By adamg on Tue., 9/25/2012 - 4:40 pm
Blue Mass. Group posted this video of Scott Brown staffers doing oh-no-not-at-all-racist war cries and tomahawk chops outside the Eire Pub in Dorchester the other day. And, of course, this being Boston, well, no rally is complete without a "Yankees suck!" chant.
Free tagging:
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Hey! I heard Howie Carr say that exact same thing several times
By Brian Riccio
Tue, 09/25/2012 - 9:37pm
By Will LaTulippe
Tue, 09/25/2012 - 5:59pm
Really, knock if off, Scott Brown and company. You have my vote. Don't make me regret it.
You really should regret it already.
By anon
Wed, 09/26/2012 - 1:41am
Scott Brown is a classic case of people voting against their own interests.
Is this a story?
By anon
Tue, 09/25/2012 - 9:51pm
OK....a few young guys acting dumb does not a story make.
When I heard this on the news I pictured a group of people in full head-dress doing a war dance with tomahawks, etc.
This is a few young guys doing something silly.
And this was the a story on the news all day?
a few young guys acting dumb
By anon²
Tue, 09/25/2012 - 10:33pm
These young guys are Scott Brown campaign officials...
**These young guys are Scott
By anon
Tue, 09/25/2012 - 11:19pm
**These young guys are Scott Brown campaign officials...**
I doubt they are officials...unless he has 19 year old running his campaign.
Again, a few young guys acting dumb does not a story make.
By anon²
Tue, 09/25/2012 - 11:31pm
You're a fucking moron. You sniff paint cleaner as a kid?
They look like 19 year olds
By anon
Tue, 09/25/2012 - 11:54pm
They look like 19 year olds to me.
Who cares. You guys are too busy getting a hard-on from Granny Warren to lighten up a bit.
I agree, this is being blown
By anon
Wed, 09/26/2012 - 8:43am
I agree, this is being blown out of porportion. Were these same people offended when Warren ignored the Native American delegates at the DNC. Or how about the group that traveled to see her? She just blew them off. Funny for someone who wanted to "meet people just like her" that when the time came, she ran. Tells me alot about her character.
Classic Racist and Bully Response
By anon
Wed, 09/26/2012 - 8:59am
Got any more canned "excuses" that = "young white males get a free pass because ... young ... white ... male ..."?
Lighten up a bit. Got any
By anon
Wed, 09/26/2012 - 10:36pm
No, not because they are young/white/male...but because they are young...a tad immature, and just being silly.
Like I said...Lighten up.
Yes, it's a story
By John-W
Tue, 09/25/2012 - 10:37pm
It's some of Scott Brown's staff doing something racist.
I'd call that a story.
**It's some of Scott Brown's
By anon
Tue, 09/25/2012 - 11:55pm
**It's some of Scott Brown's staff doing something racist. **
Imitating an Indian is racist?
Ok, are you one of Brown's
By louielouie
Wed, 09/26/2012 - 7:47am
Ok, are you one of Brown's staffers? Or just a troll?
Either way, thanks for representing your kind so well.
Your phony "probing" of unanswerable questions and fake outrage do a massive disservice to this state's GOP, and as a consequence, to all of us who live here. Many of us would appreciate a substantive debate about economic policy, environmental policy, or voting records. But no, Brown's campaign seems more intent on trying to fan unfounded fears of minority privilege among (gullible) whites. Bound for talk shows, indeed (see post above).
Remember when Brown asked LW to "stop scaring women"? Maybe his campaign should advise him to "stop (trying to) scare white people." It's noteworthy - although not surprising - that most people seem disinclined to take the bait.
Ok, are you one of Brown's staffers? Or just a troll?
By aging cynic
Wed, 09/26/2012 - 9:37am
And have you stopped beating your wife? I am so f'in tired of people impugning the motives of others. I will say however that I find it ironic that people who ignore inconvenient truths just loved the movie of the same name. Either she practiced law without bar membership or she didn't. Either she chose the US Senate as her first try at elective office or she didn't. I couldn't care less who she represented. Lawyers represent lots of odious people. Doesn't make her a bad person. The sense of entitlement is a bit much, however, IMHO.
