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You think she realizes those Patriots weren't the ones ringin' those bells?

Pats Propaganda posts a photo of Sarah Palin in a Patriots hoodie:

I don't know what bothers me more, that the shirt says "Once a Patriot always a Patriot" (because when was she ever a Patriots fan?) or that she's just another politician stealing our name to appear "patriotic."


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Since a private, for-profit firm decided in the 1960s to assign to themselves (steal?) national historic treasures such as the name "Boston Patriots" and the Minuteman logo, it's beyond ignorant that half a century later, Governor Palin is criticized for "stealing our name to appear patriotic". Pot? Kettle? / Chicken? Egg?

Having served as Governor of our largest state and with a son who honorably served in our military during wartime, Governor Palin is much more of a Patriot than most of the overpaid buffoons who've worn the Patriot name and logo on the gridiron. Not surprisingly, it's Palin's critics in this case who appear not to know the basis for the team name and symbol. There are occassions when Palin can be fairly criticized. Once again, this isn't one of them.

She's wearing a shirt that has the "Flying Elvis" logo on it right after the "...always a Patriot". The minutemen and assorted patriots of the area in 1776 didn't give a flying flip about a flying elvis. She's wearing the logo of our regional NFL team regardless of what name the team has or anything else you're trying to massage into something you think sounds good enough to defend her stupidity.

There's plenty of non-New England Patriots patriotic gear in the world. She chose an NFL sanctioned sweatshirt. It's fair dinkum for actual fans of the team, especially those who disagree with her irrational brand of politics, to be pissed off at her wearing their team's logo while she prances around whoring for attention.

PS - No matter how much you defend her, she's not going to sleep with you.

PPS - Her daughters won't either...and they're easy.

Keep it classy, libs. Alaska is one of the 57 states that doesn't have an NFL team. Maybe she's a fan.

I believe you mean 27 states, cause, 57 is 7 more states than we have.

Your reference to this repeatedly-debunked Limbaugh/Hannity/Coulter soundbite shows the depth of your desire to actually understand the truth.

Just giving the current president the same benefit of the doubt that was given to the previous one.

Bush had like a 90% approval rating after 9/11. Even if he pissed it away to under 40 in the following years, what more "benefit of the doubt" can you ask for?

Because being caught on camera saying "We've been to 50... 47 states" in a way that makes it sound like he said "57 states" is the same as:

- "Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?"

- "I choked on a pretzel and passed out." (paraphrased)

And the best one of all:

- "Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves *no doubt* that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised." (emphasis mine)

So, yeah, you go ahead and believe that a mumbled microphone moment that has been edited for your convenient absorption is the same as the previous president's repeated misstatements. Google "Bushisms" for over 490,000 suggestions on why you might be wrong.

Kinda like the Tea Party?
Bet you're not so high-and-mighty about them usurping history, are you?

Use of "our largest state" in that context is disingenuous. Measured by population, or size of the economy, or any other measure that could conceivably be related to the scale and sophistication of state government or the complexity of being Governor, Alaska is pretty much as far from being "our largest state" as you can get.

Much of the state is federal and state protected land. That really gets the sovereign nationals goat.

i think it's incredibly unfair to Track Palin to credit his mother for his military service, and further, to lump it in with her "service" as governor--no one is served well by quitting half way through a task. Would you tip a waiter who took off before after the appetizer?.

"Would you tip a waiter who took off before after the appetizer?"

That's what SHE said.

Her husband is a traitor, that's why. She was involved with secessionist parties, too.

She hates the United States - hasn't she made that clear enough with her ongoing war on sense and reason and logic and facts and the constitution, too?

Robert Kraft: "We're all Patriots..."

Kraft was two closing on three sheets to the wind when he said that.

...this picture is from 2 years ago...you know, when Palin quit her job to sucker people like O-FISH-L to send her money and buy her books even though she's a quitter. She had a picnic in Wasilla and quit that same weekend. She wore this sweatshirt at her picnic just before she quit.


PS - She's a quitter.

