By adamg on Thu., 2/4/2016 - 11:11 am
So naturally they'll vote for his pal Trump.
If you don't understand this, Boch adds, then you're obviously not single like he, well, isn't. Also: Being a rich-guy supporter of Trump gets you out of traffic tickets.
Free tagging:
Like the job UHub is doing? Consider a contribution. Thanks!
And like most drunks
By JimGaffigan
Thu, 02/04/2016 - 11:18am
They will wake up in the morning and ask;
WTF have I done? Oh God no. No! No! No!
Please tell me it was all a dream.
Ernie Boch Jr
By Mike S
Thu, 02/04/2016 - 11:23am
He is a great reason why the estate tax needs to be raised. This guy is a billionaire solely because he inherited a company his family started years ago? Good god...
Born on third base....
By Grant Young
Thu, 02/04/2016 - 12:21pm
and thought he hit a triple.
I am not necessarily a fan of
By Patricia
Thu, 02/04/2016 - 12:28pm
I am not necessarily a fan of Boch, but his wealth does not bother me. I am not envious of what others have and I do not.
I do not see why it bothers people that some are born into wealthier families. Why does it?
And jealousy is no way to approach tax reform.
Ummm, this idiot held a fund
By Mike S
Thu, 02/04/2016 - 12:35pm
Ummm, this idiot held a fund-raiser for Trump at his mansion and was interviewed on CNN solely because of his 'billionaire' status. It's swell that his wealth doesn't bother you...but do you honestly think wealth doesn't impact politics?
Of course it does. Take
By anon
Thu, 02/04/2016 - 2:57pm
Of course it does. Take speaking fees from Goldman Sachs for instance.
Its not a jealously of wealth
By BullDetector
Thu, 02/04/2016 - 12:38pm
Its the unfairness of a Billionaire who can live on inherited wealth, passed on from generation to generation in some cases and not pay any tax on that inherited wealth. And use that wealth to influence government for personal gain.
If they are breaking tax laws
By Patricia
Thu, 02/04/2016 - 4:23pm
If they are breaking tax laws than that's one thing.
I bet even Liz Warren takes allowable tax deductions, no?
You're basing your posts on emotion. Are they breaking laws?
You don't like Boch - fine, I know who he is but can't form an opinion as I don't know him well enough to do so. But, his wealth and how he spends it does not bother me as it is his right. He also has a right to back any candidate of his choosing.
Let go of the envy.
Just because it is currently
By ZachAndTired
Thu, 02/04/2016 - 4:45pm
Just because it is currently legal for billionaires to dodge taxes due to loopholes that were built into laws via corporate influence does not mean that it is just or that it should be legal. It seems as though you are confusing outrage over injustice with jealousy.
It's legal.
By Patricia
Thu, 02/04/2016 - 4:58pm
It's legal.
Are you working with your rep to get tax laws changed? You're anger is directed at billionaires. My anger is directed at politicians. Can't get anything done without them and they aren't as inclined as you or I to see there is a fair tax structure.
Instead you're getting upset at the rich. See, they've diverted your attention to a bogey man to take your frustration out on.
I call my rep and I get voicemail
By BullDetector
Thu, 02/04/2016 - 5:03pm
A billionaire calls his rep and he gets a personal visit.
By whyaduck
Thu, 02/04/2016 - 5:08pm
many of the billionaires are beholden to the politicians and vice versa.
If the rich control our system of government (80 percent of the wealth of this country is owned by 20 percent of the population, roughly) and create a system that benefits a few for the sake of the many, yeah, I got a problem with the rich.
And you should, also.
No, I have a problem with the
By Patricia
Thu, 02/04/2016 - 5:21pm
No, I have a problem with the system.
I am not envious of others that were born into the "right" families, or especially others that earned their way (Zuckerberg).
By whyaduck
Thu, 02/04/2016 - 5:28pm
But the system in this country is now an oligarchy and those that control the system are people of wealth and power. And admiration of those born by fate into the "right" families does not neglect criticism of the same when and if those born "right" begin to vilify those who born by fate into not the "right" families (i.e. born poor) and are being held to a higher standard.
By lbb
Fri, 02/05/2016 - 11:45am
The system was created by and for the rich. I believe that the public policy of our country should be for the benefit of the American people. You, evidently, do not. If you did, you would not be the apologist for the system that you plainly are. Throwing up your hands and saying, "It's the system" as you disingenuously ignore what has created this system -- over the course of a few decades at most -- and what maintains it at all cost, is not fooling anyone with half a brain.
