By adamg on Wed., 8/21/2013 - 12:40 pm
No doubt there's a really good reason why a Fox news van was parked in front of a hydrant on Broadway outside the five-alarm fire that destroyed St. John the Baptist Church this morning. And DGUMZ, who took the photo, and other folks would love to hear it.
UPDATE: I originally thought, hey, maybe the hydrant was broken. Then George MacFarlane sent in this picture, from the height of the fire:
Channel 25 got wicked lucky today. Boston firefighters don't always take kindly to people who get between them and water..
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Tonight on Fox News at
By Finn
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 12:46pm
Tonight on Fox News at 11...HYDRANTS! Necessary for saving lives and property, or a symbol of government out of control?
No, but im sure
By anon
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 12:52pm
they will be talking about the out of control welfare in this State.
Right wing media promoting flawed study confirming their biases
By anon
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 4:13pm
Right wing media promoting flawed study confirming their biases. What's new?
Read more here.
Also read: "Contrary to "Entitlement Society" Rhetoric, Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly, Disabled, or Working Households" by The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.
By Gattaca
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 12:59pm
Part of a continuing Fox News series...
By MC Slim JB
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 1:03pm
"Hydrants: the new socialist plot to divert water from the makers to the takers."
And later on CNN
By anon
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 1:32pm
They are holding a universal prayer service, honoring the Holy Messiah Obama!
You are so mad, it's
By anon
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 2:44pm
You are so mad, it's downright adorable
Yeah, right
By BostonUrbEx
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 4:04pm
Because despising Faux News and making fun of Republicans is only what Obama-lovers, Democrats, and/or hippies do, right?
I can't believe it's 2013 and
By gotdatwmd
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 4:22pm
I can't believe it's 2013 and people still don't know that Fox 25 and Fox News Channel are different entities.
By BostonUrbEx
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 4:25pm
They're still under the same umbrella, and they still have the same political leans. FOX will always refer to a local FOX as a "sister" station.
So?What does a fucking news
By gotdatwmd
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 4:28pm
What does a fucking news van parked in front of a fire hydrant have ANYTHING to do with this us-vs-them political shit?
Quite right! Fox News has
By Finn
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 4:31pm
Quite right! Fox News has nothing to do with Us vs. Them politics!
Oh right sorry I forgot this
By gotdatwmd
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 4:39pm
Oh right sorry I forgot this was reddit/ Carry on with the circlejerk.
Don't ask me
By BostonUrbEx
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 4:33pm
Finn started it. I bet he ironically has both an Obama bumper sticker and an anti-war bumper sticker. Quick, everyone point and laugh at Finn! Everyone vs Finn!
I NSA-guided drone-strikes.
By Finn
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 4:38pm
I'm really into NSA-guided drone-strikes. Peace, love, dope!
Given how the right has turned on firefighters...
By Arborway
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 1:32pm
...nothing would surprise me.
I'm not sure when the 180 happened, but I'm surprised the GOP base hasn't flooded hospitals nationwide with cases of whiplash.*
* (It's because they don't have medical insurance because: FREEDOM)
The "Right"?
By anon
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 1:42pm
If i recall it's the Democratically controlled Boston who turned on our Firefighter. Not to mention every Firefighter i know (and i know a lot) all are right leaning vets!
"The Greedy Firefighter" is now a right wing talking point
By Arborway
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 2:31pm
While I'm aware of the political leanings of the crew standing watch down at your average fire house, it hasn't stopped the GOP from turning on them nationwide.
By Finn
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 4:10pm
I know one
By dmcboston
Thu, 08/22/2013 - 10:09am
he's Navy and has Warren and Obama/Biden stickers on his car...he's a class act that can hold his own in a debate.
He's also anti-blocking hydrants.
I prefer to think of them as
By anon
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 9:21pm
I prefer to think of them as hero leeches.
A hilarious report Ch. 25 actually aired
By adamg
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 9:22pm
They drone on forever on the topic, but wait for the part about what firefighters could do to you if you park in front of a hydrant during a fire. H/t Always On.
they just blame
By Beaner
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 12:48pm
I am sure the gang over there at Fox willsomehow and spin this blame a democrat on beacon hill as to why this happened...
