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9-year-old hit by car in Grove Hall; dies

Updated Wednesday.

Boston Police report a 9-year-old boy died after being hit by a car at Columbia Road and Washington Street around 10:30 p.m.

The victim, suffering from life threatening injuries, was transported to the Boston Medical Center where he was later pronounced deceased.

The crash is still under investigation; no citations have been issued.



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I saw the aftermath as I pulled up I seen the boy on the ground not moving. Cansomeone update me...did he survive and how did it happen? I am disappointed that the news has not covered the story,butim not surprised that Fox didnt cover it. I would like an update on the 9 yr old please someone.

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The only local news Fox covers is bitching about Elizabeth Warren's ancestry. They could care less about a 9 year old from the city.

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9-year-old child struck, killed by car
Cause of crash under investigation

Read more: http://www.wcvb.com/news/local/metro/9-year-old-ch...


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What's one more dead kid in that area to our local fourth estate? Did Tierney know or not??? IS Liz Warren an Indian or not?


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....late to have a 9 year old walking around, no? Hope he's ok.

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Blame the victim. Wow. Sad.

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Did I hear blaming and shaming because a kid was outside at 10:30 on a holiday non-school night?

Do we even know if the kid was alone or with parents? No? Then, shut up maybe? Oh, and it is a Big Drunk Night, too ... but we can't expect people to not drive - that's unamurcan!

A night when many communities hold firework displays? That are visible from that area?

Not everybody bubblewraps their pwecious suburbanspawn and hides them in cars all the time.

And, some people actually go out with their families to walk to a relative or friend's house - with their 9 year olds - when there are firework displays - on a non school night!

Get a life, please!

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And there were no community fireworks displays last night in Boston. I just wouldn't have my kids walking around at 10:30pm. Through Grove Hall no less. Sometimes adults should think a bit more.

Sad that a child has passed.

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My kids have been out that late on July 3 since they were quite young - sometimes on bikes. Weymouth has a display and carnival and we shuttle back and forth from Grandma's on bikes or on foot.

Also, in the city, people can walk to their friend's houses and family houses for dinner and take their time getting back of a holiday evening. If you don't have to go to work or school, why is 10:30 late? Because Special Evil Powers will attack anybody not following your rules?

I haven't seen anything about the circumstances here, anyway - braying foolishly about "out too late" is a bit premature, no? Just because you want to assign a moral weight to how late people put their kids to bed in the summer doesn't make for reality.

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how do you equate weymouth with grove hall you must not get out of your Bubble much

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This occurred 4 blocks from where I live. Kids in this area are out late on non-school nights, usually at parks and/or friends' houses. Columbia/Washington is a busy bus stop for multiple routes. He could have easily been coming home from being with friends or other relatives at that hour, and yes in Grove Hall (This area is still Dorchester, but whatever) of all places OMG! Like...families actually live here! Can you believe it?! And not only that but we let our children play outside and walk places..AFTER DARK OMG! It's almost like we don't realize we're living in the Big Bad City! I guess no one told us all the axe murders and rapists come out after dark.

This was a tragic *accident* that could have (and does) occur anywhere at any time of day or night. It really has nothing to do with what time a kid was outside or in what part of the city.

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The premise of the concern troll was "no kid should be out at 10:30". I merely pointed out that on a HOLIDAY NIGHT when FAMILIES GATHER and there is NO SCHOOL OR WORK in the morning and there are EVENTS and such it is COMMON for kids that age to be up and out that late.

I also pointed out that IN THE CITY people WALK to places WITH THEIR FAMILIES.

Got your clue yet?

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please regale us with your tales of your adventures into grove hall

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Unlike you, I'm not afraid to bike through, venture into, and interact with people in purportedly "bad" parts of the city. Plenty of people out and about in the evenings, actually. Families sitting on stoops, oldsters hanging out in lawn chairs here and there, people walking around.

Not much in the way of "adventure" as you are implying, though. I have actually never had a problem going through that area, or on Blue Hill Ave on my way south from my former job near Roxbury Crossing.

Have fun cowering in your suburban basement in terror of the brown hordes ruining life as it never was.

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geez, so many assumptions my dear swirlz, for my High School is right next to the area, and no its not Latin, so ill leave it at that bohemian ma'am

lol brown hordes ...funny how you assume im white, amusing really...your bias is showing :/

also biking thru the "hood" during daylight really isnt that big an accomplishment, despite what you may tell your doily toting friends

self praise is no praise at all!

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... the response similar to SG's from another anon (from 8:13) -- who actually lives in the area.

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you guy clearly dont understand the correlation between population density, traffic volume, and the driving habits of the speed racers there ....it was ignored because it neglected to mention any of that, and since you proven sociologists know it all, there was no need to right?

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All anons are white suburban basement dwellers who would starve were it not for their mommies calling them to dinner and doing the shopping for the cheetos and chocolate milk and mountain dew.

Get a log in and we will eventually know more about you.

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Since when is that corner in Grove Hall (or Roxbury, as another report said)?

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According to this report, the child was seen with an adult crossing the street outside of the crosswalk.


So now you all can put away your moral outrage over a child being out alone at night. It sounds like the adult may have made a horrible decision to jaywalk in a bad spot rather than go up to the crosswalk and use the light. Unfortunately this is pretty common in a city with a jaywalking culture. The 16 bus stops just past the intersection, and people just run across the street at the point where they are dropped off.

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As someone who commutes between Chelsea and Hingham, I can say people in Quincy jaywalk like nobody's business. There's crosswalks with lights every couple hundred feet along Wollaston Beach, but most people can't be bothered to use them. In too much of a hurry to get to the (unfortunately-named) Clam Box, I guess.

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Thanks to those of you who are mindful enough to see the complexity of this situation. This child was the brother of a dear friend of mine. We must always strive to be mindful of the reactions we are having and why we are having them. Fears of our own mortality, our children's mortality, and our ability to do harm can create harm if we do not keep these in check. Naturally, we want to believe that these things wouldn't happen if only someone were more responsible. In fact, studies have shown that people are more likely to avoid developing post-traumatic symptoms if they believe a traumatic situation could have been controlled if a human being had done something differently.

As for the child, he was with his stepdad at the time of the incident. It happened so quickly and so unexpectedly and stepdad wasn't able to protect him. That is so scary and sad to sit with, as parents, step-parents, siblings, mothers, children, and just as human beings in general - but it's true. Sometimes, we cannot save those we love.

I've seen some really upsetting comments on other news stories about this incident, particularly racial microaggressions that engage in victim-blaming. We (especially those of us with privilege) are very prone to pathologizing and blaming others when we are scarred by tragedy. I hope you all will consider, instead, that this is a horrible thing that happened and it affects us all; that when an adult gets into a car when drunk, there is something wrong in that person's life, that this person is sitting with unfathomable shame, that this child is robbed of his life, that this community is robbed of this child's potential, that this family is robbed of their loved one. This affects us ALL.

Lila Watson says: "If you have come here to help me, then you are wasting your time... but if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together". Hope y'all will think on that, before you point your fingers and sling your diatribes at a very pained community.

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