UPDATE: Looks like WCVB has removed the video. Transcript in the comments.
WCVB has video of John Fish saying that
What bothers me a lot is the decline of pride, of patriotism, the love for our country.
Meanwhile, Mayor Walsh denies a report in the Herald that he's calling for Fish to step down from an active role in Olympic organizing effords:
I said on Wednesday that John Fish should be an ambassador for Boston 2024, which is a position he holds now as Chairman. I want to be very clear, I did not call for John to step down from his role. John was one of the first people to carry a vision for the Olympic bid in Boston and I strongly believe that he should continue to be involved as we move forward.
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Whoops, meant to say LA, SF, and DC
By Klaus
Fri, 04/03/2015 - 1:12am
I meant to say LA, SF, and DC not LA and Chicago. My mistake. Clearly didn't follow the 2024 bid very closely.
I suspect it was the WSJ
By Klaus
Fri, 04/03/2015 - 8:59am
I suspect it was the WSJ article about the rumors of the USOC shopping the Olympic bid back to LA and Chicago that precipitated the Leung article as well as Fish's little outburst.
us vs. them
By Malcolm Tucker
Thu, 04/02/2015 - 3:27pm
I noticed that Leung's column yesterday likened this to a "civil war" - and now Fish is making us all out to be a buncha no-good Johnny Rebs, apparently.
This isn't a civil war. The thing where a bunch of powerful jerks try to bully their way into hostile (to the invaders) territory, taking from it whatever they want, leaving behind a mess of infrastructure that they have no interest in maintaining - that's more like colonialism.
By SwirlyGrrl
Thu, 04/02/2015 - 3:35pm
More like a parasite, invading a host, commandeering its resources for its own growth program, and then leaving the host impoverished while moving on to the next one.
MBTA leaders looking for
By kvn
Thu, 04/02/2015 - 3:52pm
MBTA leaders looking for money to expand despite recent troubles.....
Dead horses
By SwirlyGrrl
Thu, 04/02/2015 - 3:59pm
Dead horses don't show jump.
You would prescribe diet pills to an anorexic.
There's no such thing as a
By kvn
Thu, 04/02/2015 - 4:54pm
There's no such thing as a free lunch.
Milton Friedman
How come
By roadman
Thu, 04/02/2015 - 4:58pm
from the F Troop episode Iron Horse Go Home
By anon
Fri, 04/03/2015 - 11:54am
sometimes I like your comments
By Malcolm Tucker
Thu, 04/02/2015 - 4:02pm
Definitely. Colonialism is parasitism writ large.
It was pretty Summery back in
By jswift
Thu, 04/02/2015 - 3:31pm
It was pretty Summery back in Sochi for those Winter games they could probably re-purpose half that stuff for Summer Games and I'm sure Putin would love another diversion.
Let's test their patriotism
By tachometer
Thu, 04/02/2015 - 3:36pm
I am proposing that the backers of Boston 2024 sign a contract where they will take all profits from construction of any project related to the effort and put them into escrow. When the final tally is done if the Olympics loses money they must turn that money over to the city. If that is not enough to cover it then their companies (e.g. Suffolk Construction) must turn all profits over to the city/commonwealth until that debt is repaid with interest and a 25% penalty on top of that.
If they refuse to sign we can question their patriotism (and lay bare their real motivation).
When there's $ to be made
By Belmont
Thu, 04/02/2015 - 4:07pm
Of course, for Mr. Fish and Mr. Henry, thar's money to made in these hills.
Civic pride is all very nice but when it turns over a lot of money and that money goes into certain pockets - well, isn't that the best of both worlds?
Even better
By anon
Thu, 04/02/2015 - 9:09pm
Fish wants the Olympics. Leung wants the Olympics. I have the answer - put the Olympic Stadium and village in Milton.
Too Late for Milton
By Moaki
Fri, 04/03/2015 - 9:16am
Heard his house was for sale....$7,000,000...............Coldwell Banker...
Yes indeed.
By Wally
Fri, 04/03/2015 - 4:52pm
7 million is correct. And guess who has the listing?
Mary Joyce, AKA, wife of Senator Brian Joyce.
I said this before
By Chutney
Thu, 04/02/2015 - 4:07pm
And I'll say it again.....Something's Fishy.
Keep it up, John. You're doing wonders for NOBOSTON2024
By TommyJeff
Thu, 04/02/2015 - 4:44pm
Things are looking grim for
By anon
Thu, 04/02/2015 - 4:49pm
Things are looking grim for the Boston2024 cronies who stand to make a lot of money when they're trying to smear anyone as not supporting their get-rich scheme as unpatriotic. Let's just call this what it is, a shameless transfer of wealth from public coffers to a small group of well connected individuals who have found a way to legally embezzle public funds.
Because if anyone thinks when everything is said and done tax money isn't going to pay for these games they're delusional.
So tragic...
By Angry Dan
Thu, 04/02/2015 - 6:56pm
It is amusing to watch a millionaire lash out against the horrifying possibility that he actually might not get what he wants.
He has cultivated all the right relationships. All the right people are indebted to him. He should get what he wants by fiat! But the commoners are talking about how they don't want to be stuck paying his expense check while the fat cats are sorting out all the real estate that will be put into play.
So now he has to get people who owe him nothing to vote against their own interests. Fortunately, this attempt was subtle as a train wreck and unintentionally hilarious. The way the original video disappeared so quickly is also entertaining. Too bad about the Streisand Effect.
