicans fear that.
The Democrats are running around like headless chickens. No plan. No action. None.
There are a surprising number of people who lost their livelihoods in this mess who supported and voted for trump, and now they are confused and hurting.
I have been actively reminding all such that I encounter that their red-state or MAGAfied congress creatures are standing by and letting it happen,
They have to power to get their friends, family, and any who will listen to put pressure on these jackasses and ask them why they wanted jobs that they now aren't doing, including threatening to run against them, if they don't stop abdicating their power and violating their oath to the constitution.
Unlike those of us who are stuck with spineless "supported this, voted for this, never wrote a bill and didn't do shit - but I HAVE A VAGINA!" reps who refuse to think outside of their ... um ... boxes and play by rules that aren't in the constitution, people who live in GOP land can make a stink and possibly be heard.
But how much trashing of government services can there be before the Republicans in Congress who are allowing this to happen, and the members of the public who voted for them, don't like it?
Republican members of Congress like it just fine. They profit personally and directly from this klepto-kakistocracy. They're not even opposed to harming their own MAGAt constituents as long as it can't be laid at their doorsteps. They're also attempting end runs to get exemptions for their own districts, although those moves are pretty easily revealed, and it's unclear how successful they would be. Elon and his Muskrats dontt give a damn about the MAGAt unwashed; they want that money in their own pockets, and they have no problem harming the shlubs to get it there. Â
My Ranger friend who started on Spectacle Island 10-15 years ago has been working for the Fed tracking invasive insect species up and down the East Coast. Him and his coworkers got laid off last week. What's the worst that can happen? Get your firewood early this year.
I'd like to know what the library would need to reopen. Not necessarily at previous levels, but just to staff the front desk and consider themselves 'open'.
There are lots of mechanisms for people to be employees of the federal government but their salary is technically funded through other means. Lots and lots of scientists get salary this way. Doesn't mean they aren't technically gov employees. Add to the fact that Musk is ignoring a lot of the rules, processes, and policies for how people are hired and fired, and it's a shitshow right now.
Both terms of Donald Trump's Presidency, along with Musk, were a long time coming. Â Ronald Reagan's doing away with the Fairness Doctrine has an awful lot to do with what's going on now, as well.
By MassMouse
Tue, 02/18/2025 - 4:18pm
Actual eff? This is becoming a very scary Margaret Atwood movie. (MaddAddam trilogy anyone?)
By cybah
Tue, 02/18/2025 - 7:26pm
I have pretty much stopped reading national news. So unless its posted here or bostondotcom, I don't hear about it.
But I did happen to see that some Federal Judge said it was okay for DOGE to continue gutting the gov't, so unlike the previous judge who said no, Oh Orange One and ApartiedNazi are going to listen to this judge instead. The rules only apply when it works in favor for them.
I think it's time to put a fork in it, we're done folks. I've given up all hope. We aren't moving fast enough and can't get out of our own way. Its doing us in.. just like the germans. And by the time the democrats get their act in gear, it will be too late to save anything.
Class Warfare
By SwirlyGrrl
Tue, 02/18/2025 - 8:28pm
All those neoliberal shills screaming CLASS WARFARE anytime the peasants tried to even the playing field now have all the class warfare their hearts desired.
After all, they still probably think they can game this to swell their portfolios or just get a little "relief" from taxes. Under the bus we all go!
Can't ever admit that Bernie was right about all of it, ya know!Â
I have pretty much stopped
By Rob
Wed, 02/19/2025 - 1:07am
Locally, it's Adam and then Dorchester Reporter for me. Occasionally into other sites as needed.
Nationally, it's a mix.Â
Going back to your second item (Federal Judge allowing DOGE to go ahead with some stuff) and what I said in my next-to-last bullet about legal analysis... I did hear a good breakdown of it yesterday from one of those legal analysis sources. He went into what the parties are asking for, what the options are, what the judge* has to consider, and that there are some limitations to a judge's power in this. Â
His analysis was that there was a pretty good chance that the judge might not stop the actions in question at this time, with another hearing coming up within two weeks - based on the standard that the people opposed to the DOGE actions need to show that irreparable harm would result (to better show how irreparable harm would result) from waiting until the scheduled hearing).
