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Authorities identify Deer Island girl, make arrests

Deer Island girl

UPDATE: Mother's boyfriend charged.

WCVB reports the girl was from Boston - where the arrest was made.

The Suffolk County District Attorney's office declined comment, said the investigation "remains very active."

The body of the girl, estimated age 4, was found June 26 wrapped in a blanket inside a plastic bag on the shore of Deer Island.

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Just wow.. I'm so glad they figured out who she was.

Such a sad case :( But it appears justice may be served.

RIP Little Girl

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This is some of the best news I've heard in a while.

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Her name was Bella, according to WCVB.

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made a grown man cry.. :(

*quietly goes into empty office to weep*

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has hit me hard--after all these months and now I can't stop crying. Maybe it's seeing her real face, which is somehow much more the way I imagined her than the composite. Or knowing that there are people who did this and concealed it all this time. I don't know. It's just so heartbreaking and awful.

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I'm curious how accurate the computer generated photo of the girl was. Hopefully they find a recent photo in the house to compare with the generated one.

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All so very sad. I can't help but wonder if she just died of natural causes or a drug accident and they panicked, as her mother did love her and there were no signs of trauma.

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Yes, I would say it was good.

Looking at the photos on the mother's Facebook, aside from bawling at them, I can't help but notice that if she was either 4 or 5 as the reports about her identity say, she was very small, about the size of a three year old. They initially were saying 2 or 3. The pictures of her a year ago on Facebook look like she's about a young two -- pudgy doughy muscles, floppy abs, cheesy grin, etc. I wonder if she was maybe developmentally disabled and wandered or got into something, and someone panicked? So tragic for everyone involved.

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It's pretty damned close


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Bella on her mother's Facebook page

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Likely some unfriending has happened already...

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and we are at 87

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"Sorry, this content isn't available right now
The link you followed may have expired, or the page may only be visible to an audience you're not in."

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I'm guessing her friends and fmaily locked down their privacy settings after getting hounded by the press. Reporters are so desperate, they'll hit anything that moves for a quote. They'll call people's old workplaces, schools, you name it.

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Are really heartbreaking.

And then there's this.

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I am glad we are able to see who she really was,no longer just a composite. As for the mother, there is also this, again from Channel 5 website: "She (the mother) tried to be responsible, but she was on drugs," said Yessiomora Torres "She talked slurred, she’d come out and smoke a cigarette, her daughter would be crying."

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But I do have enough left in me to say this

She (the mother) tried to be responsible, but she was on drugs

NO. Trying to be responsible is not compatible with being on drugs (unless you're seeking treatment).

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"Seeking treatment" is more difficult than you might think. If you don't have the money for a private rehab program, you usually have to wait on waiting lists for public programs. And public programs don't offer long-term support services, which are really what's needed to break addiction. It's ridiculously absurd. If she wasn't seeking treatment, then it was likely the addiction itself that stopped her from doing so, not a lack of trying to be a responsible parent. Addiction does really crazy things to a person's brain. It's an illness that, tragically, sometimes manifests into situations like this.

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Maybe I'm just wound up but what kind of a suicidal moron do you have to be in this day and age to use heroin, meth, oxy or any other devastatingly addictive drug?? I'm all for treatment etc. but we all know that the rates of recovery are shockingly low. The odds are that once you start using this shit, you will be screwed up or dead, usually having caused unimaginable pain to yourself, your family, and others. There is no f'ing upside.

Again, we need to decriminalize. We need to treat. But as someone who actually has a chronic disease that requires me to stick needles in myself three times a day, I'm getting sick and tired of people referring to addiction as a chronic disease, like people have no free will or common sense. Who chooses to have a chronic disease? No one. We have to figure out a way to stop this before it starts, not to try to glue the pieces back together afterwards.

