UPDATE: Boyfriend arrested.
Boston Police report arresting Samia Jones, 17, on charges she repeatedly stabbed her boyfriend's ex as she walked down a Savin Hill street with her infant yesterday afternoon.
Police say Jones's boyfriend - with whom she also has a child - arranged the meeting between the two, and then actively helped in the attack:
The victim told officers her baby’s father asked to meet in the Savin Hill area so he could give her a pair of shoes for their eight month old child. The victim stated as she walked down Bay Street with her child in a stroller, the child's father attacked her, and restrained her while his current girlfriend, Samia Jones allegedly stabbed her.
Jones was ordered held in lieu of $50,000 bail at her arraignment in Dorchester District Court on a charge of assault with intent to murder, police say, adding they now have a warrant for the arrest of the boyfriend, Daquan Sparks.
The victim remains in the hospital in stable condition; her 8-month-old baby was physically unharmed.
The Globe reports from Jones's arraignment that the teen "struck a defiant pose during the hearing, making obscene gestures toward the media and sticking out her tongue."
Innocent, etc.
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I suppose we shall be paying
By anon
Tue, 04/02/2013 - 2:25pm
I suppose we shall be paying child support to both of these women?
I feel bad for the kids. Odds are they aren't going to be growing up in the best familial environment.
Not bad enough to keep your
By Scratchie
Tue, 04/02/2013 - 2:37pm
Not bad enough to keep your nasty comment to yourself, apparently.
By anon
Tue, 04/02/2013 - 2:44pm
Every comment you post on this site is negative, so cool your jets keyboard warrior.
Lets see, the father in the
By Bearwalker
Tue, 04/02/2013 - 3:36pm
Lets see, the father in the picture is 17 years old. So far he has two children that we know of. I am speculating that he is not offering much in emotional or financial support to either of the mothers or babies (not to mention he set up one mother to get attached from the other). The mothers most likely are on public support. And the cycle continues.
And we are not supposed to even comment? I don't see what is wrong with the comments that were posted.
Umm they are 17, their moms
By anon
Tue, 04/02/2013 - 5:24pm
Umm they are 17, their moms are the sole providers for all party's involved! And if they was are you going to give them a good enough job to help pay for school, take care of the kid, and pay rent! Just don't knock people on public assistance cause you never know YOU MIGHT NEED IT!!
Where's the father and WHY
By anon
Tue, 04/02/2013 - 6:45pm
Where's the father and WHY ISN'T HE PAYING CHILD SUPPORT?!
Why should everyone else in the state be picking up the tab for a deadbeat? Can't the government find dad and bill him?
He was the father , I know
By anon
Tue, 04/02/2013 - 8:29pm
He was the father , I know her personally
They did it to themselves
By Andrew
Tue, 04/02/2013 - 7:04pm
I put more thought into getting dressed for work than these people do about having kids. They probably would have thought twice about having kids at 17 if there wasn't a taxpayer funded safety net. Yes, we all know that everyone may encounter a day when they need the safety net. Let's save it for the people who really encounter dire circumstances: the elderly, the homeless, veterans, the mentally and physically ill. Not a bunch of hood rats that can't keep their pants on.
Uhmmm, as a single parent
By Bearwalker
Wed, 04/03/2013 - 5:15pm
Uhmmm, as a single parent myself, I never felt the need to get all stabby on someone. Especially in front of children!
You can post whatever
By Scratchie
Wed, 04/03/2013 - 10:14am
You can post whatever comments you wish, but don't go out of your way to say how "bad" you feel for the kids (as the original commenter did) one sentence after publicly expressing your resentment that some miniscule fraction of your taxes might be keeping them fed or paying their rent.
By anon
Wed, 04/03/2013 - 11:46am
Section 8 alone is at least $1500 per month, especially in more decent parts of town like Savin Hill. Throw in TANF, SNAP, WIC, medicare, free daycare and all the other goodies and you're easily looking at $4000+ a month, essentially an equivalent of $70K+ salary. In other words, $70K for making babies, stabbing or getting stabbed every now and then and not doing much else, while most of us are busting or asses every day just trying to make ends meet. What's wrong with that picture?
