You can't tell the players without a program so here is your program. The candidates for State Senate in the Suffolk and Norfolk District are;

  • Democrats Mike Rush, a state representative from West Roxbury,
  • Westwood lawyer Michael F. Walsh,
  • Wayne Wilson, a Roslindale Democratic activist.
  • Brad Williams, chairman of West Roxbury’s Ward 20 Republican Committee

Avoiding debates is nothing new for Mike Rush nor is blaming his opponent for not having a debate.

Besides shaking Mayor Menino's hand, and inadvertently violating campaign finance law, it's not clear what is keeping Rush from spending time on a debate. According to his campaign facebook page, he has held exactly five (5) events since April 13, and nothing between May 25 and August 19.

If Rush is not confident in his debate skills, why should we send him to Beacon Hill to advocate in the interest of the people of the Suffolk and Norfolk District? We deserve a person who shares our values and who can represent us effectively in the Senate. Making an argument, winning a debate, and bringing people around to your way of thinking are fundamental to that purpose. If Rush is the most qualified candidate in the race as I'm sure he would tell you, then he should be eagerly accepting an opportunity to show his skill and experience in a debate. Not so. Mike Rush was asked about debating Mike Walsh; his response in his own words were:

“Going to Dunkin Donuts and (having) a street brawl debate, I don’t think that anyone benefits from it.”

I'll let Mike Walsh respond for himself:

Rush does want to give the voters an opportunity to hear the democratic candidates, except at a “formalized, sanctioned debate,” which he also stated to the CNC [Dedham News Transcript, West Roxbury Transcript and Roslindale Transcript].

Despite assertions, Rush has failed to contact those in the community who could easily call for a “formalized sanctioned debate” such as the League of Women Voters or the Ward 20 Democratic committee to which Rush belongs.

The manner in which I have conducted myself throughout this campaign directly contradicts Rush’s baseless assertion that any debate, would be a “street brawl.” The frustration of Rush’s failure to give the voters the respect they deserve and debate the issues as well as his attempt to blame me for that failure, is an insult not only to me, but more so to my family, my parents and in-laws and my supporters. Any such assertion is baseless and insulting, and another example of how a Beacon Hill insider, such as Rush, demonstrates unacceptable behavior and entitlement.

They wonder why the rest of us are enraged to vote incumbents out.

If Rush chooses not to debate, which is apparent from his failure to answer my email requests and numerous public requests, voters may draw an unreasonable inference from Rush’s “street brawl” remark about me and my candidacy and for that reason I demand an apology. read the whole thing

Recall earlier that Mike Rush refused to explain his interests in a piece of legislation that moved "the trial court’s downtown administrative offices to public safety Siberia — the dingy top floor of Charlestown District Court" saying that he did not want to explain because there was a pending lawsuit to which he was a party as a witness. When given the choice to explain his record and role, Rush choose the "no accountability" option. Since he's not talking, you'll have to decide for yourself.

State Representative Michael F. Rush, the West Roxbury Democrat whose father served as chief probation officer of the district court there, was said to be furious when a draft report by the trial court’s affirmative action officer found merit to the allegations that his father discriminated against five women. The elder Rush announced his plan to retire three days before the report was completed.

The younger Rush is now sponsoring a budget amendment, backed by DeLeo, to move the trial court’s downtown administrative offices to public safety Siberia — the dingy top floor of Charlestown District Court — to save money. A source with direct knowledge of the matter said Rush has spoken of wanting to punish Mulligan, the chief administrative judge, for how his father was treated. Mulligan said James Rush was not pressured to retire.

"An agency where patronage is job one" 5/23/2010

"A source with direct knowledge of the matter said Rush has spoken of wanting to punish Mulligan, the chief administrative judge, for how his father was treated." Mike Rush's deposition lends some evidence to this view. Is this what we send representatives and senators to state government for, settling family scores?


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Rep. Stephen Lynch a "no show" at a candidates forum in Dedham on Wednesday. Needham Patch has the story.

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Rush's comment "Going to Dunkin Donuts and (having) a street brawl debate" got me thinking.

Doesn't he live near Dunkin Donuts? I wonder if he has had some "street brawl" debates there, got his ass kicked, and now is gun shy. But seriously, there no reason why he and his Democratic rivals can't hold a structured debate - the ground rules for which are negotiated by the parties - so citizens can see where they stand.

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Why didn't any local organization step up and offer a debate then?

Walsh should complain to them.

But he is desparate so he complains about Rush. Pretty typical of a man who has no chance of winning and knows it and is backed by haters.

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He wouldn't debate in 2008 either.

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No wonder why people stay away from Pam Julian. She is a complete loon. All she did was yell at everyone there.

Similar to this guy Walsh. All around the district no one knows who he is and if they do they say he is soft as a grape.

Why isn't this blog calling him out for being an (I)? Why did he swith to (D)?

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Michael is the son of retired Boston Police officer Francis P. Walsh and Catherine A. Walsh (retired Vice President of Meetinghouse Cooperative Bank). He grew up in Dorchester (St Gregory’s) and lived in West Roxbury for 11 years. Michael has lived in Westwood for the last 4 years with his wife Linda and three, of his six children. His wife, Linda was born and raised in West Roxbury, where her parents Paul and Evelyn Carroll (Moussalli) still reside.

