Bridge protest this morning. Photo by Lee McGuire.
Upset over Uber, natch. Shortly before 9 a.m., cab drivers blockaded the Mass. Ave. bridge into Cambridge. "Completely gridlocked traffic downtown," Christine Peterson reports.
About a half hour earlier, Bikeyface reported a salutary effect of the strike, when the cabbies were protesting in front of Cambridge City Hall:
Hey can I have a taxi protest block car traffic every AM commute? Felt so safe biking in on a nearly empty Mass Ave.
The scene in Central Square:
Cabbies protesting @Uber @lyft & causing traffic back up in #CentralSquare #CambMA cc: @universalhub pic.twitter.com/QkE1u3IKH3
— centralsquare (@censquare) August 3, 2015
Like the job UHub is doing? Consider a contribution. Thanks!
Legally, yes
By Brian Riccio
Mon, 08/03/2015 - 11:19am
the law is vague on people using their own cars to transport people for money. The insurance industry is less vague: don't do it if you have a personal policy. You will not be covered by them if they find out you were driving for money if you don't have commercial insurance and aren't registered with the state as both a livery company and have livery plates.
California is starting to experiment with hybrid polices that cover you as commercial when you're on the Uber clock but not here.No way.
The way Uber Black works is you have livery plates, a luxury black auto, commercial insurance and Massport permitting. UberX drivers that have registered corporations and livery plates can pick up at Logan if they register also. No special license is required by the state to drive livery and UberX drivers are the guys in Camrys and Accords.
This will all be moot when two things happen: Uber drivers are declared employees and they have to raise rates to pay living wages and the IRS putting the kibosh on their keeping their drivers on 1099 when they see how many of them aren't paying their taxes.
Yea I was wondering the same thing....
By Pete Nice
Mon, 08/03/2015 - 11:22am
Does Uber have them fill out tax forms and withholding paperwork?
You have to fill out
By Brian Riccio
Mon, 08/03/2015 - 12:49pm
a W-9. That's it.
By Kaz
Mon, 08/03/2015 - 1:45pm
Uber doesn't do withholding and makes their "partners" (drivers) do all their own taes. How many of them do? Anyone's guess. They aren't getting livery plates, so what makes us think there aren't other areas of law that make it more fiscally viable for them to be Uber "partners" that they aren't willing to shirk?
Also, Uber makes it even harder for their "partners" by using a 1099-K for reporting their payments instead of a 1099-MISC that's more established and cleaner in terms of net pay.
So, you could even have some sympathy for an "independent contractor" attempting to navigate the Uber land mines and do the right thing but ultimately getting bogged down in the disaster that is "partnering" with Uber.
The amusing thing is
By anon²
Mon, 08/03/2015 - 11:38am
The politicians and aide themselves on Beacon Hill use Uber/Lyft because they can't/won't increase funding to the MBTA, and they all know how terrible taxi service is. Same with many of the large corporations paying taxes to the city / state from the innovation district to MGH, and west.
Apparently either Edward Tutunjian hasn't been doing his due diligence in campaign contributions / lobbying, or he's just too toxic now that he's been / is involved in multiple investigations.
Hmm...wanna know why I don't
By anon
Mon, 08/03/2015 - 10:50am
Hmm...wanna know why I don't take cabs?
1) my 3 mile ride up the Jamaicaway doesn't need to include a "time saving" drive-by of scenic Lower Framingham and a $13 Mass Pike toll 'fee'
2) your car has a soul-crippling 'eau-de air freshener / tuna salad / fart / cigarettes'.. mmmm, yummy
3) I'm either in a huge rush to the airport or hammered, so learn the streets, look on your phone, or call the dispatch for directions .. that's your job not mine ....
4) try taking a fucking shower sometime, it works wonders
By lbb
Mon, 08/03/2015 - 10:23pm
Not particularly, no.
My distaste for Uber lies not in their poor drivers
By Brian Riccio
Mon, 08/03/2015 - 11:05am
but in their parasite of an owner and his crew of social media Scientologists.
That being said, I see no issue with them operating in Cambridge because without a doubt Cambridge cab drivers are lower than pond scum. They're rude, they drive like maniacs and when you call them out on it, they think everyone in Cambridge is a Warren voter so they pull the old racist card out of their hats.
Yes, the medallion system is broken, but in this case I have more sympathy for a guy who is shelling his hard earned money out to drive for Uber, money that they will still have to pay if they get enough negative feedback and kicked from the system. And good luck complaining to either the Cambridge cops or cab management. Management will pull the old "we can't tell independent contractors what to do, let alone discipline them" routine.Cambridge cab drivers wouldn't even make it as Uber drivers, they're that rude and stupid.
