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Congressional candidate drops out of race to peddle nutritional supplement

Republican Bill Hudak, who lost against John Tierney two years ago, has quit the race this year so he can push a supplement he claims reverses the aging process. In a message to supporters, Hudak said he couldn't pass up the opportunity to improve people's lives through the miracle of nitric oxide-based chemistry:

The system is named "Prime". It reverses the aging process, expands the arteries, enhances brain activity by supporting cell communications, memory, and healthy cognition. It's amazing - a veritable fountain of youth!

Alone, this system will lead to more youthful and longer life, increased oxygenation of the tissues and organs, preventing and reducing heart attacks, strokes, memory loss, and diseases of the brain which are caused by hardening and narrowing of the arteries, and more.



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The Massachusetts GOP needs more candidates like Bill Hudak, teabagger.

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Stay classy.

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"Right now, we need new independent voices in Washington who will fight for more jobs, lower taxes, and stand up to the out-of-control government spending that has driven the national debt to record levels," Scott Brown, Oct 15,2010

OMG, Scott Brown endorsed Bill Hudak. I didn't realize what complete dolt Scott is.

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Politics to crackpot panaceas, I suppose if your skill set is peddling lies to the public it's a logical career change.

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Might want to take down the BS claims (why did that merit inclusion? You know it's BS.)

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If so, I don't think anyone would want to get near that stuff, as it would argue against cognitive improvement and for inducing insanity.

The guy's mode of decoration of his truck and the things he has said on the stump don't support the claim of healthy cognition.


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Another snake oil fox in the hen house. Pretty easy to do when you live inside the bubble.

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During the 2010 Congressional campaign, every far-right-wing columnist and talk-show host promoted this guy avidly: Howie Carr, Jay Severin in his WTKKK days, Jeff Katz who had just been signed to do a right-wing talk show on the newly launched WXKS-AM 1200. I wonder what they think now.

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Probably the same way Deval Patrick felt after doing robo calls for Dianne Wilkerson.

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This is awesome. This is apparently the same vitamin / network marketing scam rolled out by Birther-in-Chief Donald Trump a couple years ago. The only other person i know shilling this crap is the guy in Medford who got the City Council riled up about International Baccalaureate in the public schools, as covered in UHub a few months ago.


If you can't trust Donald Trump, who can you trust?

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NO MATTA WHAT you think of Hudak, the CROOK, Tierney, has to go.

Later children

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From the article that Adam linked to:

Hudak downplayed the bankruptcy yesterday, saying it is a "good thing" that will allow him to "bounce back." He was not amused by the apparent irony of a fiscal conservative filing for bankruptcy.

"People can twist this any way they want, saying that I was running as a fiscal conservative but I'm not really fiscally conservative, (but) that is the farthest from the truth," he said. "There is a difference between fiscal restraint with the government when they are dealing with other people's money (and this situation). No one in my entire life has given me a thing that I haven't worked to get on my own."

He at least admits that running for congress is costly but his claims that the tax structure, which hasn't changed enough since Bush to account for his deficit, is the root of the problem is so completely laughable. On a current income of ~$168k/year, he amassed quite a bit of stuff and quite a bit of debt. There were some loans involved. Just who is responsible for assuming those loans?

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The GOP is the party of personal responsibility as much as it's the party of fiscal responsibility. This guy is just a microcosm of that.

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