Two Republicans running for Congress in Massachusetts's own 3rd District, that's who. But don't worry: Another Republican running for the right to take on Jim McGovern - a guy who's a physicist at Harvard, no less - is convinced Obama's really an atheist.
Via Bostonist.
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By The Beer Guy
Mon, 08/23/2010 - 9:52am
How was that Sun-Chronicle article NOT reprinted from the Onion? One of those idiots teaches at Harvard? What???? How the hell does a physicist consider atheism "un-American?"
What I find un-American
By Neal
Mon, 08/23/2010 - 9:56am
is the complete ignorance of Article 6 of the US Constitution for the purpose of extremely short sighted political expediency.
Behind Obama Muslim myth stands the right wing
By Anonymous
Mon, 08/23/2010 - 2:59pm
August 19, 2010 7:47 pm ET
Or Obama
By Rich
Mon, 08/23/2010 - 4:48pm
Or Obama himself....
Weigal blames the subject
By Anonymous
Tue, 08/24/2010 - 2:56am
Well done. Weigal's an affable political reporter but he is also quite conservative, which makes the point referenced above.
By anon-a-rama
Mon, 08/23/2010 - 10:55am
Anti-intellectualism and personal attacks on people who are "too smart for their station" are as American as apple pie.
Obama is clearly a secret Muslim Atheiest under the spell of
By Anonymous
Mon, 08/23/2010 - 12:00pm
Rev Wright's christian liberation theology.
That's nothing, Sarah Palin is possessed by the devil and needs to undergo another exorcism, while Newt Gingrich is the spawn of Satan who converted to Catholicism only to conceal the beating heart of conservative bigotry, Islamopobia. The gig is up for Newt.
Mitt Romney says he's a Mormom who wears magic underwear; another lie. He's a Muslim atheist who likes big-boy diapers.
Barney Frank pretends he's gay. Nothing is as it seems in wingnuttia.
While I have absolutely no proof, I have a firm conviction all of the above is true. I have a Phd in microentymology.
By Kaz
Mon, 08/23/2010 - 11:03am
Coming from an international background? What the hell does that even *mean*? If Obama's dad was Italian, would he think Obama's a Muslim too? What about Lebanon? Muslim, right? Newsflash: 39% of Lebanon are Christians that's more than either the Shia Muslims (28%) or Sunni Muslims (28%) in the country! (Pop quiz, asshole: is Bin Laden Sunni or Shia? What about Obama's dad? Obama? Which one is a threat to the U.S.?).
That last question's a trick. The answer is neither.
Also, as far as Obama being an could only wish. Imagine someone leading this country purely from a humanitarian standpoint and making decisions without having to "pray on it" or "consult with their faith leader".
As an atheist, I say: Eat shit, Dr. Stopa. Your attitude towards atheists is far more anti-American than anything Obama has said or done in his political career.
If he was raised in Dearborn, MI
By SwirlyGrrl
Mon, 08/23/2010 - 11:06am
Then he would HAVE to be a Muslim, too! Or anywhere in Michigan, like Tim McVey ... um ...
By Anon
Mon, 08/23/2010 - 11:39am
By Lanny Budd
Mon, 08/23/2010 - 11:43am
"Stopa"? What kind of name is that? Sounds foreign. It isn't a good honest American name. I think we need to see this guy's papers. The long form ones, too, not the other ones.
Stopa Might be a Communist
By SwirlyGrrl
Mon, 08/23/2010 - 11:51am
Or a fascist. It could be an Italian foreign sounding name, and there were some anarchists, communists, and fascists with names that sounded like that.
Sure, that was years ago, but it's hereditary you know. They came over here to have communist babies ... or was that anarchists to take over ...
Just a quick question...
By Dan Seitz
Mon, 08/23/2010 - 1:34pm
"Also, as far as Obama being an could only wish. Imagine someone leading this country purely from a humanitarian standpoint and making decisions without having to "pray on it" or "consult with their faith leader"."
You do understand that statements like this make you exactly like the people you're criticizing, right? You know; kneejerk, ignorant, holier-than-thou, things like that.
That would be impressive
By Kaz
Mon, 08/23/2010 - 2:59pm
An atheist who is "holier-than-thou".
Actually, no
By anon-nom-nom
Mon, 08/23/2010 - 3:24pm
Comments like that do not make someone exactly like those assholes who think being an atheist is unAmerican. Quite the contrary. No one is saying people who believe in such shenanigans are unAmerican or anti-American (where those jackasses are explicitly saying that being atheist or even Muslim is anti-American). In fact, being hopelessly ignorant is very American these days.
Rather, we can wish and dream about a day when atheists and agnostics and other non-believers could openly serve in office and not be labeled as traitors to our country just becuase we deign to not believe in god. If I believed in god I'd pray for the day when we elect our first atheist president. Alas, no one is listening and I'll just have to wait until reason smacks America upside the head.
By John-W
Tue, 08/24/2010 - 10:24am got a comfy chair and a good book.
Absolute morons..
By Brian Riccio
Mon, 08/23/2010 - 11:46am
they should just put "Brought to you by Fox News" on their websites, since that seems to be where their political philosophy comes from.
RNC Committeewoman insists Obama has told Muslims that he is a
By Anonymous
Mon, 08/23/2010 - 1:26pm
Mosques and the New Jim Crow in America:
By Anonymous
Mon, 08/23/2010 - 1:31pm
What would MLK Say?
Let them know
By Kaz
Mon, 08/23/2010 - 1:31pm
Feel free to tell these guys (or their PR lackeys) what you think about their asinine opinions:
* Mike Stopa on Twitter
* Bob Chipman's email address
* Bob Delle's email address
Millions of other Americans also?
