Over the past couple of weeks, somebody has been going around the Back Bay, South End and Fenway and filing 311 complaints about all the "random cones" scattered everywhere. Read more.
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The rapidly shrinking federal Department of Education announced today it is taking time out from its efforts to self immolate to launch "civil rights" investigations into MIT and the New England College of Optometry for daring to try to help minority students. Read more.
The Zoning Board of Appeal today approved plans by Cisco Brewers to turn the old Tasty Burger on Boylston Street in the Fenway into a year round beer hall and its parking lot into a seasonal beer garden with live entertainment. Read more.
Juliet Hurwitz recounts her year as a server at the Cask 'n Flagon.
The Daily Free Press reports on an effort by Warm Up Boston to stop DCR from clearing out the encampment and tossing whatever belongings people there couldn't take with them when told to move.
Greg Hunt spotted this plein-air trolley moseying up the B Line yesterday.
OK, OK, it's really a Green Line power-department catenary-checking vehicle, but still. Imagine if they had summer drink service on that.
You may have heard about the barely pubescent kids currently trying to run rampant through government computer systems that handle trillions of dollars in transactions and data on millions of Americans. Read more.
The Huntington News reports on e-mail from the Northeastern sociology and anthropology department that urges readers not to interact with any ICE agents, but instead send them to the school's legal office: "Even if they say they have a warrant, do not assume the warrant is valid."
The Huntington News reports Northeastern University is going down without a fight: It's "replaced or dismantled nearly all of its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, or DEI, messaging and websites. "
The Daily Free Press reports on the gnawing problem of mice in Boston University's main library, quotes one student as saying her friends were so freaked out they "had to stand on their chairs" when a mouse ran by, but quotes another as saying, eh, she's been desensitized because "she lives in Warren Towers, which she said has silverfish."
The Boston Licensing Board next week considers an application by a local restaurant operator to re-open Little Steve's Pizzeria at 1114 Boylston St. - and with just the sort of late-night hours that used to bring in customers before it was shut to make way for a pot shop that then never opened. Read more.
A concerned resident files a 311 complaint about a Cybertruck owner who keeps parking in a resident-only space without a resident parking permit - using the old ticket-on-the-windshield trick: Read more.
The Zoning Board of Appeal today approved plans for a 28-story, 400-unit apartment building at 100-102 Ipswich St. at the Bowker Overpass in the Fenway. Read more.
The Boston Licensing Board today gave El Jefe's Taqueria permission to open a new location in the big Whoop complex in Kenmore Square - with a closing time of 2 a.m., 11:30 p.m. for an outdoor patio. Read more.
Update: 2 a.m. closing time approved.
The Boston Licensing Board decides tomorrow whether to let El Jefe's Taqueria, which currently stays open until 3 a.m. near Northeastern, BU and in Harvard Square, open a new outlet with the same closing time in Kenmore Square. Read more.
The New England Wildlife Center brought a gaggle of de-oiled waterfowl back to the Muddy River to live out their best bird lives again. It can be hard to hear the people (they didn't want to use speakers that might annoy the birds), so if you just want to see those birds flapping their way back to the water, skip ahead to 6:00. Read more.
Brookline.news reports that while the oil that coated birds in the Muddy River came from a pipe near the Brook House, and while that condo complex had been responsible for past oil spills, officials are not sure it was the source, in part because it had earlier removed heating-oil tanks.
Goldman Sackler went for a walk along Leverett Pond early yesterday afternoon and noticed this EPA Emergency Response SUV parked in the lot between the pond and the Brook House condo complex. Read more.
The New England Wildlife Center reports its workers captured four more birds along the oil-besotted Muddy River in need of cleaning and rehab today, bringing the total number of birds it now has under care to 43. Read more.
Ryan Hatcher went for a walk along the Fenway and Park Drive stretch of the Muddy River between 1 and 1:30 p.m. today, took some photos and reports on the headache-inducing smell: Read more.
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