By adamg on Mon., 3/7/2016 - 11:07 am
Capt. John Greland at C-6 reports:
3/6 12:07pm 421 Old Colony Av 11 year old girl dropped branch from foot bridge that cracked windshield of MV. When POs were putting her in cruiser to bring to C6 to await her mother she began crying and said "How do I know you're not going to taze me or kill me?"
Like the job UHub is doing? Consider a contribution. Thanks!
By anon
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 12:02pm
While this 11 year old should
By 2
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 12:04pm
While this 11 year old should have definitely not been throwing things off the bridge (because she could have hurt someone and her parents should pay for the cracked windshield), there is a serious conversation that needs to happen since her greatest fear, when being confronted with the police, is violence or death.
since her greatest fear, when
By anon
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 4:53pm
Another innocent brainiwashed by the media and the "all police are evil" crowd. That's the conservation that needs to happen here.
Rolls eyes
By SwirlyGrrl
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 11:12pm
You sound like you have been brainwashed by Faux Nooz and their incessant fellation of people who murder people or make excuses for why they are allowed to murder people in cold blood because they wear certain uniforms.
If you don't agree that there are people who shouldn't be allowed a gun or a badge who are wandering around bullying and murdering while wearing badges and carrying guns, then you need to wake up and smell the coffee. You're next. We are all next.
By lbb
Tue, 03/08/2016 - 8:22am
Work on that diction, youngster.
you dont
By Scumquistador
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 2:09pm
and maybe you wont continue to be a filthy criminal in the future
She's 11
By PharmaGuy
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 2:14pm
It's a little harsh calling an 11 year old a filthy criminal. She's just a child and she's very lucky nobody was hurt or worse. Kids do stupid things and destroy property. I hope she is "scared straight" by this experience.
age has no bearing
By Scumquistador
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 2:21pm
she knew it was wrong, throw her in jail
Sounds lovely
By PharmaGuy
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 2:32pm
As long as you are being sensible about it.
She'll learn from the experience...
By E
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 2:33pm
...If they arrested her, regardless of age, because damage to private property occurred.
How are kids going to learn right from wrong if they don't put the fear of God in them (via arrest)?
Bringing her in is one thing...
By PharmaGuy
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 2:54pm
Suggesting she is a filthy criminal is another.
By Scumquistador
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 2:57pm
i don't condone crime or sugarcoat it when potentially life threatening criminal acts occur. maybe you'd feel better if i called her a "distressed youth" or "non-malignant law bender"
Or maybe
By PharmaGuy
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 3:06pm
You could just call her a kid. Kids do stupid things and the police user their judgment in situations. The police did not arrest her and chose instead to call her mother. Restitution will be paid and a record will be started. Nowhere did it say she was distressed and I think you meant "non-benign law bender" as you and I both pointed out the potential for fatality.
no, i meant what i said
By Scumquistador
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 3:10pm
because it was an attempt to find terms that might be suitable for the "time out" crowd here. wouldn't want to be TOO judgmental of the lil criminal now would we?
thanks though
and dont tell me what i mean again.
By Tommy Jeff
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 3:21pm
"And dont tell me what I mean again."
Everyones tired of the shtick, Scum.
And if it's not shtick, go find a doctor. You're unwell.
By anon
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 3:30pm
Can someone give this guy a post per day limit? Or a library card or resources to obtain a hobby?
Boston drivers break the law
By Kinopio
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 3:45pm
Boston drivers break the law and not only threaten lives, they actually take lives away, and they re rarely held accountanle. Yet I don't see you calling them filthy criminals. We treat dangerous drivers with kid gloves and treat actual kids much harsher. Pretty damn sick.
aw man, you were doing so good
By anon
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 3:46pm
But eventually everything comes back to how evil those metal box operators are.
It's a valid comparison
By lbb
Tue, 03/08/2016 - 8:26am
Granted Kinopio is a one-trick pony, it's still a valid comparison in this case. When a driver intentionally does something that can result in someone else being injured or killed (even though injuring or killing wasn't their intention), many people have a pretty forgiving attitude ("It was an accident"). Here, we've got an 11-year-old, not a class of people known for robust good judgment, who intentionally does something that can result in someone else being injured or killed, but -- as with the case of the hypothetical driver -- apparently does it without intending to injure or kill someone, and she's a "filthy criminal". Don't you see any disconnect?
Hey Scum. You need to relax.
By Metoo
Tue, 03/08/2016 - 1:52pm
Hey Scum. You need to relax. She's 11. Think about all the things you did as a child that you wouldn't ever do today as an adult. I hope you don't have kids.
Jail seems a little extreme here
By anon
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 3:03pm
Having her pay for a new windshield would be more appropriate. Oh, you say you can't afford it? Then sell your cellphone.
I got caught steeling candy form a store
By anon
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 3:39pm
When i was about 6 by my father who was a cop.
Do you think he should have turned me over to the local police and how much hard time do you think i should have received?
i got caught stealing by my father, too
By Scumquistador
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 4:58pm
and he did turn me in, actually. after my mom told him he dragged me back to the store later that night and turned me in to the store manager.
true story
the store manager yelled at me, and i cried, but i didn't steal again :-)
i was probably 3 years old. he should have turned in my mother as well but not everybody can be strong. at least i learned my lesson.
These damn 11 year old
By bulgingbuick
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 3:57pm
career criminals are ruining our footbridges. Build a wall in front of the footbridge and make the 11 year old pay for it! Lets make our footbridges great again!!
You really
By lbb
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 4:10pm
You really need to get back on your meds. You're a prime case today.
Scary part is
By anon
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 2:25pm
She's already brainwashed into hating police.
By SwirlyGrrl
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 11:05pm
You are already brainwashed into thinking that police can do no wrong, despite petabytes of video to the contrary.
