A sleepless citizen complains:
Our neighborhood is being woken up from crashing sounds. Huge booms. We thought it was construction materials bring dropped off. One neighbor thinks it is the sound of dumpsters being emptied. It's messing with our sleep on a regular basis. Today was 5:40 am some days are as early as 4:15. Minot Street residents must be dealing with this, too. Please, this can't continue.
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By Scumquistador
Mon, 05/02/2016 - 8:13am
Welcome to life.
What a jerk you are
By lbb
Mon, 05/02/2016 - 8:25am
You're such a jerk. You're always wishing a pile of suck on other people, and rejoicing when they get it. What's wrong with you?
It's all he has.
By TommyJeff
Mon, 05/02/2016 - 8:49am
Day in, day out. Just trying to fill that big empty hole in his soul by bringing everyone else down to his sad, miserable level.
I think he's funny, though a psychologist would probably disagree.
By Scumquistador
Mon, 05/02/2016 - 10:38am
I dont think saying, effectively, "deal with it" qualifies as wishing anything on a person, nor rejoicing. I am a jerk yep.
But i suspect that what truly irks you is the general disdain that i show towards you specifically, not for my apathy towards a complaint that is, in essence, "i heard a noise in the city"
As for whats wrong with me, if eyerolling at somebody that cant handle the noises of a city is wrong, i dont want to be right.
Loud noises at 4:15AM on a
By Kinopio
Mon, 05/02/2016 - 10:54am
Loud noises at 4:15AM on a regular basis isn't some normal thing. If it was no one would get any sleep therefore no one would live here. We have laws against construction at that hour for a reason.
We do
By Scumquistador
Mon, 05/02/2016 - 11:03am
Agreed. If somebody breaks the law call the police. But a city is noisy. Oh well hehehehehehe
"Loud noises at 4:15AM on a
By Giorgio
Tue, 05/03/2016 - 6:16pm
"Loud noises at 4:15AM on a regular basis isn't some normal thing." Unless you live near Landmark Center, where the Army Corps have been "fixing" the Muddy River for the last three years or so. As soon as the buskers and the Berklee losers slow down, you get the Army Corps. It's like wildlife, like the dawn chorus, except it starts a few hours earlier. Apparently, they can't work earlier, because the cops need first to finish their shifts guarding JW Henry's private business. I suspect one could call their colonel or general, if one feels the need to be mocked.
They ARE dealing with it, hence the 311 complaint.
By Felicity
Mon, 05/02/2016 - 3:57pm
Or did you mean don't deal with it?
Noise can be painful and harmful, that's why there are laws that set standards for what is reasonable.
The Boston Municipal Code (chapter 16, section 26) sets the general standard for noise that is unreasonable or excessive: louder than 50 decibels between the hours of 11:00 PM and 7:00 AM, or louder than 70 decibels at all other hours. The code includes specific provisions regarding car alarms, construction hours, and loud speakers and other amplification devices.
City Ordinance Chapter 16, Section 26
To file complaints:
Air Pollution Control Commission: 617-635-3850
Email: [email protected]
Welcome to Developers Skirting the Rules
By John Costello
Mon, 05/02/2016 - 8:35am
Construction in the city, of which waste disposal is part of the construction process, is generally limited to 7AM to 6PM.
The only problem is that the complaint is going to Citizen's Connect. Call Frank Baker's office and yell there. If that doesn't work pass word through the neighborhood to hold off spending at Dorset Hall until the early morning carting stops. That will have an effect.
You can also hammer the developer - Paul Adamson - 617-592-5223 (That comes from the BRA planning docs.)
I hope this is a better answer than "Suck It Up".
By plt3012
Mon, 05/02/2016 - 9:14am
I found Mr. Adamson responsive to similar problem with a site near us. Call him and call your city councilor. Tell them both it's unacceptable.
If it happens again call the police. They will come down and tell the contractor to stop.
Don't put up with it.
Good Luck
By Blake
Mon, 05/02/2016 - 8:15am
Good Luck getting that fixed - I have the same issue in the city. At times, private trash removal companies empty dumpsters anywhere from 2:45 am to 5 am. I called the city and was told that private trash collection pickup hours aren't regulated, and there was nothing they could do. If you find out differently, please let me know!