I'm sure we all feel duly chastened by your shining example. Not getting altitude sickness up there on the moral high ground, are you? Did anyone ever tell you it's not exactly moral to mischaracterize others' statements and motivations, and particularly not to persist in doing so after your error has already been corrected several times?
The problem is that these Billionaires are writing the tax laws
By BullDetector
Thu, 02/04/2016 - 5:01pm
Why do you think they donate in such large numbers. They are not doing it out of the goodness of their hearts. They are doing it because it will save them more money in the long run.
4 Years ago Romney had a platform of repealing the estate tax all together. That would have saved the Koch family a combined $17.4 billion. So whats a few million in donations to somebody like them?
Rich people do not right tax
By Patricia
Thu, 02/04/2016 - 5:24pm
Rich people do not right tax laws. Politicians do. You should be angry that your politicians are being bought. You didn't vote for that, did you?
Sanders is the only one on the stage that can look you in the eye and say he hasn't been bought.
Does it bother you Clinton took over $600,000 from Goldman Sachs? And she'll probably get the nomination, although I hope not.
If people are that angry about wealth, why do they keep voting in the wealthy?
It isn't anger about wealth
By SwirlyGrrl
Thu, 02/04/2016 - 5:48pm
It is anger with a system where wealth is allowed to overwhelm and subvert democracy.
Take the blinders off and look at the noose around your neck.
And do you hold the
By Patricia
Fri, 02/05/2016 - 12:27pm
And do you hold the politicians to the same level of comtempt?
I'm sorry, but you're wrong
By ZachAndTired
Thu, 02/04/2016 - 6:40pm
If you don't think that the rich are writing tax laws, you are mistaken. See here:
I want to reiterate that this is not about jealousy or envy. This is anger about a corrupt system where politicians and laws are being bought by billionaires and corporations.
Then my God, hold your
By Patricia
Fri, 02/05/2016 - 12:36pm
Then my God, hold your politicians accountable!
The same pol that threw out Clean Elections in MA suffered NOTHING because of it. He eventially met his downfall due to other things.
Voters overlook these things come election time - why?.
I don't get why people here rail against the rich when it's the politicians allowing this to happen.
You can't right a law unless you've bought and paid for one of our illustrious politicians who keep getting elected, again and again. And, coincidentially get richer and richer as each year passes.
How about the pols that don't even pay their taxes? Gingrich? Rangel? Why are they not brought up on charges?
Am I the only one that gets pissed off about this??
far from it
By Malcolm Tucker
Fri, 02/05/2016 - 12:56pm
I think it's clear that you're not the only one who's pissed off about the corrupt political system here in the U.S., but you've outlined the problem right there in your comment, perhaps unwittingly: powerful corporations, headed by wealthy people, find certain laws inconvenient. They throw lots and lots of money at politicians, individually and as a group, to try to get those inconvenient laws changed. The rich get richer. The poor get poorer. The electorate gets jaded and stops showing up to elections. The kinds of people seeking political office get less and less committed to improving life for the American people, and more and more committed to the money and prestige of backing the right horse/lobbyist.
Many of us are angry about it. Many of us are fed up with the establishment, status quo candidates who've tried to march across the stage in the past few years/decades/whatever. I personally hope that Bernie will win not only the nomination but the election, because I think he's our best chance of fixing a badly broken system.
Step 1: Invest all
By erik g
Thu, 02/04/2016 - 1:21pm
Step 1: Invest all accumulated wealth into long-term stock holdings
Step 2 : Work tirelessly to abolish the estate tax, by spending ungodly amounts of money convincing people it's a "death tax" or "double taxation" or whatever the bogeyman of the week is.
Step 3 : Die before selling any of your assets that have appreciated
Step 4 : Your kids get all the money you made off of investments, without even paying the pittance 15% capital gains tax on them!
Step 5 : Start hosting fundraisers for The Donald, where you both congratulate each other on being self-made men.
I get many don't like him
By Patricia
Thu, 02/04/2016 - 4:30pm
I get many don't like him here, and his support of Trump is the frosting on the cake, but really.
What law is he breaking? What asset protections is he using and deductions he is taking that Warren or Kerry aren't? I only mention those two because warren especially seems to always be ranting about rigged games. Is she principled enough to forgoe those same protections that Boch probably takes advantage of?