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Have you been paying attention to the opioid epidemic at all? The rate of prescription opioids has skyrocketed in the last couple of decades. A vast majority of heroin addicts start with prescribed opioids. Opioids are highly addictive, whether you're abusing them or taking them as directed by your doctor. In short, once you're hooked, it's hard to stop. If your prescribed source stops, finding another source becomes expensive, and so people turn to much cheaper heroin, which is also ridiculously abundant and cheap right now. Most people who end up doing heroin don't start doing it by choice, but out of an addiction stemming from drugs supplied by the medical industry.


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I think you're confusing "being prescribed OxyContin" or "becoming dependent on prescribed OxyContin" with "becoming addicted to OxyContin"--ie a lot of prescription drugs get abused and/or sold on the street. I don't doubt that some addicts get their start by becoming dependent/addicted on prescribed pain pills but you're mistaken if you think that most heroin/Oxy addicts were just guys with back pain who were misled by their doctors.

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and, sadly, have a history of addiction in my family. Please don't lecture me about this.

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However, what are the barriers for single parents getting treatment? Even if somebody knows what the right thing to do is, it doesn't mean that they can even get there no matter how much it matters. If she had no support system, nobody she could trust with the girl, no health insurance, etc. how would it be possible for her to clean up?

These are larger questions that our society needs to answer given the worsening epidemic, because all the hateful judgemental stuff on this thread isn't going to result in the kinds of policies that we need to have in place, or the resources to implement them, that will prevent another baby doe.

The people I knew who were able to lift them selves out of their messes? They had clean and sober spouses, trustworthy parents, supportive siblings ...

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" If she had no support system, nobody she could trust with the girl"


Trust them to not kill her?

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You really are a fool, aren't you. Can't even read.

We don't know what the girl died of, or how. Childhood deaths from undetected underlying illnesses are not uncommon - but you are too ignorant to know that.

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Yes, it's pretty clear that something horrible happened in this family -- at the very least, covering up an accidental death. But that doesn't mean most kids with struggling parents belong in foster care. Most kids are better off with struggling parents than with the additional trauma of losing them and bouncing around in the system.

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Umm, we at least know she covered it up.

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to those who qualify based on income. $1 copay for prescriptions, perhaps free even. Its quite likely she and her child had medical coverage.

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I'd like to know where is the birth father? Is he alive? If so, was he aware that his daughter was missing?

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Reports say Michael McCarthy, 35, of Boston is in custody being questioned.

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i do not believe he was the biological father. he was just the current BF

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....for info on the father.

Here's a summary:

This child was conceived at Occupy Boston. Then the father left the mother when he found out she was a hooker in the past (I guess he wasn't happy enough that she didn't charge him). Wow they really showed those 1 per centers a thing or two, didn't they?!

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and just got back according to his statements to the press. The Globe noted "...Amoroso, a lean man with a shaved head and a lengthy criminal record in Florida..." had met with the mother who said Bella was on the cape a couple times to him while looking untruthful until finally confessing that she was dead just last week.

Like Bella's mom in Boston, Bella's biological father might have been living in Florida public housing, though a very small studio unit with bars (jail), so couldn't be around to see his daughter, talk with the mom, see the Boston media coverage, and just found out about what had happened.

Many more details including Bella's biological parents both being homeless when she was conceived:

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Why do you "conservatives" hate Christian values so much?

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Created at least one more homeless person.


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it seems. Christians there needed to be giving out more condoms to the homeless.

Maybe Donald Trump can add free sterilization to his campaign - for qualified individuals.

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If you walked in/around their camp, they made condoms available.

Of course, people actual bothering to use them is a different issue. I'm amazed that these folks, given their age and life history, weren't using them for other reasons.

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:( aw man..

yeah time to step away from the computer before I totally lose it.

*heads to empty office to go weep some more*

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Hypocritical twat. Reminds me of that woman from Blackstone who kept posting photos on Facebook of all the wonderful meals she was making and school shopping she was doing for her children while living in a dump heap with her rotting infants and dead pets.

