For Dondre Snow, his appearance in court yesterday was nothing new - save that this time he's facing life in prison without parole.
At 22, Snow, one of two men charged with the murder of Maurice Scott on Old Colony Avenue on Saturday, is already considered a career criminal. On the 1-6 federal sentencing guidelines, with 6 being the worst of the worst, he'd already made level 4 by the time he turned 19.
Part of the evidence against Snow, prosecutors say, is tracking data from a GPS bracelet he was wearing as a condition of his bail on earlier drug charges - drug charges he got arrested for after his release from federal prison on Sept. 4 on completing a two-year term for drug dealing, a term that also came with a six-year probation period.
The federal sentence was his first punishment as an adult for a criminal rap sheet that started when he was just 13 and which includes numerous citations for committing crimes while on parole or bail for other crimes, including drug sales, robbery and assault and battery.
A sentencing memorandum and remarks by the judge in his federal case lay out the essentials of Snow's life: He was born to a cocaine addict and, as a newborn, had to be treated for cocaine withdrawal. Given up for adoption, he was eventually diagnosed with ADHD and had behavioral issues in school. And he joined the gang at Warren Gardens, the Roxbury housing project where he lived and quickly became known as a drug dealer not afraid to use violence - or to ignore conditions of release on earlier charges.
His arrest on the federal drug charges came in June, 2011, while he was under DYS supervision for numerous crimes, including assault and battery. In August, 2011, Boston Police arrested him for illegal gun possession.
In a request for a 24-month sentence filed in 2012 - federal prosecutors wrote:
The tragedy here is that Dondre Snow's only response to everything the criminal justice system and a battery of social workers and mental health care professionals have done for him to date is to commit more crime. His persistent offending confirms that he is a serious risk to himself and his community and among the individuals still most likely to recidivate.
Dondre Snow is only 19 years old. But he has already been in the criminal justice system for six years without interruption. ... During that time, he has acquired 5 determinations of delinquency, violated probation on every case in which it was imposed, had his DYS Parole revoked 8 times, remains on DYS supervision until the age of 21 as a result of being prosecuted as a Youthful Offender after committing his second robbery (in which he and an accomplice kicked and beat a victim in order to steal a phone), and has repeatedly committed new crimes while under criminal justice supervision.
When he was arrested for Scott's murder, Snow gave a Dorchester address. One of the conditions of his sentencing on the federal drug charges was that he stay away from Warren Gardens.
Innocent, etc.
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Moved to andrew square in
By anon
Tue, 12/08/2015 - 8:17am
Moved to andrew square in 2011. The area is finally being built up like crazy - construction everywhere. But these crimes are never going to go away - Old Colony projects are there to stay. So unfortunately you can build up Andrew as much as you want, but these crimes will continue to happen. I really thought things would get better around here. I find people passed out on my street, I've seen multiple men urinating on my stoop. To date I've pulled two different junkies out of my back yard with a needle in their arm. I've found countless used syringes lining the streets, with blood in them. I've been harassed multiple times. I know what the townies are thinking - then why did you move here? I agree - it was a bad decision and I'm currently trying to move.
Don't move to Beacon Hill
By downtown-anon
Tue, 12/08/2015 - 9:37am
Clearly not as bad as Andrew Sq, but
1) I called the Fire Dept (they are only a 100 yards away) over to look at someone passed out on the sidewalk a few times. More often someone else has done it and I see them outside my window (good I have neighbors who can do the same).
2) Clean urine off my front steps. Usually at least once every two months.
3) Have pan handler hit me up walking from my front door to my car less than 15 feet apart.
4) Very occasional harassment. Say 5 times in the last 13 years.
No syringes. I think they get their opiates some other way.
Part of living in the city.
On the otherhand, I have numerous problems with people who I assume know better who have no interest in putting out trash in such a way that it doesn't end up all over the sidewalk. Don't know how much this contributes to the above problems.
By Steeve
Tue, 12/08/2015 - 11:23am
Bless your heart.
I live in Andrew as well.
