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Looks like somebody poured one out for late-night T service

Empty bottles at Davis station on the Red Line

Andrew Ferreira came upon this scene at Davis Square, the morning after the last late-night subway trains ran.

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In an article in "The Herald", Stephanie Pollack describes how the state is investing in smartphone apps and a traffic monitoring system that does the same thing already available on Google Maps. The secretary is clueless; everyone already knows how bad traffic is. Her efforts to cut mass transit will only make things worse.


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But what does this have to do with the subject at hand? And is Pollack anything more than a puppet playing appeasement to the FMCB right now?

Maybe this issue has merit but I'm not following the context here. Nor seeing any smoking gun evidence that a former CLF attorney is trying to cut mass transit. But, please, enlighten me.

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Like I said, I think her hands are tied, and I think it's more accurate to say the FMCB did it. But I'm a sucker for details like that.

I'm still disappointed with the cuts, too, though.

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However Stephanie Pollack is the Secretary of Transportation, and she's getting paid big bucks to be the voice and face of the department. She may have been an advocate for mass transit in years past, but now appears to have sold out to appease those who favor single-occupancy motor vehicles.

Things might be quite different if her position was held by someone who recognizes the importance of the to the economic health of the Commonwealth, and was willing to fight for it.

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