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The woman from Blackstone was suffering from mental illness, per her attorney. And it appears that this mother also had issues. While it does not justify what happened to her child (and, at this point, neither of us know what happened to the little one, i.e. how she died), the mom's mental state and/or history of addiction should be taken into consideration.

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it seems mental illness is being used more and more to excuse criminal behavior. Lawyers are going to say whatever it takes. Some people are just criminals.

Mental illness doesn't give someone a pass to do whatever he or she feels like doing - shooting up schools, shooting up movie theaters or killing children.

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Most folks who are mentally ill have no control over their actions depending on what type of mental illness they have.

No, it does not give someone a "pass" to do whatever they feel like but you are missing the point.

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Perhaps a better way this is that by far most people with mental illness never commit a crime but the ones that have certain forms of mental illness who can not control their actions do tend to commit crimes.

The issue as I see it and I do have a lot of knowledge in this field is that in the past people with severe mental illness were locked away form society and very often sterilized. At some point we decided that treating people like animals was not a good treatment method. The down side is that these people are now free to and often have multiple children. The mother can barely care for herself with the assistance of a state mental health worker. The father is rarely present. These poor kids have no shot and very often but not always have mental illness themselves. The DMH is not staffed or funded to handle this type of situation and refer the children to DSS and everyone throws up their hands and says "I don't know how to handle this."

I don't have a solution. I just wanted to point out that the vast majority of people with mental illness do not commit crimes.

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don't we.

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We know now, don't we.

Not really... We have what are probably some pretty good guesses. We have a set of formal accusations made by prosecutors, a couple of press releases, and a couple of media articles citing unnamed sources.

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kid Bob. Murdered put in a refrigerator then dumped in the harbor. The mother and alleged murderer blame each other. Yes we do know. Do yourself a favor and let Swirly do the shoveling.

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"murdered and put in the refrigerator and dumped" is what the mother told prosecutors.

Why do you trust her so much now? The fact is that the same prosecutors are saying that they saw no evidence of such trauma as she described on autopsy.

Think about that one a minute. I know that "think" part is realllly hard ...

Maybe you should do some shoveling - make that hole in the sand where you like to stick your head a bit deeper so that reality won't challenge your narratives anymore.

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now your way in over your head.

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And no one reported her missing or responded to reward offers. Her parents must have kept her very isolated. So sad.

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The story doesn't mention how police were able to close the case. It's possible they got a tip that panned out.

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Everyone will want to hear all the detail about this story. So glad they broke the case. I bet the little girl will be on the cover of People next week.

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Unfortunately, she isn't British royalty so I doubt there will be a peep out of People.

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THEN it would be a guarantee.

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Let the trial run it's course - THEN release all the petty details after that. I'd rather see the guy be found guilty and go to jail instead of giving his lawyer idiotic excuses to appeal the verdict just because the media is greedy for information that is relatively pointless.

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Duh, I haven't had my coffee yet. Very good point. :-)

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Looks like the mother had a drug problem...

So this would not be a unbelievable lie by the mother:

"The three month-long search to determine the identity of Baby Doe ended Thursday when someone close to the child’s family reached out to police, according to law enforcement.
Officials say the tipster had noticed the child was missing, but each time person asked the Bella’s parents what happened, they replied that she had been taken away by the Department of Children and Families."

(The video is heart-breaking on this site)


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Neighbors all knew the kid, but believed the mother when she told them DCF took her away.

If nothing else, it shows not everybody reads the papers or watches TV or looks at billboards, I guess.

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She had two previous children taken away by DCF. It wouldn't be an unreasonable assumption that Bella was taken away by the state too. There are plenty of neighbors who don't report suspicious things in their neighborhoods of all kinds, because of the risk of being wrong and being retaliated against. Don't blame the neighbors in this case, in an urban neighborhood its also common to not know your neighbors very well if everyone is renting. If I don't see someone in my building for awhile, I assume they moved out, not that they were murdered. Its just the transient nature of apartment rentals.

