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That time of the month on Morrissey Boulevard

Morrissey warning

Motorists are being warned today at the UMass turn on Morrissey Boulevard to abandon all hope or, at least, turn around, through Oct. 30. Sure enough, around 11 a.m., the road was down to just one lane and it was flooding by the yacht club, and you could see Dorchester Bay was impatiently lapping at the rocks between that and the Expressway, just waiting for the chance to get just a couple inches higher.

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Experienced awful flooding there several years ago....

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Blow up The Globe and make a new lake bed for the water to flow into?

I've often wondered about that flooding on Morrissey. One would think (I do, anyway) that there might be a reasonably inexpensive way to block the water from reaching the roadway.

Any engineers with ideas? Or reasons why it can't be done?


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I'm sure it could be done, but who's going to pay for it?

The area that floods isn't exactly a problem for people, unless you need to use the road to get from A to B.

That said, if the world is warming as scientists think it is, this is going to become a much bigger problem, over a much wider area. I'm guessing the problem down there is from fill settling, but rising sea levels are going to produce quite a few headaches along the bays and shorelines of MA.

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Anything you put there to push away the water would push it into something else.

There are also the issues of both sea level rise (not here quite yet) and increasing storm activity and intensity (here now). Add in the NAO sucking storms up the atlantic and, well, anything you do that may be enough now, won't be enough in 20 years.

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look at that nonchalant reference to the North Atlantic Oscillation! Go for the gold - positive or negative?

By the way, how are you feeling about that idea a few months (year?) ago that a seawall could be constructed at the periphery of the outer islands to save us from sea level increases? I chuckled and said "looks like the old submarine nets!"

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The Dutch took their hint from a near destruction of their country half a century ago and built coastal defenses based on 500 year extremes. In sixty years we might have something there ... but at what cost?

Or I might have waterfront property on the neotidal Mystic river.

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That's Dutch hate speech.

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(former) President G. W. Bush, in his own arrogant, acerbic way, totally rejected the opportunity to take some tips from the Dutch on how to update the levees, dams, etc., to protect from this kind of Biblical-proportion-type flooding. We're all paying the price of that right now, and forever will be.

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Geez, I was just thinking along the lines of a big trench along the periphery of Morrissey, or a whole bunch of sandbags filled with miracle chamois cloths, or something else such as a ten-year-old or myself might imagine. Now all you folks are coming at me with North Atlantic Ocelots and ways to trap sandwiches. It must have been my suggestion to blow up The Globe.

Wait until somebody starts talking on this site about something I'm an expert at, like fast-pitch softball or The Three Stooges! Payback's a female dog, or so I've heard.


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I think it floods up through the street drains well before it comes over the rocks there though.

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...is a big water-letter-outter. Nyuk nyuk nyuk...

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I got one right here!



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Or just when rain coincides with the spring tides?

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Tide height oscillates through the year, from the high 7s to the low 12s in ft. at that site. Today is over 12 ft, which only happens a few times a year.

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I thought I heard that this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow? Evidently the Atlantic is still a work in progress. WTF?

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Troll troll Troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll? Troll troll Troll troll troll troll troll troll troll. Troll?

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Egg, Bacon, Spam, and Sausage, but without the Spam then?

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.... egg bacon spam and sausage without the spam.

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What kind of a restaurant does he think this is?

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See reference to King Canute below...

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If neither King Canute nor Obama can stop the tide, what hope is there for anyone?

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to read comments quite different than the informative stuff we got going here - thanks! I learned a few new things. you all are funny too.

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