A cafe where you can pet and gaze at cats while you sip your latte, not a place for cats to enjoy mouse smoothies, that is.
I'm a young entrepreneur looking to start a cat cafe in the U.S. I'm very serious about this and determined to have be created by the end of 2013 in Boston, Massachusetts. I've had this idea for a while now ever since learning about them through the internet a couple of years ago.
Cat cafes are a type of small restaurant originating in Japan where patrons can eat meals and have beverages in the company of felines.
And then, once it's up and running, somebody could open a puppy cafe.
H/t, David Harris.
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What a purrrrrrrrrrfect idea!
By Katie
Wed, 09/25/2013 - 1:14pm
What a purrrrrrrrrrfect idea!
And the litter box is where?
By Boston_res
Wed, 09/25/2013 - 1:29pm
Health codes may be a problem to overcome.
As we all know
By anon
Wed, 09/25/2013 - 1:49pm
Japan doesn't have any health codes ... and years of something safely operating elsewhere doesn't matter because germs in Boston are different, amirite?
By johnmcboston
Wed, 09/25/2013 - 2:16pm
Didn't Boston kill cat & dog pet rental as cruel? How would they accept a cafe - as relaxing or as a petting zoo?
difference would be the singularity of care responsibility
By Jeff F
Thu, 09/26/2013 - 12:57am
I think the big issue with the cat & dog pet rental boiled down to the old adage "A dog with two masters is never fed". The concern was that some people renting an animal for a short time might show as little concern for its well being as some car rental customers do for their vehicles - that is to say, little or none.
I assume that the owner of the cat cafe (kitty coffee bar? tabby tearoom?) would be wholly responsible for the care and upkeep of the animals.
It seems to me that if you can have restaurant aquariums, and pet store displays, there's not much difference with dining 'avec chat en serres'
How is it done in Japan and Europe?
By Mia1
Wed, 09/25/2013 - 2:37pm
I think it could work well and not be dirty or cruel, but the policies may end up being too strict and expensive to deal with.
All Cats Should Be Toilet Trained
By Elmer
Wed, 09/25/2013 - 8:13pm
I trained my cat, Henry, when he was a kitten, but cats of all ages can learn. It takes some patience; with your cat, and also with yourself; but the payoff is worth it many times over. You never have to purchase or deal with litter, and your cat and your house will be much, much cleaner. It's a gift that will last your cat's lifetime!
BB tags don't seem to be working. Henry's Video on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CyAQHwU5U4
We got really lucky
By SwirlyGrrl
Wed, 09/25/2013 - 10:29pm
Mine was self-training. She came to us after living her first year and more on the streets.
Being a feline Eliza Doolittle when it came to eagerly learning her house cat manners, she went further than necessary. She decided that "in human houses, one uses the toilet for such needs".
We didn't know until my son noticed that all the humans were in sight ... but who is using the bathroom? He walked in on her and she gave him that "do you MIND?" look.
Especially in boston it is
By Pierce nutlogged
Thu, 09/26/2013 - 1:56am
Especially in boston it is not advisable to use the toilet to dispose of cat feces:
In a nutshell, 30-40% of cats carry and excrete a potentially lethal parasite that is not removed by waste water treatment and is released in oceans, where it has been found to be deadly in sea mammals (namely dolphins, otters, and whales)
Indoor Cats Are Not At Risk
By Elmer
Thu, 09/26/2013 - 11:07am
The warning you cite applies to outdoor cats and/or cats that catch (and presumably eat) a lot of mice. Indoor cats are at very low risk for the parasite. The environmental benefits of not sending used cat litter to the landfill are manifold. The perfumes and other chemicals in most cat litters are unhealthy for your cat and your family. Once you've trained your cat to use the toilet, the notion of it urinating and defecating in a box of litter is as disgusting as using a litter box for people. There's nothing like a toilet trained cat!
all true, but most indoor
By anon
Thu, 09/26/2013 - 1:41pm
all true, but most indoor cats i know (including mine) are rescues from the humane society with unclear histories-- they may have spent much of their youth outdoors, we don't know.
Also in most cat litter aisles I've been in the bentonite-based, clumping, perfumed cat litters are increasingly outnumbered by any number of alternatives: recycled newspapers, sustainably-grown pine pellets, etc. We weren't 100% certain that our cats don't have toxo, so we felt we had a responsiblity not to send their poop to the harbor. Your mileage may vary
After One Month, Indoor Cats Are Safe
By Elmer
Thu, 09/26/2013 - 3:16pm
According to the CDC website, an infected cat will only shed oocysts for 1-2 weeks. Allowing a full month to be absolutely safe, a rescued cat that always remains indoors will not be harboring the parasite. There are many benefits to never letting your cat go outdoors, and even more benefits if they're also toilet trained.
