By adamg on Sun., 11/1/2015 - 6:54 pm
Charlie Rosenberg attended the unfurling of a new Black Lives Matter banner today at the First Baptist Church on Centre Street - to replace an earlier one that was ripped down.
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93% of blacks killed by other blacks, .04% killed by police
Sun, 11/01/2015 - 7:26pm
The BLM movement lost any credibility when they shouted down a far-left Democrat presidential candidate who said, "all lives matter."
Hey Fish, you don't get to
By Carty
Sun, 11/01/2015 - 7:38pm
Hey Fish, you don't get to decide who and what is credible.
on credibilty, by a flat foot who lied to have his partners back
By bobsyouruncle (not verified)
Sun, 11/01/2015 - 8:25pm
Martin OMalley's campaign doesn't agree with you. He met with BLM at netroots after the protest. His campaign later issued a social justice platform
Sanders campaign hired Symone Sanders to advise him on black lives matter. He subsequently met with Deray McKesson and issued his a racial justice platform. Hillary Clinton's campaign did too.
You on the other hand, say you don't find BLM credible because of a protest in which they confronted a candidate. There's a tradition of protest at netroots. And look at the results they've got-- meetings with three candidates for president, and policy platforms from all three. I'd call that credible.
You should take responsibility for your own assessment instead of falsely claiming it's Martin O'Malley's
Moreover, you can't justify the killing of an unarmed black male by a law enforcement officer, nor the result that the officers are rarely held responsible by comparing it to a greater prevalence of black people killing black people. Those crimes are prosecuted and guilty parties are held accountable. Policemen rarely are held accountable.
By SwirlyGrrl
Sun, 11/01/2015 - 7:44pm
Andrew Young saying numbers isn't the same as validated statistics.
By anon (not verified)
Sun, 11/01/2015 - 7:50pm
You reference a guy who obviously has a bias, trying to discredit statistics which don't mesh with his agenda.
Got it,
By Sville resident (not verified)
Sun, 11/01/2015 - 8:08pm
But the percentages he quoted by Andrew Young seem to be fairly accurate based on the validated statistics.
The latest data from the FBI for 2014, seems to indicate that just shy of 90% of black people murdered that year were killed by another black person.
Statistics don't matter when it comes to constitutional rights
By BostonDog
Sun, 11/01/2015 - 7:55pm
The point of BLM movement is to show the world the police hold a bias against one minority and this bias is so extreme this group is being unfairly targeted and sometimes killed.
Whoever else is killing blacks is irrelevant. You have the government (police) who are treating blacks differently from other groups and -- this is the important part -- they are being judged and killed by the police on the sole basis they are black.
People who dispute this fact are saying that blacks deserve to be treated differently and more harshly then other groups. If you hold this view, you are by definition a racist.
Statistics do matter
By anon (not verified)
Mon, 11/02/2015 - 7:14am
The world isn't as black and white (pardon the pun) as some would like to project it. To understand the problem of extremely high rates of violence in the black community and very high murder rates, it's necessary to break down statistics. The overwhelming number of black murder victims are murdered by black perpetrators, a very small, tiny really, percentage of black murder victims are murdered by non-blacks. This holds true for other types of violent crime.
The City of Atlanta recently admitted (pass few years) that 100% of the murders committed in Atlanta for the year were committed by black perpetrators. The majority of victims were also black. The City of Atlanta, although having a much smaller population vs Boston (450,000 vs 650,000) has a much, much higher murder rate. FBI and DOJ crime stats routinely show, year after year, that the percentage of violent crime, especially gun related, committed by black perpetrators in the U.S., is extremely high, far higher than the overall black population of the U.S. In fact, the percentage of murders alone committed by black perpetrators is routinely over 50%, even though the black population of the U.S. is 12-13%. In other violent crime categories, the rates are even higher. And if our crime rate statistics were further broken down at the national, state, and local levels, and routinely published by media outlets and discussed by media outlets and by politicians, I believe most people would be shocked. But they aren't.
It matters because some people persist in attempting to make this violence appear to be caused by non-blacks (whites), who are racist towards blacks. They give the impression that black people are being regularly assaulted and murdered by non-blacks just because of racism. Nothing further could be the truth.
Law enforcement's interesting perspective on Black Lives Matter
By Nancy L (not verified)
Mon, 11/02/2015 - 8:36am
Truly, it was Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream that one day we would have a nation in which both white and black citizens could be reactionary paranoiacs with deeply weird opinions about the potential for collaboration between a secular American civil liberties movement founded and promoted in large part by women and an oppressively misogynist Islamist terror army that controls a small bit of land on the other side of the world. Thanks, Obama!
