Ian Thal watched in disgust as a bunch of Green Party-affiliated hecklers shouted at speakers at a Sunday City Hall rally calling for action against the genocide in Darfur - which they kept yelling isn't happening.
Among the heckled speakers: A 95 year old Armenian man, a survivor of the Holocaust, a survivor of Cambodia's killing fields, a survivor of the Serbian massacres in Bosnia and a survivor of the Rwandan genocide:
... These hecklers spouted verbal abuse at the survivors regardless of the survivors' native lands, skin colors, mother tongue, or religious belief. A quick check of the Boston Anti-Zionist Action blog shows them misrepresenting a protest that was calling for non-violent action as "a racist pro-war rally against Sudan organized by the [...] Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Boston." Leaving aside the general anti-Semitic tone of the slur, this sort of disinformation leads one to wonder how much else on their blog is false-- including which groups they are allied with. Does the Green party really want to be identified with people who abuse survivors of genocide? I suspect not-- but BAZA clearly wants to identify with the Green Party. ...
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Stop Attacking Sudan !
By Krostychovic
Tue, 10/09/2007 - 4:48am
Stop the US Zionist war on Sudan!
Stop Your Racist Lies about Muslims, Arabs, Africans and China ! Stop Attacking Sudan !
Stop The US Zionist war on Sudan ! Hands off Sudans oil, get off Sudans Soil !
US out of Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan.
All Zionists out of Palestine, Lebanon, Syria ! Hands off Iran !
JCRC can you say, how many Arabs did you cluster bomb today ?
Boston Anti Zionist Action
Yup, and that's why nobody
By YouGotCraziesUp...
Tue, 10/09/2007 - 8:19am
Yup, and that's why nobody cares what you have to say...
try adding to the dialogue instead of barking from your rather small soap box.
P.S. Go check out that
By YouGotCraziesUp...
Tue, 10/09/2007 - 8:24am
P.S. Go check out that website, I don't think there a tin foil hat big enough for these people
"Let's ignore any facts about Burma/Sudan, and use this as an opportunity to attack the US and any other nation"
I'm going to have to go back and see if they have any postings on tsunami AID and Katrina, that should be fun (disgusting) to read...
U iS out of your mind!
By Anonymous
Tue, 10/09/2007 - 9:32am
U iS out of your mind!
From the looks of it,
By Miss M
Tue, 10/09/2007 - 10:28am
they're solidly pro-crazy.
so you're against lots of stuff. What are you for?
By Ron Newman
Tue, 10/09/2007 - 10:18am
Looks like this cluster of
By Whit
Tue, 10/09/2007 - 10:36am
Looks like this cluster of idiotic exclamation points and strident ignorance says a lot about this particular individuals mental state and lack of insight--but does it speak for the Green Party? I was not aware that they were as stupid as this article alleges. Did these hecklers speak for the Green Party in any real way? What was their affiliation exactly and is the a Green Party platform officially? That is what always fucks up the left--a few off-message twats make us all look like morons as illustrated above.
Do your parents
By Anonymous
Wed, 10/10/2007 - 9:30pm
know you're using their computer? You sound like you're about 13 years old.
Does the Green Party ever want to be taken seriously?
By moon_brain
Tue, 10/09/2007 - 9:15am
1. The Green Party doesn't necessarily have to be made up of entirely like-minded people, but they are so all-over-the-place disorganized that I'm quite sure many things are done in the party's name that make other members shudder.
2. Sometimes people from the Green Party make valid points, spoken with clarity and in such a manner that those outside the party can actually understand the message. However, most of the time what we see of them is a whole lot of slogan-eering. The same phrases get shouted over and over (see post above), like a party of parrots. Hm. Republicans like to do that, too.
3. Free Speech? I'm tired of so-called Green Party representatives shouting down and shouting over anyone within or outside their organization. That's not dialog. That's bullying. Start acting like adults if you want to be heard.
4. Seriously, Green Party, stop acting like crazy people if you want people to listen. Oh yeah, learn to listen as well.
5. Why would I give an anti-semitic organization this advice? I don't know. I left the environmental movement when I was in college because I thought we were supposed to save the natural environment but the anti-semitic and schiztophrenic nature of those groups drove me away - FAST!
The Green Party Activist Mindset
By SwirlyGrrl
Tue, 10/09/2007 - 10:02am
I found this wonderful beginning of a book review of an obscure book/manifesto in my google news feeds one day and saved it because it is so hilarious and telling:
This is EXACTLY how such folk feel about THEIR personal crusade for this or that. Unfortunately, they seem to think they just need to yell louder at each other and at the world so we will all wake up and become enlightened as to the importance of their specific (and I do mean VERY specific) crusade.
At one point, organizations dealt by chanting inclusive laundry lists that just got longer and longer (see US out of rant above). Unfortunately, too many attempts at uniting people toward a common goal have resulted in attempts to "take over" the group with one's personal issue that is more important than other issues, which cannot possibly be addressed until everybody agrees with my personal issue! Never!
Multiply that by hundreds and you have the Green Rainbow Party that exists today.
I find it interesting that most of the other folks who were actually interested in mature focus and true activisim and taking action have landed with the Health Care for All set.
How do we know the loonies are in the Green Party?
By joe
Tue, 10/09/2007 - 10:33am
After reading the linked reports, I'm not clear on whether this is a case of crazy people claiming to be part of the Green(-Rainbow) party, or whether there's some official backing. Anyone?
