By adamg on Sun., 11/1/2015 - 6:54 pm
Charlie Rosenberg attended the unfurling of a new Black Lives Matter banner today at the First Baptist Church on Centre Street - to replace an earlier one that was ripped down.
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Blaming the cops for that larger issues around racism...
By teric
Mon, 11/02/2015 - 9:11am
is akin to blaming teachers for uneducated kids.
Although there has been a documented system of profiling and abuse towards minority citizens, this is a reflection of the larger cultural condition that has existed for centuries, and is more culturally congenital to our nation and therefore more difficult to eradicate or cure. Cops have a tough job and I have to believe most are good people. BLM is a clarion call and I have to believe most are good people. If you lost your child to bad policing or possible bigotry, isn't it natural to want revenge? Unfortunately, bad apples on both sides poison the entire crop and make reconciliation a more challenging assignment, as Pete and Yancey were saying. No doubt we have made some great strides (civil rights, etc) but man, have we a long way to go (paraphrase of an old gospel song).
Teric great post.
By Pete Nice
Mon, 11/02/2015 - 9:19am
Obama actually gave a great speech recently a national convention for Police Chiefs and a lot of it is summed up by what you point out.
I'm a cop Shocking
By MattL
Mon, 11/02/2015 - 12:51pm
Steven Hildreth Jr. gets it right on blacks dealing with police
Sun, 11/01/2015 - 9:51pm
Oooooh an anecdata point!
By SwirlyGrrl
Sun, 11/01/2015 - 10:30pm
Good cops exist, yes.
Unfortunately, too many are like the worthless Police Chief in Medford who covered for a psychopath for too many years until people finally started getting undeniable video of his bullshit.
Even a retired federal marshall's complaint wasn't credible enough for Chief Enabler!
Is that an anecdote?
By Pete Nice
Sun, 11/01/2015 - 10:43pm
The chief was probably from Medford. They aren't too bright up there. I'm sure there are some bright ones but.....
Oh wait, I'm doing the same thing your doing.
Here's the problem
By SwirlyGrrl
Sun, 11/01/2015 - 10:49pm
There is no systematic reporting of police abuse or deaths due to police in this country.
That isn't an accident.
Therefore, the only data that exist are the result of a handful of people working to get that information, and even that is incomplete.
Right and wrong Swirly
By Pete Nice
Mon, 11/02/2015 - 7:31am
You are right about the lack of systematic reporting of police abuse and deaths in the country. You are wrong about it being an "accident" that it isn't happening, like there is some sort of wide masonic police cover up for national police reporting.
I think when you find what that data tells you, the issue isn't going to get any easier or clearer for the BLM crowd.
the problem is protestors
By Nancy L (not verified)
Mon, 11/02/2015 - 7:47am
OMG Medford. That this went on years is an indictment of the Medford police force leadership: Medford Cop Who Threatened to Kill Driver Has Troubled Past: Stephen Lebert has been suspended multiple times during his 30 years with the Medford Police Department.
There are a couple of bills on Beacon Hill that'll require police to collect data on traffic stops, and stop and frisk.
Black Lives Matter
By Anon (not verified)
Sun, 11/01/2015 - 10:52pm
So is every alleged "murder by cops in cold blood."
Even this anecdote is lame
By anon (not verified)
Mon, 11/02/2015 - 7:06am
The man who was pulled over had a US Military ID. Given that loads of officers are former US soldiers, the only stronger "get out of jail free" card would have been one from the Fraternal Order of Police.
Run the same story, only instead of US military, make the kid just a regular kid -- with the same registered weapon. No good posture that soldiers carry, no training on how to have crisp, clear communication with a superior officer.
Think it plays out the same? I don't. And that's kind of the point, isn't it?
How can a driver not have their license out
By Markk02474
Tue, 11/03/2015 - 12:33am
on the dashboard (and perhaps also the registration), interior light on, radio and engine off, and hands on the steering wheel by the time the cop in a traffic stop has called in his location and walked up and asked you for license and registration? Oh, and pulling way over or in a safe, well lit place for the safety of the officer is also appreciated by police.
