The city as a whole went heavily Democratic in statewide races. In fact, all of the state's largest cities went for Coakley, if not all at the same 66-30 margin Boston gave her. But that wasn't enough to overcome Baker's wins across the suburbs and exurbs between 128 and I-91.
Carlo Basile beat Celeste Ribeiro Myers to retain his state rep's seat in East Boston.
Up on the North Shore, Seth Moulton won the 6th District congressional seat. State House News Service quotes him:
We can expand the Blue Line to Lynn.
Looks like Steve Wynn will get to build his casino in Everett.
Like the job UHub is doing? Consider a contribution. Thanks!
Don't look at a map
By adamg
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 3:25pm
Because you'll enter the same distortion field you'd get if you looked at a national map after the 2008 or 2012 elections - how come Obama won if the map is all blood red, except for those tiny little blue strips along the edges?
Maybe somebody should come up with a Massachusetts map that adjusts for population, because otherwise, you get the sense that Plympton, which is physically as large as Boston, is just as important in terms of vote tallies as a city with a gazillion times its population.
Something like this
By Kaz
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 3:56pm
Taken from here:
Never seen anything like this
By Ishmael Jones
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 1:22am
I have lost a lot of respect for Martha Coakley. Leaves the hotel without speaking to her supporters and does not call Baker to offer congratulations when he has a 30,000 vote lead with 98% in. I thought she was a civil person. Maybe it is better that she did not get voted in if this is the way she handles adversity.
Odd indeed
By bohemka
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 1:35am
I understand her desire to wait on every last vote (absentees and all) before conceding, and pushing it off until she was comfortable, but to leave her ballroom of supporters hanging there without a clue leads to some pretty negative speculation about her composure.
Poor form.
Poor form. OTOH, consistent
By Molokhia
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 5:51am
Poor form. OTOH, consistent with past behavior.
While she worked in Middlesex, I heard that lots of folks in the DA's office didn't like her.
By anon
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 6:41am
If she was elected gov.. Scary
Poor form
By bosguy22
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 8:46am
Like actively fighting the release from prison of an innocent man to further your career. How is anyone shocked by this? She is done w/politics, no need to hid her true self any longer.
At 8:36 am Fox 25 News
By kvn
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 8:40am
At 8:36 am Fox 25 News reports Martha has conceded! Now she can go out to her paying job.....
And why shouldn't we wait
By anon
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 9:27am
until ALL the votes are counted before declaring a winner? This is one of the biggest failings of our electoral process - the rush by the media and others to declare a winner before we actually know the results.
And demanding that the loser make a concession speech to the winner, ecpscially before all the ballots have been counted, is just plain silly.
By cybah
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 10:06am
This is what annoyed me about last night... minutes after the polls closed, many races were called. Even Shaheen/Brown was called earlier and in the end, it really could have gone either way.
Congrats to U.S. Rep. Mia Love (R-UT)
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 4:08am
Mayor Love, great to see you advance to Congress. Since you're a black female Republican, no doubt the "Uncle Tom" and "sellout" labels will soon be assigned by our tolerant friends. Fight through it, and congratulations!
James Brown supported Nixon,
By Molokhia
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 5:57am
James Brown supported Nixon, I learned recently.
From :
Yes, indeed, congrats to U.S. Rep. Mia Love (R-UT)!!!
By oddjob60
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 8:10am
Actually, James Brown said that last bit a few years *before* he went for Nixon:
By Elmer
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 8:40pm
[youtube]Ft11oEigi54[/youtube] [sup]( Among his other failings, I'm pretty sure Nixon couldn't dance. )[/sup]
Re: James Brown supported Nixon
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 4:05pm
Of course James Brown was Republican, as was MLK Jr. It was Democrats like Bull Connor, Democrat Senate Leader Robert "Ku Klux Klan" Byrd, Al Gore's father and JFK who had to be dragged to the table for Civil Rights. Truly shameless. Don't forget A.G. Bobby Kennedy who tapped Reverend Martin Luther King Jr's phone. Today his grandson campaigns with a blonde, blue-eyed fake Indian. Your Democrat party. Farce!
Congrats to Sen. Jeanne Shaheen
By adamg
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 6:34am
Poor Scotto. I hear Maine has some nice rental properties.
Oh no you didn't!
By Nancy
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 7:47am
I know you're not glued to Matty in the Morning like I am during my morning commute but he made the same joke this morning.
