16 years 7 months

My comments and posts

My comments
Post date Comment Article
2/2/25 - 11:51 pm Interesting - formatting Welcome to the new UHub
2/2/25 - 11:30 pm errrr Welcome to the new UHub
2/2/25 - 11:29 pm More login Welcome to the new UHub
2/2/25 - 11:29 pm More login Welcome to the new UHub
12/5/24 - 7:03 am The Movie Red Line trains can once again watch Speed Racer
11/25/24 - 11:51 am What the literal F Climate resilience trumped affordable housing in the South End today
11/16/24 - 12:53 pm Hello? Hello? 311 complaint of the day: One historic artifact in the Back Bay needs to go
11/15/24 - 12:14 am The quiet side of electric? Cambridge gets a charge out of new garbage trucks
11/15/24 - 12:11 am Yep Kraft soccer stadium in Everett gets closer in legislative deal
10/31/24 - 1:54 pm How many ways is this wrong Fields Corner Papa John's approved with salad
10/29/24 - 7:39 am GIS Arboretum road renamed after enslaved woman in ceremony at intersection with street that remains named after a slaveholder
10/22/24 - 11:50 am Yea! to our electronic world Ted Williams has a tunnel and soon Bill Russell will get a bridge
10/22/24 - 7:50 am Rename Ted Williams has a tunnel and soon Bill Russell will get a bridge
10/22/24 - 7:48 am 2 years is better than 5 years Ted Williams has a tunnel and soon Bill Russell will get a bridge
10/9/24 - 12:46 pm Red Flag Judge won't bar events at South Boston Lithuanian club as lawsuit against it proceeds
9/28/24 - 9:21 pm crash Driver hits pedestrian, plows into Theater District Japanese restaurant
9/28/24 - 9:19 pm all the time Driver hits pedestrian, plows into Theater District Japanese restaurant
9/20/24 - 8:36 am CA Black Rose the bar sues Black Rose the bakery for trademark infringement
9/17/24 - 6:48 am Not that clear cut Black Rose the bar sues Black Rose the bakery for trademark infringement
9/4/24 - 1:36 pm Saw it coming State should be ashamed of itself, but since it isn't, it's up to Dorchester residents, healthcare experts to figure out how to replace Carney Hospital
9/4/24 - 1:32 pm Becasue Legislators agree on plan for 225 new liquor licenses for Boston - most restricted to specific neighorhoods
8/28/24 - 11:36 am Setback? Board likes proposed Allston apartment building but tells developer to come back with some more open space on the lot
8/8/24 - 11:15 pm I Know No early morning chicken fingers in Downtown Crossing, but blame a landlord/tenant issue, not the City that Always Sleeps
8/8/24 - 11:14 pm So colorful Councilor would let Boston homeowners paint yellow no-parking zones around their driveways - and would fine people who park in them
7/27/24 - 8:45 am Everyone Money-sucking, bankrupt hospital chain plans to shut Carney Hospital
7/23/24 - 10:17 pm Loading dock? Single-family home near Ashmont station to get rear addition with 13 new condos
7/23/24 - 10:16 pm Permits Single-family home near Ashmont station to get rear addition with 13 new condos
7/9/24 - 4:56 pm How will they enforce Charlie-less T payment starts Aug. 1
6/19/24 - 9:24 am Shades Northeastern details plans for $350-million arena replacement, other new buildings
6/18/24 - 9:41 pm Kind of shut down Orange Line bustitution north of the city starts this weekend
6/15/24 - 10:37 am zzzzz Northeastern details plans for $350-million arena replacement, other new buildings
6/15/24 - 10:35 am new New NEW! Northeastern details plans for $350-million arena replacement, other new buildings
6/13/24 - 10:59 am Housing? Not all of the old Red Line cars will be shipped down to a scrap yard and crushed
5/17/24 - 5:47 pm ugh. what a waste. Seaport to get its own ambulance station
5/7/24 - 1:36 pm Hang on here... Back Bay could get a place for people who like indoor putts
3/29/24 - 10:36 pm Learn something new every day One advantage of storrowing in a tunnel on a day like this: You won't get drenched watching the crew trying to unwedge your vehicle
3/7/24 - 12:37 pm Very nice Time for another sunrise along Revere Beach
2/28/24 - 10:14 pm kind-of Where the trees are
2/28/24 - 10:12 pm Read the article Where the trees are
1/14/24 - 11:58 pm Let the light in Citizen complaint of the day: Synchronized light show at Chester Park is wicked annoying
1/11/24 - 12:14 pm My Boy Looking for breakfast in the South End
12/19/23 - 12:16 pm Semi stadium? Big leaf energy planned for new White Stadium
12/9/23 - 11:08 pm Trees Citizen complaint of the day: Whole Gridlock in the South End
12/4/23 - 10:50 pm Oh, for the love of... Nothing new wrong with Green Line track, this time signal is out of whack
12/4/23 - 4:54 pm Touche What goes up must come down, right?
12/4/23 - 12:20 pm Yep What goes up must come down, right?
12/3/23 - 12:06 pm Case closed Citizen complaint of the day: Our drab and dreary so-called holiday decorations
11/2/23 - 2:18 pm Apples and Oranges MWRA to partially drain Chestnut Hill Reservoir
10/31/23 - 7:55 pm vacancies Board rejects replacing an LGBTQ sports bar in the South End with a marijuana shop
10/19/23 - 11:09 pm hoses Nobody injured in fire in unoccupied downtown office tower


My articles
Post datesort ascending Title
4/11/19 - 6:04 am Herald joins the globe?
5/2/10 - 6:28 pm Water!!!
4/2/10 - 7:30 pm Count me. Then count me again.
12/23/09 - 8:01 am I've had it
12/18/09 - 5:00 pm Red line stop & chat.
7/7/09 - 11:52 pm Upping the ante
7/4/09 - 5:11 pm Holidaze
6/24/09 - 1:42 pm Charette going under?
6/22/09 - 10:38 am Hose the tourists
5/22/09 - 5:59 pm Arlington station to open?
5/7/09 - 3:19 pm You thought Boston was zany...
4/26/09 - 10:33 pm Old and dingy
3/18/09 - 12:11 pm Red Line insecurity