This is not a great mystery. It rained a lot that game. What does wet leather do? It stretches. There by allowing the rubber blather to expand. There by less pressure.
Um, like yeah, so I think that probably, like, that Tom Brady, like might have known the balls were, like, deflated? What a joke! After all of that time and all of that outrage... what an embarrassment for the NFL.
They went for sunscreen, animals...and even UHub itself!
Now they're trying to destroy our reputation by shaming all of our football stars!
(Signals to hitmen)
We must eliminate the COMINTERN AGENTS in the NFL!!!
That's not what
Gisele said!
Does anyone have film of Tom mishandling his balls?
Rule 34
I'm sure there are some artists' conceptions of it somewhere.
not sure...
...but I hear the literary version will be the second installment in the Gronking to Remember series.
This is not a great mystery.
This is not a great mystery. It rained a lot that game. What does wet leather do? It stretches. There by allowing the rubber blather to expand. There by less pressure.
The NFL said it's likely that maybe Tom Brady kinda knew that balls were maybe being underinflated.
Oh, Balls!
The only person with deflated balls
is that puss Goodell!
But there's also a better
But there's also a better than even chance that they definitely won the Super Bowl!
100 seconds
I guess the NFL decided they had to toss someone under the bus to save themselves the embarrassment of this "investigation".
Another terrible NFL decision
They had to toss somebody under the bus, and a lawyer was available. Should have been a no-brainer.
You said no brainer!
faux scandal
Um, like yeah, so I think that probably, like, that Tom Brady, like might have known the balls were, like, deflated? What a joke! After all of that time and all of that outrage... what an embarrassment for the NFL.
Who knew?
The "F" in NFL stood for "fluffer"?
The Communists are striking!
They went for sunscreen, animals...and even UHub itself!
Now they're trying to destroy our reputation by shaming all of our football stars!
(Signals to hitmen)
We must eliminate the COMINTERN AGENTS in the NFL!!!
The problems with the Wells report
Pats Pulpit has at it.
Great analysis
The NFL ... as an organization ...
... continues to be pathetic at everything except generating boat-loads of cash from networkss and merchandising.