Professional Experience:
Former Member Suffolk University Law School Alumni Board 2001 – 2003
Present Suffolk University CAS Alumni Board 2004-2008
Former Partner for Wynn & Wynn PC for 14 Years, 1988 – 2002

* Member of the Massachusetts Bar Association
* Member of the Boston Bar Association
* Member Massachusetts Academy of Trial Attorneys
* Former Member of Board of Directors, Dorchester YMCA
* Member Norfolk County Bar Association
* Suffolk University Alumni Counsel
* Volunteer Suffolk University Paralegal Studies Advisory Committee
* Adjunct Professor Suffolk University

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Dear Anon,

It's very easy to hide behind your computer screen and type baseless statements about someone. Your statement about comparing me to Pamela Julian is libelous, slanderous and just down right irresponsible. Your second statement about "'they' say he is soft as a grape," is worse. Just who exactly are "they?"

I have successfully represented union and non-union workers against insurance companies for 22+ years, including serving as of counsel to the carpenters union for the last three. I am a trial attorney and I taught at Suffolk University in the paralegal studies program for 2 years. I graduated cum laude from Suffolk in 1984. Not one person, who knows, me has ever made such a statement.

Here is my email address: [email protected] and my cell#: 617-201-1230. If you or anyone else reading this blogs cares to ask questions and learn for yourself, please feel free to contact me directly.

On Saturday September 11, 2010 @ 10:00AM at the West Roxbury Pub on Centre Street - I will host an open town hall meeting style opportunity for anyone who would like to meet me and hear where I stand on the issues. Perhaps you might come and learn about me yourself.

I will answer your question about why (I) and now (D).

Michael F Walsh
Suffolk/Norfolk Senate Candidate

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Then why didn't any local organzation hold a debate Mike? You haven't answered the question. Why did no one step up? A local newspaper or voters group sets it up and invites the two candidates to come. If one doesn't then shame on them and the other gets free press. Where is your rant against those groups?

I have no doubt that people have better things to do on a Saturday than show up and listen to your negative rants. No one is listening to you anyway. Or can't you tell yet?

I'm sure it'll be a very light crowd anyway.

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Its good to see a candidate so engaged in running and
active in defending their record. Thanks for posting here Mike Walsh.

It's pretty clear to anyone paying attention that Mike Rush's standard operating procedure during election season is to avoid debates with his co-candidates and blame them for it. He did it in 2008 and he's doing it now.

He plans to get his votes, not by winning them in a debate against his rivals, but by mining the political machine he is apart of. He is the liaison from the Menino Administration to the MA House of Reps. If this is how you want your representative's chosen, based on insiders access to Menino's political machine, then you're all set. If you want your vote to count, demand Mike Rush explain his positions and votes in a public debate. Le him win the seat on the merit of what HE brings to the table.

It is my hope the Suffolk and Norfolk district has a Senator worthy of Marian Walsh's record, and I'm afraid that Mike Rush cannot hold a candle to her. Can you see Mike Rush risking his own political capital to do the right thing when it comes to issues like gay marriage or do you think Mike goes with the crowd and denies some citizens the rights all other have? Marian Walsh, a catholic and divinity school graduate, read the law, the Commonwealth's Constitution and the case file, and then did what was right even while risking her political future. I have no idea what Mike Walsh's position is on the issue. I guess I'll find out Saturday.

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Yup Marian ignored her constituents’ desire to have gm put on the ballot - It’s great when your rep ignores the wishes of the majority of those she represents. That was truely fantastic!

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should not be subject to popular referendum. Take for example, black students access to white schools during segregation or a white man's right to marry his black girlfriend. These are real examples of real laws that did not comply with the Constitution's "equal protection under the law" clause and so were found unconstitutional by the courts. These are cases where the legislative branch passed laws that enshrined prejudice and unequal treatment under the law which harmed real people and the courts decided rightly to find them unconstitutional.

The judiciary is a co-equal branch of government accountable for justice in our system. It is co-equal to the executive and legislative branches. It makes decisions within the bounds of the law that includes the Constitution, Amendments, how prior cases were decided, and current law.

Walsh position about not putting gm on a referendum ballot was the right decision. Just remember, even if it were on the ballot and the anti equal rights vote prevailed, it would eventually be struck down by the courts as unconstitutional (becuase it is unconstitutional.)

MA and VT have lead the national in equal rights for gay people. You should be proud of that, not bemoaning the time when gay people were held in contempt in society and denied equal protection under the law. Just sayin'

Walsh's leadership is impressive not despite but becuase her constituents would have had her voted to uphold the prejudice and unequal treatment under the law for gay citizens. She took the position becuase she knew it to be right, lawful and consisting with the Constitution in spite of popular opinion.

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For the answer Mike. Gone real silent on the question of organizations wanting to have a debate. Probably because they didn't want one and neither did the people of the district.

Please stop your complaining.

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