He would hav had it, too...
By perruptor
Fri, 04/03/2015 - 4:44am
if it wasn't for those darned kids!
excerpt from WCVB comments
By Lisa Collins
Thu, 04/02/2015 - 7:49pm
Dear Mr. Fish,
You've pissed me off! You DO NOT come into my home uninvited and dare call me unpatriotic or lacking in pride. I think you intended to shame the people into supporting YOUR cause. I'm confident that, not only did you fail miserably, but you got the complete opposite result. We became prouder than you can ever imagine. That doesn't change our opinion of your plan, it changes our opinion of you. Your comments will make some people dig in their heels, you've lost them permanently. Others might listen but probably will vote against you. The people who were with you, are probably insulted as I am.
To suggest we are unpatriotic and have lost pride in our Commonwealth is beyond ignorant. YOU sir, DO NOT KNOW US. You can't find a prouder, more patriotic people. We wear our hearts on our sleeves. We celebrate our wins and our losses. We do it all with pride and with class. We help our neighbors, our friends and strangers the same, because that's who we are. We are the people of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and will not be bullied, we will not be shamed. You do not speak to us like we don't matter. We do. We are the heart and the soul of this state. Looking down from your ivory tower, you can't even see some of us. We are quite an intelligent people. We will not just blindly fall in line so you can achieve your lofty goals. We have our own goals. As great as our state may be, we have a lot of issues that may very well take priority. We have too large a population of homeless people, veterans, men, women and children, families who cannot afford housing. We have an elderly population that often has to choose between food, heat and life sustaining medications. We have children who go to school hungry every day. Some days the only meals they eat are the ones they get in school. On weekends, they go hungry. For those who want to invest in an olympics, invest in our people. Build homes that the homeless can afford. Feed our hungry. Help our elderly. Don't be blinded by one mans vision when his vision is clouded by dollar signs.
When we are guaranteed that it will not end up costing the tax payers a penny -- When we are certain, that your company will have no involvement, especially with ANY of the construction projects -- When we are certain there is no conflict of interest or impropriety or questionable activity concerning your involvement -- ONLY, when presented with all of the facts AND figures, we will make an informed decision, of our own free will, not because you are jamming it down our throats.
Why has the video been taken down?
By chaosjake
Thu, 04/02/2015 - 8:33pm
Adam, follow up would be welcome.
Channel 5 not talking?
By anon
Thu, 04/02/2015 - 11:25pm
It's been 7 hours since Adam asked WCVB on twitter why they took the video down. I don't see an answer from them. Strange. Who is hiding what and why?
WCVB still in the cone of silence?
By anon
Fri, 04/03/2015 - 9:28am
It's Friday morning and I cant find anything here or on WCVB's website about why they pulled this report. Is John Fish really that powerful?
By Malcolm Tucker
Fri, 04/03/2015 - 10:22am
he probably threw a shitfit, and WCVB buckled, but they all seem to forget that the internet always remembers. that's one of the things that's been so funny about this: the Boston 2024 people are just so BAD at social media. it's not Nazi Germany anymore, guys. you can't yell at us and censor us into believing you.
Why did WCVB pull the report?
By roadman
Fri, 04/03/2015 - 10:59am
Simple. Because the media is increasingly run by paranoid and cowardly lawyers instead of real journalists trained in reporting news and events.
WCVB Spineless Cowards controlled by Fishy money?
By anon
Sat, 04/04/2015 - 10:32am
There may or may not have been a good reason to pull the Fish report from their website. But WCVB's cowardly refusal to explain or respond to inquiries can only lead us to assume that that Fish's dollars speak louder than WCVB's reporting.
Shame on you WCVB.
America is a great country.
By bulgingbuick
Fri, 04/03/2015 - 8:03am
A country where you can put the boots to subcontractors then write a big check to the Cardinal.
In 2013 John Fish was unpatriotic (by his own standards)
By anon
Fri, 04/03/2015 - 9:45am
For those folks who can't
By PeterGriffith5
Fri, 04/03/2015 - 11:00am
For those folks who can't understand why there's so much angry opposition to the idea of holding an Olympics in Boston allow me boil it down to a Cliff Notes version:
Fix the Commuter Rail, MBTA and then come talk to me about holding an Olympics.
Since many of Boston 2024 come from state government and other civic leaders. Let me offer a short explanation of my thinking.
The MBTA and commuter rail shut down while Mr. Davies and other state leaders who had the responsibility of running our state transit system stopped working. If there were so many problems, why weren't they beating the drum to alert the public?
Recent stories have reported that Massachusetts has one of the greatest income inequalities in the nation. This manifests itself in homelessness, crime and no doubt the unprecedented heroin problems. While this is going on, we let our bridge to Long Island shelter rot so that facility is no longer usable. Again, where were the alarm bells?
The most recent outrage was to learn that a bungled "big data" effort to save food stamp cash resulted in elderly and disabled folks unceremoniously being left to fend on their own. This comes on top of a similar big effort that resulted in the State spending big money to medically insure those who had the misfortune to experience the melt down of the Mass health connector.
I'm sure planning an Olympics is fun, but for those of us who use the MBTA, pay for our own insurance, drive to work - we don't quite believe that you'll handle the Boston Olympics with any more efficiency than you did with things that actually matter to people's lives.
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