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Fens on fire


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And the reason BFD no longer does controlled-burns of the fast-growing brush every spring & fall is....why?

The brush really gets out of hand quickly and it would be much easier for them to simply burn or cut them down every couple months than wait for it to become a fire hazard I'd think.

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Same reason they can't be mowed. MassDEP asininely decided even highly invasive species which destroy native habitats and their inhabitants should be protected and refuses to issue permits.

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Because that seems unlikely.

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okay what queen was in the fens again and didn't turn down their flame while getting some action in the reeds?


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The self loathing gay man thinks it's ok to refer to other gays as queen(s). A few months ago the self loathing gay man called a man he disagreed with "Mary".
The self loathing gay man has no cultural awareness that many of us are still today fighting against those that call us all queens and Marys.
It's not funny, it's not amusing, its old and tired. Adding a smiley face to the post just makes it all the more pitiful.

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for your most useless comment. You have quite the stick up your ass.

You're the one who sounds like a ball of fun, you can't even catch a joke without being all up tight about it. Boy you must be fun to be around. Not everything is a political debate or PC argument, so please take your comment, fold it in four corners of your diamond mine of a tight ass you seem to have because I just don't give a shit. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

So Lighten up, Francis. Sheesh.

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Despite the Ellen Degeneres show, there's still plenty of virulent homophobia out there, as you know. Because of that, I think that in most settings, the use of terms like "Mary" and "queen" is problematic, because in most settings, homophobia exists. The 'phobes love it when a gay person makes slighting or joking remarks about gays as a group; if you want to feed them, no one can stop you, but that is what you're doing. I acknowledge that calling you "self-hating" was over the top, but it's weaksauce to trot out the tired old whine about "PC". So-called political correctness, that beloved bully stick of the right, is not what makes people wince when they see someone serve up a softball to bigots.

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You must be really fun at parties.
-a queen who knows how to laugh at a joke.

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But I don't think self loathing and perpetuating stereotypes are funny.

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Very well said. Thank you. So nice to know that not everyone writing in the comment section is a narrow-minded, homophobic, moron.

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Sorry Miss Thing, some of us delight in dialect, and are most definitely not, as you so rudely, presumptively, labelled us, "self-loathing".

But before I read your beads I refer you to a charming article by the esteemed Michael Musto in a publication cleverly named "Out": http://www.out.com/michael-musto/2015/5/04/reveling-old-gay-lingo-fun-gurl

Now, cast your shade elsewhere before a house falls on you too.

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Not because of sex acts,.by anyone, because I am a close resident, frequent this area daily and often at night. If I were to place blame (which I am not)I would look to the sketchy looking groups who are probably indulging in a substance or two.

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