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What is it with white male Globe metro columnists and vapid Opening Day columns?

Back when he was a metro columnist, Brian McGrory would always write about Opening Day. Yesterday, his replacement in the Globe's White Guy slot, Kevin Cullen, expressed his disgust at being mistaken for a Yankee fan and a geezer (bonus points for slipping in a reference to a 1979 British labor dispute). Today, the grande dame of Boyo Columnists, Mike Barnicle Himself, weighs in (granted, at the Herald), with a Column for the Ages that complains how future generations will look back and wonder why developers ruined Fenway by building condos around it, instead of leaving it surrounded by Howard Johnsons and Burger Kings, those bastihds.



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Mike Barnicle, of course he has to weigh in on anything non controversial in the city. Of course he has to relate it to himself and 'growing up as a boy'. he makes me puke a little in the back of my throat.
The thought of the gentrification is the movement of the city. The expansion of BU/BC is inevitable. Granted, it isn't necessarily a positive thing but they have been pushing on Kenmore for years.
Every year we see this same article.

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Isn't a "Yankee fan" something hung from the ceiling of a Cape Cod house, while a "Yankees fan" is someone a Yankee might like to hang from the Yankee fan?

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Wait until tomorrow when the Names and Faces and the Manatees from the Inside Track boldface all the hacks that are at the game right now, including Mrs. Mike Barnicle and the White Bot Crew that bail out Barnicle. Ugh. You only see these people at Fenway (a) on Opening Day, (b) at Yankees series and (c) durng playoffs. I doubt you'll see George Regan or Jack Connors yukking it up on a Tuesday night when we're playing the Royals.

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I guess self-hating white people are trendy and chic. Would you guys call Adrian Walker's spot the black guy slot?

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whatever you say.

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The Globe formula over the past decade or so has been:

One Irish guy (Barnicle, McGrory, Cullen)
One black guy/gal (Jackson, Smith, Walker)
One suburban white woman (English, McNamara and Abraham)

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Nice clarification

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