If you do use cat litter; perhaps in conjunction with your toilet training process; I found the (unscented, nontoxic) wheat based litter to work very well.
Did you know the famous jazz musician, Charles Mingus, was an advocate of cat toilet training?
It's not as dumb a bar made out of blocks of ice!!
By Barry M.
Wed, 09/25/2013 - 1:50pm
.....and a heck of a lot more environmentally friendly.....
Couldn't you just take your
By anon
Wed, 09/25/2013 - 1:54pm
Couldn't you just take your cup of Dunkies to an animal shelter? Might do more good.
define "good"
By GTCv Deimos
Wed, 09/25/2013 - 4:36pm
considering how mismanaged, and corrupt local shelters are... hard pass...
By Ubermonkey
Thu, 09/26/2013 - 1:31pm
This just made the rounds on
By anon
Wed, 09/25/2013 - 2:00pm
This just made the rounds on the news -- there's one in Paris. Do it!
I still
By anon
Wed, 09/25/2013 - 2:16pm
waiting for the city to open a goldfish friendly pool accessible via Hub-way with gender-neutral locker rooms.
You've clearly never been to
By anon
Wed, 09/25/2013 - 4:12pm
You've clearly never been to the pool at the Hennigan Community Center in JP. It's not quite there, but it's close.
Right meow?
By Kaz
Wed, 09/25/2013 - 2:43pm
I didn't realize cats were so popular right meow.
Meow, I don't know if this place will survive or not but I hope they get the oppurrtunity to try.
This joke isn't as funny in writing, here and meow, as it was in the movie.
By KellyJMF
Wed, 09/25/2013 - 2:53pm
Is that you, Henrietta Pussycat?
Not Make-Believe
By Kaz
Wed, 09/25/2013 - 2:56pm
Just call me Super Trooper Foster.
Pussy hair
By anon
Wed, 09/25/2013 - 3:15pm
Why not maid cafes?
By Freddy Benson
Wed, 09/25/2013 - 3:46pm
If we're going to import a café idea from Japan, lets try a maid café. They are nicer in your lap, and about the same about of pussy contact.
Oh, and of course, if it is cats, people who are allergic will sue and say it is discrimination.
Yes. YES.
By anon x 3
Wed, 09/25/2013 - 3:58pm
I'm going to carefully step away from all the potential puns* and just admit that if it was close enough I'd go to this at least twice a day.
*Wouldn't it be purrfect in Quincy Markat? THERE ITS OUT OF MY SYSTEM
I believe it would be more
By anon
Thu, 09/26/2013 - 1:38am
I believe it would be more perfect if it were a different species, and in Quincy Meerkat.
Will my cat be jealous if she smells another feline on me?
By Markk02474
Wed, 09/25/2013 - 5:05pm
Such a place would be cool with many benefits:
1. Like a petting zoo for kids while parent/sitter can chill with coffee.
2. Opportunity for people to meet and adopt shelter cats, who are also so starved for attention.
3. Pets are good for mental health.
4. Cats are generally far cleaner and less smelly than dogs.
5. No sloppy saliva everywhere and to slip on as with dogs.
6. Cats far more restrained and choosy about the human's food.
Other thoughts:
"Waiter, there is a hair in my soup!"
Pregnant women should avoid the place due to toxoplasmosis risk.
How do I get my cat certified as a service animal?
Swell Idea
By Suldog
Wed, 09/25/2013 - 5:12pm
I like kittehs. I'd eat there.
One bad thing I foresee is someone stealing a cat or two (I have no idea why they'd do it, but I'll lay odds it will happen.) Also, given the weirdsmobiles in this city, I wouldn't be surprised if someone goes there and [kicks, steps on, shaves, molests] a cat.
Suldog (but, despite the canine name, friendly to cats)
cat cafe
By bakerboy
Wed, 09/25/2013 - 6:43pm
Revolting idea. As ill conceived as the casino to-do!!
By cybah
Wed, 09/25/2013 - 8:41pm
what a hair brained idea!
(sorry had to be said)
Aw, are you fur real?
By anon
Thu, 09/26/2013 - 8:48pm
Aw, are you fur real?
If cats can sip mouse
By anon
Thu, 09/26/2013 - 2:45am
If cats can sip mouse smoothies can dogs have cat smoothies?
It's a good way to get rid of the laptop loiterers
By Alex_Toth
Thu, 09/26/2013 - 11:25am
If these cats are like my cat, they'll jump right on your lap blocking your keyboard. Super cute but the ergonomics leave a lot to be desired.