Official Green Rainbow Party statement on Darfur
By adamg
Tue, 10/09/2007 - 10:35am
Take a look. Also see:
Stop the U.S. and Zionist War Against Sudan by David Rolde, who is a leader of the Mass. Greens, in which he claims people fighting against Darfur genocide are really Zionist agents:
Wow. The Green-Rainbow Sudan
By joe
Tue, 10/09/2007 - 11:19am
Wow. The Green-Rainbow Sudan statement is a bit over the top, but Rolde's screed is another story altogether. Scary.
Rolde might actually be the link between the two
By adamg
Tue, 10/09/2007 - 11:28am
More screedishness, signed by David Rolde, BAZA.
Ian Thal mentions that one of the BAZA protesters was "a rotund bespectacled man." Take a look at the photo of Rolde on this page - scroll down for the picture of a rotund bespectacled man wearing a "Victory to Hizbollah" sign. If so, then a leader of an allegedly respectable political party spent part of his weekend heckling survivors of murderous regimes who are trying to stop another genocide. Suddenly, Grace Ross doesn't seem quite so cuddly (speaking of her, she's running for Worcester city council - on her campaign Web site, she seems to disavow the Green position on Sudan).
I seem to recall charges of
By Dave
Tue, 10/09/2007 - 8:11pm
I seem to recall charges of anti-Semitism being thrown around against Grace Ross during the '06 campaign.
Grace Ross is Jewish
By Ron Newman
Tue, 10/09/2007 - 8:13pm
and some time during last year's campaign, I ran into her at Havurat Shalom in Somerville.
I know.
By Dave
Tue, 10/09/2007 - 8:20pm
I wasn't backing up the claims, just mentioning my recollection.
Maybe she'd like some pro-Semitism.
Whoops, I think I need to withdraw that statement
By Ron Newman
Tue, 10/09/2007 - 8:24pm
I most definitely saw her at Havurat Shalom during High Holidays in 2006. But in [url=http://www.worcestermagazine.com/content/view/1919... Worcester Magazine article[/url], she says:
I'd like to edit my earlier comment, but Universal Hub doesn't let me. Not sure why.
I think it lets you edit up
By Dave
Tue, 10/09/2007 - 9:06pm
I think it lets you edit up until some nut posts a reply to your post.
The anti-Semitism charges
By adamg
Tue, 10/09/2007 - 8:21pm
Had more to do with the Green-Rainbow Party and its loonies, such as Rolde and Ron Francis, than with Ross. But as the party's candidate for governor, she didn't do much to distance herself from them, as I recall.
That Does It
By Timmy Mac
Tue, 10/09/2007 - 8:25pm
I'm a registered Green, a leftover from the Ralph Nader campaign of 2000. Yes, yes, yes. Before you pigpile me, you're right. Anyway, after the elections were over, I spent some time trying to help build the local Green Party. Very soon thereafter, I realized what a sack of nuts they were, and I quickly fled. I stayed registered because I do wish there were more options than D or R.
After reading that ridiculous screed, I just requested the form to switch my affiliation. Need for third party or no, I don't want to be associated with these goobers anymore.
Green-Rainbow Statement on Sudan
By Ian Thal
Fri, 11/02/2007 - 6:35pm
It's not at that URL anymore.
As a follow-up, Nathanael Fortune, co-chair of of Massachusetts Green-Rainbow posted a comment to my blog in which he stated that David Rolde is no longer with Green-Rainbow and that Rolde had had a habit of labeling much of the party leadership as either a "fascist" or a "racist": Jill Stein, Grace Ross, and Fortune, included.
By Ian Thal
Tue, 10/09/2007 - 10:57pm
While I have not been able to fully research Boston Anti-Zionist Action, I'm inclined to believe that their connection with Green-Rainbow Party is tenuous. It's entirely possible that many of their members are registered with the Green-Rainbow Party for purpose of voting and maybe even attend meetings, but the point of my statement was to express doubts that the G-RP endorsed BAZA's behavior or their anti-Semitic ideology.
"F", "F", PaleSWINE
By Anonymous
Wed, 10/10/2007 - 1:49am
PaleSWINE is one tentacle of Islamofascism that is attacking civilization.
Wherever you have the oxymoron "Peaceful Islam", you have death threats, stabbings, shooting, bombings, beheading.
Just look at the recent doctors plot in Britain - Jeep SUV flambe.
Salman Rushdie, Beslan school massacre, church bombings in Pakistan, PanAm 103, 2005 London bombings, Bali, Madrid, Hirsi Ali, current day slavery in Muslim Sudan, Londonistan, 8 year Islamofascist Regime of iran/Iraq war...
You get the picture, don't you?
Love that Blackwater
By SwirlyGrrl
Wed, 10/10/2007 - 8:53am
Yes, we send all our would-be terrorists overseas to do the dirty work of Haliburton.
I find it interesting that you single out Islam for atrocities when we just celebrated the day genocide was shipped to the new world. Said genocide was promulgated by a civilization which was concurrently torturing it's own heretics in via the horrors of the Inquisition!
Not just heretics
By adamg
Wed, 10/10/2007 - 9:09am
1492 was significant in Spanish history for another reason: It marked the end of the reconquista and the concurrent expulsion of the Jews, that is, the ones who hadn't already been forced to convert to Christianity:
And so the discussion comes full circle.
Thanks for following up on my blog entry
By Ian Thal
Wed, 10/10/2007 - 4:57pm
Thanks for the information about David Rolde.
I have written a follow up on the story on my own blog:
More from David Rolde
By Ian Thal
Thu, 05/07/2009 - 6:26am
Interestingly enough, I encountered David Rolde yet again, this time picketing a reading of my play. Funny thing is that my play, Total War, isn't about the Middle-East. I suppose the problem was that the playwright is Jewish.