What does someone like him do at this point? Become a lobbyist? Write another book? Move to Nashville with his daughter and try to become a country singer?
Heh, wish I could take credit
By adamg
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 7:48am
But it was all over the twitters last night - even before that brief moment when it looked like he might actually win.
Nights like last night make me a bit sad about my job
By Nancy
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 7:51am
I have to get up at 4am so I go nighty-night between 8-9. I missed all the MA action. I did see some extremely boring footage of Mitch McConnell wandering around but that's all.
Time for a reality check
By merlinmurph
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 8:28am
It's reality time for Scott. Time to realize the first time was an absolute fluke, the right place at the right time against the right opponent, an aligning of the stars kinda thing. He had his 15+ minutes of fame. He simply is not a politician.
I don't have the absolute hate for him other people have. He's a nice guy and a good person. But, when it comes to running for senator or governor, he's in waaaaay over his head.
Time to move on.
He'll follow the Sarah Palin
By Scratchie
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 10:17am
He'll follow the Sarah Palin script:
Gig at Fox News
Pretend he's going to run again in 2016 to raise a bunch of money
Write a book
Reality TV
He won't starve.
Scott Brown
By anon
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 11:15am
Poor man - his center folded.
Matty in the Morning...or Matty in the Sunset?
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 3:50pm
Rapidly closing in on age 70, it's time for "Matty" to hang it up. "Billy" Costa for that matter too. Something tawdry about elderly males slinging "hip" comments to tween girls.
Matty in the Morning
By Nancy
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 7:33pm
He's the last true morning DJ we have. Let me be a bitter clinger to him and his show for a couple more years. Besides, I only listen to his first segment. He comes on at 6:20, makes a couple of jokes and then goes right to commercial. At that point, I'm parking my car at work.
By bulgingbuick
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 8:21am
Did I wake up and all of a sudden
By Brian Riccio
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 8:39am
this is Utah Hub? Nice try at baiting though, Fish.
Well, what do you expect from Fish?
By The Beer Guy
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 9:43am
He's a master baiter.
I didn't realize the discussion was limited by geography
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 3:16pm
Sorry dvdoff. I didn't realize the discussion of a national election was limited by geography. One of the more significant advances for blacks since U.S. Sen. Ed Brooke (R-MA) was elected and you want to stifle it? Sorry that voters didn't cooperate with your script this year. As for the name calling by The Beer Guy, Is that all you have left? Nothing better?
One of the more significant
By Scratchie
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 1:56pm
Yeah, only 46 years after the Democrats first elected a black woman to Congress. Looking forward to the GOP embracing gay marriage in another 40 years or so.
Technically, GOP would have
By RhoninFire
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 2:45pm
Technically, GOP would have an openly gay representative if Tisei won.
By cybah
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 2:47pm
LOLOL really?
Tisei ad mentioning "husband" was foolish
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 3:01pm
I'll await condemnation here but aside from Baker's near-fatal tears, Tisei never should have gone on TV mentioning a "husband." Who's advising these people? Tisei's remarks were very offensive to many people, why advertise it? Already questionable for promoting the "bathroom bill" in the schools, Tisei really did no favors with that ad. Plenty of room for gay Republicans in the party but throwing "gay marriage" in the face of an already angry electorate was ill-advised by Tisei. I knew he was gone once I saw the ad.
Plenty of room for gay
By Scratchie
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 3:04pm
Fixed that for you.
Plenty of room for gay Republicans
Thu, 11/06/2014 - 1:38pm
No need for the closet. Just discretion. I voted for Charlie Baker but think the world of Martha Coakley's husband, retired Cambridge Det. Tom O'Connor. A cop's cop. OTOH, I've never met Charlie Baker's wife but I also understand that Lauren Baker is top-notch. The notable thing is that neither Charlie nor Martha forced the spouses on the public. Why Tisei found a need to is beyond me. His district has spoken. He lost another winnable race.
By Scratchie
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 3:16pm
You knew they had spouses, right? What do you want Tisei to do, pretend he's not married?
Nothing but contempt
By Tired of Anecdata
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 3:58pm
You expect someone who likely had nothing but contempt for his own wife to understand that other men don't get married to hate their spouses?
Don't you know
By SwirlyGrrl
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 7:31pm
Some people are unable to see a gay person with their partner without thinking "this is rammed down my throat".
Are you for real?
