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Brockton man charged with gunning down Joseph Morante in Tremont Street phone store

MONDAY UPDATE: Brown ordered held without bail, DA's office reports.

Boston Police report arresting Elosko Brown, 27, on charges he murdered a young clerk inside a phone store this past July.

Joseph Morante was just 19, a recent high-school graduate who was engaged to be married, when he died after being shot on the job on July 31.

Brown is scheduled for arraignment tomorrow in Roxbury District Court, police say.

This is not Brown's first encounter with the justice system. In 2009, the Massachusetts Appeals Court tossed out as evidence a gun found on Brown when he was a passenger in a taxi that had been pulled over in Brockton. The court ruled the fact that Brown appeared nervous when a state trooper began asking him questions was not reason enough for the trooper to frisk him.

Innocent, etc.

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Well, I'm sure I can speak for everyone, including Michael Bloomberg, when I say that I'm very glad that Mr. Brown's constitutional rights were upheld that day by our eminent scholars of jurisprudence!

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Absent any "spidey sense" you need to treat everyone to the same standard.

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How do you define a standard to all possible definitions of 'probable cause'? Cops do have a kind of 'spidey-sense' if they work the street long enough. This cop obviously had reason to believe this guy was hiding something, but a judge, who was not there, did not agree after reading the report. No doubt if this creep were clutching something around his waistband, some other judge would throw that out too as inadmissible...while lawyers and judges are having fun second-guessing cops and playing 'gotcha', people die as a result. But as has been shown by supporters of the 2nd Amendment, the 4th should also be considered an absolute guarantee without infringement. Any subsequent victims should be considered acceptable sacrifices on the altar of freedom, amirite?

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It's funny how the bleeding heart crowd is all about taking away scary assault weapons (or, more realistically, overpriced semi-automatic low-caliber rifles) from scary racist rednecks who most likely never shot anything other than beer cans with those scary guns of theirs, yet they love their gangbangers and their crazies - i.e. the groups responsible for the vast majority of gun violence. Scrap CORI, don't admit illegal guns found on thugs as evidence, fire all cops who profile (how dare they profile young black thugs, that Brioni-clad middle-aged Wall Street broker just might be the Crip they've been looking for,) seal all mental health records because paranoid violent schizophrenics can't be discriminated against and should be able to buy all the guns they could possibly want, and most importantly, take away those scary assault weapons!!!

PS: It's easy to talk about the 4th and social justice from the comfort of your lily white suburb, where the sight of a stereotypical black thug would cause more turmoil than the Marathon bombing. Move your rich privileged asses to Geneva Ave, send your kids to BPS, then talk the talk.

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Fuck the 4th Amendment!!

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Sure, tell that to Morante's dad.

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why don't you and a bunch of your like minded friends just fire up the torches and head on down to the jailhouse and string the motherfucker up.

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That's quite a hyperbolic leap in assumption. I am staunchly against vigilante justice and the death penalty. I merely point out the inconsistencies in the amount of latitude given the police in one situation versus another by the judicial system. The irony is, on the whole, I am uncomfortable with the idea of stop and frisk, particularly if it found to be race-based. But don't let that stop you being more pissed with me than you are with the the idea that a life could have been saved if another judge had ruled differently.

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by pointing out the fact that sometimes criminals slip through the cracks in the Constitution?

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So just for the record, you would not sarcastically shout 'Yeah, fuck the 4th Amendment' to Morante's dad if he expressed the same opinion? You suggested earlier you would have no problem doing so. Why not, he may even agree with you. But I know I sure wouldn't, even if I did have the law on my side and the courage of your conviction.

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Sure, most people got caught up with the Amy Lord story, which was and still is frightening, but those who read about this had the fear that it was going to just go away.

If the charges are true, there will be justice. This kid didn't deserve to die.

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