Not to mention
By eeka
Wed, 04/03/2013 - 1:05pm
roads, buses, schools! These families are using all kinds of stuff that I pay for! The nerve!
I don't think that is what
By Bearwalker
Wed, 04/03/2013 - 5:13pm
I don't think that is what the poster is getting at. We all agree to safety nets. But we have to objectively look to see if all the assistance being given is actually helping or enabling more bad decisions in those like the subject of this post. That's all, or are we not to speak of such things? It is bothersome that to some people, it seems we should not offer any opinions or suggestions - like we do not have a voice.
I'm personally waiting for
By anon
Wed, 04/03/2013 - 1:26pm
I'm personally waiting for you to specifically use the word bootstraps.
Oh, I don't know...what's wrong with this picture?
By Brian Riccio
Wed, 04/03/2013 - 4:04pm
Now who is scamming who?
Mind you that's one plane that ONE guy gets to fly. So who has it better, the guy relying on the government to survive or Lockheed Martin getting 1.5 trillion of taxpayer money for a plane that doesn't even work?
Lol, that's not 1.5 trillion
By anon
Wed, 04/03/2013 - 4:09pm
Lol, that's not 1.5 trillion for one plane, it's 1.5 trillion for the entire program for 55 years. Reading comprehension needs a little work.
By anon
Wed, 04/03/2013 - 4:16pm
Sure, let's play your game. Let's assume roughly 3% of the US population (10 million) is gaming the system as described above.
$70,000 x 10,000,000 x 55 years = 38,500,000,000,000.00. That's $38.8 TRILLION over 55 years. Pretty scary, eh?
PS: $1.5 trillion is for the entire program, not a single plane. Nice try, buddy.
Well, let's see
By Brian Riccio
Wed, 04/03/2013 - 5:10pm
I was using "one' in the context that while millions benefit from social programs in this country, only ONE guy gets to sit his ass in a plane that total cost will exceed 1.5 trillion. A plane that doesn't even work.
Happy now, or are you still going to hang on to what you perceive as having "gotten" me?
Of course then we could talk about the 234 GOLF courses that the Pentagon maintains around the world and whose costs the Pentagon won't even discuss and then we can talk about whose gaming the system.
Yeah but those LM guys
By anon
Wed, 04/03/2013 - 4:19pm
Yeah but those LM guys deliver a finished product and employ thousands of productive skilled workers along the design and production lines.
Oh! So that's who is behind
By Brian Riccio
Wed, 04/03/2013 - 6:16pm
the thick door that you see when you get off the elevator in any office building that Lockheed Martin rents office space in.
You know, the floor where there's nothing but that thick door, a very complex looking keypad and a rather conspicuous camera above it? I 'll bet there's some seriously skilled individuals back there coming up with new and inventive ways to prove that Eisenhower was right.
lol, I love it when people
By Tom_in_Dot
Thu, 04/04/2013 - 11:41am
lol, I love it when people try to paint this "free ride" like it was some kind of easy or enviable life.
ps, I assume "miniscule" was in reference to how much contribution to that comes specifically out of YOUR paycheck.
People are gonna have sex, and they're gonna have babies (esp. when they don't have easy access to affordable birth control, or are enculturated to think it's not important to use it, or are not taught about it's importance in the first place ie, this issue is a complex one and not the simplistic "WELP IF THEY JUST MADE BETTER CHOICES" situation that frankly simple-minded people like you make it out to be.) I'll gladly pay taxes to make sure those babies aren't homeless and don't starve. As a civilized human being that is the absolute bare minimum I can do.
By Andrew
Tue, 04/02/2013 - 7:06pm
Actually, the only nastiness was coming from Samia. Making faces and sticking out her tongue in court. I don't think reality has caught up to her yet. So don't lash out at the people who comment on her nastiness or violence.
Nasty comment?
By jonbowen
Tue, 04/02/2013 - 7:55pm
I see nothing nasty about anon's comment.