My bet:
By anon
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 1:18pm
"Well if those welfare recipients hadn't fallen asleep smoking their cigarettes-purchased-with-food-stamps, there wouldn't have been a fire in the first place! Now it's costing MILLIONS of taxpayer dollars to employ these firefighters to clean up after the messes of poor people!"
Kind of like
By anon
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 2:36pm
How this site blames Republican for EVERYTHING including snowstorms.
No, not everything
By adamg
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 3:28pm
I don't blame Republicans for you. I'm sure your parents are to blame.
By anon
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 3:52pm
Shouldn't talk about peoples parents! Obviously yours didn't teach you that.
No, of course they didn't
By adamg
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 4:05pm
I was raised as a pink-diaper Noo Yawk Democrat; the one time we had Republican neighbors, they wouldn't let their kids play with us because we wore leather peace symbols around our necks and I had long hair. Fear me, rawr.
Obvious twist
By Kaz
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 4:05pm
His parents are Republicans. His point stands. ;)
True fact
By adamg
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 4:07pm
Both of my wife's parents were Republicans. Mixed marriages can work!
By anon
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 4:09pm
My father was the head of a MA State Union and a Democrat, just not a bleeding heart liberal. Their is a difference!
Not the teacher's union, I
By MattyC
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 5:22pm
Not the teacher's union, I presume.
Hmmm...a Democrat on Beacon
By Finn
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 4:04pm
Hmmm...a Democrat on Beacon Hill with hydrant management experience...
When are you people going to realize
By Brian Riccio
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 1:07pm
The media is better than you and me? Why should they follow the rules that we have to? After all this is the network of Brian Kilmeade!
Kill-meade now, amirite?
By MattyC
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 1:09pm
Kill-meade now, amirite?
Maria will have a good giggle
By anon
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 1:22pm
Maria will have a good giggle over it, Ock will look sheepish, and Polito will bluster some nonsense about it.
They probably figured, "Eh,
By H
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 1:37pm
They probably figured, "Eh, the place has already burned down, what's the harm?"
If it was the Channel 7 news
By Dave
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 1:38pm
If it was the Channel 7 news van, would people be bleating about MSNBC?
To answer your question...
By issacg
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 2:26pm
Maybe the Channel 7 van would have been made to look like the car in the link of Adamg's update.
To answer your question
By BostonUrbEx
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 4:08pm
By cornbread
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 1:49pm
Why are fire hydrants always oriented so the large port faces the street, and can be blocked by cars? Maybe we should invest in some with two large valves, with one facing the sidewalk, in case news vans make a habit of this
By anon
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 2:36pm
the port faces the street because that's where the truck is...hose goes from hydrant to pumper truck, which is where the fire fighting hose is attached...
By It's a matter o...
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 2:38pm
THe hoses used to attach the large port to the fire truck don't bend particularly well. It would be hard to run a hose from a large port facing the sidewalk out to a truck.
Or we could
By BostonUrbEx
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 4:10pm
Let firetrucks ram news vans the fuck out of the way since they shouldn't be there. (I'd like to see this - and without liability assigned to the city)
First Howie Carr in shorts
By PeterGriffith5
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 2:09pm
First Howie Carr in shorts and now this!
No kidding!
By Brian Riccio
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 4:07pm
I mean, why go through all that lipo to just get fat again? Ever seen the stomach of someone who has had lipo and then gotten fat again? It looks like stretched taffy!
I don't think he underwent
By Dave
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 5:48pm
I don't think he underwent leg and head lipo.
That's true!
By Brian Riccio
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 6:10pm
He still has the same amount of fat on his head that he's always had.
Where is Virgin Boy when you need him...
By whyaduck
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 2:16pm
Maybe VB can do one of his "Let it Rip" segments on a certain local TV station whose driver's illegally van park.
When You Need Him?
By anon
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 2:26pm
Other than the many eateries he frequents, who the heck has ever NEEDED VB?
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