By Marc
Mon, 08/23/2010 - 4:20pm
I understand the indignation against expressions of ignorance. It makes me indignant as well.
Let us not, however, allow our own ignorance to lead us into saying foolish things against millions of our countrymen.
I'm going to show why I don't find it hard to believe that many people suspect that Obama is a Muslim. The following facts, to best of my knowledge, are universally accepted:
1. As has been widely reported countless times, such as here in the NY Times, Obama was born to Muslim father, and is therefore considered Muslim by default by any conventional understanding of Muslim law. Having officially left Islam, he would be considered an apostate, punishable legally by death in a number of Muslim countries.
2. Obama attended a madrassa for a couple of years at least as a kid in Indonesia, which is a muslim religious school. His step-father was also a Muslim, as is his half-sister, all explained in his own auto-biography. He refers to his own "muslim roots" frequently.
3. Obama has not been widely reported to be involved in any organized religion during his later childhood and early adulthood in the U.S.
4. With his wife, Obama joined Reverand Wright's church in Chicago when he moved there, which he attended for 20-plus years. Some of that church's more vivid expressions of anti-american sentiment led Obama to distance himself from Wright during his presidential campaign.
5. Obama has never offered the sort of public expression of feeling and faith related to his departure from Islam, the religion of his family and childhood, nor to his adoption of Christianity, the religion of his adulthood. Rightly or wrongly, some people want such an explanation in order to believe he converted.
In my book, if Obama says he's a Christian, then he's a Christian. If he is not a Christian at heart, I would find it much more likely that he holds typical secular beliefs than secret Muslim beliefs anyway.
However, given the facts at hand, is it so terribly surprising that many Americans would suspect otherwise? I don't agree with Republicans or anyone else cynically manipulating voters into believing that Obama is a Muslim when they don't themselves believe it. But I also don't agree that any cynical manipulation is necessary to explain what looks like a fairly sensible inference on the parts of many.
NY Magazine argues here that making this sort of argument, in effect blaming Obama for the confusion about his religion, is wrong or ignorant. I don't agree with the thrust of this article, but I appreciate that the writer at least engaged with the thought process of people he regards as his political opponents. That's a breath of fresh air.
What confusion? It's slander and politics rooted in bigotry
By Anonymous
Mon, 08/23/2010 - 4:52pm
Behind Obama Muslim myth stands the right wing
more here"
Political laugh of the day
By fenwayguy
Mon, 08/23/2010 - 4:39pm
Really, how much fairer could he be?
These freakin' people are scary.
So what if he is?
By Kaz
Mon, 08/23/2010 - 5:54pm
Let's assume Obama's a Muslim. He's not, but let's assume for the sake of argument that these guys have pegged him on his innermost secrets.
So what?
Only Delle says something to the effect of "I'm okay with him being a Muslim, it's lying about being a Christian that I am against". One says that he's a Muslim, therefore what? They didn't ask him what implication that would have.
Meanwhile, Mr. Anti-Atheist, Michael Stopa, says that Obama is "sympathetic to anyone opposed to America and American values". He called the president a traitor. In specious terms and with "no proof", he claims that Obama is guilty of treason, a U.S. Constitutionally-defined offense. Unbelievable.
Sholley also hangs out on that same limb. Obama = Marxist, Marxist = Atheist, Q.E.D. Obama = Atheist. Again, so what? Of course, housing the comment with the same old "no proof" and "I'll take him at his word though" crap.
I really wish the journalist pulling these quotes had asked the most obvious followup question: "So assuming you are correct, what implication does that have on his ability to be President?".
People who cater to the most depraved attempts at discrediting the President for something (being a Muslim) that is NOT EVEN OFFENSIVE, by pretending that it is both true and a political issue, should be contemptuously exposed by the rest of us due to their deliberately mendacious commentary.
By Sock_Puppet
Tue, 08/24/2010 - 7:17am
These people - Michael Stopa, Robert Delle, and Robert Chipman - are a bunch of freaks and weirdos. It has been fascinating over the past few decades to watch the Republican Party devolve into the wacko fringe party.
The funniest part of this is that Michael Stopa is a Harvard physicist who is terrified of atheists. That's gotta be like a surgeon who faints at the sight of blood.
Somehow you just can't pass by without poking at conspiracy freaks. I have no proof of course, but some people believe Michael Stopa, Robert Delle, and Robert Chipman have been diddling little boys right and left as part of Satanic worship ceremonies.
And yet...
By Michael Kerpan
Tue, 08/24/2010 - 7:43am
> It has been fascinating over the past few decades to watch the Republican
> Party devolve into the wacko fringe party.
... much of the country seems ready to follow them over the edge of the cliff this fall in the congressional elections.
How the right sets and controls the terms of debate
By Anonymous
Tue, 08/24/2010 - 10:58am
from #HCR to Park51:wtc mosque
Stopa's delusions
By Kaz
Tue, 08/24/2010 - 8:30am
You should check out one of his campaign YouTube videos where he splices random footage into some talk he gave at a cafe to sympathizers. He uses his Harvard (and BA from Wesleyan before that) time as an "example of how I've been around liberals. So I have really gotten to know how they think" and evidently we're dangerous thinkers.
Talk about some goddamned spin. "Sure, sure, I have the profile of a dirty liberal commie-sciencey hybrid and you should all hate me for it...but I was embedded to learn their ways so I could see just how apocalyptic the world would be if we let them run it!!"
Wesleyan and Harvard must be so proud of Stopa
By Anonymous
Tue, 08/24/2010 - 11:03am
What an embarrassment, the beating heart of conservative bigoty, anti-atheism and islamophobia.
What's worse? exploiting it for political purposes or the ignorance implied in actually believing it? See Jon Stewart Stupid versus Evil.