Do you think these women got
By anon
Tue, 04/02/2013 - 2:52pm
Do you think these women got pregnant by themselves? Why don't you rephrase your comment to the more accurate: 'I suppose we shall be paying child support to both of these women and the father and the two babies?'
Don't get your rant but, are
By Bearwalker
Tue, 04/02/2013 - 3:38pm
Don't get your rant but, are you rewarding this behavior? Is the daddy going to be chipping in support to the mothers? If not, then who?
You're a bit sensitive if you
By anon
Tue, 04/02/2013 - 5:19pm
You're a bit sensitive if you think that comment is a rant. I'm merely stating that when discussing this issue, it's critical to hold the mother and the father of the baby accountable. Pretty simple concept, right?
Don't Ask, Don't Tell
By anon
Tue, 04/02/2013 - 7:31pm
We have teenage boys.
We have a jar full of condoms.
We don't ask, they don't tell. For all we know, we are reducing the oops (STD and pregnancy) rate of the whole damn high school and that's okay - herd immunity!
This is why we make them available with no strings - and NO EXCUSES!
Yeah! I'm sure you'd rather see
By Brian Riccio
Tue, 04/02/2013 - 2:53pm
forced sterilization instituted amongst the lower races, eh, Rush/Howie/Levin?
Yeah, that's EXACTLY what he said he'd rather see.
By BostonUrbEx
Tue, 04/02/2013 - 2:57pm
Or not.
? Don't schools already have
By Bearwalker
Tue, 04/02/2013 - 3:41pm
? Don't schools already have birth control available? What more can be done, other than personal responsibility?
Why is everyone except the person/people allegedly guilty of this crime getting you upset?
I'm really not following the outrage here...
Who said anything about other
By anon
Tue, 04/02/2013 - 4:29pm
Who said anything about other races? Looks like you're the one jumping to racist conclusions here.
Stop wasting taxpayers' money
By anon
Tue, 04/02/2013 - 6:33pm
Stop wasting taxpayers' money on baby mommas who use their kids as a source of income and start locking up baby daddies who are behind on child support, that should do the trick. People need to learn a thing or two about personal responsibility.
By anon
Tue, 04/02/2013 - 3:17pm
Foster care, more likely. I'll take up donations. No baby should have to live with scum like that.
Exactly, rather than
By the anon the la...
Tue, 04/02/2013 - 4:15pm
Exactly, rather than subsidizing insanity like this which puts children in awful situations and creates financially motivated and unloved children, put the money in improving the foster care and adoption system. I'm all for reopening government run orphanages to allow these kids a better shot than repeating their parents mistakes. Way too many single mothers and incarcerated deadbeat,or otherwise absent, fathers are a result of the current broken system.
The children deserve a better environment to grow up in and changing the system would help break the cycle of victimization.
More complicated than that
By eeka
Wed, 04/03/2013 - 11:09am
While it certainly seems like what happened here was pretty fucked up and inexcusable, these may well be competent parents. It's obviously extremely traumatizing for a child to be removed from the home, and most children who are removed will first go to a temporary foster home (or more than one), then if the courts terminate parental rights, they will move again into an adoptive home. Children are resilient and mostly recover from this, but it still leaves a huge mark and lifelong issues around trust and forming relationships. It's the preferred alternative when it's been proven that the original home situation is beyond repair, but otherwise it's usually better that the child remain with the parents s/he is already attached to. If you had a basically stable upbringing, or even if you didn't, can you imagine being torn out of your family due to one stupid thing your parents did, that they even made damn sure you weren't around to witness?
Encouraging adoption and fostering
By eeka
Wed, 04/03/2013 - 11:32am
And as for encouraging adoption and fostering, there are about 100,000 children in Massachusetts who don't have a permanent home. Pouring money into the system isn't going to create these homes. As someone who adopted from the foster system, we actually got quite a bit of money, most of which continues until our child is 18 -- and this is for a young, healthy child who doesn't have major special needs. People who choose not to build their families through this system aren't doing it because of the lack of money; most of them choose to build their families through reproduction or private adoption, and in many cases are SPENDING money to get their children, and in all cases are completely footing the cost of raising their children. No, it's not about money.