Kaz, I don't have much desire to buy Governor Palin's books, donate to her or sleep with her (or her daughters). In fact, I voted for her and McCain mainly because I believed the '08 Democrat ticket was a disaster in the making, a belief that has proven prescient. That said, the Flying Elvis logo was not meant to depict the late rock icon, but is a one dimensional view of a man wearing the tri-corn hat popular during the American Revolution, an updated version of the original logo. You and others (with no apparent claim to the team copyrights) sound rather absurd arguing that only fans of the football team --nobody else-- can buy and wear clothing for a team whose name and symbols were usurped from U.S. history. Should the historical reenactors at Lexington and Concord be condemnded for wearing outfits similar to those who fire muskets in the end zone when the Patriots score at home? Interesting that the apparent holder of the copyrights, Bob Kraft, hasn't said a word. He knows better. Then again, I suppose you would also criticize John Glenn if he wore a Houston Rockets or Astros jersey? Er, never mind. Glenn is a Democrat.

I like her technique with the dog.
Hell, if she held weekly weenie roasts a la FDR's fireside chats and handled and gobbled sausages I might vote for her.

Marcus lets her watch his therapy sessions.

Seriously, why would you want to ever associate your politics with such an obviously dumb, lazy, shallow personage? She's a terrible reflection on the Tea Party, the GOP, and the right-leaning electorate in general.

I'm kind of sorry that Bachmann has obviated her shot at running, because the spectacle of Palin's patent unfitness for public office is great fodder for comedians. It's hard to make a Dan Quayle look like he has gravitas, but Sarah manages to do it. The rest of you: she just makes you look like buffoons.

From arguing that Governor Palin's Alaska somehow isn't our largest state, LOL, to insisting that the 1770's era revolutionaries didn't care about the 1990's era Flying Elvis logo (no shit), the irrationality, if not insanity, of many liberals at the mere mention of Sarah Palin's name is deserving of a case study by a qualified psychiatric researcher, or a team of same. Rage over an American mom / duly elected U.S. Mayor, Governor, major party V.P. nominee wearing a mass produced, widely marketed NFL team sweatshirt? Really?

For instant liberal rage, just add water Palin. "Progressives" are all about tolerance, as long as you agree with them. Priceless.

...with the Fish-man. Why should anyone respond to (what seems to be an old photo) of this woman in a Patriots shirt? There are hordes of idiots wearing clothing emblazoned with the logos of sports team that I like and I don't feel outrage about it. This particular idiot happens to represent a lot of what I detest about our current political environment and our culture in general, but I'm not going freak out about the shirt. There's so much more in the world to get worked up about. Sarah Palin currently falls pretty low on my list (and I'm sure she's all broken up about that).

I mean what she does with a weiner is not my concern. This, on the other hand....concerns me muchly:


...a corndog is just a corndog."
~S.Freud (at the Indianola State Fair & Monster Truck/Tractor Pull)

It'd be Weinergate all over again.

Wow, with the gross acrylic nails and the haggard, weathered face, Bachman-Fuhrer Overdrive could easily pass for an over the hill porn star!

is to confuse rage with derision. Palin is irrelevant, a joke, and the folks that try to defend her just look ridiculous, like unutterably poor judges of character and competence. The right can and needs to do better than her.

I'm no Palin defender - I consider myself a blue dog Democrat and would like her to stop making all female politicians look suspect, thanks - but I know the difference between rage and derision. One mention of Palin turns my fellow Democrats into crazy people. There is no logic, no reason, just rage and it keeps us from effectively combating her influence. We don't have to make her look uninformed and ridiculous; she does it herself. Yet people who I know are capable of expressing reasoned disagreement can't seem to calm themselves enough to do so when it comes to her, and that makes the right feel like they have to defend her and by extension, their entire party.

There are plenty on the right who don't care for her, but if our side keeps making her and her family "victims," they'll feel compelled to keep coming to her rescue. I honestly feel like if we just ignored her, she'd fade much, much faster.

She'd fade if her fans (including the media) would let her. That she keeps coming up is the source of the rage. I'd be pissed off if others kept trying to explain that evolution doesn't exist...oh, wait. Or if they wanted to demand that climate change wasn't happening...oh, wait. Fine, nobody thinks that the world is flat...oh, wait...

Many of these groups are the same people. That makes the rage additive at best...synergistic at worst. Rage can be well-justified. The idea that some of us who want a return to rationality can't be mad when stupidity becomes more popular than science is absurd.

I want her to fade. I want all of the stupidity to fade away. But it's clear that ignoring it doesn't work. There are plenty (including the media) who are not willing to ignore her and will keep bringing her up and then pretending that the discussion is won because the opponent got mad. No, damnit, I'm mad and you still haven't presented a rational solution.