She is lucky that she lives in Boston, though.
You mean the carefully selected
By anon
Tue, 03/08/2016 - 8:18am
and edited videos that are NOT representative of how hundreds of thousands of police officers do every day. Yah, THAT'S an objective view- not.
It only takes one
By lbb
Wed, 03/09/2016 - 10:45am
Hundreds of thousands of police officers can be just fine, but the one bad cop you encounter can ruin the rest of your life -- or end it.
Is that an odd thing for a police officer to tweet?
By emaneman
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 2:14pm
That's an odd thing for a Police Officer to tweet, right (especially with the emoji in the original tweet)?
Why do Police Officers even use twitter w.r.t. arrests? It seems like it can only end in PR trouble.
Post-modernism at its finest.
By erik g
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 2:32pm
I especially liked the blushing emoji in the original tweet. Is he for real embarrassed, or are we supposed to be embarrassed on his behalf? Is there a subtle nod and a wink behind this exchange? Who knows! It is a mystery!
Meanwhile, let's ignore the fact that at least two people thought the correct solution to this problem was to arrest an 11-year-old girl, and instead focus on how we can blame this tearful child for whatever weird hangups we have about police misconduct.
all i hear is
By Scumquistador
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 2:35pm
"lets ignore criminal actions"
blame the tearful child that could have killed somebody with their disgraceful actions.
you know what. i WILL blame the child---err, criminal
By erik g
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 2:41pm
Great! 11-year-olds are totally responsible for all their actions, and all juvenile sentencing laws are hereby revoked. All of us were law-abiding, upstanding citizens at 11, so these little brats should be held to the same post-hoc standards. We'll just emulate Egypt.
you're right
By Scumquistador
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 2:49pm
throw this criminal's (criminally) negligent parents in jail, too. fair is fair.
"its not a crime if an 11 year old does it" - a liberal (but definitely one who wasnt assaulted with a weapon from an 11 year old while commuting this morning)
So, there's no possibility you read the part where it says
By Sock_Puppet
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 2:49pm
"To await mother."
Yup, worse than Egypt, awaiting your mother.
its the only way
By Scumquistador
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 2:51pm
these people can come close to making a point. obviously, nobody anywhere is responsible for what happened today and any attempt to place responsibility is a human rights violation.
god, the "time out" generation makes me sad.
Well, let's see now.
By erik g
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 3:23pm
So far in this thread, you've thrown out two accusations of liberal-crybaby-ism, suggested imprisoning the 11-year-old and her neglectful parents, and impugned the parenting skills of two generations. I'd ask you what your encore is, but since you adopt a different persona every day to maximize reactions, it would be a pointless question. Enjoy your day, and bless your heart.
(I'm like 75% sure you're
By erik g
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 2:43pm
(I'm like 75% sure you're trolling, BTW, but there are an alarming number of people here who seem to unironically agree with you, which is horrifying in ways I can't even articulate. Have any of you people talked to an 11-year-old lately?)
This is what happens
By PharmaGuy
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 3:01pm
This is what happens when you try to have a nice place on the internet with open discussions. It's all hate and sensationalism. Captain keyboard is so brave in hiding. Pathetic really. This isn't even a bike vs. car post.
so brave in hiding?
By Scumquistador
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 3:06pm
what are you suggesting, that i'm unwilling to say this in person? i wouldnt go down that road fella, because as far as i can tell, you're posting anonymously as well.
But I act my age
By PharmaGuy
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 3:09pm
You're not contributing in a meaningful way. You're just a jerk. You post rude comments to make yourself feel like a champion. I bet you wouldn't say this to the parents of this kid and if you would I am giving you way too much credit as a decent human in public.
liberal try hard
By Scumquistador
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 3:10pm
isn't an age, its a mental illness
A first for me
By PharmaGuy
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 3:13pm
This is the first time ever someone has called me a liberal on this board. I'm not sure how that makes me feel. Old? I guess you can't see the difference between reasonable an liberal. Maybe your are confusing liberal with educated? That's probably what you meant.
ahh, you're a troll.
By Scumquistador
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 3:15pm
i get it. telling me what i meant again. good one. i hope they charge this insolent whelp as an adult and throw away the damned key.
Question vs. statement
By PharmaGuy
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 3:17pm
That's what the question mark is for. You'll be disappointed a great deal in life if this is representative of what you hope for.
But I act my age
By PharmaGuy
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 3:10pm
You're not contributing in a meaningful way. You're just a jerk. You post rude comments to make yourself feel like a champion. I bet you wouldn't say this to the parents of this kid and if you would I am giving you way too much credit as a decent human in public.
who says im a decent human?
By Scumquistador
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 3:13pm
i'm decent in that i'm not at the start of a burgeoning career of criminality. i've never claimed to be a decent human being, but at least i'm not throwing objects at cars and destroying property.
though it is telling here that you consider me the jerk, when i didn't cap off my breakfast with malicious destruction of property and utterly ruining the day of another (or possibly, a group) person
i bet you think this little 11 year old bonnie-in-the-making is the victim here lmfao
I won't make that mistake again
By PharmaGuy
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 3:15pm
Noted, you're not decent. I hope you never make a mistake.
i've never done anything
By Scumquistador
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 3:19pm
that i wasn't willing to pay for
i can't say the same for a lot of people. i'm not perfect but at least i own everything i do.
By Matt
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 3:04pm
...let's say hypothetically that after this 11-year old's actions resulted with someone, or even a few people, getting injured or killed (and yes, I know there wasn't anyone injured or killed)? Are we supposed to just shrug our shoulders and say "oh well, she's 11?"
Arresting or placing the girl in police custody till the parent shows up is probably the best thing that could have happened to her and should be a lesson she won't soon forget.
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