Transit Police charge a man who'd parked at an Allston bus stop just could not deal with the fact that forced a bus driver to block him in to let passengers off at the stop, so he went up to the driver's window and punched it hard enough to shatter it, showering the bus driver in glass shards, some of them possibly landing in his eye.
Police arrested Jason Santos, 36, of Belmont after the incident around 2:40 p.m. on Sunday at a Route 86 bus stop at 240 Western Ave. in Allston.
Santos claimed the bus operator cut him off and he was simply going to remind him to "use his mirrors" next time. Santos was placed into custody for Malicious Destruction of Property and Assault & Battery on a Public Employee and transported to Transit Police HQ for the arrest booking process.
In addition to being arrested, Santos had to be treated for bleeding knuckles, police say.
Innocent, etc.
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Oooh classy!
By Ari O
Mon, 05/16/2016 - 1:52pm
I think this guy wins Masshole of the Week. But it's only Monday.
(That would be fun; every Saturday we look back at the week's worth of UHub and have a vote for Masshole of the Week. I doubt we'll lack for nominees.)
(Also, Adam, I think there's an "it" missing in the first sentence between "that" and "forced")
If I am reading the Transit Police report
By roadman
Mon, 05/16/2016 - 2:18pm
correctly, it sounds like Santos pulled into the bus stop to deliberately prevent the bus from using it, and not just so he could run into the nearby Dunks.
If this is true, it makes him an extra special kind of Masshole.
By Kaz
Mon, 05/16/2016 - 3:29pm
It sounds like he took exception at a previous stop when the bus left its stop to return to the travel lane in front of him.
I don't understand why people think they need to pin buses into bus stops, like ever. If you let the bus out, it's going to bench at a curb in like 2-3 blocks again at which point you'll easily be able to pass it while it's busy letting people out. In other words, it's the MOST temporary "setback" you could possibly have while driving in traffic. Traffic lights cause you more delay than letting a bus out into the lane again! If you're in a hurry, run red lights instead of pinning buses in or getting pissed off when they pull back out in front of you.
You sure about that?
By spin_o_rama
Mon, 05/16/2016 - 5:02pm
Replace "bus stop" and "bus" with "road" and "cars", or "bike lane" and "bikes" or "crosswalk" and "pedestrians."
This is par for the course for the average Masshole. The attack on the bus is the extra special part.
Yeh, right!!
By mplo
Mon, 05/16/2016 - 9:49pm
How about Masshole of the year? That's even better--especially since we're not even halfway through this year yet!
How many bus drivers are out injured?
By anon
Mon, 05/16/2016 - 2:02pm
Once a week we read another story of a bus driver who has been beaten, spit on, or attacked by angry passengers or drivers. How many drivers miss work because of these attacks and does management take the problem serious.On a scale of one to ten how bad is the problem?
My neighbor works as a T bus
By Patricia
Mon, 05/16/2016 - 4:13pm
My neighbor works as a T bus driver; he's been punched, road raged against and one day he came home shocked that someone tried to goad him into racing - while he was driving the bus!
While I get frustrated with the salaries and bennies for many of the T employees, and the history behind it, can you imagine what they have to deal with every single day on the job?
At least on a train you don't have other idiot drivers. Well, I take that back since twice in a short time we've seen cars on tracks.
any job dealing with the public
By BikerGeek
Mon, 05/16/2016 - 11:21pm
will invite people who think you're there to be their personal punching bag. Often verbally, but sometimes physically as well. I had my share of retail jobs when I was younger...cash register, delivery person, restocking shelves, etc., etc., before I moved upward.
The favorite one of those was delivering flowers. People are always glad to get flowers, even if it's because somebody died.
By Michael
Mon, 05/16/2016 - 2:03pm
I sure hope they don't take this guy's license; I'd hate to see him, with his obvious rational and clear mind, lose the legal ability to control a huge chunk of speeding metal through city streets.
I love how the facts of the
By clarification
Mon, 05/16/2016 - 2:34pm
I love how the facts of the story have been so twisted. The person who was arrested was not stopped to block the bus, or blocked by the bus. He was in fact walking to the Dunkin Donuts when he approached the bus and told the driver to use his mirrors (the bus had almost hit him earlier in the roadway). That is when the lovely MBTA driver proceeded to drive the bus toward him. It is then that the window was struck. If you were about to be run over by a bus, what would you do? It's truly sad how far journalism has fallen, no fact checking, one sided stories. Where's the bus footage, the bus clearly stated that it had video.
Well, then
By Cranky
Mon, 05/16/2016 - 4:15pm
I guess the police will be contacting you for your first hand eyewitness testimony. Good of you to step forward in the interest of justice!
I did not know
By ElizaLeila
Mon, 05/16/2016 - 4:39pm
busses could talk.
Come on, Mrs. Santos
By Kaz
Mon, 05/16/2016 - 4:48pm
Your son got a little road ragey and wanted to have it out with the bus driver and got pissed when the driver basically laughed at him and started to pull away from his whining outside the window, so he upped the ante and smashed the window (when he probably just meant to bang on it in anger).
But pulling over there to "walk to the Dunkin Donuts"? Are you pissing on me and telling me it's raining?
Not only does that Dunks have a huge lot, but why would he park in the bus stop in front of Teele Hall, over a block away from the Dunks, when all of Spurr St is free parking on both sides too.
Plus, if his car is in the bus stop, so the bus stopped in traffic, that part of Western is before it widens at all and that bus didn't move left at all when it pulled away from him. So, the driver didn't "drive the bus toward him". It would have pulled straight away to keep going on its route.
Pay your son's bail and fine and get him some anger management courses.
By anon
Tue, 05/17/2016 - 10:34am
has their mind made up over who's the culprit here. I dont agree that he should of trashed the window but he got cut off and nearly hit by the bus. These drivers need to be held accountable to driving like pricks.
They are responsible for other people's lives every day
By Kaz
Tue, 05/17/2016 - 12:29pm
Let's see...if I have to choose between a bus driver that makes a living at being responsible for his passenger's safety and lives every day as well as his own and the state's vehicle...or a jamoke who can't control himself enough not to injure himself punching a glass window as to who was being the more careful/reasonable that day...
Hmm, tough choice.
Also this:
Buses can't cut you off if you pause long enough to let them out. Then the bus would have pulled into the stop at Teele Hall and Mr. I-Just-Wanted-A-Donut could have gone right past it without incident.
But, no, this whole ordeal that's happened was a much better outcome for everyone.
Ways to make drivers accountable
By Waquiot
Tue, 05/17/2016 - 2:18pm
Contact the MBTA? Sure.
Contact the police? Sure.
Confronting the driver and smashing his window? Sorry, Charlie, but that is against the law.
I get cut off all the time (okay, I don't drive a lot, but when I do, it happens.) That said, I don't track the driver down and try to administer street justice. That's the definition of road rage, and to say the least the accused needs some anger management classes.
By anon
Mon, 05/16/2016 - 2:52pm
This is the worst member of the Romney clan yet.
Sunday morning
By anon
Mon, 05/16/2016 - 2:58pm
Women sped up dramatically as I was walking across Centre St in West Roxbury, didn't even look in my direction, was just ramrod straight looking in front of her.
Today, DTX, by Arch St., again, I was in a crosswalk and had the light, a women again literally floored it coming from Chauncey across Summer onto Arch, coming extremely close to hitting. Mind you, I walk fast, and normally yield to drivers even if I'm in a crosswalk. Shit is getting crazier by the day and the warmer weather is going to speed up the process
Michael Chiklis
By bostnkid
Mon, 05/16/2016 - 4:37pm
anything to stay in the spotlight.