By adamg on Tue., 11/25/2014 - 6:39 am 

Plunkett Prime Props watched as a peaceful protest over the Ferguson grand-jury decision by abtou150 people shut down Beacon Street in front of the State House around 11:30 p.m. on Monday.
Paul Weiskel photographed a protest outside City Hall around the same time:

WBUR has local reaction to Ferguson.
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Do none of these people have
By anon
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 7:05am
Do none of these people have jobs they need to report to in the morning?
That the best you got?
By adamg
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 7:36am
Just because you're all warm in bed by 10 p.m. with your hot cocoa doesn't mean other people can't find the energy to go out at 11:30 for something they consider important.
So shall I plan on seeing you
By anon
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 8:22am
So shall I plan on seeing you on tv protesting, Adam? Since your so cocky
I'll send you a kiss
By adamg
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 9:54am
What's your name? Maybe I'll call out my undying love for you.
By mdecast
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 7:44am
You are aware that there are jobs that operate outside of the good old 9-5, right? Even so, if someone is passionate about something there is nothing saying they are not allowed to be out hours before work for a cause they care for. Also, from what I've heard bostons protest was peaceful.
I know everyone has their views and opinions of how this whole thing played out, which is completely fine, but don't bash the rights of the people to assemble. Especially when it's peaceful. It's their right. It's OUR right.
I was at my desk at 7am this morning,
By MC Slim JB
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 7:49am
and I was out till 1am last night, albeit not protesting. What's the matter, anon: don't you have a life?
I get out of bed at 4 am for work and was up until midnight
By Nancy
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 8:27am
I wanted to watch the grand jury decision and its aftermath so I chose to stay up and watch the coverage. Now I'm sleepy but still at work. It happens.
I thought the Saints were
By kvn
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 8:33am
I thought the Saints were going to beat the Ravens, not to happen. That kept me up past bedtime. Rioting did not surprise me, expected it one way or another. I knew the liquor stores were dead meat.
Speaking of non sequiturs
By lbb
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 8:56am
You're the very worst kind of feces-agitator. Are you aware of the difference between rioting and protesting?
Tell that to the people that
By kvn
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 9:07am
Tell that to the people that owned the businesses destroyed. It is what it was, it was expected. Your smug words don't change it,
The guy streaming the
By gotdatwmd
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 9:30am
The guy streaming the protests live even reminded people, before destroying a car, to put their masks up while some woman shouted GETCHA SOME GETCHA SOME GETCHA SOME. No, that's not rioting at all.
Then later the streamer had his phone stolen by a protester. I'm happy that things went peaceful here at home though.
Over 100 round of live ammunition
By anon
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 9:56am
fired by "protesters", an elderly man was carjacked and run over, reporters assaulted, cop shot and so on. Most of these "peaceful protester" didn't even lessen to the courts findings. They were hell bent on being destructive.
I still find the women who had her car stolen while attending a "Fuk da Police" meeting the most ironical event out of this embarrassment.
I do feel bad for people of that community waking up to unemployment because of some punk setting his/her place of employment on fire.
By adamg
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 10:01am
My go-to ironic moment is the woman who bought a gun to protect herself from those Evil Black People only she whipped it out while her boyfriend was driving, which startled him so much he crashed the car, the gun went off and now she's dead. That's some quality Second Amendment action right there.
But perhaps you've confused this site with Ferguson Hub. I went to sleep early last night, so please do fill me in on all the rioting and guns and stuff that went on in Boston overnight.
By anon
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 10:09am
Becca Campbell was a Ferguson "protester", notice the Michael Brown pin on her sweatpants!
By anon
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 3:10pm
Poor bleeding heart cop-hating Adam get b*tchslapped and doesn't know what to say. Wonder who he's planning to call if "peaceful" protesters show up on his quiet street - ghostbusters?
Come back when you learn how to look things up
By adamg
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 3:28pm
You call that a bitch slap? Boy, you must lead a sheltered life.
But of course you did
By anon
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 6:29pm
That alleged repugnican teahadist nra wingnut you were screaming about turned out to be a typical thugistani looters who luckily blew her own brains out with an obviously illegal firearm before she had a chance to use the said firearm on the police. Research before you post next time, mmmkay?