Is that Law Enforcement's perspective?
By Pete Nice
Mon, 11/02/2015 - 9:09am
Or is that David Clare's perspective? Oh wait, he is a Christian, maybe this is a Christian crusade against BLM. Hell, why don't you just say this is what black people really think about the movement, since he is black.
Says the person talking about
By MattL
Mon, 11/02/2015 - 12:50pm
Says the person talking about Black Lives Matter like it's a monolithic thing.
BLM signs are most needed in violent black communities
By Markk02474
Sun, 11/01/2015 - 7:58pm
per Andrew Young. Black people need to learn their lives matter so they stop killing each other or throwing their own away. White people putting up these signs in their neighborhoods where there are no blacks or unarmed blacks getting mistreated by police looks more like white guilt than helping to fix anything.
By teric
Sun, 11/01/2015 - 8:18pm
but acknowledging preference or privilege (or guilt as you call it) is not a bad place to start. It affects and degrades us all as a nation whether yer in Marin or Mattapan. Unless you're black, latino, or other minority affected by profiling and unwarranted harassment on a daily basis, I don't think you or I have a clear perspective and need to listen a helluva lot more and speak a whole lot less...
By BostonDog
Sun, 11/01/2015 - 8:35pm
The police, judges, politicians, and executives, etc are overwhelming white. It is this group's biases against blacks that are directly resulting in the harsh, unjust treatment by authorities which is the very crux of the BML movement.
So the best place to hang BML signs is in the areas which have highest number of people who don't think Black's lives matter. Black communities don't need a reminder, white communities do.
There is a real problem with black on black violence but that isn't the point of the BML movement. The backers of the BML movement rightly feel that if there was less social biases against blacks it would aid in the Black's desire to have the same social mobility that would allow greater opportunities for higher income that correspond with safer communities.
When it comes to violence there is far more correlation with income then with race.
Its everyone else's fault
By Markk02474
Sun, 11/01/2015 - 8:53pm
Other minority and immigrant groups are able to advance and prosper, but it must be that whites and others have only had a grudge out against blacks, wanting to hold them back and make them kill, beat, and rob each other. Yeah, its a giant conspiracy so you wear a tin hat and talk about it on AM radio and NPR.
Plenty of blame to go around
By BostonDog
Sun, 11/01/2015 - 9:10pm
See, it's stupid all-or-nothing arguments like this that show how little you know.
Yes, black communities share some of the blame for their plight. But to deny that long held, underlying racism isn't making it harder to advance is simply foolish. (And by foolish I mean racist and/or ignorant.)
"Other minority and immigrant groups are able to advance"
By Nick L (not verified)
Sun, 11/01/2015 - 9:45pm
A history of this argument:
1820: "Ugh, you Scotch-Irish are just a bunch of whiners. Look at the Germans! They're doing pretty well."
1880: "Unfortunately, the Chinaman just isn't smart enough to get a good job, and they don't work hard neither. Look at the Mexicans! They're doing better and they didn't ask for any handouts."
1920: "You know, the Irish aren't doing too too badly right now, Lord knows why the Japanese are so poor. It must be their lack of work ethic."
1980: "Japanese and Korean immigrants have oodles of work ethic, unlike the blacks. That's why they're doing so well! It has nothing to do with the fact that Asian-Americans got enormous reparations after WW2 and the Korean War."
And so on...
Make a list.
By Felicity
Sun, 11/01/2015 - 10:37pm
Name the groups that have been systematically oppressed in the US for hundreds of years, then name the groups that have advanced and prospered.
2 Helpful clues
1. Native Americans aren't immigrants.
2. Africans were kidnapped and enslaved against their will, when they came to the US.
Now make a Venn diagram, do the circles overlap?
Ever hear of Ann Goody Glover?
By anon (not verified)
Mon, 11/02/2015 - 2:00pm
She was executed for being a witch right here in MA. Know whst her background was? She and her husband were 'deported' from their native land, Ireland, by the English government of that time (who had invaded Ireland with an army and took it over, one of their first colonies). They 'deporter' them to Barbados (as slaves, yes, white slaves), along with tens of thousands of others. Eventually, they resorted to 'deporting' hundreds of thousands to a penal colony named Australia. Millions more were forced to immigrate to America, Canada, Australia, and places all over the world. Glover's husband died in Barbados (probably disease), she eventually got her freedom, and ended up in Boston, a now old woman, in the late 1600s. There, she became a victim of the witchcraft craze in Boston and Salam. Cotton Mather described her as a 'scandalous' old Irish woman, a (gasp!) Roman Catholic, and of a lowly social class. These were the real reasons why she was found guilty and executed. Ireland today is one if the few, if not only, advanced first world nation with a considerably smaller population than it had in 1840.