By Stevil
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 3:12pm
I'm increasingly thinking you are just a liberal troll putting this stuff out to make Republicans look bad - trust me, they do a good enough job of that without your help. Anyone offended by Mr. Tisei referring to his "husband" will just have to get used to it. It's the law of the land in a large number of states and probably will be in the country before long. I can be confident these people didn't vote for Moulton if they are offended by Tisei talking about his husband. Any indication a large number of these people just stayed home or voted for Mickey Mouse?
Both candidates were quite competent. I think Mass is in some SERIOUS trouble. With all of our delegation now Dems - we'll see what happens -but my guess is with Tip and Newt and Teddy gone, two senators wet behind the ears and an all Dem delegations, when it comes time to divvy up committees and pork we'll get the janitorial committee and pickled pigs feet (unwashed).
By SwirlyGrrl
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 5:23pm
If Tisei had chosen to exclude the most important person in his life, he could have gay-baited his unmarried opponent, amirite?
Not everyone holds their spouse in such low regard that they would closet them for their own political gain.
Besides, Tisei is a good man and a good rep - his biggest problem is that he would have been ScottBrowned if he made it to the national scene and everyone knows that. Or, he would have been completely marginalized as punishment for representing his district and having integrity, like the senators from Maine were for not playing the Rove game.
Congrats to O-FISH and the
By anon
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 2:16pm
Congrats to O-FISH and the GOP on their continued ability to point out "Hey, I've got black friends! Well, one at least. Actually, he's more of an acquaintance, and by acquaintance I mean he's a guy who works in my office."
... and
By SwirlyGrrl
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 5:13pm
By bulgingbuick
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 7:22pm
You have no magic underwear nor many wives. World Net Daily is OFish's wikipedia.
The labels are well-deserved
By thetrainmon
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 9:41pm
Um, you can't have it both ways. You can't go around saying how great it is that you're a Black, female Republican (Mayor turned Congresswoman) and then the next minute be in lockstep with the party that always says "it's not about race--the Liberals are always race-baiting." But she did just that:
Going back even further to the 2012 RNC, she's touted her usual brand of "uplift" and "togetherness" b.s. while parroting the usual empty Republican talking points about about how Obama is "dividing the country" through his "failed policies:"
And, oh yeah, Utah is still a flyover State (sorry). I would love to see her bring her bring her brand of b.s. back to Brooklyn and see how long it lasts there.
Have you read any of the
By Patricia
Thu, 11/06/2014 - 9:47am
Have you read any of the vitriol being spewed Mia Love's way? Most of it is race related. It's nasty, racist and unbelievably coming from people that are supposed to be tolerant.
I guess if you don't vote the way you're "supposed" to, it's OK, is that it?
UHub Translator
By wtf021
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 6:20am
Statement: "The city as a whole went heavily Democratic in statewide races."
Translation: The handout and layabout voters of the cities vote Democrat
Statement: "But that may not be enough to overcome Baker's wins across suburban and rural Massachusetts."
Translation: The voters who actually work for a living and aren't looking for a handout vote Rebublican.
Explain Concord, pal
By adamg
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 6:44am
Went for Coakley. Whole lotta executive types there.
This isn't a rejection of Democratic values so much as a return to Massachusetts normalcy, where we had a Republican governor with no hope of sustaining his vetos as a counterweight to the Democratic legislature. Maybe if Tea Partier Polito had been at the top of the ticket and won, you'd have a case, but she didn't, and you don't, so please return to your frothing about EBT cards.
Yes , you are right they do
By kvn
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 9:39am
Yes , you are right they do pretty good in Concord by the prison.Maybe this is their way of tithing , politically anyway. It's an aberration . There is nothing wrong with a little frothing at the EBT card mismanagement situation. I do not have a Concord financial scenario. I would like to see fiscal responsibility for every penny that I pay in taxes. You want the rights of this society , you have to expect to have responsibilities. She got rejected , her essence has been exposed. Carry on !
Concord like Cambridge and Northhampton
By Markk02474
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 10:42am
Their plastic water bottle and Styrofoam bans. How they voted on the unconstitutional (state) gas tax increases, bottle bill extension, and casino questions show how Concord is a special oasis for people to file town meeting warrants against cats that might harm birds and other such nonsense.
Republican governor with no hope of sustaining his vetos (sic)?
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 1:34pm
Seriosuly Adam? As recently as 1991, Republicans held 16 of the 40 State Senate seats, more than enough to sustain a veto.
So, Baker is going to veto bills passed in 1991?
By perruptor
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 5:59pm
This could be interesting.