Ok, are you one of Brown's
By anon
Wed, 09/26/2012 - 11:21pm
Louie, maybe youd make some points here if every post didn't start with an insult.
No...Thanks YOU for representing your side so well...with insults every time you open your mouth.
Nobody is scared, except the Warren supporters.
It's not about Indians, or is anyone saying that Indians are bad.
It's about ehr claim to be a minority...when she clearly is not.
Please get real. After that, lighten up.
See if you can post an argument without posting an insult because
Yes. It is racist.
By Miss Modular
Wed, 09/26/2012 - 8:56am
Yes. It is racist.
No, it wasn't.
By anon
Wed, 09/26/2012 - 9:17am
Perhaps you should brush up on what the word "racist" actually means.
1. the belief that races have distinctive cultural characteristics determined by hereditary factors and that this endows some races with an intrinsic superiority over others
2. abusive or aggressive behaviour towards members of another race on the basis of such a belief
How does imitating a war chant (something that is done at all Florida State football games) prove that these guys seeing Caucasians as being superior to Native Americans? Was it in poor taste? Of course, but being "racist" means having prejudiced opinions and acting on them. If they wouldn't let Liz Warren shop in their store, or use their water fountain, that's racist. Making some moronic hand motions is idiotic.
Oh good! Then black face
By Miss Modular
Wed, 09/26/2012 - 9:51am
Oh goodd! Then black face isn't racist either, by your limited definition.
By Miss Modular
Wed, 09/26/2012 - 9:50am
Lots of folks are unhappy about football teams that use tomahawk chops and war whoops. Because it's racist. People have been fighting it for years.
heart of the issue
By John-W
Wed, 09/26/2012 - 10:21am
Those definitions of racist that you're using are really the core of the problem with "race" in this country (other places as well, but I'm just talking about the U.S.). First off it posits race as a real concept. It's not. It's not just that the belief of some races having superiority over others is the problem. It is the belief that "race" as a concept is anything more than a man-made construct for social ends and very useless as any sort of verifiable thing. Once you start digging into it, race is a useless idea. You want to talk about cultural differences or the genetics of specific populations, ok, but "race" is like talking about elves and unicorns.
Secondly, reducing racist activity to just the kind of behavior we can all shake our heads about when watching "Mississippi Burning" misses huge realms of wrong. It's not just the extremes like lynchings and apartheid -- it's all the little everyday things that work their way into the behavior, attitudes, beliefs and actions of "good" people who may have black/Latino/Asian friends, "so how could they be racist??"
By making this all about individual behavior, it leaves out the systemic nature of racism. It's a social construct for social ends. It keeps groups of people down to maintain other groups above. By not looking at the bigger picture of systemic racism, you'll never understand white privilege, because racism is just something that white trash do down south or in Appalachia or someplace else. A bunch of rambunctious guys supporting their candidate and calling out hypocrisy of the opponent couldn't possibly be racist. And what does football or old Hollywood movies have to do with race? "Lighten up." No. You get out of the dark.
John-W, I…I think I love
By Miss Modular
Wed, 09/26/2012 - 10:35am
John-W, I…I think I love you.
Seriously though, very well said. Thank you for clarifying in a way that I couldn't because I was busy banging my head against my desk.
Why gorsh....
By John-W
Wed, 09/26/2012 - 11:29am
Pot meet kettle
By Stevil
Wed, 09/26/2012 - 11:45am
Subtle forms of racism? Did you happen to notice that your racist comment accuses only European Americans of racism?
beliefs and actions of "good" people who may have black/Latino/Asian friends, "so how could they be racist??"
bigger picture of systemic racism, you'll never understand white privilege,
Just two examples.