1% Ers
By anon²
Mon, 08/03/2015 - 11:24am
We have Travis Kalanick, an egomaniac that treats his contractors like crap but offers an awesome service.
Or we have Edward Tutunjian, a psychopath who treats his renters like crap and offers a terrible service.
Take your pick, the iceman does. I don't weep for private transportation kingpins, just get me from A to B without the bullshit.
By gotdatwmd
Mon, 08/03/2015 - 1:36pm
UGH THEY MAKE A LOT OF MONEY! SO EVIL! Why can't they just earn $30,000/y and donate the rest to poor orphans? Lord Sanders-christ help, we've got wealthhavers here that may also be Jewish too!
Except they haven't
By Brian Riccio
Mon, 08/03/2015 - 5:31pm
made a penny in profit since they opened. Also, their valuation at 50bn is ridiculous as all they own is nothing.
Huge Public Safety Risk!
By Working Joe
Mon, 08/03/2015 - 11:14am
This is a huge public safety risk! The ambulances can't get through and what if there were a fire somewhere?
By anon²
Mon, 08/03/2015 - 11:18am
This is just about as stupid as those white hippies blocking 93, claiming they were doing it for "black lives matter".
There's protesting, then there's attention whoring and thuggery. This isn't protesting.
Time to get rid of the antiquated medallion system, and just require safety regulations and certifications. The medallions are from a time before digital documents when that wasn't possible. Hell, there weren't even telephones when some of these systems were instituted.
And while I feel for the very few that bought a medallion and run a independent show, the system is utterly corrupt and captured by little cab fiefdoms that get away with terrible service, because what ya gonna do about it?
Why haven't they gone down?
By Pete Nice
Mon, 08/03/2015 - 11:23am
With Uber and Lyft now here?
Old chart
By anon²
Mon, 08/03/2015 - 11:26am
There's some data coming in that they're finally falling, which is why you're seeing the freak outs like this. Sadly there's going to be some small operations owners that hold onto these things too long, but if they're smart they'll dump them.
Then again, if you have 700K to blow on one medallion, are you really a small business?
By Steeve
Mon, 08/03/2015 - 11:36am
That does cut off at 2013...
The cited data ends at 2013
By Neal
Mon, 08/03/2015 - 11:40am
It's likely because that data ends at 2013, just as Uber was expanding. I'd be interested in seeing how taxi medallions have fared in 2014 and 2015.
By Steeve
Mon, 08/03/2015 - 11:24am
How do I short this market?
short TAXI
By bosguy22
Mon, 08/03/2015 - 12:55pm
Medallion Financial Corp. is a specialty finance company that originates and services loans financing the purchase of taxicab medallions and related assets. The Company also originates and services commercial loans financing small businesses in other targeted industries. In addition, Medallion operates a taxi cab rooftop advertising business.
Stock is down about 50% since august of '13.
Cabbies are a mess
By Bostondude30
Mon, 08/03/2015 - 11:41am
So protesting and clogging up mass ave is supposed to win customers back?!? Sorry that won't work.
If you want your business back please try the following:
1) when we call you and you say 5 minutes try showing up somewhat on time
2) accept credit cards always and don't give us the evil eye when we go to pay with them. I don't want to go to the ATM before getting a ride
3) smile and be polite to your customers - talking on the phone, loud music, grumbling and stale cigarette smoke do not make for an enjoyable ride. This goes for your call center operations too!
4) take us the shortest and most direct route to our destination
5) consider modernizing and always improving customer service!
I'd add #6
By roadman
Mon, 08/03/2015 - 12:31pm
Rip out the idiotic and insulting video screens in the passenger compartment. Sorry, but we're already subjected to enough pointless advertising shilling crappy products - we don't need even more of it when we're trying to get from place to place.
By Joe from Camb
Mon, 08/03/2015 - 7:05pm
At least the ones with video screens take credit cards reliably, because it's part of the same system. If you ask the Cambridge License Commission (as I have), they say all Cambridge cabs take credit cards, which is just plain wrong.
By gotdatwmd
Mon, 08/03/2015 - 11:45am
Cab companies could compete but dont.
By PharmaGuy
Mon, 08/03/2015 - 12:40pm
The issue here is that cab companies don't want to improve service. The cab companies could use the HailO app to do pretty much what Uber does and drive business to licensed cabs. I wanted to use the app many times but even though they said they had 1/3 of the cabs registered with HailO I could never get a car. That's when I switched to Uber. The last time I tried to call a cab company on a Thursday night they told me two hours for a pickup in Cambridge. Never again.
I see it this way, the consumer wants to call a ride from their phone using an app. Cab companies don't want to provide this service. Entrepreneurs will find a way to fill the service need.
The government needs to fix the system to allow for this service and it will force cab companies to play nice with the customer.