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...for all we know- we simply don't know otherwise. I personally faced a situation in which a friendly, active, outgoing nine year old neighbor boy abruptly disappeared in 2003. The family depended on public aid and faced obvious mental health and drug abuse problems, and each time I asked the boy's mother about the boy's sudden absence, her slurred comments left me increasingly alarmed. She made bizarre, vague comments referencing another young boy who had been murdered nearby a few years previously, and she claimed DSS (now DCF) had taken the child.

That DSS might have taken this particular child did not seem particularly shocking; but what alarmed us most was our inability to confirm the mother's story. No one at DSS would speak with us initially because we were neighbors rather than family. It took many hours of calls to that agency to identify the worker who had been involved with him previously; after several conversations, it was only after I calmly explained that I would be filing a formal report with the police about this missing child that they would admit that they had custody of him and he was safe.

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once again, has some explaining to do.


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Meanwhile, I would like thank the police for all their hard work.

Thanks guys and gals in blue.

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If her mother was taking good care of her and there were no reports of problems from doctors or teachers or neighbors, then why would DSS even be involved in the first place?

Or are you under the mistaken impression that all parents are constantly under DSS surveillance?

All the more reason that I wonder if she just died (it does happen - heart defects, undetected type I diabetes, etc.) and her mother freaked out.

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Mother had multiple arrests for drugs...
Maybe treatment would have prevented a tragedy.

Rachelle Bond, of 39 Kingston St., was arrested around 10:29 a.m. at 780 Albany St. and charged with possession of a class E substance with intent to distribute.

Rachelle D. Bond, of 39 Kingston St., Boston, was arrested at 10:50 a.m. on Southampton Street for drug possession (Class E).

Name: Rachelle D. Bond
Address: 209 Waterford St., Gardner
Age: 32
Charges: Protective custody

Name: Rachelle D. Bond Age: 31 Address: 209 Waterford St., Gardner Charges: Shoplifting by asportation, warrant arrest

Name: Rachelle D. Bond Age: 31 Address: 209 Waterford St., Gardner Charges: Warrant arrest

FITCHBURG -- Police arrested more than a dozen people Wednesday night during a Main Street prostitution sting, according to Fitchburg Police Sgt. Glenn Fossa..; Rachelle D. Bond, 32, of 208 Waterford St., Gardner
Read more: http://www.sentinelandenterprise.com/local/ci_8890055#ixzz3m6n5dRCg

Read more: http://www.sentinelandenterprise.com/local/ci_8890055#ixzz3m6n0eAMi

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for drug, prostitution, receiving stolen property etc. charges along with probation violations. Also cases where she sought child support against fathers of her two older children whom she lost custody of.

They interviewed her sister, who seems very nice and said Rachelle should never have been a mother and had a volatile personality.

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Same aunt who said the baby was "around 5 years old"? (the baby was 2 1/2) . Yeah, not a fan.

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According to a news report last night, and she reportedly has custody of one of her other children. So the sister not knowing the exact age of the daughter in an estranged family is no surprise.

"Bella's grandmother, who did not want to be identified, told WCVB that she didn't know her granddaughter existed - she hadn't spoke to her daughter Bond in 14 years."

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By other commenters. Also a "sexual conduct" arrest in 2010 with a court order to stay away from Dorchester Ave. Neighbors report her speech was often slurred. Mom might have other children held by DCF.

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That's pretty much all that DCF would care about - were there any reports in the time that her daughter was around. They would only be involved if a medical professional or caregiver or neighbor or family member raised concerns.

Keep in mind that Bella was considerably younger than the 4 years she was estimated to be - born in August, 2012.

If anything, the medical people who cared for this woman during her pregnancy, delivery or provided care to the girl in infancy would have something to answer for if there were concerns over her care.

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None of the neighbors or family members that were interviewed expressed surprise at the mom's "taken away by DCF" story.

If there was nothing wrong, I suspect the interviewees would have been saying "wtf" and "a great mom" instead, not 'of course they took her away'

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Just because the neighbors report that there was neglect, doesn't mean that the DCF would have known about it. They would have to file a report on it.