There were white slaves and almost slaves called indentured servants who had the hope of soneday buying their freedom. If you google, you'll find actual pictures of these white slaves, usually posing with black slaves.
BTW: The first registered slave owner in the British North American colonies was a free black man. He 'owned' hundreds of slaves. Slavery, unfortunately, was common practice for most of human history, not at all unique to Africans. Even today, it's common in many parts of the world. At least American society evolved,which is more than you can say for many other societies and places.
Pretty much everybody has a sob story.
There was no mass white slavery in the New World
By adamg
Tue, 04/26/2016 - 9:17pm
How the Myth of the "Irish slaves" Became a Favorite Meme of Racists Online.
Try to stay on topic, please.
By Bob Leponge
Sun, 11/01/2015 - 10:51pm
This thread is about cars v. bikes.
MarKKK is most needed in Arlington
By lbb
Mon, 11/02/2015 - 9:33am
Really, stay there. Arlington needs your help. The rest of the world is doing fine without you.
(sorry, Arlington, but he's so damn toxic)
I did my part in Arlington today
By Markk02474
Tue, 11/03/2015 - 12:13am
Residents of a condo complex put a chain blocking a shortcut used by drivers to circumvent the downsized Mass Ave which lost a travel lane to bike lanes. Residents there had complained that traffic would increase due to the project and it did, so they closed one end of the private way.
Somebody complained that they shouldn't be allowed to close the private way.
I responded that while the road is not I-93, if they just hung a BLM banner across the barricade, they get a free pass.
Fight the power, Markkk...
By MattL
Tue, 11/03/2015 - 6:19am
Fight the power, Markkk...
cultivating grievances:cycling lanes,an affront to conservatives
By MarKKK (not verified)
Tue, 11/03/2015 - 7:59am
Here's another, the right wing grievance machine is hard at work in Boston:
Dan Rae is pissed I93 non-violent protestors didn't get jail time. He fails to mention their trespassing charges were continued without a finding and they were given 60 hours of community service. But he thinks justice requires jail.
Howie Carr calls the non-violent I93 civil disobedience United Against Racism 'terroristic'
They never threatened violence. Howie Carr is an asshole.
All Lives Matter
By BostonDog
Sun, 11/01/2015 - 8:34pm
As was poignantly said in one of the other BML UHub posts, to respond to hearing "Black Lives Matter" with "All Lives Matter" is the equivalent of going to a breast cancer walk and yelling at everyone that "All Cancer Matters" as if they shouldn't be concerned with any one particular form.
The BML movement isn't denying the importance of any other group. Rather, it's a reminder that one group is consistently not considered as important as another. This is why saying "All Lives Matter" as a way of ignoring the issues behind the BML movement is so insulting. Any politician or group which prefers to ignore the problem with race relations by simply saying "All lives matter" deserves to be protested.
BLM protesters were cheering for dead cops in NYC
By Pete Nice
Sun, 11/01/2015 - 8:23pm
Where breast cancer walkers wouldn't wish colon cancer on men who didn't march with them.
That is why BLM gets some backlash, because many of them just want cops, white people, and you dead. Or they say they do anyway. Do they want change? Or dead cops? Is that why black lives matter?
False: BLM protesters were cheering for dead cops in NYC
By bobsyouruncle (not verified)
Sun, 11/01/2015 - 8:32pm
Yea, and I'm sure those saying that were just Republicans
By Pete Nice
Sun, 11/01/2015 - 8:48pm
or some other group that wouldn't support BLM. I'd bet big money that every single one of those protestors would align themselves with the BLM movement.
I've heard them say it in Boston first hand, holding BLM signs, to my face.
Post you cell phone video
By bobsyouruncle (not verified)
Sun, 11/01/2015 - 9:24pm
Post you cell phone video and I'll believe you.
You are wrong about NYC.
I find it odd that you'd choose to make a claim about what happened there, when you could have made the first person witness claim that it happened in Boston and you were there to hear it. What were you doing at a black lives matter protest?
I don't have video.
By Pete Nice
Sun, 11/01/2015 - 9:43pm
Ask Charles Yancey. He was there and he heard it.
How am I wrong about NYC? Do you think those who cheered that would be against the movement?
I don't have video.
By Pete Nice
Sun, 11/01/2015 - 9:43pm
Ask Charles Yancey. He was there and he heard it.