Did our local protesters
By gotdatwmd
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 10:14am
Did our local protesters respect the 4.5 minutes of silence the family wished for after the verdict?
Peaceful protesting
By Kaz
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 10:08am
Don't worry yourself too much, anon.
The body count is still 1-0 cops. All that destruction and ammo fired...and nobody died.
Well, except Michael Brown.
By bosguy22
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 10:25am
A cop was shot in University City last night, so it might be tied 1-1 now. Haven't heard if he survived or not.
Still alive
By Kaz
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 1:39pm
And it had nothing to do with Ferguson. It was a home invasion robbery where the assailant fired on the homeowner and killed her and then fired at police when they responded.
Still 1-0.
You're keeping score?
By MatthewC
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 3:27pm
So, what I'm getting from your post is that you think a cop should be killed to even things out. Sickening.
Nice scarecrow
By Kaz
Wed, 11/26/2014 - 10:57am
Aw, you've gone and knocked him down. How cute.
Yes, what a saint...
By MatthewC
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 1:42pm
He was just walking home minding his own business, and wasn't a violent criminal at all.
By Bob Leponge
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 2:03pm
Whether Michael Brown was a good guy or a bad guy, and whether this particular shooting in this particular case was justified or not, are both pretty much beside the point. Anyone who's paying attention can see that there's a major systemic problem. Oversimplifying the issues to a series of two-dimensional cartoons and then arguing about those cartoons is stupid.
Indeed there is.....
By kvn
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 2:22pm
Indeed there is.....
Let me understand this...
By MatthewC
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 3:31pm
There's a systemic problem with a police officer exercising use of force against someone who he felt was threatening his life? Should law enforcement officers be trained to have to sit down and analyze whether or not the assailant is a real threat before they act? By then it's too late for them.
Before you respond, know that I have 14 years of enforcement experience, and am extensively trained in use of force. Unless you have that same training, you have no first hand experience to argue back with.
Not at all...
By Bob Leponge
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 3:42pm
Not my point at all...
There's a systemic problem if society is so broken that a police officer routinely fears for his life when dealing with black male teenagers -- or with anyone else, for that matter.
There's a systemic problem if society is so broken that black male teenagers -- or anyone else, for that matter, routinely fear for their lives when dealing with police officers.
Not to mention
By SwirlyGrrl
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 3:46pm
A systematic problem when the membership rolls of the KKK in a particular region overlap with the police department payrolls.
Swirls , you know this how ?
By kvn
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 4:59pm
Swirls , you know this how ?
Smug words?
By lbb
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 11:05am
So having a vocabulary beyond the eighth grade level is now "smug"? Good to know that's something you'll never have to worry about. Deliberately and consciously ignorant people like you are at the root of the problem in America today. Failure to understand meaningful distinctions will be the death of us.
Dude , stick your assessment
By kvn
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 2:15pm
Dude , stick your assessment of education and vocabulary up where your feces comes from.As I said , tell the poor , hard working merchants and other people that lost property the distinction between protestors and looters. They are up feces creek without a paddle. Do you have anything in the game, except your excellent righteous indignation and your high self opinion.You can protest all you want without destroying people's livelihood.
Oh, my God, those poor
By Scratchie
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 2:01pm
Oh, my God, those poor businesses. What destruction. What carnage. How can people even stand to live in a community where a *business* isn't even safe?
Did you ever stop to think
By anon
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 5:29pm
Did you ever stop to think that many people in Ferguson need to work for a living? How can they pay the bills, pay rent and feed their kids if their place of employment is shut down for days due to mass protests and/or has been burned to the ground and/or ransacked by looters? So while you see business as some sort of evil entity, the rest of us who work for a living see it as a necessity to survive.
So while you see business as
By Scratchie
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 6:17pm
Where the fuck did you get that? Try reading for comprehension.
I just find it ironic that some people are more upset about some burning buildings than a dead kid lying in the street in a pool of blood.
Spoken like a true sheep...