They only know what is reported to them. They don't have spycams in every household. What I really wonder is how the mother evaded notice when it came to professional medical care givers, unless she was a sufficiently "functional" addict to publically cover for her issues - e.g. showing up to all the well-baby appointments, kid was healthy and growing well and normal, cleaning up while pregnant, etc.

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Her second birthday video was dated August 18, 2014.
She would have been born August 2012.
She was arrested Dec. 26 2011 meaning she was already carrying Bella.


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Unless a mandated reported had filed a 51A for suspected abuse/neglect or the family had an active, open DCF case, or the baby was born with drugs in her system or a family member/neighbor had dropped an anonymous dime, the child would not necessarily have been on DCF 's radar.

Thank God this poor little girl was finally identified and someone is being held responsible for her. Let's wait until more facts are released before we start trashing DCF.

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For what? Is it their fault the neighbors believed the mom when she said DSS already had the child?

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I don't care how much "mom" may have freaked out, no matter what happened. she is a disgusting junkie and she (and help?) dumped that baby on deer island. it makes me sick.

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Do tell.

Otherwise, we will eventually know what happened. Dumping a body isn't the same as murdering somebody. Having had drug problems in the past doesn't make you a junkie for life any more than your self-descriptions of having been a little shithead as a teen makes you a thug now.

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"Dumping a body isn't the same as murdering somebody. "

No, but It's still pretty evil to dump a body. Especially your own child's. No, don't start with your retorts...even if she didn't dump it - she didn't come forward. Shame on her. I hope she rots in hell.

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Wrap that mother in his arms and whisper softly, "God loves you."

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And God did a bang up job protecting that sweet child.

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God's larger plan for the child and/or society. Regardless of their specific faith, most people who believe in a divine power also have the maturity to recognize that that power (whatever form people feel they may take) occasionally allows bad things to happen.

As the saying goes 'God answers all prayers. Sometimes the answer is no."

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To borrow from Elmer, that's adorable.

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You must know a lot of drug addicts and are familiar with addict behavior.

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I do. I know a whole lot of people who have gotten their shit together and are great parents of wonderful kids.

Yet you all would call them "junkie scumbags" the moment the least little thing went wrong and blame them for it. Even common stuff like strep throat leading to an ER visit on a weekend or a playground accident.

Lovely lot of you, really.

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I know plenty of recovered addicts as well, none of whom would dump their kid's body. If proven to be true, this woman at the very least did not come forward to report her child deceased and lied to people when asked about her child's whereabouts. To me that has nothing to do with her addiction and everything to do with her character.

I knew if anyone would say something obnoxious today about this issue, that it would be you. We are talking about a dead child here, one who wasn't given a proper burial.

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People here are gathering to express their remorse that this thing ever happened and raging on the culprit to vent and our leading faux progressives take it as an idiot 'teaching moment' to lecture people about being judgmental because social ideology is so much more important.

This is what makes them so disgusting, particularly when they dump judgments, willy nilly, all the time, about Massholes who went too less than stellar colleges, about people who are less than perfect over some trivial thing and so on.

Fake progressives never grasp that we are judgmental monkeys while being gloriously mind blind to their own dumb shit stream of judgments.

This really isn't a great time for purity lessons.It's just mawkish noise cluttering up the signal of grief and rage.

I'm with Cybah and doing what I can to not sob my brains out.

And the alternate track of the emotion flow is very intense loathing for the flailing skank that allowed this to happen

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Well said

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You can't go back on talking about dumping bodies by telling someone they'd criticize an addict

the moment the least little thing went wrong

Because dumping a body is not "the least little thing." So argue all you want, but try to be a little consistent.

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Who is "you all"? You know nothing about me. I did not use the term "scumbag" or "junkie", you did. You are very fortunate to know a "whole lot" of people who have "gotten it together" and are doing well. I know some people who have done the same. Unfortunately, I see many who aren't so fortunate and these poor, innocent children are along for the ride. Don't forget, this story is about a drug addict, and her dead child whose body was found on a beach and almost 3 months later, no one has spoken up. Odd that family and friends accepted the story of the child being in DCF custody, if the mother was doing so well.

