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Tavern in the Square to replace The Kells in Allston

Boston Restaurant Talk has learned from Phantom Gourmet that The Kells in Allston will be closing in the near future. It seems that Tavern in the Square will be taking over the space. There is also a very telling discussion at Yelp concerning the closing.

One has to wonder if this is related to any of the recent problems that have landed the Kells in front of the Boston Licensing Board recently.



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They'll have to approve the liquor-license transfer.

Tavern in the Square currently has bars in Central Square, Porter Square and Salem.

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They also have nearly-identical bars at Joshua Tree in Davis, Atlantic Beer Garden in Southie, Brighton Beer Garden in Brighton, and a few others that I can't remember right now.

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If so, then in addition to Atlantic Beer Garden in the seaport area, there's Boston Beer Garden on Broadway in Southie.

I agree with Ron, this is the boring type of place that would be better than the current incarnation of The Kells. Never heard of a problem at any of the Garden places. Food is better than that horrid menu that someone linked to on the older Kells thread.

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Tavern in the Square may not be an especially interesting restaurant, but Allston could probably use a bit more 'boring' at the moment. Tavern in the Square has never caused any problems near me in Porter Square.

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