Drivers doing this with a minimum of visible fumbling around inside the car helps to put an officer at ease and far less likely to shoot you.
In most cases it is not a
By Joe Wells (not verified)
Sun, 11/01/2015 - 11:22pm
In most cases it is not a race issue as it is a police mentality that I am the law and you will do what I tell you even if they are wrong, Even if the cop is a real good cop or a good person in a job like this stressful job it is easy to get complacent. It is very said to hear a Deputy Superintendent tell someone that cops don't lie. Cops should be held at a higher standard in other places cops get fired for lying. That doesn't happen here. 30% to 70% of cops should not be on the job. There are plenty of people that would so the job for a lot less. There needs to be a lot more training on deescalating, in the academy and yearly training on deescalation instead of all of this riot training which riots do not happen as often as a situation that is needing deescalating, etc. and easier to fire an officer without being heavily protected by the union or civil service. GOD BLESS ALL THAT SERVE AND MAY YOU ALWAYS MAKE THE RIGHT DECISION EVEN IF IT'S NOT THE POPULAR DECISION AMONG YOUR PARTNERS OR SUPERVISORS.
Now you see a bunch of
By anon (not verified)
Mon, 11/02/2015 - 1:17am
Now you see a bunch of officers getting in trouble or getting caught in a lie with these body cameras or dash cams. I wonder how many times they have got away with it before. Not all cops are bad but not all cops are good either. I just don't believe that all these cases involving deaths have to do with race but instead mistakes and negligence.
You also see people going to jail for OUIL and other crimes.
By Pete Nice
Mon, 11/02/2015 - 7:32am
because a defense attorney can't place any doubt in a jury or judges mind when there is actual video of what happened instead of a police report. And I agree about the race issue.
Wow. After reading all these
By maria c (not verified)
Mon, 11/02/2015 - 5:15am
Wow. After reading all these posts I am speachless. But I do know that it is a perfect display of an ever present example of different races and backgrounds with still more work to be done. In a peaceful way.
Its sad how people are so
By anon (not verified)
Mon, 11/02/2015 - 9:58am
Its sad how people are so blind to the REASON BLM came about. Nothing can fix the damage that's already been done. Police are suppose to help the problem not add.
There is a lot of blindness on both sides.
By Pete Nice
Mon, 11/02/2015 - 10:19am
That is the bigger problem, not the police.
Black Lives Matter
By Nancy L (not verified)
Mon, 11/02/2015 - 10:25am
Further up the thread you argue the problem isn't the central contention of Black Lives Matter but the tactics of some of the people in the movement. Now you argue the central contention of the movement is false. Which is it?
I didn't say it was the only problem.
By Pete Nice
Mon, 11/02/2015 - 10:33am
I said it is one of the problems, and possibly the main one. There are many problems with the BLM movement, and with those who support it, just like there are problems with the American Police system, and those who support it.
but they are making progress
By Nancy L (not verified)
Mon, 11/02/2015 - 11:01am
I see. You're arguing that the central contention of Black Lives Matter movement is baseless but the problem keeping them from making progress is not their merit-less central contention but the personalities and tactics of the people in the movement.
Your ad hominem argument seems frivolous in the context of your central contention--the movement is without merit.
To date, we've seen a lot of progress at the city, state and national level so your argument that personalities are the obstacle is belied by a record of high-profile progress and Democratic candidates racial justice policy platforms.
No Wonder
By Kenneth Johnson (not verified)
Mon, 11/02/2015 - 11:01am
No wonder Boston tops regular lists of one of the most segregated and racist places in America, this reaction to saying Black Lives Matter is very telling. Then you wonder why Black people reject your authority so much, this is the same shit we've been dealing with our whole lives.
Stating Black on Black crime is justification for being abused and murdered by police officers lets me know exactly how you feel. It's wrong and I am going to continue fighting it.
By anon (not verified)
Mon, 11/02/2015 - 12:09pm
Name me ONE case where a cop just walked up to someone and shot them for no valid reason, which is what murder is. Go on, I'll wait...