By MatthewC
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 8:33am
I have my opinions about what happened in Ferguson, and those opinions probably wouldn't jive with the opinions of these protesters, but people like you need to think before you key the mic and speak. I know plenty of people who would attend a gathering like this, get home at 3/4 in the morning, and still power through a workday. But apparently you are a good, subservient little citizen and don't understand our rights under the First Amendment.
Was there a separate protest by black people?
By John Costello
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 7:44am
There are a lot of white faces here. I would give the City Hall crowd much more appreciation if they showed up at the Dudley one scheduled for tonight. Thie bottom photo looks like it could have been taken outside of the Middlebury Student Union.
If you really want to get in people's faces and make people think; block traffic on Newbury or Hanover Street on a Saturday afternoon during Christmas shopping season. 10:00 on a Monday night, at City Hall? Not very effective.
Fox 25 reported, interviewing
By kvn
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 8:25am
Fox 25 reported, interviewing a young white young lady , and she said Simmons College students energized or some other catchy verb and mosied over to the State House ( they thought they were at City Hall ).
How Young
By anon
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 9:17am
Was She?
Simmons Students
By anon
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 10:07am
"How young was she?"
She was a Simmons student. She kept referring to the State House as "City Hall". The protesters were overwhelmingly young, white and female. There was one young male who spoke to the news. He had very coiffed hair that looked like it took hours to style.
"Not very effective."
By lbb
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 8:58am
Clearly spoken by someone who's terrified at the idea that there might be an effect.
Did you see Blue Hill ave
By kvn
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 9:19am
Did you see Blue Hill ave after the riots / protests in 1968 ?
By John Costello
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 9:46am
Sorry, I had someone I went to grammar school with shot and killed by the BPD. I've watched the BPD shoot and kill someone when non lethal force could have been used only a few feet from me. I don't want anymore unnecessary bodily harm done by government or non government entities.
If the City Hall protesters and the State House protesters had any sense of who can make the next move for pressure here they would be outside the Moakley, not giving Fox25 easy eye candy outside the Beacon Hill studios.
Are you trained...
By MatthewC
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 10:14am use of force?
So, help me understand - seriously
By lbb
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 11:09am
Is your disagreement with the protests the fact that the police have a "get out of jail free" card to commit violence on anyone they want? But...isn't that why we should be protesting in the first place? If that's not an effective method in your view, what would be?
(and yes, I understand your earlier point about the location and timing, but I think you get logicfail for that one because it's not an either/or thing. The protest happened when it did because of the timing of the announcement, I'm sure, and it doesn't preclude other demonstrations elsewhere and at other times)
Newbury St
By anon
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 9:34am
Won't happen - all those fine young highly educated lads and lasses who would never let a good protest go to waste need a clear path between Bukowski's, Urban Outfitters and Riccardi. Other side of newbury is somewhat of a possibility, but some might need a Rolex or a Cartier (or perhaps a Franck Muller or Patek, depending on the depth of daddy's pockets, because you know, big brands are so passe) to celebrate getting promoted to head barista at Starbucks. Or perhaps finally getting some sucker to fill out that clipboard to save the whales/trees/etc.
Do not disrespect the good
By gotdatwmd
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 10:16am
Do not disrespect the good name of Riccardi and the fantastic imports they stock by associating it with Urban. Two different markets/clientele (Urban does have great cheap shirts though).
Get your facts straight, anon
By anon
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 11:33am
Get your facts straight, anon (not verified) on Tue, 11/25/2014 - 9:34am. There was a Black Lives Matter rally on Newbury St. near Mass. Ave. a few weeks back. Have you been to Newbury St. lately? It's not all Mercedes and Rolex watches. It's a little bit of everyone: all races, all classes, all backgrounds, all ages, all nationalities, locals and tourists. But of course, you wouldn't know -- you don't want to damage your suburban Dunks Scott Brown pickup driving cred to actually go visit the place before you bitch about it. Ignorant tool. Keep spreading hate, bigotry and ignorance though.
Wow, a Middlebury reference!
By anon
Tue, 11/25/2014 - 1:20pm
Wow, a Middlebury reference!