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went wrong is a 5 year old dead girl. Thrown away as litter like a dunkies cup or cigarette butt. There is no defending this mother. Regardless of the circumstance.

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You nor I have any idea what the mom's role is (if any) in her child's body being found...at this point.

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item? The mother didn't notice her missing daughter, the billboards news stories and the like? Why do people defend the indefensible?

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Defending this in any level. "You don't know what this mother was dealing with"

fuck off with that

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the forest.

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Swirl, save the contrarian bullshit for a post that is a bit less tragic. This "mom" was clearly a piece of shit. Just like you.

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It's maybe time to look for another place to comment.

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I think most won't lose a wink over calling someone a piece of shit who is sticking up for a child murderer - how can we permanently delete our usernames from this website.

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You know this, how?

Shouldn't you be talking to the cops instead of posting this on UHub, as they weren't even able to establish the cause of death? The official reports note that the authorities didn't find anything on the girl's body to conclude that she was murdered or even abused.

Fits your pattern of ignoring established facts, though.

Gee, I want your crystal ball.

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"Because Baby Doe's body was only in the early stages of decomposition, detectives didn't think that she had been killed long before she was found"

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A second-hand media description of the publically available reports is not a determination of murder.

You cannot decide "murder" unless there is a cause of death.

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Again, (third time), we have no information whether the mom murdered her child.

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I hope you finally found a place where you belong with all these other phony pieces of shit.

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I forgive you.

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But what am I?

a piece of shit. Just like you

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shut it. No reason to throw the insults around.

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maybe I do know them. would you know that? you seem to know everything.

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That's because it seems pretty clear that you would have seen something and said something if you did.

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You've outdone yourself this time Kate. Wow.

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If she reported Bella's death, the state would have cut her benefits and she would have less money to buy her drugs.

[edit: I looked up the address. Boston Housing Authority property. Figures. Explains why neighbors didn't see her around, after all, its not like she was paying rent for the apartment.]

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Why didn't you contact authorities?

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for a dead daughter without a death certificate or the child's SSN on the social security death list. Well, that assumes the state is competent, so maybe not.

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Of how much of a waste of carbon you are.

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take a deep breath. What "facts" are you awaiting? The child has been missing for three months and the mother, Facebook lady, said nothing. Murder, accident or illness there is no excuse.

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Nobody is defending her, not that I see.

However, preventing MORE DEAD KIDS means UNDERSTANDING what happened and what could have happened based on FACTS - facts which we currently lack, and facts which some are choosing to ignore.

But, hey, if you want more of these situations to hate on so you can feel superior and all that, keep hating.

If you want to stop an epidemic that is producing this sort of event, well, start looking at what the barriers to treatment are for parents like this. Because we sure as hell know what isn't working - and that is the criminal justice approach to a public health problem.

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Swirlyworld? You just threw out 100 words to define an excuse. The excuse never addresses the fact that this situation is wrong and I could care less about alleged mental health or substance abuse. Coddling is what got that girl a front row seat on Deer Island.

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And that, friends, lies the problem. Swirls is right on point.

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the dead child is an inconvenience to your argument. You unabashedly defend the indefensible like the ever-present Swirlmiester providing excuses on behalf of the parent(s) and no acknowledgement of their responsibility.

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We will put you down as "in favor of more dead kids" then.

That's what your approach yields. More dead kids.

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desperate. Evil is evil, even when you refuse to see it.

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You are a moron. The evil is that you refuse to learn, to look at the facts and reality around you AND THINK ABOUT MAKING SURE THESE THINGS DON'T HAPPEN AGAIN!

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is going to teach us all how to live in the bubble of a single mind.

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The person that realizes that there are many potential new Bellas out there? Who advocates (and works, actually) toward the goal of no more Bellas?