In my experience, racism - or whatever you want to call it - goes many ways - just ask Claudio Martinez next time he doesn't want the opinions of a "privileged white woman". If a white person had made a comment like that s/he'd be looking for a new planet to live on and this guy is still around to complain about somebody taking his reserved parking space.
We all have a lot to learn.
No No No...Jingle bells!!
By John-W
Wed, 09/26/2012 - 1:13pm
Stevil, you're smarter than that. When was the last time "European Americans" had their entire culture and very being dominated by another group of people who made them subservient to the economic and social underpinnings of their society? You could make a case for Spain and the Muslims, but otherwise the SYSTEMIC racism I'm referencing is almost exclusively "you and me against the world" (assuming you are like me - a white/Euro-American kinda guy - don't know if that's true).
The point is that racism is more than one person treating another person poorly. "I don't like you, you're white."=="I don't like you you're black." It's an entire society whose norms and expectations are set up for us to "reasonably" justify why we should be nervous walking down the street past a group of black kids versus a group of white kids. Or why people are so ready to hear "black people" when a politician talks about "people on welfare."
Until "European Americans" spend a few generations building the economic base of some country as slaves, I really think reverse racism is complete and utter horseshit that only serves to indicate that the speaker just doesn't get it. That doesn't mean that someone who discriminates against you because you are white is justified. Just don't think that it is equivalent to what a "non-white" person is confronted with on a daily basis in this country. All the bullshit p.c. govt programs in the world won't offset a racist society. It takes education and people willing to try and understand the complexity of what the hell is going on. Going by message boards and blogs, I have little hope for the future.
Agree to disagree
By Stevil
Wed, 09/26/2012 - 2:22pm
I see the world very differently.
Maybe because I grew up in a town so small that if you told the Jewish kids or the one black kid your age you didn't want to be friends with them you probably had few or no friends (I don't ever recall it being even a remote issue literally from the time we were in kindergarten until we went our separate ways in college). Maybe because I have lived in the big city and I'm not scared to walk past black kids simply because they are black. Maybe it's because when I was in grad school the Black Student's Association brought a good friend to tears telling her that she acted too white and hung out with too many white people. Maybe because I lived as a minority in foreign countries for a good chunk of my adult life and I know the difference between perceived racism and actual racism first hand.
I could go on - perspective I guess. And seeing the groups of multi-racial kids hanging out together downtown clubbing on a Saturday night - I have great hope for the future. Not saying all is well with the world and there's a ways to go, but we've come a long way from Rosa, I think further than you seem to believe.
And thanks for the input on Claudio - looks like we can agree to agree on that one.
By John-W
Thu, 09/27/2012 - 10:14am
Sounds good. I'm not going to go into my personal life history or race-experiences, suffice it to say that I have lived and traveled for many years in countries where "white" is a minority. Growing up in Saugus, well let's just say it was a white youth experience. We all have specific anecdotes that might fix the issue in our heads for us, regardless of the more abstract, broader arguments we have over the issue. It's not a mathematical theorem, so at the end of the day people frequently have to end the issue with "agree to disagree" (or we can descend into name calling and mother insults).
My lack of hope has more to do with on-line discourse (and U.S. political discourse) more so than the reality on the streets. I'm also pleased when I see diverse groups of kids hanging out together. But we got to this point because of the pushing that a lot of people have done over the years despite so much reverse racism-type pushback, like we're seeing on this thread. Happily, the point where we "agree to disagree" is moving in the right direction in some venues. The coming 30 years and continued "browning" of the US is going to be really interesting.
By John-W
Wed, 09/26/2012 - 1:12pm
Claudio is a tool. HSTF has done some good work but really once people sink into the non-profit/social entrepreneur/philanthropic yadda yadda world (what you might refer to as "poverty pimps" if you're a Howie Carr fan) they aren't much different from politicians. Ego-driven bores waving their dicks over their heads (that includes the women).