I doubt it.
Don't like the fact that Boch is living large? Petition your reps to reform the tax code. The MA Senate has held off on the Millionare's tax until spring, I wonder why?
No, you DON'T get it.
By lbb
Fri, 02/05/2016 - 11:50am
You persist in ignoring what other people have said to you over and over. In my book, that makes you stubbornly stupid, but I'll explain it to you one more time. He is not breaking any law. He is obeying the law that he and those like him bought, by first purchasing political influence to subvert our system of campaign finance and political contributions, and then taking advantage of said subversion of our system. Once you own the laws, it's not exactly a positive virtue to be nominally law-abiding, is it?
In other words, he's pissing all over our heads, yours included, and you're smiling and saying "Thank you for the tasty lemonade."
I'll make my point then I'm
By Patricia
Fri, 02/05/2016 - 12:25pm
I'll make my point then I'm done with you.
"He is obeying the law that he and those like him bought, by first purchasing political influence"
So, because a politician can be bought - which is illegal, we ignore that and go after those doing the buying. By that logic, Clinton raking in millions from Wall St. has no bearing on who she is as a candidate or a person.
I expect more from our politicians. Human nature being what it is, the people trying to buy influence will always be there - always. Its up to our politicians to ignore them. We tried clean elections in this democrat majority state. How'd that work out?
Got it. That's your take and I have mine. Calling me stupid shows more about you.
I'm done when it resorts to name calling.
Have a nice day.
Is it not double taxation?
By bosguy22
Thu, 02/04/2016 - 4:34pm
I make money, the government takes its cut. I die and my kids get the balance of whatever I didn't get a chance to spend. The government takes another cut.
Seems like double taxation,
By Patricia
Thu, 02/04/2016 - 4:44pm
Seems like double taxation, but then again I'm no tax scholar.
People seem to have a problem with others that are born into wealth to the point that it raises their blood pressure.
I hate this recent vilifying of the rich as it's nothing but class warfare. It gives frustrated people someone to be angry at, whether warranted or not. Its a diversion.
Why are some of your favorite pols coming out of government millionaires? How much wealth are our politicians earning and where does it come from? That's something to direct your anger at. Lawful insider trading? Something us plebs aren't allowed?
Same pols all the while whip up the easily frenzied to go after the "evil" 1%.
It'd be funny if it wasn't alarming.
Oh, my, Patricia,
By whyaduck
Thu, 02/04/2016 - 5:16pm
There you go. Now I understand where you are coming from.
Why do you hate the supposed vilifying of the rich? Really? You have nothing to say on how the poor and poorest of the poor have been vilified over and over and over by many of those same people you admire (and continue to be)? Where is your hate for that? Good. Lord.
Class warfare? Good. We need class warfare since there is a big issue in this country with inequity between the classes. The "middle class" of my parent's age is gone (or nearly gone). You think that is a good thing? Think again.
Where have I ever vilified
By Patricia
Thu, 02/04/2016 - 5:37pm
Where have I ever vilified the poor, or supported someone that has?
Can you provide me some examples? (I am in no way meaning this as a snark).
Maybe we have a different take on "fixing" the middle class. The middle class has shrunk for many reasons. Personally I am grateful to have a standard of living because of someone much wealthier than I has created the job I have had for many years. It has enabled me to raise a family on my own. I work in a private company and trust me, we pay quite a bit in taxes.
This argument just made me chuckle because you'd think I was rich.
I hate arguments when they are based upon emotion.
We need tax reform and I think it would address many of our issues.
PS: an example of dwindling middle class jobs. Remember when President Obama appointed Immelt as czar of jobs, or something? Right after he shipped GE jobs off to China (radiology products of some kind I believe).
Now, who should I be mad at again?
Pat, read my words, again.
By whyaduck
Thu, 02/04/2016 - 5:34pm
I did not say you vilified the poor. You said you hate when the rich are vilified. So I am asking you: Do you feel the same way when the poor and the poorest of the poor are vilified by those who have wealth and power? Can you answer that question? And, if not, please do share.
I am more curious to understand why you hate the rich being vilified. Yes, you are correct, many wealthy folks are not heinous and do good deeds but I am looking at a much broader picture of the nature of power and wealth.