By TommyJeff
Tue, 12/08/2015 - 10:31am
A literal stones throw from the T.
Sounds like you've had a bad experience and you paint quite the picture but the square is actually improving. I've been here since a few years before 2011 and can easily say things have improved.
Happened in Maryellen
By Yupster
Tue, 12/08/2015 - 11:26am
Happened in Maryellen McCormack/Old Harbor, not Old Colony. But, you know the town amirite????
When you moved to Andrew Square, you should have checked with the townies and they would have told you about the methadone clinic over the bridge in Newmarket. That's what draws the junkies. The clinic, not South Boston. Don't believe the realtor hype next time.
many young adults his age
By Scumquistador
Tue, 12/08/2015 - 8:18am
would kill to have a career already!
Adam: Correction?
By Markk02474
Tue, 12/08/2015 - 8:43am
Did you mean "address" instead of "arrest" at the end here? "Snow gave a Dorchester arrest."
from the sounds of it
By Scumquistador
Tue, 12/08/2015 - 8:50am
he might have a few dorchester arrests, too
Yes, address
By adamg
Tue, 12/08/2015 - 9:00am
Fixed, thanks.
Adam, you missed the fist fight!
By anon
Tue, 12/08/2015 - 9:26am
I did
By adamg
Tue, 12/08/2015 - 9:30am
I rushed out of court to find a place to write and post my arraignment story (Broadway Pastries). Should've stuck around when I noticed the victim's brother, who exited the courtroom by screaming at one of the suspects, was hanging out there. Surprised the Globe has yet to post anything, since they had a reporter there.
They're probably taking their
By anon
Tue, 12/08/2015 - 9:43am
They're probably taking their time to write a complete, factual story. The Herald was like ZOMG! Black people doing stereotypical black things that our readers can post racially-laced comments about! This is gold, Jerry. Gold!
If I had been there, I would've written about the scuffle
By adamg
Tue, 12/08/2015 - 9:52am
It's kind of a newsworthy thing, I didn't see anything really egregious about the fight story, aside from the fact they made that the main story, rather than the murder arraignment itself, but they would've done that if everybody involved was white, too - it is the Herald after all.
Based on what I've read of the work of the Globe reporter (Jan Ransom), she probably will file a well written story about Scott's life and death.
By dmcboston
Tue, 12/08/2015 - 1:51pm
Snow was doomed from the beginning, from what you wrote above. Crack baby, ADD (ya, I know), teenage gangster.
Bullshit, anon.
By dmcboston
Tue, 12/08/2015 - 1:43pm
"The Herald was like ZOMG! Black people doing stereotypical black things that our readers can post racially-laced comments about! This is gold, Jerry. Gold!"
From the article, "Court records indicate the victim has open drug cases. Diggs, with pending assault and drug charges, and Snow, with a pending threat charge, both had electronic monitoring bracelets that showed they were on Old Colony Avenue and fled to Elm Street, Hallal said."
Sounds like something AG could write. Keep your sensationalist bullshit.
Maybe you're a globe person covering for their slowness. They're too busy covering important stories involving hipsters. (Sorry, couldn't resist).
I doubt that happened, who
By Lmo
Tue, 12/08/2015 - 3:24pm
I doubt that happened, who actually says ZOMG?
By Scumquistador
Tue, 12/08/2015 - 4:27pm
we are now having a conversation about the word ZOMG.
so thats at least a few of us
Forgot the obligatory bbqwtf.
By bgl
Tue, 12/08/2015 - 5:31pm
Forgot the obligatory bbqwtf.
I don't even know what the
By Lmo
Tue, 12/08/2015 - 6:17pm
I don't even know what the friggin Z stands for!
It's zOMG
By Roman
Tue, 12/08/2015 - 9:45pm
Like when you miss the shift key and type a spurious lower-case 'z' when trying to type OMG.
Cue the accusations of Anglo-centrism for referring to the placement of keys on English-language keyboards.