Not saying you can't be angry. I'm saying that if your anger takes the form of silly attacks like "it's not the biggest state in the union. . .except, you know, geographically" and accusing her of not being a real Pats fan even though she *gasp* wore a Pats sweatshirt at a photo op, then you're pretty much ensuring that no one is going to listen to you when you make a REAL point about what a disaster she is. This goes double for people mocking her mentally disabled son and talking about what sluts her daughters are. No one likes a bully, and that's how those attacks come across.

Look, I spent several years as a political operative - the kind you call in when your campaign is looking at a double-digit deficit - and the very best thing that could happen to a flagging campaign was for an opponent to make a personal attack on the candidate. Cue epic free publicity, the "wronged" candidate standing before reporters tearfully insisting that his tears aren't for himself, but for the other fathers who deal with [insert sympathetic issue]. We LIVED for crappy soundbites like the ones otherwise sane liberals have made about Palin - it was like Christmas morning when we got one about our candidate. And you better believe, come election day, some of the votes we garnered were from people who were thinking, "No way I'm voting for an overgrown bully."

...what's wrong with this country. Our electorate votes for Presidents and members of Congress the same way it voted for class president in 3rd grade. "He seems like someone you could have a beer with." "He's just wooden and boring -- who wants to deal with that for 4 years on your tv?" "She's an ugly, nagging bag." "Oh yeah, she looks like a whore!"

Love it or leave it? I would, if it wasn't for the fact that you can't escape that the shitty decisions that our nation makes affects everyplace else.

Completely agree. I nearly left politics altogether following an election in Pittsburgh where I witnessed a campaign worker handing out branded nail files just shy of the enforced no-propaganda zone at a polling place. One voter accepted one, looked at it, and said "Oh, I needed one of these - see how my nail is chipped? I'll vote for him, thanks!"

However, those people are going to vote no matter how much we wish they didn't or at least that they couldn't vote until they could give a candidate's position on at least two issues. So we have a choice to work within the system we're given or stand outside it and froth at the mouth. I choose to work within it - on a volunteer basis now, because frankly I feared for my soul, my sanity and my character if I stayed in much longer.

"I'm saying that if your anger takes the form of silly attacks like "it's not the biggest state in the union. . .except, you know, geographically" and accusing her of not being a real Pats fan even though she *gasp* wore a Pats sweatshirt at a photo op, then you're pretty much ensuring that no one is going to listen to you when you make a REAL point about what a disaster she is."
While I disagree that Governor Palin is a disaster, Nonymouse has made more sense than any admitted Democrat on UHub in years. Thankfully for Republicans, the reasoned likes of Nonymouse are an endangered species in today's Democrat party.

I confess to being a Democrat. My penance, given by Bishop Agosto Fodabunda, is to admit to the Republicans of the world that our greatest single fear is that Sarah Palin will again run for President. This is the secret to why we are so rageful.

After the historic job she did as Governor of our country's Largest State (in acres as well as chutspah), she is the only one who could beat Barack Obama in 2012. The great integrity, intelligence, and follow-through she has shown in her candidate-stalking bus tour of the United States makes us rage in our Birkenstocks.

The day Sarah declares she is a Candidate to be President we will all collapse in rage. There's a way she connects deeply with 21% of Enraged Americans that no other person currently not a candidate can. She could end Barack's presidency and return us to the Bush Era again, with its smaller government and balanced budgets, and that's the last thing we want. We would all be really ragey then, because the death panels and reeducation camps would have to be shut down.

But all that matters is that you still ignore the reality of Palin's utter failures in rational or even meaningful thought. You will never admit any faults for her, so who cares If you're happy with his approach. It still had zero impact on getting you to return to the world of reality.

He could make all of the real points as to her being a disaster and you'll ignore it all to stay in your self-absorbed bubble of irrationality. So who cares if his approach is different than mine? The result is sadly still the same.

Yep, troll.

I'm sorry - I just can't get the image of her weiner-handling out of my mind. It looks fairly dirty. In a bizarro universe, I can see the headline: 'Palin runs for (Rep. Anthony) Weiner".

And oh yes...as a Democrat I'm terrified of her, but as always, not for the reasons conservatives think.


Wow--this somehow managed to confirm my feelings about both Sarah Palin and Pats fans.