That's not particularly hard to find.
By Bob Leponge
Mon, 11/02/2015 - 12:27pm
Try again
By anon (not verified)
Mon, 11/02/2015 - 12:57pm
Someone jumped out at a cop in a dark stairwell of a crime/drug-infested housing project during a drug raid. Accident, definitely. Manslaughter, sure, why not. But murder? Absolutely not.
Ray Tensing.
By Rob (not verified)
Mon, 11/02/2015 - 4:21pm
Ray Tensing.
Getting warmer
By anon (not verified)
Mon, 11/02/2015 - 5:10pm
But nonetheless, a known drug dealer who disobeyed cop's orders, tried to drive off and almost ended up dragging the cop. Try again.
Jumped out?
By Bob Leponge
Mon, 11/02/2015 - 6:37pm
Here on my planet, there was no drug raid at all, only a routine patrol in a stairwell... and the victim merely entered the stairwell normally, a floor below the officer, and did not "jump out."
But you are welcome to your own interpretation of the facts, of course, if it helps you maintain your worldview.
There are degrees of homocide
By Kenneth Johnson (not verified)
Mon, 11/02/2015 - 3:13pm
There are degrees of homocide, but if you take someone's life when there were options available you should be tried for murder.
Tamir Rice was murdered, any other profession in the USA, if your actions caused the death of a person, especially a child, you bet your ass you would out of business or changing the way you do things in a heartbeat.
Also Googling Police Murder Black comes back with over 100k results, there are several lists of Black people murdered by cops, here is one of just the unarmed victims;
Officers have options and training, I expect more from them. Give them a raise if need be but they shouldn't be killing anyone, if possible, especially not unarmed people.
Kenneth Johnson
By Pete Nice
Mon, 11/02/2015 - 5:04pm
With all due respect, Tamir Rice had a toy gun and had it out when officers showed up (They were responding to a gun call). There are probably thousands of gun calls a day in the USA, and you can't expect human beings to simply know a kid with a toy gun is going to be at that call when you show up. It was a horrible tragedy, and some questionalbe tactics by the officers, but in no way would that be considered murder in an American Court, and the courts will end up ruling that way as well.
This is one of the reason why O'Fish's comments get 80 up votes on a pretty liberal website because they see where people like you are thinking. These same people know that any reasonable human being wouldn't be able to not shoot Tamir Rice. The fact that they were cops mean nothing. If this was another parent at the playground and he came over running to help someone that he thought may need help, he would also reasonably have some expectation to react a certain way when confronted with a toy gun.
Toy gun
By anon (not verified)
Mon, 11/02/2015 - 5:37pm
A very realistic-looking toy gun in a neighborhood where (sadly) kids his age are often armed with very real guns - what other outcome can you possibly expect?
Yup, Murdered.
By Rob (not verified)
Mon, 11/02/2015 - 4:37pm
That wasn't hard.
Ray Tensing.
White People Commit the Most
By Sam (not verified)
Tue, 11/03/2015 - 12:36pm
White People Commit the Most Heinous Crimes, So Why Is America Terrified of Black Men?
White on white crime is destroying the very fabric of our nation.
Race, Crime and Statistical Malpractice: How the Right Manipulates White Fear With Bogus Data
White-On-White Crime -- Will White Culture Ever Grow Up?
White-on-white murder in America is out of control
9 Facts That Show White-on-White Crime Far Exceeds Black-on-Black Crime and How Media Outlets Conceal It
White on White Crime: An Unspoken Tragedy
White-On-White Crime -- Will White Culture Ever Grow Up?
Report: white on white crime rate exceeds that of black on black crime
When Will White Americans Take a Stand Against White on White Crime and the Culture of White Youth Lawlessness?
White on White Crime: "83 Percent of White Murder Victims Were Killed by Fellow Caucasians"
Don't White People Kill Each Other, Too?
And yet we keep hearing about black-on-black crime because it fits the false media narrative.
By Aaron81 (not verified)
Tue, 09/26/2017 - 9:29am
The last source link here was taken down. The article can be found here.