Perhaps we do have a different take. I do not vilify the wealthy but I refuse to place them on a pedestal because they have wealth and/or were born by luck into the "right" class. And, frankly, I am tired of the vilification of the poor in this country. I just wish you had more to say on that in any of your posts.
Of course I do, and would
By Patricia
Thu, 02/04/2016 - 5:41pm
Of course I do, and would like an example of the rich vilifying the poor (no snark intended, maybe something I am not considering and I am open to your examples).
I do know wealthy people, but the people I know go out of their way to donate time and money to those in need. And, they do so quietly without recognition. They prefer it that way.
But, If I mentioned their name - they would be the target of anger by many. Not because of who they actually are, but because of someone you've determined them to be.
By boo_urns
Thu, 02/04/2016 - 6:06pm
I would encourage you to open my ball park guess of some 90% of all history books.
Which pertains to 2016
By Patricia
Fri, 02/05/2016 - 9:56am
Which pertains to 2016 elections how?
Right, because history is
By boo_urns
Fri, 02/05/2016 - 12:55pm
Right, because history is irrelevant.
By lbb
Fri, 02/05/2016 - 11:52am
Never listened to a Donald Trump speech, I guess?
Not in it's entirety.
By Patricia
Fri, 02/05/2016 - 12:17pm
Not in it's entirety.
Where did he vilify the poor? Be aware, that we both interpret things with our own perspective. You hate Trump, so everything out of his mouth will fall into that category for you.
I don't hate Trump, dont' hate any of the candidates - none of them are worth the effort.
So, if you can point me to a reference where he actually said the poor aren't suffering enough, or to the like, I'm open.
Other than that, I assume it's your opinion of what he said.
Am I making sense?
About your step 4
By anon
Fri, 02/05/2016 - 10:34am
About your step 4: If the assets haven't been sold, no capital gain has been realized. The person who inherits the assets does have to pay capital gains tax (yes, currently at the paltry 15% rate) when they're sold.
How should assets like that be taxed during inheritance? One approach would be to take a cut based on the current fair market value at the time of the transfer. So say the tax is 20%, if at the time of transfer the FMV of the assets is $1m, then the recipient of the assets is on the hook for $200k. If they don't have that kind of cash on hand, they'd have to liquidate over $200k to cover the capital gains tax on that, then pay the $200k inheritance tax with the proceeds.
That's easy enough with assets that can be easily cut up and sold, but what about a land transfer? Say someone has land valued at $1m, and passes that on to a child who can't cough up $200k? This is probably a common situation especially in the Boston area, where middle-class parents purchased the family home back when housing was affordable...
because its one thing to be
By anon
Thu, 02/04/2016 - 1:23pm
because its one thing to be born into billions and just quietly live your life.
its another to be born into billions and then shill political diarrhea to the people, as if someone born into that wealth has any concept of what its like for everyone else who is struggling to get by.
So, rich don't have the same
By Patricia
Thu, 02/04/2016 - 4:31pm
So, rich don't have the same rights as you or I.
I can't keep up with the rules to this game.
We are all free to support any candidate we wish to up to a certain income level?
It's less about money and
By Francis White
Thu, 02/04/2016 - 10:00pm
It's less about money and more about which side of the aisle you're on. You want to talk about money and celebrity? Matt Damon or Sean Penn stump for Warren and no one bats an effing eyelash.
Boch stumps for Trump and this message board lights up like a Christmas tree.
Yep. It's some grandiose
By boo_urns
Fri, 02/05/2016 - 9:25am
Yep. It's some grandiose anti-right wing conspiracy. In actuality, you just made a false equivalency. Unless Penn and Damon are parroting the idea that the middle class should work themselves into death while pandering to the rich or that they ought to treat picking a presidential candidate in the same manner a drunk dude would pick a girl to go home with from the bar at the end of the night.
Logic is clearly on your side here.
As Citizens United proves
By bulgingbuick
Thu, 02/04/2016 - 1:46pm
Ernie's voice is of more value than yours. What Citizens United can't do is camouflage a moron.
The Estate Tax: Even Worse Than Republicans Say
By nightmoves
Thu, 02/04/2016 - 3:33pm
Estate and inheritance taxes have large compliance costs, have been shown to suppress entrepreneurship, and are among the most harmful taxes to economic growth.
So you feel the same about Kerry
By Tacks
Fri, 02/05/2016 - 7:33am
whose fortune was inherited from his second wife's first husband.
