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Somebody finally snaps when approached by a Greenpeace kid
By adamg on Fri, 06/29/2007 - 3:56pm
But can you blame Andraste, who works in Harvard Square?
... While I agree with many of the causes these people represent, I am so frigging tired of being stopped multiple times when I try to walk from my office to wherever I'm going for lunch, every SINGLE DAY, today I just snapped. The poor Greenpeace kid...I hope he realizes it wasn't personal. But I just want to be left alone. Is that SO WRONG?
Free tagging:
if only...
the one time I actually can say to a petioner of a group who's causes I agree with but tactics I don't always, that I gave massively to their cause over the weekend (Glastonbury Festival), they don't approach me.
go figure.
Who the *&%$ is Running the Canvas?????
I used to work for the Boston office of Greenpeace and we didn't put canvassers out on the street unless there was some sort of event going on. We might have one work, say, the big house move or something but not a daily person. That's soooo pirgy!
In the 90s, at least, it just wasn't very effective to do that, and there were lots of permit hassles that made it otherwise not worth it. Tabling a concert, yes. Harvard Square is just too overworked.
There's a hierarchy of earnest young change-the-worlders? :-).
Put it this way
If I needed new canvassers, I'd go figure out where the PIRG folks had been intentionally stranded this time, and ask them if they wanted a better working situation.
I got some of my best people that way. The PIRGs are known at all levels and nationwide for their thoroughly abusive and exploitative work environments.
Even at the more professional level, my mom's neighbors were at various pirgs for years and were essentially fired when they got married in the early 90s because their spending time with one another and their desire for family simply were not tolerated in their work culture.
I twice turned down professional research work and was totally warned away from internships with them by people who worked for PIRG and Greenpeace and found their treatment of workers to be totally unacceptable. The idea is that you re working for a cause so you somehow magically don't need a living wage or any time to have a real life or appreciate what you are trying to save.
Perhaps their split into Environment Massachusetts and PIRG will help matters, and perhaps there have been some changes in the last five years as living wage and health care campaigns have come to the fore. We can only hope as they do good work - they just have a bad reputation amongst the 90s enviro set for winning by taking it out of the heart, soul, and flesh of their people.
OMFG. Pirgy!
I love "PIRGy." That's hilarious.
I worked for PIRG briefly as a teenager, and it was hands down the most _evil_ organization I've ever worked for (and I've worked in some unsavory industries).
I remember one day being scolded for bringing in under-par cash because some kind folks allowed me to shelter on their porch during a raging thunderstorm. Still wet, I was treated to a lecture about how people died in Selma. Did I mention I had a bad cold? Cavassers were regularly humiliated, mistreated, and encouranged to be unethical. Labor laws? Hah!
PIRG is one step above those fly-by-night magazine subscription cults.
The Hari Krishna people are as bad...or worse, at times.
I've also read/heard of Hari Krishna people who not only accost people, but who've attacked and seriously injured people physically as well, especially elderly, poor, or handicapped people. I once had a Hari Krishna person try to accost me in Harvard Square a number of years ago, and I told him point blank to fuck off. It worked.
And was this ...
Right after you'd seen "Airplane" for the first time?
Do you give GodHead?
I used to ask them "Do you give Godhead?"
Pick your own follow-up.
That's pretty sad that they'd beat up old geezers and such. Buncha girly men in orange dresses. I'd get a big kick of them trying to beat me up. What do they do, hit you with tamborines?
On the same damned page, but in Copley
I'm about 3 sales...er...charity pitches from coming unglued at one of the alarmingly perky 'Save the Children' folks in Copley Square. Geez. Can I just PLEASE get my Vitamin Water from CVS in peace? PLEASE? Without someone jumping in front of me and waving their clipboard at me?
Jen Stewart
You need to carry around
You need to carry around your own decoy clipboard.
been canvassed so many times
I just can't respond anymore.
Besides, my name's not "Excuse Me Sir." They must be trying to get some other guy's attention.
Not just Greenpeace
With the MASSPIGs, the Larouchies, the professional homeless, and all the rest, it's necessary in Harvard Square just to develop a "Your existence means absolutely nothing to me" approach. I don't acknowledge these people, I don't look at them, I don't even step aside when they try to block my path. I just keep walking.
Generally, that's the best way to respond to these people, Gary.
However, if they're obnoxiously persistent, there's always the "fuck off" response to them as a very last resort. Luckily, however, unlike with the Hari Krishnas (who don't seem to be around anymore, thank heavens), ignoring the MASSPIRGS, the homeless, the La Rouchies, etc., has worked for me.
Kinder, Gentler
Having done the PIRGatory route as a teenager, I have sympathy for any canvassers. I work in Back Bay and often get hit up twice any time I venture into Copley Square. I just say, "Sorry, not today", so they can get on to some other prospect. And after a few times, they leave you alone completely.
Treat people like human beings and you'll both feel less grumpy.
That wouldn't be truthful
With most of these canvassers (I did recently make an exception for the ACLU), I'm not sorry, won't be interested another day, and have no interest in helping them to move on to the next prospect.
Just a Thought
I've done the canvass thing. It's rough, it's uber rough. These are people that care deeply about the issues that they're talking about. Some of the groups do commission type pay stuff, but Greenpeace at least does not. I know it can be annoying, I know you just want to get your lunch and vitamin water, etc, but please understand that they aren't out there to harass you or to con you out of money, they're there to do something to help change things they care about. Every day, we all subsidize huge corporations that are up to no good. Coca Cola (who recently purchased vitamin water, incidentally), does some really shady stuff. If those guys aren't there to ask you to help subsidize the solution, then would you? It's the only way, without the support of multi-million dollar advertising budgets, to reach out to the public. Think of it as interactive advertising, instead of the passive stuff that we all digest every time we open up a newspaper, magazine, or turn on the TV. So yeah, it might not be the best part of your day to have somebody try to stop you about global warming, but it's a necessary part of the political process, and just about the only option open to non-profit groups right now.
as a canvasser and friends of many .. oh yea need not i forget HUMAN BEING to pretend that someone doesn't exist is rude .... although i understand the "need" or "want" to not be spoken to by a stranger a simple acknowledgment of their presence by simply saying no thank you doesn't hurt anyone... so i encourage you to do just that next time your out and about in the city.... because we are all living breathing people ... unless of course your some alien that just doesn't understand ... in which case i say welcome to earth .... hope you enjoy this ... "interesting" place
If I moved to a Red State city ...
... would I get similarly besieged on the street by the National Rifle Association, Operation Rescue, John Birch Society, Focus on the Family, and Republican National Committee?