How am I wrong about NYC? Do you think those who cheered that would be against the movement?
There are always scumbags looking for cover
By BostonDog
Sun, 11/01/2015 - 8:33pm
Yes, there are some scumbags which are using the BML banner as a cover to do shitty things like protest cops funerals. From everything I've seen and read these people are a small minority and do not reflect the views of a vast majority of BML supporters of all races.
Using the cancer walk analogy, there are some people who set up bogus charity fundraisers in order to have a cover to scam and defrued people who are trying to do good. Knowing that some cancer fundraisers are actually scams doesn't reduce the importance of supporting cancer fundraisers.
I think the scumbags are what ruin it though.
By Pete Nice
Sun, 11/01/2015 - 8:45pm
And I also feel that many in this movement think that their main cause (police brutality) can be fixed without attacking the underlying causes (poverty, oppression and racism). And I know many of these protestors. Some of them are your regular caring people who support many causes, but many of them are there simply to be noticed themselves, and to be divisive and they will never be satisfied. They don't listen to reason, and they are irrational.
And the actual issue of police killings in terms of stats isn't really clear either. I'm still willing to say that race isn't an issue in most of the killings of civilians. Race takes a part in profiling and other aspects of law enforcement and justice, but the actual data on police shootings has so many factors to say that race is an issue other than just a number.
I'm not going to let the scumbags ruin it
By BostonDog
Sun, 11/01/2015 - 9:03pm
If 1 in 100 BML protesters is a scumbag which do you think the media will focus on? If the point of the BML movement is to highlight racism no place is it more evident then many white's reaction to movement itself. (Depressingly, even here on UHub.)
As for police brutality and biases it would seem far more related to income where the poorer someone is (or perceived to be) the less "justice" that person receive by authorities. It might be better if BML morphed into "Poor Lives Matters". Not that it would matter much -- it's socially taboo to be outwardly racist but many feel it's just fine and dandy to be biased against the poor.
I agree but I think there is more.
By Pete Nice
Sun, 11/01/2015 - 9:21pm
The scumbags are just a small part. In Boston, (and you can ask any City counselor, and I'm talking about those who you would think would support the movement), the BLM leaders are intolerable, impossible to reason with, and are a general divisive force in any sort of discussion for change, even a positive change. These BLM leaders were here before the BLM movement became a larger political force, and they have never been able to address the issues in a healthy productive way. They don't call for dead cops, but they now have a voice that I think politicians have no idea how do deal with except to "yes" them. This stalls the important dicussions, and anyone who disagrees with them become "RACISTS!!". So people who disagree tend to be silent, further extending the problem.
Name names.
By Nancy L (not verified)
Mon, 11/02/2015 - 12:31am
You talk like you know what's going on. Name names.
Because I have inside info and am anonymous.
By Pete Nice
Mon, 11/02/2015 - 7:39am
I feel like it would be disingenuous for me to name real people when I am not using my own name.
I thought you were making shit up
By Nancy L (not verified)
Mon, 11/02/2015 - 8:03am
I thought you were making shit up and I was right.
Go stick your head back in the sand Nancy L.
By Pete Nice
Mon, 11/02/2015 - 8:43am
In West Roxbury or wherever you live. You think your right, but you have no idea what goes on in Roxbury every night, or during the day for that matter (and you obviously don't know me or what I do, and that is the only fact we have here). You don't know any bad people in Roxbury, and you don't know any good people in Mattapan. Ever talk to Tito Jackson? Or Charles Yancey? Go ask those two guys and they will tell you straight up the problems with the BLM and how it effects their own political processes in trying to make Boston a better place for everyone.
(You are right about one thing, I probably should not just say "BLM" because those characters who are destructive to the process were here before, and will be here after BLM.)
responsible adults take action
By Nancy L (not verified)
Mon, 11/02/2015 - 8:55am
Lots of bills in the hopper on Beacon Hill to address concerns of BLM including criminal justice reform, school-to-prison pipeline, stop and frisk data collection, AG not DA to investigate police-involved homicides, Mayor Walsh was on the news yesterday to say police body cam pilot starts in the Spring.
This is evidence responsible adults will take action to correct bona fide issues despite the personality and tactics of those advocating for them.
Oh, do you?
By lbb
Sun, 11/01/2015 - 9:27pm
And if you hadn't seen, or heard of, or imagined, some person at a BLM rally allegedly cheering for dead cops, you'd be all over that bad boy. You'd be showing us just how much you care about black lives. But, oh dear, crocodile tears, you've been prevented from doing so, because some scumbags just ruined it for you.