*By the way, the judge in question is Chutkin - so it's not as if it's someone you'd think was in the tank for Trump, like Aileen Cannon.
By cybah
Wed, 02/19/2025 - 5:10am
That can be a problem. First time around I unfollowed stopped paying attention all those people. Mostly because
1) They are paid schills. They have huge financial backers behind them, some of them take money from questionable places. And you have to ask.. are they actually speaking their mind, or are they speaking what their donors say?
You also will do the job for free if you care about the issue enough. These supposedly all started out as 'grassroots' sorta orgs then big money came in, everyone went grabbing for dollars, and you really have to question are these people any better than Fox News? Probably not.
2) They repeatedly yell fire when its just for clicks/views/shares. Is this helpful?
3) Constant Begathons for money even though they are well funded
I just feel like these folks are no better than Fox News and you need to take what they say with a grain of salt. They are paid to be there. The more interactions they get, the more they get paid. So its in their best interests to keep you angry, engaged, so you'll click/like/share all their videos.
I wouldn't shake a stick at any of these "resisters". Be wary of these people,Â
Brian Tyler Cohen I only entertain his videos cuz he's adorable. (sorry his ears do it for me)
The 1A Weekly News Roundup
By greenlinetobrooklyn
Wed, 02/19/2025 - 12:32pm
1A's weekly news roundup on friday is about all the politics i can stomach right now. They do an hour domestic, and hour internation with a roundtable of intelligent journalists. highly recommend it if you haven't checked it out yet.
By cybah
Wed, 02/19/2025 - 5:57am
news sources
By Lisfnord
Wed, 02/19/2025 - 8:53am
I've been going to The Daily Show and SNL's Weekend Update.
By lbb
Wed, 02/19/2025 - 9:52am
WaPo is in the tank. No point giving them your money.
I have an Atlantic sub but I may not be renewing. They do publish pieces by Anne Applebaum etc., but the bulk of their reporting is what I'd call high-minded puff and/or "on the one hand/on the other hand" false equivalence pieces. The Atlantic is also not a news site, so there's that. In terms of news sites, BBC has also been doing a lot of "on the one hand on the other hand" lately as has NPR. Â
The Guardian is still solid. I think it's the only reliable news site. For analysis sites, The Contrarian is a good read - Jennifer Rubin and Norman Eisen's project with guest journalists. Bad Faith Times is another on my reading list.
I keep meaning to compile a bsky pack (or maybe two, one news and one analysis). When I get around to it, it will include Malcolm Nance for sure. Â
Wired has been doing amazing
By NoMoreBanks
Wed, 02/19/2025 - 10:14am
Wired has been doing amazing work and is covering the destruction of the civilian government in real time.
Please actively cancel the Post if you're not reading it already. Bezos is a traitor too.
"First They Came"
By Anonymous2023
Wed, 02/19/2025 - 1:55am
by Pastor Martin Niemöller
First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me
Stay informed
By RozziMama
Wed, 02/19/2025 - 6:33am
The problem with someone not watching/reading/hearing national news is they don’t have the power of information to challenge and fight against the forces that seek to destroy. Knowledge really is power. It’s so important to be informed if we want to survive, and heads buried in sand won’t help.
Stop whining
By Adrienne
Wed, 02/19/2025 - 8:09pm
If any business has to shut their doors because FIVE employees are laid off when they employ a total of 26 Federal employees and another 22 funded separately the problem isn't with the layoffs it's with the business. Sorry. All your crying and carrying on is ridiculous. The staffers were at the ticket counter and no one else is trained how to sell tickets. Poor management. Period. These government workers need to live in the real world. Sorry.