HailO is dead
By Lecil
Mon, 08/03/2015 - 3:14pm
They pulled out of the Boston market last year. I believe they're still operating in the UK.
But yes, your basic point is correct. The cabbies aren't willing to be hailed in the way their 21st century customers want to hail them, someone else is. Guess who wins?
I'm aware of HailO's departure...
By PharmaGuy
Mon, 08/03/2015 - 3:55pm
I'm aware of HailO's departure from the Boston market but even when they were claiming to be on the upswing I still couldn't ever get a cab. It always felt 90% of the way there. If the cab companies wanted it to work though I bet it would work as well as Uber.
How is it working in London?
By RichL
Mon, 08/03/2015 - 12:58pm
Most of the comments I have read cite the preference to use Uber over taxis due to ppor service by the cabs. Anybody know how strong the demand for Uber is in London where the taxi system is supposed to be one of the best in the world?
I've always had fantastic cab
By anon
Mon, 08/03/2015 - 1:54pm
I've always had fantastic cab service in London. How odd. But then again, I also do well with the French, whereas I usually hear the opposite from most of my fellow Americans. Regardless, I have way too many horror stories dealing with Boston cabbies... broken credit card machines, cabs taking the long way, going past my destination then not pulling over, yapping on the phone, nearly hitting pedestrians and cyclists, refusing to speak to me, etc.
All London hackney drivers
By Brian Riccio
Mon, 08/03/2015 - 5:32pm
have to take two years worth of training. That's why they're so good.
Only been a week
By Kaz
Mon, 08/03/2015 - 1:57pm
Uber only started in London about a week ago.
What does government provide in exchange for cab/livery fees?
By Markk02474
Mon, 08/03/2015 - 2:52pm
For all the fees charged by the RMV, MassPort etc. to be a legal livery/Uber driver, what service are they actually providing? Safety to the public? It actually seems like no value, just a tax on working.
This seems like the crime here.
My guess
By Kaz
Mon, 08/03/2015 - 4:13pm
My guess is that certain fees help pay for the hackney division (your mileage may vary on how useful they are). Other fees go directly to the increased usage of the roadways/pollution/etc. that commercial vehicles sustain during a day versus private vehicles. Other fees cover the administration of their registration and fee payment. Even if some of it ends up in a general coffer, I'm betting people don't care that a livery pays an extra $5/yr if it means they can save $0.50 in personal taxes instead to have the same general budget for the government.
Of course, if your complaint for UberX and other livery drivers is that their fees are too high and create an unreasonable barrier to entry, then there's a legislative solution for that too. However, I doubt the cost of being a private livery is what drives cab drivers to being cab drivers nor what prevents UberX drivers from acting within the law.
Massport charges fees for cabs
By roadman
Mon, 08/03/2015 - 6:44pm
because of idiotic and outdated FAA rules that limit what they can spend the
extortion paymentsairport "use" fees they charge the airlines. That's also the reason that the parking rates at Logan keep going up.No, Massport charges fees
By anon
Tue, 08/04/2015 - 4:53pm
No, Massport charges fees because they can.
It's the same reason the Turnpike Authority/MassDOT charges a higher tunnel toll for taxis than regular cars -- screw the airport passengers.
Taxis and their government-imposed fees are way overpriced. But the alternative is wasting your life on the world's slowest public transit. (The Silver Line -- only 40 minutes to go the 3 miles to South Station! Or the Blue and Orange Lines -- a shuttle bus, plus a 12-minute wait, plus a 5-minute walk through the State Street passage, plus another 10-minute wait.)
MIT Labs?... Transportation Labs?... AI Lab?... Media Lab?...
By theszak
Mon, 08/03/2015 - 5:25pm
What new technology/software are being developed at MIT Labs, Transportation Labs, AI Lab, Media Lab that Taxi companies can use to replace their out of date technology/software ?
Who cares?
By lbb
Mon, 08/03/2015 - 10:26pm
Technology in a car isn't going to solve anything particularly. You still have the problem of too many low-capacity vehicles on the road.
I bet you guys still tip
By J.C
Tue, 08/04/2015 - 7:07am
I bet you guys still tip these cabbies for their bad service, but you don't tip ride share drivers for the good and cheaper service that they give.
Lexical choices
By Kaz
Tue, 08/04/2015 - 10:23am
UberX/Lyft/etc. aren't "ride shares". Ride shares are where you write on Craigslist that you want to go to NYC for the weekend and cross your fingers that the person who picks you up isn't a mass murderer. UberX is just an illegal livery driver. They're not sharing a ride. They weren't going to where you live and then driving to where you need to go until you paid them for the ride. That's a livery vehicle.
"You guys"?
By lbb
Tue, 08/04/2015 - 1:57pm
Do YOU tip "ride share drivers", J. C.?