No, a white person would not have made a comment like that because then a person from the group in power would be telling a person from a group not in power to shut the fuck up because you're from that powerless group. Claudio, identified as someone from a group that usually does not have power is telling a woman from a group traditionally in power in our society to shut the fuck up. Different scenario, but it doesn't make it alright. It's the worse excuse in the world. And it doesn't make it alright.
Like I said, Claudio is a tool.
yep, it was
By anon²
Wed, 09/26/2012 - 10:39am
Plimouth Plantation
By John-W
Wed, 09/26/2012 - 11:21am
I remember wishing I had gotten a shot of that sign....and now I do!
Let's ask the Chief
By Sock_Puppet
Wed, 09/26/2012 - 4:52pm
Yup, Bill John Baker, Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation says it was racist and calls upon Scott Brown to apologize.
I wonder if he looks Cherokee enough to Scott Brown.
It wasn't imitating Indians,
By anon
Wed, 09/26/2012 - 9:02am
It wasn't imitating Indians, it was acting out a negative and inaccurate stereotype for the sole purpose of mocking and putting down someone who claims Native American heritage. That's what makes it bigoted and racist, not to mention ignorant.
Holy cow *thinking* that that
By anon
Wed, 09/26/2012 - 5:46pm
Holy cow
*thinking* that that is imitating a native American is racist
A few young guys...
By Sally
Wed, 09/26/2012 - 12:54pm
who are trying, along with the candidate, of drumming up another non-story about Elizabeth Warren's ancestry. You tell me which is the non-story. Brown obviously thinks its important enough to make it the number one chess move during the debate. Seriously--it's as if Warren had started off the debate by mentioning the Cosmo centerfold. Tacky, trivial, and ultimately ridiculous.
Number one chess move?
By Bluto
Wed, 09/26/2012 - 1:07pm
Keller brought it up, indirectly, as the first question. Because since the day the Herald broke the story about how she and Harvard gamed the affirmative action numbers, she hasn't deigned to answer the question. So the night that they entered the debate, it was the 800 lb elephant in the room.
We're still waiting on that one.
And when Braude asked her on Monday, for a list of her corporate clients, she went all Lieawatha again. Twenty-four hours later we find out she represented a steel conglomerate trying to weasel out of pension payments to retirees, who no doubt, were getting "hammered".
You want to defend that one? Because based on past performance, I don't expect a straight answer from your candidate any time soon.
You're a whore
By anon²
Wed, 09/26/2012 - 2:33pm
now prove why you are not!
You guys are shameless, aren't you? Just because you don't like the answers given to you by Harvard, Warren, Warrens distant relatives and every other fucking person involved in the story; doesn't mean official answers were not given.
The burden of the argument is on YOU. YOU are the ones bringing charges of racism and identity misuse. And YOU are the ones without a scrap of evidence.
Meanwhile there's visual evidence above of Brown staff being bigoted and insensitive at best, racist at worst.
Like I said Bluto, I'm gonna owe you a drink on Nov 3rd. This Alabama Macaca shit don't fly in MA
Nicely done!
By Bluto
Wed, 09/26/2012 - 2:11pm
Answer an argument with a crude personal insult. And the Brown whooping knuckleheads are crude and childish?
Sorry. Harvard declined to release any records. Warren has declined to offer proof. Both parties gamed the system. Live with it.
Are you disputing that she was a hireling for corporate America, in her work for Travelers and LTV Steel? I know that it doesn't work with the prescribed narrative from Deval et al, but it's actually the case.
Check your geography, what we're seeing here is Oklahoma Macaca shit.
Read it again
By anon²
Wed, 09/26/2012 - 2:59pm
it wasn't directed at you. It was a formulation of your argument.
You want to talk about LVT steel? Fine:
To borrow from another post
By MattyC
Wed, 09/26/2012 - 3:31pm
Your lucid, elaborate point
40,000 feet
He neither cares nor wants to understand.