Can we stop linking to the
By anon
Tue, 02/18/2025 - 4:30pm
Can we stop linking to the dead bird site if there are any other news sources? The last thing we need to do is drive traffic to places that are causing the problems in the first place.
At the time I first posted ...
By adamg
Tue, 02/18/2025 - 4:49pm
Bedford's tweet was the only source confirming why the library was closed.
Then I found out the Dorchester Reporter actually had it first, so linked to their account.
And then Bedford posted on Bluesky, so I switched the link to her post there.
I don't like linking to the birdsite, but unfortunately, sometimes there's still news there.
Bird Flu
By BostonDog
Tue, 02/18/2025 - 5:12pm
Given the increasing reports of dead wildlife and domestic chickens, I now think "Dead Bird Site" refers to something else.Â
By SwirlyGrrl
Tue, 02/18/2025 - 8:57pm
Perhaps people should fill Xitter with pictures of dead birds and tag Roadkill Fascist Kennedy?
I wish I knew how to build an AI spambot for this.Â
Well there were some pretty
By Anon
Tue, 02/18/2025 - 4:41pm
Well there were some pretty dangerous ideas there like the Peace Corps (helping poor people) and the space race (US government landing on the moon to beat USSR without even handing over millions to a billionaire). Plus it showcased JFKs military service which hurt the feelings of draft dodgers like Musk and Trump.
By Will LaTulippe
Tue, 02/18/2025 - 4:53pm
I don't give a (expletive) that Trump elected not to get shot at for reasons made up by the U.S. government.
He stiffed workers and he grabbed a woman's (expletive) in a department store. Stop obfuscating the case against him with nonsense.
It isn't the "what" he did
By SwirlyGrrl
Tue, 02/18/2025 - 9:16pm
It is the "how" he did it. His daddy payed a quack to write him up a fake report of bonespurs that somehow didn't keep him golfing or bowling merit badges at his expensive pseudomilitary finishing school.
Al Gore was a senator's son but he still went.Â
Conscientious Objectors were accommodated, and performed public service for limited incomes instead. Can't see little drumpf cleaning toilets at Bellevue, or even trekking to a very rural area to teach school for a couple of years, like many of the best elementary teachers I ever had.
Well there were some pretty
By Rob
Wed, 02/19/2025 - 12:13am
Don't forget batshit stuff like asking not what your country can do for you but rather what you can do for your country. The only way you'd ever hear that in Trump's voice is if you played the LP backwards.
Also, JFK was clearly a loser, militarily. They only gave him one small boat - and that got sunk! If Trump had been in command of PT109, Admiral Koga would have declared a cease-fire and negotiated directly with him to end to the war in the Pacific two years early!
I am not happy about any of
By Muerl
Wed, 02/19/2025 - 9:31am
I am not happy about any of this, but its simply not true that the space race didn't give billions to defense contractors.
Willard Rockwell would like a word.
https://apollo11space.com/meet-the-makers-the-private-contractors-that-p... actually has a good run down.
Things like Giant Rockets to the moon are in general VERY expensive and have to be build by big companies.
Who wants this?
By anon
Tue, 02/18/2025 - 4:47pm
For some of these radical changes, I could see why people would support them because they benefit personally, at the expense of other people they don't care about.
But how much trashing of government services can there be before the Republicans in Congress who are allowing this to happen, and the members of the public who voted for them, don't like it?
By cybah
Tue, 02/18/2025 - 7:23pm
A lot. I remember reading something a week or two when on of oh orange one's mignons were going to get confirmed and basically said they disallowed a private vote because if there was, the person would have gotten not confirmed by a 2:1 margin. But since it was a public vote, they were confirmed.
My point: The republicans are scared and won't speak out. Oh Orange one is trying to lead with an iron fist and will punch anyone who gets in his way. Republicans fear that.
The Democrats are running around like headless chickens. No plan. No action. None.
Hello Germany 1933, it's nice to see you again.
Both the Democrats and the Republicans at large are cowards.