It's zOMG
By Roman
Tue, 12/08/2015 - 9:45pm
Like when you miss the shift key and type a spurious lower-case 'z' when trying to type OMG.
Cue the accusations of Anglo-centrism for referring to the placement of keys on English-language keyboards.
By cybah
Tue, 12/08/2015 - 9:27am
He seems nice...
It's just a phase
By BostonDog
Tue, 12/08/2015 - 9:44am
I'm sure he'll grow out of it.
I keep thinking, "He can be fixed!"
By Gary C
Tue, 12/08/2015 - 9:42am
But then I read all the times he's had parole and a million 2nd chances....There are too many other people who CAN be fixed and they deserve the attention of the people who can fix them. Sorry, but it's time to throw away the key on this kid.
how did he have something a second time
By Scumquistador
Tue, 12/08/2015 - 9:49am
a million times?
How many people had to be victimized
By anon
Tue, 12/08/2015 - 10:43am
before you reached this conclusion? How many victims are acceptable before he's treated harshly?
After 10-20 years in jail he
By anon
Wed, 12/09/2015 - 11:46am
After 10-20 years in jail he'll probably calm down; too bad it's too late and he's going to be there for life now.
Sociopath? Then what to do?
By Daan
Tue, 12/08/2015 - 11:25am
I learned that there are bona fide sociopaths. People who do not stop at any limit, who know no boundaries. Not because they are morally corrupt or possessed by a demon. It is their psychological DNA. They will not change because they can not change.
That is an extreme subset of the human population which hopefully remains a tiny per centage. When these folks commit crimes there unfortunately are only two responses: either prison or leaving them to cause further destruction.
The item that got my curiousity is whether the cocaine in his mind at birth contributed to a personality that can not keep from committing destructive acts. The other side of that quesiton is whether, given that he was born with cocaine affecting if not actually adding a defining element to how his personality would develop, if he then was more susceptible to imitating destructive and violent behaviors.
It is sad that this man can not stop committing crimes except for being physically prevented. If imprisonment is the only answer then that is what has to be done. But if it is possible to understand how he wound up being a person who acts as a sociopath then that might help prevent others.
If someone is too dangerous...
By Michael Kerpan
Tue, 12/08/2015 - 11:40am
... to live in everyday society, society has the right to protect itself,regardless of whether the dangerous behavior is "chosen" or "compulsive" and beyond (self) control. However, especially in the latter case, how does "harshness" (suggested by someone above) aid in societal self-protection. Doesn't it make more sense to use only such compulsion (as opposed to punitive "harshness") as needed to protect others from the person's recurrent dangerous behavior.
He's been on his own his
By Kenneth Johnson
Tue, 12/08/2015 - 2:21pm
He's been on his own his whole life, in the inner city, as a Black man. I am sure he doesn't feel worthy of any love sent his way plus is super protective of his space. This would lead to searching for peers in the wrong groups and taking advantage of whoever he can to get by.
If he felt his life was worth more he likely wouldn't be so nihilistic, but I don't really blame dude, because there but for the grace of God go I.
You really want to stop this kinda behaviour, treat the root problem and not the symptoms. Jail is a bandaid.
Snow sounds like somebody who wasn't helped in time
By mplo
Tue, 12/08/2015 - 2:57pm
to keep him from falling through the cracks and becoming a really hard-core career criminal. Sad and scary, indeed.
Still not predestined
By anon
Wed, 12/09/2015 - 11:51am
It's true that there are some people who are genuine sociopaths, but what that simply means is that they lack human empathy and stuff like genuine concern for the welfare and well-being of others. Some sociopaths - a lot, in fact* - are intelligent enough to realize that they need to control their bad behavior, and at least pretend to be normal human beings, simply for their own self-preservation and success in life.
* Sociopaths tend to be at both the top and bottom of the economic ladder. That is, the dumb ones often end up street thugs like this and the smart ones often end up amazingly successful businessmen or politicians.
Not related but an
By anon
Tue, 12/08/2015 - 9:06pm
Not related but an interesting south shore related story
Would be nice to see how this unfolds.