Me and Teddy Kennedy, 40',000 feet
By Bluto
Wed, 09/26/2012 - 4:24pm
According to today's Herald:
"Kennedy filed bills to require bankrupt companies to honor their pension agreements to retirees and specifically cited the company Warren worked for, LTV Steel, for using bankruptcy to shirk payments to retired workers."
The silence from Warren is drowning your excuses out on that one.
By anon²
Thu, 09/27/2012 - 12:46am
Do tell how Teddys position is different from Warrens? You do realize what Teddy filed has nothing to with what Warren did?
Please, I'm all ears.
By Sally
Thu, 09/27/2012 - 9:14am
Are you saying that poor Scotty was bullied or broadsided into attacking Warren on this issue? Pathetic. It was a cringe-worthy moment and he chose to go there himself. And you don't seem to acknowledge the fact that she hasn't "lied" about this issue--it seems pretty clear that this was a real issue for her parents, not some way-off "oh, great-grandpa used to say..." kind of story AND that Native American ancestry, especially in the Cherokee nation, is notoriously hard to prove, poorly documented, etc.
Long story short, all of this has just served to remind me that Scott Brown, who I've been thinking of as this kind of benign, moderate Republican, is actually a total d*ck. His behavior that night, coupled with the video of the idiot goons who are apparently running his campaign (yes, I agree--they do look like nineteen year olds) have been a nice wake-up call.
Another video, from a different angle
By adamg
Tue, 09/25/2012 - 10:28pm
Dot Rat posts another video, taken at the same whatever-you'd-call-it.
Oh Jerry...
By anon²
Tue, 09/25/2012 - 10:33pm
It just isn't real life...
By John-W
Tue, 09/25/2012 - 10:38pm
...if there's not a Seinfeld quote that references it.
"I got us a reserv...."
By issacg
Wed, 09/26/2012 - 2:23pm
"you can't give somebody something and take it back...what are you some kind of....?"
If there isn't an applicable Seinfeld reference, it didn't happen.
Short answer: Yes
By Sock_Puppet
Wed, 09/26/2012 - 8:59am
And then the staffers would be anonning on here that libruls asking them to put down their watermelons is racist because watermelons are colored.
The Choppers and Whoopers
By Bluto
Wed, 09/26/2012 - 9:08am
What they should do is call a press conference, and announce that, though they have no documentable proof, they are all 1/64 Micmac Indian. This is what they're parents told them, this is who they are. Chopping and whooping, much like Pow Wow Chow, are traditions that have been passed down through the generations. And they decry this attack on their families and their heritage.
I mean, if it's okay for Warren, it should be okay for them.
By anon
Wed, 09/26/2012 - 9:21am
The whole thing was silly and inoffensive. You'd have to be REALLY either a party-man [woman] and or shill, or VERY easily offended and have zero sense of humor, to get angry over that 'incident'. I've seen, heard and read FAR worse by various political campaigns ON ALL SIDES.
I am of a very mixed ancestral descent and readily admit political correctness is killing this country and society. It has become far too humorless and tight-a**ed. And one of the big ironies of all this many of the people complaining [honestly, it just makes you look insecure and whiny] have no problem ridiculing so-called WASP. It's open season on those evil white Anglo Saxon Protestants, the most evil people on Earth. Do you hold the same contempt for the Spanish and Portuguese? Because they were a lot worse than the British in regards to their former colonies. And I have a Spanish great grandfather, so I'm part Spanish. No, of course you don't. Are Asians off limits? Why, because they're pure as the driven snow? How about How about 'Natives' who routinely slaughtered and engaged in unrelenting warfare with other 'Natives' in both North and South America?
BOTH PARTIES play people off against each other, BOTH play racial, socioeconomic, and gender politics.
I've got Racist Excuse BINGO
By anon
Wed, 09/26/2012 - 9:34am
Go get hot and bothered with your legends of Kennewick man being a pre-land-bridge European colonist - but put the keyboard down, first, please.