By mplo
Wed, 02/19/2025 - 1:27pm
Both the Democrats and the Republicans at large are cowards. Â That does not bode well for this country, overall.
Every face eating leopard attack is an organizing opportunity
By SwirlyGrrl
Wed, 02/19/2025 - 7:25am
There are a surprising number of people who lost their livelihoods in this mess who supported and voted for trump, and now they are confused and hurting.
I have been actively reminding all such that I encounter that their red-state or MAGAfied congress creatures are standing by and letting it happen,
They have to power to get their friends, family, and any who will listen to put pressure on these jackasses and ask them why they wanted jobs that they now aren't doing, including threatening to run against them, if they don't stop abdicating their power and violating their oath to the constitution.
Unlike those of us who are stuck with spineless "supported this, voted for this, never wrote a bill and didn't do shit - but I HAVE A VAGINA!" reps who refuse to think outside of their ... um ... boxes and play by rules that aren't in the constitution, people who live in GOP land can make a stink and possibly be heard.
Those who profit
By lbb
Wed, 02/19/2025 - 10:10am
Republican members of Congress like it just fine. They profit personally and directly from this klepto-kakistocracy. They're not even opposed to harming their own MAGAt constituents as long as it can't be laid at their doorsteps. They're also attempting end runs to get exemptions for their own districts, although those moves are pretty easily revealed, and it's unclear how successful they would be. Elon and his Muskrats dontt give a damn about the MAGAt unwashed; they want that money in their own pockets, and they have no problem harming the shlubs to get it there. Â
My Ranger friend who started
By anon
Tue, 02/18/2025 - 4:55pm
My Ranger friend who started on Spectacle Island 10-15 years ago has been working for the Fed tracking invasive insect species up and down the East Coast. Him and his coworkers got laid off last week. What's the worst that can happen? Get your firewood early this year.
What would it take to reopen the front desk
By Alrescha
Tue, 02/18/2025 - 5:31pm
I'd like to know what the library would need to reopen. Not necessarily at previous levels, but just to staff the front desk and consider themselves 'open'.
By Charles Bahne
Tue, 02/18/2025 - 5:54pm
So the thought control police now have JFK as a target.
Never in my worst nightmares could I have ever imagined that it would be this fast, and that everyone would give in so thoroughly.
Reopening tomorrow?
By Ron Newman
Tue, 02/18/2025 - 6:39pm
At least, that is what they say in their latest Facebook post.
By RozzieGirl
Tue, 02/18/2025 - 7:44pm
I thought presidential libraries were privately funded.
Also by ...
By adamg
Tue, 02/18/2025 - 8:29pm
The federal National Archives and Records Administration
More complicated than that
By NoMoreBanks
Wed, 02/19/2025 - 10:17am
There are lots of mechanisms for people to be employees of the federal government but their salary is technically funded through other means. Lots and lots of scientists get salary this way. Doesn't mean they aren't technically gov employees. Add to the fact that Musk is ignoring a lot of the rules, processes, and policies for how people are hired and fired, and it's a shitshow right now.
I haven't seen anything about
By Rich7
Wed, 02/19/2025 - 5:28am
I haven't seen anything about the Bush, Nixon, et al libraries losing funds for staff.
Why do I suspect everything
By xyz
Wed, 02/19/2025 - 10:15am
Why do I suspect everything at the Reagan Library is cruising along as usual.
Unfortunately, however, when one really looks at US history,
By mplo
Wed, 02/19/2025 - 1:44pm
Both terms of Donald Trump's Presidency, along with Musk, were a long time coming. Â Ronald Reagan's doing away with the Fairness Doctrine has an awful lot to do with what's going on now, as well.
The contrast between Taft's
By Rob
Wed, 02/19/2025 - 3:16pm
The contrast between Taft's and Teddy Roosevelt's views of the Presidency has a lot to do with what's been going on in Trump world, too.
Unfortunately, you hardly ever hear any commentator or analyst making that connection. Ignorance of History sucks.
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