What it IS about is the attitudes expressed all over this thread. The public at large is quick to dismiss and ridicule people with less class and educational privilege, less stable upbringing, poorer mental health and problem-solving skills, etc. I'm doubting that most of the people who would say that this child needs to be removed and adopted would actually be for stepping up and becoming that adoptive parent, and welcoming the biological family with their flaws and all in as extended family members.
Most people don't actually get this far though in their consideration of how to build a family, because most people just think that kids from the foster system are inferior and are already damaged beyond repair, and most people think that foster parents are by nature abusive and neglectful. We run into this pretty much every day, with acquaintances and teachers and doctors making all these crazy assumptions -- assuming that our child had never been talked to, wasn't read to, wasn't fed enough, had never been to a restaurant, had never been on vacation, never celebrated holidays, never had possessions etc., none of which was remotely accurate and pretty much never is, except for in those rare horror stories that make the news.
THIS is why there's a shortage of people adopting from foster care, because people have these horrible skewed ideas about what goes on in the homes of poor people (and aren't even aware that there are also a modest number of middle-class and upper-class people who do foster care) and don't want to even consider being involved.
By anon
Wed, 04/03/2013 - 11:55am
That stabbing didn't happen, it's all a product of our imagination because we have terrible skewed ideas. Let's take even more money from those working who are already flat broke and give it to the poor, marginalized, disadvantaged, trigger and knife-happy population.
Money better spent
By Kaz
Wed, 04/03/2013 - 12:54pm
Well, I'd rather give it to them than Exxon, Halliburton, and Bank of America.
Money better spent
By anon
Wed, 04/03/2013 - 3:10pm
How about keep it in your wallet instead?
Come now...
By Kaz
Wed, 04/03/2013 - 4:19pm
Be a big boy or girl.
We all know that we can't just go around doing that all the time.
Besides being only 17
By anon
Wed, 04/03/2013 - 2:57pm
What did the child's mother do wrong here? She is obviously not regularly involved with Mr. Stabby Helper. We don't know that she isn't a fit parent, or at least raising the kid in a supportive extended family.
Ms. Stabby should lose her kid, however. She HAS done something vile, stupid, violent, and wrong.
I've learned a few things about this thread.....
By Pete Nice
Wed, 04/03/2013 - 5:43pm
And the comments need to be comined with the Herald comment sections as well.
Top 10 list of what Herald commenters hate:
1. Obama
2. Deval
3. Liberals
4. Teachers who retire and get pensions
5. People who use EBT cards
6. People on section 8 housing
7. Politicians
8. Cops
9. Boston College (read any comment on a BC sports article)
10. Obama
If nothing smart to say just
By Anonymous
Tue, 04/02/2013 - 5:35pm
If nothing smart to say just Shut Up, I don't see how child support is even an issue here. Ee
It seems as though many of us here need help.
By Boston_res
Tue, 04/02/2013 - 6:10pm
That is of course, according to you.
Can you tell us how child support isn't an issue?
Jesus Christ
By Miss M
Tue, 04/02/2013 - 9:13pm
It's like the Herald comment section in here.
By fairlee76
Wed, 04/03/2013 - 10:55am
Yes, I personally love all the stories about "I am not like this, so why are they" and other anecdotal BS. Apparently, stories about bikes and insane 17 year olds bring out the UHub/Herald crossover cohort.
By eeka
Wed, 04/03/2013 - 11:38am
That could be a fun sockpuppet.
"I broke up with someone last month and didn't even stab them once, while this schmuck goes and does it twice!"
"I drove my car last night and didn't drink first!"
"I have children and I never ever leave them home and go out and support myself by prostituting! I just take them with me in an $800 stroller, and I go to Neimann-Marcus, not the corner!"
"I have not had to deal at all with the BPS lottery system since I live in New York!"
I think I'll call myself ThanksForSharing.
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