To the ignorant living under a rock individual calling Ernie boc
By Justin Bettencourt
Fri, 11/30/2018 - 10:27pm
A silver spoon child yes his father was immensely succesful and accumulated a lifetime's Orth of wealth for generations to come by while you living under a rock Ernie Boch jr has provided himself the greatest resume to be the unofficial liaison of our the United States of America for the entire continent of Asia view Toyota Honda The name Wang symphony orchestra music those not capable without him and a quarter of a million and almost two weeks of what the middle class would deem as hell in Africa coming back providing all those truthfully excessive amount of aid like helping specific individuals acquire energy in there own homes is something he did for notoriety he did coming with an additional $150,000 to people he has zero in common with besides being a brother of humanity. figuring $100,000 is a more than respectable amount while for a person of his magnitude to provide considering the circumstances he exceeded that amount by 150% that's the individual you publicly showcase your Evy for by hating on him for being a humanitarian showing his true weakness of a heart pay attention while you've been out to lunch he's probably one of the most recognizable pioneers of handling such an enormous blessing his grandfather aan father busted hos to provide there family. it's just as hard to step into that situation and mismanage that type of massive life altering weight of being the top dog through inheritance I can assure far more heirs fail then succeed. Trust me while your making an ass of yourself knocking an amazing witnessed dead dead for e everyone to see I was employed for a while as one of Ernie Boch Jr finance manager and I witnessed him making it a point that he never got to big for all of us. Every Saturday morning we had mgrs meetings at the subaru of new England Saturday morning meetings where every manager in the auto group attended a weekly meeting I saw Ernie provide most of us bonuses for our hard work and achievement to most of us at times matching or at times exceeding our monthly income amounts in forms of bonuses pers Po Nally delivered by himself. imagine that most of us earned in excess of 10k a month so imagine the management weekly bonuses he shells out weekly. Your obvious envy of not only his family's prior generational success but watching Ernie Boch succeed showcases a major character flaw. Lastly ponder upon this the employee stock options plan provided is so generous that there's a salesman I'll keep nameless that never has worked in management that's a multi millionaire multiple times over that if I truly knew the exact amount I bet it would floor even me but do you think he has to operate at a level of detail and dotting of I'd and crossing of TR's taught to him by his father and grandfather certainly providing a rate of growth at least equalevelant to the two generations before him when you realuze he isn't km just citizen of new England he's one of theost honored and recognized individuals anywhere I n this planet. Last example of Ernie's brilliance I was a sales mgr finance director another auto group that has a Subaru franchise a worker in the franchise right next door to the struggling almost failed franchise right before the doors almost closed at this Subaru dealer prior to working for Ernie I witness the stretch tribeca pull in for a meeting i saw him assess what was a diagnosis of micro management not only did Ernie direct this Subaru owner to cease all micromanagement hire a true general manager and youthe dealership owner move your office out of this building and allow the system he obviously was pretty knowledgeable in because not only did he save this dealership days before throwing in the towel today it's on of the two strongest earners out if ok f a seven dealership auto group that Ernie direct leaves upon utilizing his dealership practices to one of his franchised Subaru dealership 30 right miles from Subaru of new England headquarters making a drastic bold decision that not provided immediate saving of this once belly up franchise to making it highly p productive and one of his better profit earners a decade plus later. He's his own brilliant mogul because he not only inherited prove to develop it further and pave his own way so know that I've made damn sure the internet now's of two a few stories he is way to modest to disclose hopefully one day someone biographically recording his life finds these and asks him about them I'm glad to have shared it because no one else would have because he does things like this all day ever day so upon reading this smart mouth sign back on to who we know as E BJ Ernie Boch jr humanitarian and business mogulfinality as and sorry if some of f TTY this R doesn't m a key sens I did this 20 minute response on my cell which is minus a spell check
"WTF have I done?"
By anon
Thu, 02/04/2016 - 12:56pm
Trump is one morning after that can't be treated with an ointment from the clinic.
This guy is a moron
By anon
Thu, 02/04/2016 - 11:25am
And he admits on national TV he drives without a license on him? I think he has affluenza.
I liked Weird Al Yankovic
By Baker-Christie 2016
Thu, 02/04/2016 - 11:25am
I liked Weird Al Yankovic better when he stayed out of politics and stuck to comedic songs.
So what does an out of touch tool look like?
By bulgingbuick
Thu, 02/04/2016 - 11:30am
Come on down...
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