Or the idiot who is obsessed with a single dead kid and retribution and hate?

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At this pace you're sure to reach China by noontime.

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the idiot who is obsessed with a single dead kid

are you speaking to the whole city? the whole country?

also, I wonder why adam closed the comments after the BF was charged? was it to keep swirly from being more of an apologist?

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Can we all please, out of respect for the memory of that lovely little girl if for no other reason, refrain from speculation, accusation, debate, etc. here on this forum?

At least until a few more facts are out?

The commentary on this thread is making me embarrassed to be a member of this forum community.

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Thank you! I agree 100%

This whole thread is embarrassing to Uhub. Stop playing arm chair detective and let the police do their job and release information as it becomes available.

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of "arm chair detective" is perfect! Sadly, this is very common practice these days. The internet...where slinging opinions as fact gives you 15 minutes of "fame".

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The poor child is innocent. People are naturally upset by the disrespect shown towards her by dumping her body in a trash bag on the shores of a sewage treatment plant.

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again, we do not know the facts as of yet so why show disrespect?

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None is aimed at the innocent girl who died.

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That is my point.

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That her mom failed in her greatest responsibility and dad is perhaps little more than a sperm donor.

Do you think people are hurting Bella's feelings? Could you explain who is being hurt and how?

[edit: Foolish of me to assume the boyfriend was the father. Accused killer McCarthy wasn't the babydaddy. Its Joseph Amoroso from a tryst in a tent at Occupy Boston. He broke up with the mother after her prostitution arrest. http://www.bostonherald.com/news_opinion/local_coverage/2015/09/two_char...

So, with this information, this all is painful for the biological father, Amoroso.]

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Getting into a drunken fistfight at a memorial service is unseemly, even if none of the blows are aimed at the deceased.

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and a civilizing influence here. Thank you.

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"Brief" involvement with DCF, case was closed in 2013 - this according to Gov. Baker. Rep. DeLeo has weighed in, saying his understanding is the mother and boyfriend are blaming each other for what occurred.

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"DCF had contact with Bella twice -- both times for "support for neglect" cases, according to department officials. It first had contact between August 2012 and December 2012 and then again from June 2013 to September 2013, according to DCF officials."

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Thank you, again. Aside from jumping to conclusions and making assumptions, the insults suck: calling folks "stupid" and "pieces of shit" is not warranted.

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This case and its obvious outcome is as simple as Potter Stewarts observation of pornography. You know it when you see it.

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No we can not. This is Uhub, a circle jerk on bicycles running the red light of common decency on our way to Dunks before it closes. We'll speculate, we'll insult, and you'll like it! :p

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In that both of these mom's posted memes on their facebook that they could hide a dead body. Effing disgusting...

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Involving the Suffolk County DA and State and Winthrop Police.

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May justice be served quickly.

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why do I think I saw this mom and daughter at the wholefoods in Jp earlier this year? I really hope it wasn't them I saw. Has anyone heard that they have any Ives to the neighborhood? Any reason for being here? Like work or boyfriends house or something. Just curious.

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demoralizing reflection on the depraved state of our fallen world. But in the current void of facts, the spectacle of Uhubbers using this soul-crushing tragedy as a platform to self-righteously ride their particular social and political hobbyhorses is contemptible, shameful.

Just STFU for five goddamned minutes and grieve silently for this poor girl and the innocent people who knew and loved her. This forum will still be here for your mind-numbing, tone-deaf, interminable axe-grinding next week and beyond.

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I tried to think of one all day and then remembered "Alabama".


It was about little girls cut short for other reasons in a distant time.

But it resonates and is worthy of the occasion.

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She has the lengthier criminal record.

Neighbors recall her yelling at the child.

Her facebook stuff indicates a need to make up for bad things she had done to the child.

Autopsy doesn't show what she alleged was the cause of death.

Just cause she fingered him? Is there something I'm missing? I look at this is and see a bright blinking sign that says "SHE DID IT!"

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At their arraignment.

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