By anon
Mon, 05/02/2016 - 9:59am
No dumpster shall be transported, emptied or serviced between the hours of 11:00 P.M. and 7:00
A.M. On any day, nor shall any mechanical, hydraulic or electrical loader, compactor, packer or
conveyor be utilized during such hours, all unless the Commissioner of Public Works in his sole
discretion, for good cause shown, shall permit. "
It would be nice if you didn't have to get your city councillor involved for everyday things like this, but what else can you do when city employees don't know their own laws?
Do people have a remedy other
By anon
Mon, 05/02/2016 - 2:16pm
Do people have a remedy other than complaining to City Hall? Can you sue your neighbor's trash hauler in small claims court for lost sleep? Or does the law not work that way?
You can sue anybody for anything
By merlinmurph
Mon, 05/02/2016 - 2:36pm
Whether it's worth it is up to you
they might
By anon
Mon, 05/02/2016 - 10:48am
lots of cops live in that area. I wouldn't be surprised if this stops quickly.
Good Luck With That
By Irma la Douce
Mon, 05/02/2016 - 8:29am
The alleyway behind my building is visited 2-3 times in the after midnight hours by different trucks emptying various dumpsters. Complaints to the city have been useless. Fans or other white noise generators can help.
And the best place to get
By baustin
Mon, 05/02/2016 - 12:55pm
And the best place to get fans and white noise-generators is Fenway!
I'll see myself out.
Moving to the suburbs
By Scumquistador
Mon, 05/02/2016 - 1:25pm
Might help too :)
3-4 AM is dumpster crashing time in my neighborhood
By Angry Dan
Mon, 05/02/2016 - 5:54pm
When I first moved in I would regularly get woken two or three hours early and not be able to get back to sleep. So I got a white noise generator. Problem solved.
We have reached out to the
By anon
Mon, 05/02/2016 - 2:17pm
We have reached out to the owner about this. He is working with the dumpster company to make sure they are being picked up between the allowed hours. -- Office of City Councilor Frank Baker
Nice to hear.
By Dave
Mon, 05/02/2016 - 2:43pm
Nice to hear.
When we had a noise issue with a courier service (not in the city) keeping us awake all night, calling the cops only made things worse. The police said they'd look into it, but the noise continued even while the cops paid the business a visit at 3AM, and got worse afterward. I had to assume they only stopped in to pick up the graft.
Mayor Menino: "If you have a fan, use it!"
Mon, 05/02/2016 - 6:21pm
Dave I'm not sure where you were but I strongly disagree with that comment. The guy in the rubbish truck was not paying off the beat cops so that he could empty the dumpsters early. Please. The high levels of the waste business is notorious for corruption but those days have come and long gone. The dumpsters should have a sticker on them with the phone number of the waste contractor. Perhaps call the manager and ask for a later pickup. Officers over at C-11 are also terrific, maybe contact the Captain and explain. Or as Mayor Menino once said during a heatwave, "if you have a fan, use it." Might block the sound.
I'm the complainer -- THANKS for your feedback
By ChrisF
Tue, 05/03/2016 - 6:46pm
I have been trying to get this issue resolved for at least 5 weeks. I posted this actual complaint on 3-1-1. I was just doing a search on dumpsters getting emptied in Boston to see if the times were regulated and came across this thread! So funny and random. THANK you for your thoughts and suggestions (well, except for the guy who said to get a life!). I have lived in Dorchester for most of my life and am used to city noises. I do use a fan AND a sound machine. These BOOMS wake me up even with the fan, sound machine (and an extra blanket hung up on the window closest to Dorset Hall in hopes of muffling the sounds). I moved into the Neponset area before Dorset Hall was an idea and while I see the many benefits of the place . . . my day-to-day life has been negatively impacted more than I would like. Although annoying, I can deal with the traffic, lack of parking (sometimes our driveway is blocked), increased noise from drunken patrons, a drunk guy peeing on our lawn, the constant smell of steak tips in my home, the sounds of construction, the apartment complex that is practically in my backyard . . . . BUT I cannot put up with being woken up a few times a week 1-3 hours before my alarm goes off. In addition to using 3-1-1, I emailed a few people at city hall (would never call 9-1-1 for something like this), but have not gotten an answer. Universal Hub has provided me with the most hope. Here's hoping Frank Baker's office has been able to remedy this! If not, I will reach out to Paul Adamson. THANK YOU!!