(and now I'm wondering just what it is you do, if you refuse to associate with any group or organization or movement or belief system that has scumbags)
No you are right lbb
By Pete Nice
Sun, 11/01/2015 - 9:31pm
And I've explained some of that in other posts (regarding who these people really are and how politically they can be too divisive to be effective)
You're being called out for lying
By Nancy L (not verified)
Mon, 11/02/2015 - 12:39am
You're being called out for lying that you'd engage in the BLM movement but for some excuse about people.
You're right
By Kaz
Tue, 11/03/2015 - 11:07am
You start naming cops on the force who are likely to kill a black man just because they're chasing him for *suspicion* of a crime, then I want you to talk to the DA about getting any BPD cop that's broken the law to be arrested and tried in court and not just swept under the rug or handed over to the arbitration system or whatever other farcical way that DAs protect cops from the repercussions of breaking the public's trust...
...and I'll ask BLM in Boston to start naming any people they know of at their protests that just want me dead because I'm white.
If cops and DAs actually held their own to high standards, then you wouldn't see as much of this mess and BLM's primary complaint would be moot.
Also, if you think that "scumbags are what ruin it" means both sides have the same problems, you're feeding us false equivalence. You see, when cops have scumbags and they get protected by other cops and DAs, they are starting form a position of power and using that power to protect their position. When BLM has scumbags, they're all proles and have no power and no position to use to defend themselves AND the cops use the scumbags to paint them all the same color and treat them all accordingly. If you can't see how the position of power cops have changes the scales on whose scumbags are worse, then you're too far gone in the system to have a valid opinion on this.
Not so sure you know how it works either.
By Pete Nice
Tue, 11/03/2015 - 11:59am
But first, the law does not back BLM. Courts have ruled on use of force, and BLM simply will never grasp that, and maybe you won't either (which is fine, as long as those who use reason like judges rule on it, we don't have anything to rationally fear). To expand, DA's can't charge a cop for murder in most of these cases, because of the reasonable standard of force that has been in the legal system since the Tennessee vs. Garner case back in 1985 which backs the use of force in pretty much the majority of cases BLM is protesting about now. Hell, in Ferguson, you have dozens of witness who lied about what happened! Do you really thing justice would have been served for a trial there? Stop blaming cops and DAs, and start questioning the courts and their case laws which those same cops and DAs have to follow. Cops are simply human beings with guns, and human beings with guns can only be expected to react a certain way (with some litmitations) when faced with unknown situations that someone like you would never be able to grasp, because you've never experienced it.
For your second point, you are putting words in my mouth. BLM really doesn't really effect anyone. They have zero impact on anything really, except for some expanded media coverage and some minor political impact in terms of using city resources for protests. BLM is by en large peaceful, harmless and lawful. Cop scumbags are far worse, but I never really compared the two, I simply had an opinion of one of the groups. that "power" you think cops and DAs use to protect themselves come from the judges and juries that have ruled on them, not from the power of the gun or badge.
far-left Democrat presidential candidate
By bobsyouruncle (not verified)
Sun, 11/01/2015 - 9:18pm
Martin OMalley is in the mainstream of the Democratic party.
Sanders is left of the Democratic center, comparable to Nixon who was left of Republican center. I.E. He founded the E.P.A. to protect the environment from corp. toxic waste. He championed Title IX. He was a pragmatic progressive Republican.
Hillary is just right of Democratic center, probably closer to the center of the national electorate, and if she wasn't... she'd end up there by Election Day 2017. She's been moving left during the primary to match Sanders' popular platform.
And 84% of white murders are committed by other whites.
By Felicity
Sun, 11/01/2015 - 10:18pm
And 84% of white murders are committed by other whites. Most homicides are intraracial.
As for killer cops
3.5 times more likely to be killed......
By Pete Nice
Sun, 11/01/2015 - 10:46pm
When doing the same thing? (Assaulting cops, shooting cops, engaging in criminal activity, running away, resisting arrest, doing nothing...)
3.5 times more likely doesn't mean much as a number unless you look deeper. That's one of the biggest problems with this whole issue in my opinion.
I'm a cop in Roxbury. What are the chances I end up shooting someone over the cop in Newton? What do you think the race will be?
3.5 times more likely to be killed...... Nationwide
By Nancy L (not verified)
Mon, 11/02/2015 - 8:12am
13% of the population identified as Black in the 2010 census. 3.5 times more likely to be killed. Are even when police are charged for wrongful death, which is rare, they a rarely convicted.